Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1709 Decay

Chapter 1709 Decay
Blood bone restricted area!
A simple stone house is Xu Yan's temporary residence.

The debate in the meeting hall that decided her life or death lasted for half an hour, and finally had to run aground under the hesitation of Xu Ye and several core clan elders.Even the matter of taking refuge in the Spirit Race was temporarily suppressed because of this unpleasant incident.

What Xu Ye meant was for everyone to calm down, think about it calmly, and formally discuss again the next morning to make a final decision.

Xu Yan has been calm from beginning to end, until now, he is still calm, unbelievably calm.

"Are you really stupid or fake?!"

"Now that the whole family is alive and dead, why can't you make some contributions? Are you trying to gain sympathy with this kind of grievance? Let me tell you, it's useless!!"

"You are homeless, and the patriarch took you in! You entered the clan on your knees, and the patriarch pitied you!! You are talented, and the patriarch trained you!! The patriarch has done so much for you, if you are a human being, you should repay your kindness! If you should sacrifice yourself, you should sacrifice yourself, if you should tear down your bones, you should tear them down!"

"You don't know the current situation of the ethnic group, it can't train two princes, it can only choose one of the two, of course, choose me.

You are an outsider and a woman, you should withdraw voluntarily, instead of waiting for the clansmen to join forces to denounce you, you are still pretending to be deaf and dumb here with a thick skin! "

"The patriarch let you experience what it's like to be a saint, and you've done enough in this life. Why? Want to experience what it's like to be an emperor? Wake up! Three words, it's impossible!"

Standing in the stone house, Xu Zhuanzhu scolded Xu Yan angrily, wishing he could tear her up with his own hands!
This woman is really shameless, the imperial bone should be her own, and it is only temporary to pretend to be on her, but she refuses to give it to her. The hateful thing is that she is pretending to be deaf and dumb, pretending to be pitiful, trying to deceive the sympathy of the tribe.

He had to make a decision tonight, he had to take back the imperial bone.

Xu Yan was calm and indifferent, sitting cross-legged on the stone bed, as if deep in meditation, but also seemed to ignore him directly.

"The Bone Race can't keep you, and you can't keep the Emperor's Bone! Rather than being wasted in the future, it's better to contribute it now and return it to the clan. You don't have to pretend to be innocent here. I can only describe your situation in one sentence—I don't know what to do !!"

"I came here today out of good intentions. I will give you a chance to make a decent contribution. At that time, everyone will look good and think that you are generally well-educated, and you may also be taken care of.

Without the imperial bone, your strength will be reduced at worst, but your life will be worry-free.But if you wait until the clan liaison votes to demolish you, you may not even be able to save your life! "

"There's only one night left, so think about it. I've run out of good things to say, so you can do it yourself, and don't cry and embarrass yourself." Xu Zhuanzhu snorted heavily, slamming the door and leaving.

Not long after, Xu Zun walked in slowly, listened to her with gloomy eyes for a while, and snorted coldly: "Zhan Zhu said so much, there is only one sentence that makes sense-you, you don't know what to do!!

You doll really don't know what is good or bad, why did the patriarch train you?This world is very realistic, there is no appreciation or kindness, he cultivates you just to get rewards, as much as he pays for you, he hopes to get as much rewards.

He worked hard to train you for your future contribution to the Bone Race.

What is a contribution?He is willing to die for the Bone Race!When the Bone Race is in danger, abandon yourself and fulfill your self, and you must not be selfish.

Isn't it just tearing down a few bones of you, so you can't bear it? ? ! !

What's more, this bone is not yours at all, it is temporarily stored on your body!

It belongs to my Bone Race and is prepared for Zhuan Zhu.

I don't want to ruin things, you should be more sensible, and donate the emperor's bone and the holy bone yourself.I can promise to keep you alive, to take care of you, to engrave your name squarely on the family tree.In the future, you may even be considered to be the concubine of Zhuan Zhu's prince, to carry on the family line.

But if we forcibly push you onto the bone dismantling platform, what we want at that time is not only your sacred bone, but I promise, you will not have even a single bone left! ! "

Xu Zun's words were extremely intense, and his sinister voice echoed faintly in the room like a gloomy wind.Sometimes words hurt more than knives, more painful and colder when stabbed in the heart.

Xu Yan closed his eyes, maintained his usual silence, and responded by silently ignoring, but his hands in his cuffs were quietly clenched, tightly clenched...clamped...Xu Zun waited for her for a long time, and said coldly. Hmph: "Okay! Have a backbone! This is a decision you made yourself. Don't blame the old man for being cruel.

See you tomorrow morning on the bone breaking table.At that time, I will do it myself, dismantle you to pieces, and let you realize how humble your position in this clan is! "

Boom!Xu Zun slams the door and leaves!

The huge force caused the simple stone house to crumble, and the dust fell layer upon layer.

The room became quiet again.

After a long time, Xu Yan slowly opened his eyes, staring blankly at the dilapidated door.

From the corner of the eyes, two cold teardrops slipped down and soaked into the lips.

Salty, astringent, with a hint of bitterness.

At the moment when she replaced the bone for herself, she promised the patriarch, touched the bone and swore to protect the bone clan and this decaying group.

decay? ?
She didn't understand it at the time, but now...the Bone the time of the race's crisis, the meaning of decay is vividly reflected.

She already understood that the departure of the Bone Emperor not only left the Bone Clan with the hidden danger of "dragons without a leader", but also tens of thousands of years of hard work in disguise and tens of thousands of years of caution, which made the Bone Clan who once held power over the Demon Spirit Clan The "wild war" group in the past has silently annihilated their initial persistence and lost their blood and pride.

For tens of thousands of years, this majestic and huge race has been so cautious... Gradually... Gradually... Bending down... The 'proud' of the body faded away.

They didn't feel it, they didn't realize it until now... The Bone Race fell from the altar, and the evils hidden in the dark emerged like an avalanche, and the hidden corruption dealt a fatal blow to the current Bone Race.

It was not destroyed in the hands of the Heavenly Demons, but in time, in his own hands.

However, the Bone Race is ruthless, and she cannot be unrighteous.

For the blood left on his body, for the mourning of the patriarch.

She chose to wait, waiting for someone to push the stone door open again, give herself a peaceful smile, and give herself a simple relief.

That's enough.

She chose to wait, to wait for the last conscience of this group, to wait for the only remaining morality of this group, to wait for a reason for herself to stick to it.

But, can it be saved?Is it worth dedicating yourself to? ?

Xu Yan was in tears. For the first time in her life, she was not for her own experience, but for the Bone Race, and even more for a plea. She was silently begging God to give the Bone Race a chance.

Outside the stone house, at a distance of [-] meters, Xu Zhuanzhu stood in the darkness with his hands behind his back, trying to keep himself calm, but his gloomy eyes showed that it was difficult for him to do this, especially when he saw Xu Zun walking out with a sullen face. By then, his teeth were already clenched together.

Don't think too much, it must be that hateful woman who didn't compromise.

"How's it going??"

"It's still the same, keep silent. She may feel that Xu Ye will protect her, as long as she insists on not letting go, no one will dare to tear her down!" Xu Zun looked back at the stone house, his face darkened even more ugly.

"Then what should we do? Those old fellows of Xu Ye are not so easy to deal with! As long as they don't nod their heads, how can they get back the bones?? Damn it, I don't know what those old fellows are thinking, they are really kind , or are you fantasizing that two emperors will be born in the future?"

"At this point, they can't help it!! Just do as I said before, and be ruthless. When Xu Ye promises, he has to agree, and if he doesn't agree, he has to agree to me!!"


"Don't worry, I will handle this matter with full authority, and you will not be involved. All clans will discuss how to deal with our Bone Race in the near future, and the matter of joining the Spirit Race is imminent. If it is decided, we will leave as a whole clan tomorrow night. We have to get rid of this girl before then."

Xu Zhuanzhu bowed his hands and saluted: "It's all thanks to Zun Lao to take care of it. After a hundred years, our Bone Race will rise again, Zun Lao will definitely be under one person and above ten thousand!"

"Remember what you said tonight!!" Zun Lao walked into the darkness with his hands behind his back, and ordered coldly, "Go back to your room immediately, and pretend you don't know anything about tonight."

"Understood! Be careful too! Xu Ye is not easy to deal with." Xu Zhuanzhu smiled all over his face, in a good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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