Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1727

Chapter 1727
After Tang Yan retreated, he didn't leave directly. He stopped on a pile of bones several miles away, staring in Tang Chen's direction, without opening his Senluo eyes, just quietly watching...watching...all kinds of complicated things... Unexplainable emotions floated in my heart, but they never left traces.

Regarding Prince Cang and the Yaoling Clan, he had countless extreme assumptions.

Imagine the scene with Prince Cang, imagine a life-and-death battle, imagine entering the demon spirit clan.

He doesn't care about the throne, he doesn't care about controlling the ethnic group, he doesn't care about commanding thousands of people, he doesn't care about everything, what he wants is an explanation, an explanation for his father.

'The husband's debt, the son will pay. 'He wants to kill Prince Cang, and even more so to punish his children.

Like a father, like a son, Prince Cang is capable of killing brothers, and his children are definitely not kind, so deal with them quickly so as not to harm the Yaoling clan.

This extreme thought is the product of Tang Yan's resentment.

But the two got along twice, Tang Chen's performance was completely beyond his expectation.

In this life, Tang Yan has experienced many people, and he has the ability to know people.He could feel Tang Chen's straightforwardness in the forest village, and he could feel Tang Chen's sincerity at this moment, and he was definitely not pretending before and after.

And Xuanyuan once said that Tang Chen's nine brothers and sisters have a deep relationship, which is Tang Chen's advantage over the descendants of other ethnic groups, and it is his truly extraordinary place.

Generally speaking, when a father kills his brother, the children must be deeply affected, and even left with deep hurt.It will affect their recognition of their own feelings and their view of the world.Even the most solid emotions will have cracks due to this.

Especially within the royal family, the royal family.

But the nine siblings can live in harmony in that environment and share weal and woe, which is hard for ordinary people to understand.Now that I think about it, I'm afraid it was due to Tang Chen's efforts to maintain it and his own charisma.

What kind of person is this?

Tang Yan couldn't see through.

For a long time, his unchanging belief was to kill the demon spirit clan and cholera the demon spirit clan.

He wants to take a serious look at the ugly faces of those people, take a look at their dirty souls, and take a look at what kind of ambition makes them prefer to kill the emperor who has ruled the demon spirit race for tens of thousands of years, and then turn around. And fully support a newly promoted emperor.

He wanted to stand on the ground of the demon spirit clan and growl to ask, where's the conscience?
He wanted to step on the heads of that group of people and ask ferociously, do you regret it?
He wanted to pluck Prince Cang's hair, press it in front of tens of thousands of people, and ask the whole group seriously, are brother murderers and treacherous people worthy of your support?
He wanted to hold his father's tablet, stand in front of millions of soldiers in the military, and ask forcefully, what about the bloodiness of your soldiers?What about the loyalty of your soldiers?What face do you have, wearing this military uniform.What dignity do you have to inspire your soldiers.

He wants to roar the entire demon spirit clan, why is he so fickle!
This belief has not changed, it has always been firm, and has always been... firm... He used to laugh and scold, he was unrestrained, he was unrestrained, but he never forgot the hatred.This hatred, this hatred, had already planted the seeds when Amber died in his arms. After ten years of gestation, it took root and sprouted, and continued to grow and spread.

He hates, this hate, he doesn't hide it.

He hates, this hate is heart-wrenching.

Hate Prince Cang, hate the Demon Spirit Clan.

Hate him for being unfaithful and unrighteous!Hate it for its ruthlessness!
Hate the ungratefulness of the entire ethnic group, hate the filth and ugliness of thousands of ethnic groups.

But today, this unshakable belief, this hatred fused into the bone marrow, was shaken inexplicably because of Tang Chen's appearance.

"Hesitating?" Lingzhi appeared behind him, his green eyes bypassed Tang Yan, and looked into the depths of the mist. He could feel that the other party had never left, and was also staring absent-mindedly in the depths of the mist.

Tang Yan took a deep breath and exhaled slowly: "See you in the future, we will fight each other. I hate the Demon Spirit Clan and will never change. I feel sorry for him. But at least he let me know, the Demon Spirit Clan There are 'living people' in it, and this bloodline is not as dirty as I imagined."

"Let's go, now is not the time to fight the demon spirit clan. Fate has separated you at the north and south ends of the mainland, so it has its own intention. Tang Chen has the demon spirit clan, you have us, you are no worse than him." Ling Zhizhi reminded Tang Yan.

"Go to meet Xuanyuan." Tang Yan turned around and rushed towards the thick fog.

Tang Chen stood where he was, lost in thought.

The whirlwind transformed by Tang Lin converged behind him, revealing the real body of the banshee.

Tang Chen whispered: "How much do you know about him?"

"Only those that have been observed in Beast Mountain, and I don't know anything else."

"Without the protection of the family, without the cultivation of the family, he has gone from Qi Tian to the Lost, he has been promoted from a teenager to a Martial Saint, this journey, how hard and tiring, who can succeed.

I can't imagine what he went through, but I can feel that he never gave up.

What kind of belief has made him persist until now, is it hatred?But what kind of experience made him so free and easy, seeing me as an enemy, he still had a smile on his face. "

Tang Chen seemed to be asking, but also seemed to be talking to himself, his voice was very soft and deep, falling silently in this misty blood mist.

Tang Lin shook her head: "He is smiling today because he has hatred in his heart. Brother, you may be thinking that he hates the demon spirits, not you, but I want to remind you that he grew up in hatred , he is a stray wolf, he... is very dangerous..."

"Yeah, if I were in his position, I would hate it too. Hate disloyalty, hate ruthlessness, hate the entire demon spirit clan." Tang Chen said calmly, but his deep eyes were shaking slightly with.

"Brother, go back."

"Let me stand a little longer, just a little longer."

Tang Lin accompanied him, standing silently and staring silently.

For a long time... For a long time... Tang Chen sighed faintly: "Jiumei, tell me some good news, at least let me know that he...well...he hasn't been blinded by hatred."

"He has a wife who is dignified, gentle and beautiful. He has a daughter who is four years old and very cute." Tang Lin has always been indifferent, like a machine, but today's voice seemed to contain some special emotions.

"Oh? He got married?" Tang Chen couldn't help but smiled slightly.

"He didn't have a home before, but now he has his own home, which can be regarded as compensation given to him by fate."

"Daughter...Daughter..." Tang Chen murmured silently for a while, then smiled and said, "If you really think about it, she should call me uncle, haha, I suddenly realized that I'm already old? I have a niece... "

"Brother!" Tang Lin raised her voice slightly, returning to her usual coldness.

Tang Chen took a deep breath, and suppressed the feeling from the corner of his eyes: "I know what I should do, but...the family owes him too much...too much..."

An abandoned son of a family, thrown into a strange world, is itself a kind of desolation, a sadness, how much courage is needed to struggle to stand up?How much perseverance is needed to run firmly?

What's more, he broke out of his own world and his own power.

Just a few decades.

What a remarkable achievement this is.

He asked himself, why not.

The major ethnic groups of the Ancient Golden Clan and any new generation are inferior.

Tang Lin solemnly reminded: "Father's secret order has been in your hands, and his purpose is very clear. The gold medal blood order represents the highest secret order, and it means that it will be rested until death."

"Why did the father issue the blood order? Who told him that Tang Yan is here? How could he issue such a secret order?" Tang Chen's voice was still calm, but there was a hint of doubt.

"The Fengmei army does not belong to me, it belongs to the emperor completely. I only have the right to command, not the authority to order, and it is even more impossible for me to disobey the order of the emperor. Your interest in Tang Yan and the news of Tang Yan's appearance here, You can't escape your father's attention. This blood order was rushed by your father overnight, and you should be very clear about the meaning behind it."

"Actually, I still can't figure out what my father was back then..."

"Brother!! You are going too far!!" Tang Lin's voice suddenly rose.

"That's all." Tang Chen shook his head calmly, signaling Tang Lin not to get excited. "I am very clear about my identity and my mission. It's just that seeing Tang Yan today made me feel a little bit touched."

"You have already said that in the royal family, you can't help yourself, and you can't help your heart. You shouldn't show such weakness, and you shouldn't feel sentimental and indebted. You finally passed the test of your father and the Family Affairs Council. A test, if your current performance is reported by other Fengmei, I am afraid Father and the others will reconsider their position on you.

The emperor repeatedly taught us that we are born in a prominent family, enjoy the glory, and enjoy the blood. This is a gift from God, which makes us widely respected.But while enjoying the gift, you need to pay an equivalent price - protection!
Protect the entire ethnic group, protect thousands of people.

Sacrificing everything you have, abandoning everything, even if you are ruthless, there is only one purpose in life - to protect the demon spirit clan and honor the demon spirit clan.

This world is cruel, countless eyes are staring at you, your seemingly kind decision, your seemingly warm emotion may bring trauma to the demon spirit clan, what is trauma?It is the sacrifice of thousands of soldiers and the death of countless people's lives.Are you sorry?Can you bear it? "

"You and your second sister are becoming more and more like each other. You should be scolded from time to time."

"We have no other choice. The second sister said that you are tired and hurt, you can vent in front of us, or even cry, but only in front of us, because the expectations of the entire ethnic group are on you."

"Let's go, we're going back." Tang Chen shook his head and walked into the thick fog.

"Big brother..."

"If... ten brothers and sisters... how wonderful it would be..." Tang Chen was talking to himself, and disappeared into the depths of the mist.

Tang Lin opened her mouth, but couldn't speak.

Big brother is not like this usually, today... what's wrong...

(End of this chapter)

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