Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1720 Bone Race Luck

Chapter 1720 Bone Race Luck
Xu Yan's eyes widened: " him?"

"Otherwise? The meat in your mouth can be spit out to others? Don't be sad, the meaning of such a guy's existence is to serve as food for others. It's like the animals raised in captivity. When they grow up, they should be slaughtered. "

"Tang Yan! What have you done?!" Xu Yan roared.

"Ah, ah, don't get excited. You have been irritated in the Bone Race for the past two years, and your mood is very unstable now. It will be fine when you calm down."

Xu Yan was panting heavily, unable to hold back a word for a long time.The punch was so sudden that it almost choked her.

"I'll remove the bones and keep them for you, and then I'll practice them for you when I'm emotionally stable?" Tang Yan quietly signaled Ren Tianzan to do it quickly while speaking.

Not allowing his instructions, Ren Tianzhu had already sat cross-legged in the courtyard and activated the ghost veins. Behind him, the paper figurine came back to life silently, with bloodshot eyes and stiff limbs. It climbed up in a strange posture and approached Xu Zhuanzhu.


"Hush!" Tang Yan put his finger in front of his mouth and smiled slightly: "You need to calm down now."

At this moment, Xu Zhuanzhu's slightly tense body completely relaxed, and he was completely paralyzed on the ground. The last breath stuck in his throat was slowly exhaled. At the last moment of his life, he didn't know what happened to him, and he didn't know what happened to him. who was killed.

The chaotic consciousness always stays at the previous moment - a head-on knife!

"Dead, hopeless." Tang Yan shrugged.

However, at this time, something strange happened.

After the death of Xu Zhuanzhu's body, the first thing that came out was not the soul, but... the dots of light, like countless stars, drifted out sparsely, and the number became more and more, spreading towards the surroundings, and rising towards the sky .

Every point of light exudes a faint halo, very light and agile.

Each point of light is like a fresh life, giving people a very unique feeling.

They floated and wandered quietly, blooming with the brilliance of the spirit, dispelling the darkness in the courtyard, leisurely creating a clear space.

"This is... Could it be the luck of the Bone Race... Is he really the Destiny Child of the Bone Race??" Tang Yan was moved by it, looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment, raised his hand to stop everyone from moving around, and stepped back slowly Then, let Xu Zhuanzhu's body continue to steam with light spots.

Both Xu Yan and Ren Tianzan looked at the scene in front of them in amazement. This is completely unreasonable. The death of the body should be due to the diffusion of the soul. How come there are such strange lights.And the more and more rays of light are scattered, tens of thousands, and then hundreds of thousands of millions, the faster and faster it spreads.

They floated densely over the ghost town, converging into a vague outline, like a plant or some kind of animal.

It's hard to imagine that such a quantity of light can be decomposed in a body.

They are not energy, or even real matter.

In a trance, these rays of light are like the epitome of the millions of people of the Bone Race, and the light that fills the sky is actually the entire Bone Race people.

"What is this?" Xu Yan slowly stretched out her hand, wanting to touch these light spots, but they seemed to be illusions that did not exist, and it was difficult to touch them, but looking at the dim light in front of her, she unexpectedly had a An inexplicable sense of familiarity and intimacy.

And... Gradually, there were actually some spots of light approaching her fingertips, like light elves, about to fall on her fingertips.

Tang Yan grabbed Xu Yan and pushed her ten steps away: "Don't touch these things."


"I'd rather you not become an emperor in the future, and I don't want to face you with life and death." Tang Yan left a sentence that soared into the sky, and he opened his hands suddenly, gathering the rays of light in the sky with the momentum of swallowing them, and tightly isolated them from spreading in the direction of Xu Yan. .

These should be the so-called luck, absorbing the fortunes of millions of people in the entire ethnic group, concentrating them in one person, promoting their transformation and growth beyond common sense, and entrusting the fate of the entire ethnic group.

Now that Xu Zhuanzhu is dead and his luck dissipates, he should return to heaven and earth.

Tang Yan would never allow Xu Yan to touch these things, let alone fantasize about shaping the second Destiny Child of the Bone Race. In his opinion, there is more than one way to become emperor. He believes that Xu Yan has the ability to rely on One's own efforts are on the way to the throne.

Since Xu Yan has never been affected by luck, let her go on her own way.

Even if she will be much luckier, have more opportunities, and have all kinds of benefits after having luck, even if Xu Yan cannot advance to the imperial path because of this, Tang Yan will not allow her to become the child of destiny, because he cannot accept it. In the tit-for-tat scene with Xu Yan, he will not murder his relatives.

The light wave of luck spreads all over the sky, millions of giants, stretching over the ghost city, the scene is magnificent, like clouds covering the ghost city, casting endless brilliance, opening up a piece of light, making thousands of ghosts howl, melting away the pain, letting the Ren family Unwell, retreat into the stone house.

The tide of luck and light is rushing, converging, and seems to be breaking free, and even the sky is vaguely abnormal, with the tendency of wind and thunder gathering, and the state of cloud rolling and cloud relaxation.

Fortunately, Tang Yan fully controlled the hell and stopped these natural scenes, otherwise, what kind of terrifying momentum might be created.

It is conceivable that if Xu Zhuanzhu was killed in the outside world, the scene would definitely shock the world, reverberate in all directions, and attract the attention of powerful people everywhere.

Not long after, Xu Zhuanzhu dissipated all his luck, his body returned to immersion, and the soul in his body floated weakly, muddled and dull.

"Don't..." Xu Yan was about to speak out, but Ren Tianzan's paper figurine pounced on him, integrated it into his body, and returned to Ren Tianzan's side.

Ren Tianzhu meditated cross-legged, refining with all his strength.

He will never let go of this opportunity. As a newly promoted saint, he needs the nourishment of the soul of this holy realm too much. It will not only stabilize the realm, but also increase his strength to a higher level, with unlimited benefits.

As for Xu Yan...she is not a stubborn person, and I believe she will feel relieved in the near future.Just as Tang Yan said, if Xu Zhuanzhu died sooner or later, if Tang Yan didn't kill him, outsiders would kill him too. Xu Zhuanzhu was the prey in this Bone Race incident.

Tang Yan gathered his luck at high altitude and forcibly controlled them. The tide of light sometimes surges and sometimes spreads widely, but it is not wild. The Roughly similar, but larger, but not the image.

Tang Yan felt vaguely familiar with this outline, but couldn't remember the specific name.

But it doesn't matter, this opportunity is decided for him.

"The luck of the Bone Race belongs to me."

Tang Yan sat cross-legged in the sky, took a deep breath, and swallowed the rays of light in the sky like a whale.

The rays of luck did not resist, like a lake of savings found a flood outlet, rushing towards Tang Yan's body.These dots seemed harmless and agile, but once they rushed into the body, it was like magma entering the body, and the terrible pain exploded suddenly.

Tang Yan's whole body was tense and his face was distorted, but he gritted his teeth and forcibly endured it.

He didn't know what kind of benefits this kind of thing would bring him, but it would definitely give him a sublimation buy-in, whether it was strength or bloodline.

Standing in the courtyard, Xu Yan stared blankly at Xu Zhuanzhu who was being 'divided'. A complex feeling came to her heart, which made her feel very complicated.

But it is certain that this kind of feeling is not a pain, nor is it a resistance, but a kind of guilt.

I am ashamed of Old Ye, I am ashamed of the Bone Race.

She didn't dare to imagine, if she lost Xu Zhuanzhu's Bone Clan, would she still have the belief to persevere, if she lost Xu Zhuanzhu's Bone Clan, would she be able to go on steadfastly?

But... She was powerless to stop it, it had already happened.

She really didn't expect Tang Yan to kill as soon as he said it, so clean, so direct and sudden, it was obvious that he deliberately cut off his own escape route, so that he would not let himself have any more thoughts.

Forget it, this is the fate of the Bone Race.

Perhaps, the moment Xu Ye made his decision, the day he left the blood-bone restricted area, it was already doomed that the Bone Race would suffer a rough future.

Maybe it's really because I think too simple, even if there is Xu Zhuanzhu, the Bone Race under the control of the Spirit Race can't keep this belief, let alone persist for too long.

The only thing she can do is to let herself grow up as soon as possible, and before the Bone Race is completely destroyed, let the new Bone Race rise strongly in the Lost Battle Realm, and before Xu Ye dies in battle, she will stand in front of Xu Ye again and let him see new Hope.

At that moment, everything is worth it.

Qi Tian Continent.

In the war-torn northwestern border of the Xingluo Empire, a new pure land has taken root here.

Chenyuan Pavilion and many other monasteries have sprung up one after another. A huge group of monks survived here, adapted to the new environment, and became more and more courageous with the wind and rain of the Xingluo Empire. They even formed a monk army to assist Empire against foreign enemies.

They have grown into an indispensable force in the Xingluo Empire, and the status of many monks in the hearts of the people has risen sharply. People treat these saviors who "send charcoal in a timely manner" with a high attitude of respect.

The Chenyuan Pavilion and the Abyss Pavilion are newly built.

The 'Lord of the Pure Land' sick Tathagata is sitting quietly in the Zen room, with a solemn treasure, whispering silently, chanting Buddhist scriptures, and turning the beads.

He is praying for the fortune of the country and praying for peace.

Suddenly, a small sound broke the tranquility, clattering, the buddha thread broke, and the buddha beads scattered, bouncing and rolling sparsely, and sprinkled all over the meditation room.

There are only a few remaining on the Buddha thread.

The sick Tathagata's right hand trembled slightly, and the Buddhist thread floated down silently and landed on the cassock, and the few remaining Buddhist beads rolled aside.

At this moment, the room seemed to be completely quiet, and even the golden light dissipated in the dimness.

A long silence, a long silence.

He slowly opened his old eyelids, and looked at the Buddhist beads on the ground absently in his eyes that had experienced vicissitudes of life. In the depths of Gu Jing's unwavering eyes, slight ripples swayed.

After a long time... a long time... After a long, long and depressing silence, he calmly picked up the Buddhist thread, gathered all the Buddhist beads, connected them again, and chanted the Buddhist scriptures again.

There was a ripple in his heart, and he returned to immersion.

That is, if you plant a cause, you will get a result, and everything is predestined.

This day has finally come.

He may be wrong, but he has no complaints or regrets, waiting for the final storm to come.

(End of this chapter)

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