Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1714 Gorgeous 1 knives

Chapter 1714 Gorgeous Knife
"Come with us, we don't want to hurt you!"

"You are a newly promoted Martial Saint, even if you have the bones of the emperor, you still can't stand the combination of my two brothers."

Xu He and Xu Shan, ordered by Xu Zun, led more than a dozen strong men from the Military Academy to surround Xu Yan's stone house.

The two of them are guardian saints who belong exclusively to the Military Affairs Academy, but they are not members of the Bone Race, but are strong foreign surnames who came here later thanks to the former director of the Military Affairs Academy.

He has always been loyal to the Military Council and only obeyed the orders of the former president.

Because of his loyalty and stability, he was awarded the surname "Xu" thousands of years ago and included in the family tree.

During the battle of the Heavenly Demons, the former dean was seriously injured and died half a month ago. Before he died, he handed over Xu Shan and Xu He to Xu Zun, and was still ordered to guard the Military Affairs Academy.

The two will not get involved in any clan affairs, but they will obey the orders of the Military Council 100%.

Xu Yan stood in front of the stone house with a stern face and burning eyes.

That's all! !There is no need to wait any longer, just do what Xu Ye said!It is impossible for the huge Bone Race to disintegrate because of his departure. In the future, when Tang Yan joins, everything will be considered in the long run.

"You have killing intent in your eyes."

"Finally retrial, we two brothers don't want to hurt you. But if you are overreaching, we don't mind fighting with you!"

The two old men Xu Shan and Xu He raised their arms at the same time, their whole bodies exploded with a bang, their robes shattered, their white hair danced wildly, and their temperament changed drastically.The ferocious Gang Qi swept across the audience with the power of a storm, and the rocks and bones on the ground turned into 'dust', like a rushing cloud of dust, covering a radius of one kilometer.

The two old men no longer looked old, but showed a fierce attitude, with piercing eyes and a fighting spirit.

"Xu Shan!!"

"Xu He!!"


A momentum of vast rivers, a momentum of majestic mountains and mountains, together gather the majestic majesty of mountains and rivers.

In the misty white space, there were faint sounds of rivers rushing and mountains collapsing, filled with a terrifying sense of oppression, forcing the other strong members of the Military Affairs Academy to retreat again and again.

Xu Yan's whole body tensed up, and his fighting spirit surged, as if he was in an environment where landslides and ground cracked, and he felt a great crisis.She rubbed her right foot against the ground and moved a little bit, her foot was stable, and her fists were clenched tightly. The last thing she feared was a violent battlefield.

But when the fierce battle was about to begin, Xu Yan stopped suddenly, her eyes were fixed, and she found a figure not far away: "Xu Zhuanzhu? Why is he here?"

"Sister Xu Yan, what are you doing? Do you want to resist? The two clan elders, Xu He and Xu Shan, kindly ask you to leave, don't toast or eat fine wine." Xu Zhuanzhu couldn't hold back when the whole clan was in turmoil. Lonely, she left her residence and went straight to Xu Yan's place, unexpectedly catching up with a good show.

"Things that linger." Xu Yan was annoyed, but she was also secretly vigilant. If there were only Xu Shan and Xu He, she would have the confidence to kill them, but she would have Xu Zhuanzhu in the Holy Realm. Today I'm afraid... fierce Duoji is missing... "Why don't you talk? Are you dumb?! Rebellion is rebellion. The Bone Race has cultivated you for two years. This is how you report it? You really are an ungrateful bitch." Xu Zhuanzhu sneered and turned to Xu Yan. Behind him, together with Xu Shan and Xu He, surrounded Xu Yan in a triangular formation.

The other strong members of the Military Affairs Department were scattered to the outer periphery, ready to reinforce and support at any time.

Xu Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, he had to kill him if he couldn't get out, today, let's go all out.Click!The joints of her whole body were rubbing, the internal and external cells were getting hotter, and the long-lost desire to fight was burning.

Xu Zhuanzhu sneered: "Why, do you really want to do something? Do you think that with the emperor's bone, you can be unscrupulous? With one against three, you are not qualified for that. Kneel down immediately, and you will be captured without a fight. Maybe you can do it on the bone demolition platform." Give you some dignity.

If you don't know what is good or bad, and insist on being ungrateful, the Bone Race will not talk to you about morality.Not only will your bones be dismantled on the bone dismantling platform, but you will also be exposed naked in front of all the clansmen, and you will die of humiliation. "

Xu He and Xu Shan frowned unobtrusively, obviously dissatisfied with Xu Zhuanzhu's almost despicable scolding at the moment, but the two of them knew their identities and were more stable, they would not say anything more, and concentrated on targeting Xu Yan.

Unmoved, Xu Yan ignored Xu Zhuanzhu and focused on Xu Shan and Xu He.Feeling the strength of the opponent, her blood was boiling, her fighting spirit was burning, and many troops in her body were ossifying.

A pair of bone wings grew slowly on its back, stretched proudly, and the black light flowed, showing tenacity and sharpness, and entangled with the agile wind whirl.

She said nothing, her posture was decisive.

"Ultimatum, surrender immediately." Xu Zhuanzhu yelled angrily, his eyes were more focused on the bone wings on Xu Yan's back, this pair of handsome...too domineering...pretended on this woman It's too wasteful.

If it belongs to me, it will definitely be like a tiger with wings added.

"Master Zhuanzhu, be careful that she will choose your direction to break through." Xu He couldn't help reminding Xu Zhuanzhu, sighing in his heart, this child has too little combat experience, how can he lose his mind at such a critical moment?

"He's not worth my hands." Xu Yan finally spoke, but the coldness and disdain inside immediately angered Xu Zhuanzhu.

"You bastard, do you think you deserve to fight with me?" Xu Zhuanzhu angrily scolded.

But at this moment, Xu Yan exploded, like a dormant tiger, and rushed towards Xu Shan and Xu He, with murderous intent and strong energy.

The most inappropriate direction of attack was Xu Yan's choice.

She was meant to disrupt the battlefield, not actually raid.

Xu Shan and Xu He's complexion changed slightly, and he woke up at the first moment, and said secretly that his voice was bold enough.

"Kill!!" The roar of the three shocked the night sky and rang in all directions. Xu Yan attacked the two saints violently with a million blows, like golden lightning tearing through the storm, and the momentum was astonishing.

"Mountains and rivers forever admire!" Xu Shan and Xu He fully activated the joint martial arts, endless river tides emerged out of thin air, the earth squirmed wildly, and numerous mountains collapsed.

The whole space is shaking.

The Jiang Dynasty and the mountains formed the Yongmu Killing Formation.

The battle sounded on their side, and the momentum was so great that it shocked the mountains and rivers.

But Xu Zhuanzhu was furious, his eyes were red.This sudden scene deeply hurt his self-esteem. Xu Yan would rather die than make a surprise attack from himself? ?
She didn't take herself seriously at all.

This is a disgrace, this is trampling on one's dignity.

"Bitch!!" Xu Zhuanzhu was furious, roaring violently.

However... click, there was a loud thunder in the clear sky.

A sharp bolt of lightning tore down and struck Xu Zhuanzhu's head fiercely.

Xu Zhuanzhu was really really defenseless.

The lightning strike was too sudden, too precise, too... in place... the timing was like countless rehearsals.

"Your boy is Xu Zhuanzhu? It's different from what I thought." Tang Yan burst out from the lightning, with a wicked smile on his face and cold eyes.

Fierce Demon Saber, Bending Sky Technique, these combinations dominate the sky, if they are blasted on the face, what effect will it have? ?

Tang Yan had never tried it before, but Xu Zhuanzhu gave him a chance.

Between the calcium carbide flames, all kinds of distorted sounds mixed together, the skull was cracked, the skin was torn, and the whole face was bloody.As a Bone Race powerhouse, everyone knows that his bones are tough and his defenses are terrifying, but this knife was too sudden, and his skull was shaken, and a 'hot wheel' was also broken.

This knife directly 'fired' Xu Zhuanzhu out, and his tall and thin body whirled and blasted towards the distant night. The frequency of the rotation was extremely fast, and the flying speed was even faster.

Tang Yan struck out four lightning marks in a row before stopping Xu Zhuanzhu 3000 meters away.

Xu Zhuanzhu's head was covered in blood, his face was distorted and dislocated, and he lost his human appearance. What's more, his consciousness was blurred. Thinking away.

Throughout the ages, if he was defeated in embarrassment in the holy realm, he should be ranked first.

Tang Yan grabbed Xu Zhuanzhu's neck and was stunned for a long time.

"Could it be a mistake?"

"Is this the Destiny Child of the Bone Race?"

"All the ghost masters in my hell are ready to go, and you've let me wither here?"

"Can you have something to do?"

Tang Yan hibernated over for a stick of incense, and secretly stared at Xu Zhuanzhu, a "legendary figure". He was greatly disappointed by his various actions and words, but subconsciously thought that the other party had some skills, so he directly used the ancient sword and prepared a move determine the outcome.

But what you want is what you think, what you do is what you do.He was looking forward to one move to decide the outcome, but it didn't mean he really thought he could decide the outcome, after all, this is the child of destiny.

But... the knife was so crisp and sharp that it almost exploded his head.

"Isn't this too unbearable?" Tang Yan turned his gaze, and the whoosh disappeared.

It took me only five seconds to go from dormant to violent, and then to chase at this moment, and it was a big surprise attack that spanned thousands of meters. Even if someone noticed it, they would not be able to react.

Therefore, Tang Yan disappeared completely.

Regardless of whether Xu Zhuanzhu, the son of destiny, is real or not, let's put it away.

You must not take it out, otherwise it will be known by other ethnic groups, and you will not be able to eat it yourself.

Tang Yan squatted in the dark, still a little bit unable to recover.

Just got it by yourself? ?

It's completely different from what I expected.

I have never been so lucky.

Could it be that Mu Rou really brought him good luck?

"Go home and kiss her twice."

Tang Yan chuckled, and charged towards the battlefield where Xu Yan was with the ancient saber in hand.I wanted to use hell ghosts to make a big fuss, but today it seems... there is no need...

(End of this chapter)

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