Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1717 Breakthrough

Chapter 1717 Breakthrough
After the chaos broke out, the borders of northern Xinjiang were completely under martial law, and the Storm Corps secretly took over the defense of the north, and the special operations forces directly under the control of the garrison in Tongda Binhai.

Xu Pojun, Xu Lengcheng, and some of the 'Watchers', including No. [-], all arrived and rushed into the coastal area without stopping.

The chaos continued to intensify, and the teams responsible for collecting the new generation arrived one after another.However, some of the teams were forcibly detained through the new generations they had collected. Some of them had already approached the northern border station infinitely, but were intercepted by the Bone Race saint who rushed over.

Long before the operation, Legion Chief Xu Pojun predicted that the operation would not go smoothly and would be discovered sooner or later, so he dispatched a large number of action members, thousands of them, divided into hundreds of groups, and some of the teams were given the task of disturb!

In the event of an accident, these teams will do their best to disturb the inside of the Bone Race, and then find a way to escape by themselves. It is precisely because of the disturbance of these teams that the chaotic scene is getting bigger and bigger at this moment.

In this way, the chaos added to the chaos, and the ethnic groups who did not know the situation were implicated.

A large number of action teams were arrested, and a large number of teams arrived in northern Xinjiang with the new generation of children. After being guided by the resident troops, they rushed to the designated secret place in the coastal area.

At the same time, the captured generals were tortured and interrogated by the Military Affairs Department, trying to verify the main purpose of Xu Ye and others, as well as the direction and location of the escort.

When the teams of the Demon Spirit Clan, Samsara Clan, and Star Clan rushed into the Bone Clan, they were all confused by the scene in front of them. The Bone Clan actually started a civil turmoil at this time?
The cause turned out to be that the acting patriarch Xu Ye was planning to escape privately?

In their impression, the Bone Race has always been a strong and crazy race, even if they encountered the invasion of the Sky Demon Race, they would not be so unbearable.It is not a concerted effort in times of crisis, but such turmoil and chaos.

It seems that the Bone Race is really corrupt.

Fortunately, it was determined that it was not a foreign invasion, which reassured the various tribes, and they were no longer so eager.

Anyway, they made up their minds to carve up the Bone Race, the more chaotic the better, the more embarrassing they are, the more in line with their later-stage action needs.

After a short stay, all the clans tacitly retreated to the foreign aid in the Bone Clan restricted area, and some happily assisted the Bone Clan army to guard the sidelines, strictly prohibiting any rebels from escaping the restricted area.

But their intuition told them that there may be other mysteries in it, and today's matter may not be so simple, some people even wonder if this is a farce directed and acted by the Bone Race themselves, taking advantage of the chaos to ask special people to send them away?

Half an hour after the rebellion broke out, the military affairs department's interrogation finally came to fruition—the actions of Xu Pojun and others were to collect the new generation of strong men, and fled into the Binhai area through the northern Xinjiang garrison.

The northeastern part of the Blood Bone Forbidden Area is adjacent to the sea area, and the border area is a swampy coastal area with complex environment. The water vapor from the sea blends with the blood energy in the Blood Bone Forbidden Area, and under the influence of the special earth spirit veins, it forms an area with a visibility of less than [-] meters. The world of fog, where the Venerable is easy to get lost.

Once Xu Lengcheng and others escape there, it will bring great obstacles to the search and arrest operation.

More importantly, the foggy area is a strategic area used by the Northern Border Army to defend against the Sky Demons and the Yin-Yang Race. There are a large number of dangers and defensive areas deployed in it. Only the Stormtroopers themselves are familiar with the specifics.

If Xu Pojun and others rushed in, it would be like swimming a fish into the sea, and the consequences would be disastrous.

So... After the news came out, a large number of Bone Race executives rushed to the northern border immediately.

Under the guardianship of Xu Shan and Xu He, Xu Zun arrived in northern Xinjiang in person.

Compared with other situations, he was more concerned about Xu Zhuanzhu's life and death.

At the same time, many strong men from the Ancient Gold Clan and the Monster Clan also got news one after another, and moved to the north, preparing to watch a good show, and worried that it was really the Bone Clan acting. Sensitive.

Tang Yan and Xu Yan dodged left and right, appearing and disappearing from time to time, found the troublesome Yue Ying, and together bypassed the increasingly strict and regular search team, they rushed to the Beijiang military camp without any danger.

But... They were one step too late after all. The northern border barracks had already been taken over by Xu Zun and others. A large number of powerful Bone Race experts stood high in the sky, overlooking the restricted area, threatening those who approached.

There was chaos in the barracks, and even a lot of fights broke out. The troops of the Military Affairs Council were arresting officials at all levels of the Storm Legion and controlling them with thunder. Some people compromised, and some people resisted with all their strength.

"Who is the person who escorted you?" Tang Yan was lurking in the dark, exploring the endless barracks in front of him and the chaotic arrest scene.

"do not know."

"what do you not know?!"

"The situation was special at the time, and Mr. Ye was interrupted before he finished speaking. Originally, this matter could be completed quietly, and no one expected it to become so troublesome. I underestimated the efficiency of the Bone Race, underestimated That old thief Xu Zun."

Tang Yan pursed his lips, and muttered to himself: "Forget it, I can see clearly, you Bone Race are good at fighting, but you are not good at playing with your head."

Xu Yan grabbed the back of Tang Yan's neck and almost pushed him out: "Don't be silly, what should we do now?"

"Come according to the plan, find a place to make a breakthrough and rush into the Binhai area. The northern Xinjiang military camp is so large and stretches for several kilometers, it is easy to find a weak breakthrough. Since your old man has arranged people, he should wait in the Binhai to meet up After that, we evacuated immediately."

"We don't know who will respond, what if we find the wrong person? That's no trouble."

"Whether it's right or wrong, if you meet a group and catch a group, as long as they are living things, they will all be dragged into hell. When you get home, you can bring it up and examine it slowly. It's your people, stay and train them, not your people, do it." How about nourishment from hell?"


"Brothers and sisters are of one heart, and their strengths can cut gold." Tang Yan and Xu Yan shook their fists, and Yue Ying also reached out to touch them. The three of them sneaked along the border of the barracks quickly, looking for a suitable assault location.

The military affairs academy took over the military affairs of northern Xinjiang, which prevented the Storm Legion from providing convenience for the 'collection team' to a certain extent. This is also a decision that must be made at the moment.But the tough measures also aroused the backlash of the Storm Legion, and mutiny-like chaos appeared in many areas.

Furthermore, the defense line in northern Xinjiang is very narrow and long, stretching and tortuous. Once some top powerhouses launch a surprise attack, they can easily be penetrated.

But at this time, the Yin-Yang Clan, Spirit Clan, Star Clan, and other ethnic groups arrived in Northern Xinjiang one after another, but they did not gather together, but scattered to different areas, like nails, pierced into the northern border defense line , stabilized its chaos, and intimidated the 'hunting teams' that arrived one after another.

"It's him?" Tang Yan had just selected the breakout location, and suddenly found the ancient team coming over the barracks. There was a familiar man inside, an enemy he had been looking forward to for a long time.

"Who??" Moon Shadow stared strangely.

"The corpse royal family, they really came too." Tang Yan noticed his mortal enemy, a cold and handsome young man with purple hair and purple eyes, who was the one from Qitian Continent.

Standing beside him are three ancient corpses of ten thousand years old.

When Cangwuzhiyuan was in danger, the corpse emperor actually sent three ten thousand-year-old corpses to guard his son, his identity was beyond doubt.It can't be wrong now, the man from Qitian Continent has really returned to the Lost Battle Realm, and has the status of a child of destiny within the corpse royal family, which is not much different from what he expected.

Even if this person is not the child of destiny, at least his status is extremely high-end.

"What? Is there a relationship? Do you want to have a fight?" Yue Ying quietly surrounded Tang Yan.

Xu Yan quietly noticed, how did this girl seem to have changed?It feels weird.

"Now is not the time, but it's coming soon. Let's go, let's choose another place." Tang Yan is not in a hurry to act now, the most urgent thing is to transfer the Bone Race team and give Xu Yan an explanation.

Above the barracks, Hanchen was staring at the chaotic blood-bone restricted area, always felt that the accident was a bit strange, as if something was wrong, but the people in the army had been interrogated, they knew nothing about it, and they were acting completely according to the order.

Suddenly, Han Chen felt something in his heart, and headed towards a dark place in the distance.

There was blood and darkness shrouded there, and it was impossible to see anything clearly.

But his intuition told him that there was something watching him.

"Your Highness, why..." The three ancient corpses were about to ask, but Han Chen moved in an instant, swift as an eagle, and rushed directly to the dark area, where Tang Yan was lurking.

However, Tang Yan had already evacuated ahead of time and disappeared into the darkness, leaving nothing behind.

"Your Highness, what did you find?" The three ancient corpses rushed over at full speed.

Han Chen frowned thickly, doubtful, but did not reveal it.

On the other side, the three of Tang Yan chose a better location and successfully made a breakthrough. Without causing a big commotion, they crossed the complex landform and rushed into the foggy marsh coastal area.

(End of this chapter)

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