Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1723 What is the use of luck

Chapter 1723 What is the use of luck
The nine major clans left the northern camp one after another, and evacuated in different directions.They seemed to give Xu Ye face, and they seemed to return to their residence calmly.However, after dispersing into the dark zone, the teams of the nine major clans stopped one after another, and then all rushed into the northern coastal area without exception.

Xu Zhuanzhu disappeared?

Inexplicably disappeared in the chaos?
How can it be!

They won't believe it at all.

So there is only one result, Xu Zhuanzhu was secretly transferred by the Bone Race.

Even if the whole incident was not premeditated by the Bone Race, someone took the opportunity to make some plans. All in all, Xu Zhuanzhu's disappearance was not simple.

They know Xu Ye too well, this old guy won't sit still.

The Star Clan, the Samsara Clan, the Demon Spirit Clan, and other nine major clans all rushed into the foggy coastal area from different directions, sneaking in the darkness and mud, searching for suspicious clues.

Now, the blood-bone forbidden zone is closely surrounded by various ethnic groups and factions, Xu Zhuanzhu can't leave from other directions, he can only choose the coastal area to escape to the vast sea.

As long as they search with all their strength, they will be able to find the traces he left behind.

And now, taking this opportunity, it happened to be possible to hunt and capture Xu Zhuanzhu openly and aboveboard.There is no need to coerce the Bone Clan to hand over the strategy of the Ten Clan Conference, and there is no need for the Nine Clans to compete with each other.

Their prey is in this coastal area, and the nine major clans act at the same time, whoever catches it will be counted.

"Be careful, he might be here." Han Chen galloped at full speed deep in the dense fog, while collecting clues, while reminding the three thousand-year-old corpses guarding him.

"Who?" The three [-]-year-old corpses were at a loss.

"Southeast Beast Mountain, Tang Yan!"


"He is probably here, I have a hunch. You don't need to deliberately look for Xu Zhuanzhu, change your target to look for Tang Yan, and if you find him, Xu Zhuanzhu will be found too." Han Chen recalled the feeling of being spied on last night, Thinking of this incident again, Tang Yan couldn't help but suspect.

He had no evidence, but a hunch.

He has lived in Qitian Continent for decades, learned too many things about Tang Yan, and studied them in depth.For Tang Yan, he has only one conclusion - a war fanatic.

How could such a person who likes to join in the fun let go of the Bone Race incident?How could the Nine Races Association be let go?What's more, with Beast Mountain's current status and ability, it is only natural to send strong men to cooperate with Tang Yan to explore.

Now that Tang Yan is here, this wonderful... In another direction, Tang Lin, the leader of Fengmei, stopped Tang Chen's team.

"Two pieces of news have been verified. Yesterday afternoon, he captured the three half-sages of the Shengshengmen. Last night, he visited the Blood Bone Forbidden Zone. After that, the Bone Race broke out in chaos. I lost his trace, but the last The clues point to the Marina District."

"He really came." Tang Chen frowned with thick eyebrows.

"Who??" Tang Yu and others were surprised.

"I searched this seaside area for one night, and only found a special place. The ground there is very messy, and it seems that there have been more than ten thousand troops stationed there, but they are gone now, and they left within three hours. No trace of the evacuation was left, it was as if they disappeared out of thin air."

"Lead the way!" Tang Chen didn't explain too much.

Tang Yu, Tang Zhibai and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, while Tang Qiu, Tang Bing and the others were equally at a loss.

What's the matter? ?

Who and whom?
At the same time, the rest of the ethnic groups took over an area one after another and carried out a sweeping search.

The area of ​​the Binhai area is very large, the terrain is complicated, and it is filled with dense fog and blood. If you want to search for a person, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.But the nine major clans joined forces to collect, and each of them belonged to an area, so things became not so difficult.

At the northernmost end of the Binhai District, a river roars and rushes, converging from the dark Binhai District, roaring and roaring into the mouth of the Binhai.

Under the river, somewhere in the deep ditch of the river, Tang Yan was sitting concentrating cross-legged, with a solemn face and brows, protecting his body with blood and silver, opening up a narrow area, resisting the impact of the rushing river tide, and resisting the prying eyes of nearby monsters .

The Bone Race Qi was transported into the body, just like magma rushing, ravaging all parts of the body, excruciating pain, as if being watered by magma.The whole person became red like blood, and his expression was almost distorted in pain.

But what surprised Tang Yan was that these miraculous rays of light did not temper his blood and bones, nor did he expand his tendons, and did not produce any help in improving his strength.They soaked into the cells of the whole body, scattered in different areas, and then melted into flesh, bones, and blood in the precipitation, and then... dissipated... All of this was completely different from Tang Yan's expectations.

After a whole night of tempering, millions of light spots all merged into the body, the pain and heat gradually diminished, until calm was restored, but the strength did not improve in the slightest.

"One step, one death, one heaven, nine kills, nine beheadings, nine heavens."

"Kill your life, win your luck, and pave the way to the emperor of martial arts."

This is the martial arts guidance given to him by the Demon Spirit Emperor.According to my prediction, killing one Destiny's Child would take a big step forward in strength, and after devouring the nine Destiny's Children, he would completely transform and enter the imperial realm strongly.

But how could this be?
There is no improvement in strength as imagined, and there are not even many changes.

Is it as simple as I imagined?Or are you thinking in the wrong direction?
Tang Yan sank to the bottom of the ditch, frowning and thinking hard.

What is the effect of these lucks?
Isn't it the effect of enhancing strength?Isn't it the effect of tempering the body and refining the spirit?
what is that?
Could it be that the nourishment for becoming an emperor needs to be accumulated, and it can only explode suddenly after a long accumulation?

Or does it need a special method to temper?
If it's the former, doesn't it mean that the strength of the children of destiny will steadily increase and gradually become stronger, not all of them stay at the primary level and rely on mutual killings to increase their strength?
In this way, luck is only the key to the final breakthrough to becoming emperor, which determines the success or failure of becoming emperor, and will not determine the strength of the holy stage?

Tang Yan felt that such a possibility was extremely high.

But why did the father tell himself 'nine kills and nine cuts'?
"Huh?? Someone is coming?" Tang Yan suddenly became alert, took a deep breath, suppressed his doubts, and adjusted his state. Across the turbulent river, Sen Luo's eyes locked on the direction in the foggy area ahead. The figure flashed by.

The distance is too far, the environment is too chaotic, and the specific identity is not clear, but it is definitely the breath of the holy land, and there are four of them.

Tang Yan suppressed the aura of strength, like a dormant crocodile, waiting for the target to approach.

After a moment.

"It turned out to be him? The enemy's road is narrow, and we met again."

The person who came was actually a team from the corpse royal family.

The leader is his old enemy, the descendant of the corpse royal family who once threatened to take his luck.

"Stop." Han Chen suddenly ordered, and stopped above the rushing river, scanning the deep river through the turbulent river.

Just for a moment, he sensed the danger.

The other three ten-thousand-year-old corpses stopped one after another, and they also caught abnormal energy fluctuations.

"Take another piece of luck and see the effect." Tang Yan was silent for a long time, and suddenly he felt a killing intent in his heart. He wanted to fight this person in the future, but he was concerned about the use of luck, so he decided to do it as soon as possible.

Buzzing buzzing, space distortion in the left eye area, Xu Yan, Ren Tianzan, Yueying, Cerberus, Bitter Po, appeared one after another. Tang Yan didn't rush to invite Xu Pojun and others because he didn't want to let them in at the beginning. Involved in the battlefield, after all, their emotions are very sensitive now.

"Your Highness, be careful." The three ancient corpses suddenly woke up and protected Han Chen with a triangular array.

"Old friend, we meet again." Tang Yan voluntarily appeared from the bottom of the river, Xu Yanren Sky Burial and others appeared one after another, fully alert and murderous, each locked on a target.

The strength of Moon Shadow is far less than that of Saint Realm, but its Dream Realm combined with Cerberus and Bitter Woman is enough to entangle a ten-thousand-year-old corpse. This is also an opportunity to truly test Moon Shadow's strength.

"It really is you." Han Chen slowly clenched his hands in his sleeves, and a flash of light sparkled in his eyes.

"Tang Yan?!" The momentum of the three ten-thousand-year-old corpses vibrated, and their killing intent soared.

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

Beast Mountain is the chief culprit of the corpse royal family's current situation.

"We've known each other for so many years, and we can finally face each other face to face. Let me introduce myself first?" Tang Yan slowly moved his neck, his joints rubbed against each other, making a crackling sound, dragon scales grew directly in some areas, and his elbows and knees stretched out hard Thick stabs, his hands completely turned into dragon claws.

Facing the golden blood, of course the golden blood is needed to deal with it.

Han Chen's cold gaze swept over Tang Yan and the others, and the purple brilliance of the whole body soared, squeezing the dense fog all over the sky, propping up a fierce killing power: "The corpse royal family, Han Chen. As I said, when you were enshrined, I will take your luck."

Before the words fell, suddenly burst into flames.

Sharp and decisive, without mercy.

When he killed in anger, Tang Yan became angry almost at the same time: "It's not certain who kills who!"

Qianlong Dao poured into the whole body, and the mighty dragon's majesty raged and galloped, shaking the sky above the river, tearing up the river, and blasting towards Hanchen with the momentum of a fierce dragon crossing the river.

The 15-year confrontation has crossed three realms.

This moment has finally come.

The two collided head-on, like planets colliding.

The waves of sound are so strong that they shake the heavens and the earth, the rays of light are blazing, and the turbulent waves hit the shore.

A confrontation, mighty and magnificent, filled this world.

Tang Yan clashed with Han Chen's fists and claws, and they froze in mid-air.One is majestic with dragon power, and the other is with purple energy like sea, raging from the two of them, galloping towards the surroundings, and bombarding each other.

The two danced wildly, their eyes blazing like a scorching sun.

"Have you been waiting for this moment for a long time? I'm going to decide your luck!"

"Not only you, but Xu Zhuanzhu's luck also belongs to me."

The two roared proudly, their power soared, there was a loud click, and the energy in the stalemate exploded violently.

The dense fog area has completely changed, energy is rushing like a river, radiance is falling, and the space is boiling.

Tang Yan and Han Chen retreated at the same time, reaching nearly a hundred meters.But before his body settled down, he forcibly twisted his waist and pounced like crazy.

At the same time, Xu Yan yelled loudly and attacked a ten-thousand-year-old corpse. With a clang, the two forces clashed, the sky trembled, the dense fog in all directions collapsed, and the entire river area was shaking violently.

Ren Tianzhu and Yueying all attacked, and locked the remaining two [-]-year-old corpses.

Fierce battle, out of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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