Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1730

Chapter 1730
It was not the first time Tang Yan heard Ma Long and the Ghost Dragon Legion being mentioned, but every time it was full of emotions, with warmth and respect in his heart, and he admired Ma Long and others for their absolute loyalty to the Demon King.

"But later, during a large-scale attack by the blood demons, due to some changes in the central forbidden area, the demon spirit emperor forcibly interfered with the action plan of the ghost dragon army, causing the ghost dragon army to fall into the ambush circle of the succubi. He was hit again by the Blood Demons.

In that battle, Ma Long died, and the ghost dragon army lost [-]% of its soldiers and was completely disabled.

The Ghost Dragon Legion fell into a slump, and the four lieutenant generals were unable to control it. They were gradually split into four and became an auxiliary team of the Western Xinjiang Military Region.During the centuries-long battle that followed, the four major lieutenants fell one after another, and the four teams gradually disappeared.

For Ma Long and himself, as well as the ghost dragon army, it has to be said that it is a tragedy.

They rose in high profile, but ended in decadence, which made many people feel sorry.

The breakage of the five seventh-rank demon spirit veins and the fall of the ghost dragon army is tantamount to ruining the thousands of years of hard work of the demon spirit clan, not only hurting the overall strength of the demon spirit clan, but also affecting the dominance of the demon spirit emperor .

Because looking at the incident itself, there were more or less shadows of the demon spirit emperor's intervention in the death battle of the five saints, and the tribe believed that the demon spirit emperor was eager to build the ghost dragon army and was eager for success.

Others said that the Demon Spirit Emperor's arrogance affected his judgment.

At that stage, the situation of the Yaoling clan in Xijiang was very passive, and there were major defeats one after another, which aroused the bloodiness of the demon clan. In addition, the six slaves frequently went out and were often not by the Yaoling emperor's side, which also caused the demon spirits to fight. The reason for the decline of the emperor's influence. "

Tang Yan listened silently without making any comments.This paragraph is similar to what Amber said, but it is more detailed and full, so that I have a rough outline in my mind.

As for Liu Nu's frequent outings, it may be because Qilufu was put into Qitian Continent by the Yaoling Emperor, and many secret operations had to be performed by Liu Nu, which made the clansmen think that the Yaoling Emperor was not as comfortable as before.

"The emperor's prestige is still there, and the voice of doubt will not lead to rebellion. The Emperor of the Demon Spirit personally took command of Northern Xinjiang, devoted all his efforts to cultivating new legions and confidants, and adopted a series of innovative measures. Fortunately, the Emperor of the Demon Spirit has always There is no shortage of talented people, and it is relatively easy to train.

After thousands of years of stability, the Demon Spirit Emperor regained control of the legion outside, suppressed doubts inside, gradually consolidated the throne and influence, and returned to the former peak era.

All of this should have been carried out step by step, but the Demon and Yaozu could not accept the continued prosperity of the Yaolingzu, and even the human race began to stare at the Yaolingzu with cold eyes.

At that time, a strange thing happened in the Yaoling clan, which gave the three clans a chance and dealt a heavy blow to the Yaoling clan. "

"Prince Cang rebelled?"

Xu Lengcheng nodded slowly: "The second awakening of Prince Cang's blood can be said to have uncovered all the internal hidden dangers of the Yaoling clan, and all the contradictions gathered together and broke out. Prince Cang's rebellion can be said to be the result of internal and external interactions. Even the demons are involved."

"What kind of person is Prince Cang?" Tang Yan is very curious about Prince Cang and that period of history, and has too many doubts.

Xu Lengcheng stayed in Jubao Pavilion all the year round. Although she never intervened in clan affairs and rarely had contact with the outside world, the place she stayed in was very unique and her status was even more prominent. She knew more details and insights than other Bone Race members.

"Prince Cang used to be the closest brother of the Yaoling clan. He was the strongest of the Yaoling clan after the Yaoling emperor. He was known as the strongest person in the holy realm of the human race, and he was also the supreme commander of the military. His status in the clan The balance of power and influence rests with the dean of the Academy of Military Affairs, the dean of the Academy of Family Affairs, and several special elderly people.

The Yaoling clan is known as the number one war clan, with the strongest military power. Prince Cang can command the three armies and is the only 'king' in the Yaoling clan. You can imagine his ability.

This is not something that can be controlled by identity and strength. To use a metaphor, the army of the Demon Spirit Clan is all ferocious and brutal beasts, full of wildness. Prince Cang is the one who herds. He can firmly suppress millions of beasts. , relying on courage, ability, strength, and military exploits. "

Tang Yan finally straightened out his thoughts, and the core lies in one point - the army!
Prince Cang is the supreme commander of the Monster Spirit Clan's military!
He has controlled the military power for many years!

This is probably another reliance on Prince Cang's daring to judge, and it is also the basis for him to control the Yaoling clan as soon as possible after the rebellion.

"300 years ago, the Succubus tribe suddenly launched an offensive alone without any warning. Prince Cang happened to be in southern Xinjiang again, so he led the Southern Xinjiang Legion to fight against the Succubus tribe. Unexpectedly, the Succubus King who rarely appeared suddenly appeared, almost To the death of Prince Cang.

In that battle, the southern border military camp was completely defeated, but the Succubus did not take advantage of the victory to pursue them. Prince Cang saved his life and was arranged by the Demon Spirit Emperor to rest in the clan.

Perhaps because of the perception of life and death, Prince Cang actually got a blessing in disguise, realized the second awakening of blood, and officially jumped to the emperor's realm. "

"Wait, Succubus?" Tang Yan suddenly trembled.

Succubus, Succubus again.

The death of Ma Long and the decline of the Ghost Dragon Legion began with the siege of the Succubus.

The trauma of the current Prince Cang began with the attack of the Succubus.The Succubus did not deal a fatal blow to Prince Cang when he was dying, but instead contributed to the second awakening of his blood?Why did the emperor let himself go to the succubus clan?
"What's wrong?" Xu Yan was surprised by Tang Yan's sudden eagerness.

Xu Lengcheng said: "The Succubus are a very mysterious group. They are very powerful, but they rarely show up on their own initiative. Even when the human and monster tribes invaded and left the war world, the Succubus only appeared in large-scale battles."

"I'm fine, you can continue. What I want to ask is that there are no signs of Prince Cang Jinhuang? The birth of an emperor should be earth-shattering, how could it be..."

Prince Cang and Jinhuang are absolutely powerful. Even if they don't cause a sensation in the world, they can also alarm the entire Demon Spirit Clan. How could it not attract the attention of the Demon Spirit Emperor?
Xu Pojun explained: "This is not worthy of your doubts, the reason is that the imperial capital where the Yaoling clan is located - Yixiantian!"

"What's so special about it?"

Xu Pojun suddenly laughed: "Do you know why the Blood Demons have been attacking the Demon Spirits for tens of thousands of years without stopping? The reason lies in the sky."

"I don't know much about the Lost World, so I'd like to ask General Xu to explain."

"Yianxiantian used to be the imperial capital of the Blood Demon Clan."


"The Blood Demon Clan has been in the sky since its birth, but it was taken down by the Monster Spirit Clan and developed into its own imperial capital. Think about it, your home was taken over by a foreign race, and it became a grandiose place. The other party's home, if it were you, would you give up easily?

And there is a very unique place inside Yixiantian called Blood Eye.

It is a small space opened up by the Blood Demons, a completely independent space, and an extended area extending from the Lost Battle Realm.The area is enough... um... let me think about it... it's almost as big as your beast mountain.

The Blood Eye used to be the most mysterious treasure land of the Blood Demon Clan. It was developed by them with countless painstaking efforts. It is one of the most mysterious places in the entire Lost War World.

After Yixiantian was occupied by the Yaoling clan, it naturally opened up the blood eyes and rebuilt them. Later, it gradually became a treasure of the Yaoling clan.

The baptism of the demon spirit clan is carried out in the blood eye, and the birth of the semi-holy and holy realms is also retreated and broken through in there.There is a closed space, isolating the momentum caused by the breakthrough, and isolating all investigations from the outside world, so as to hide the true strength of the demon spirit clan and avoid being detected by foreigners every time a strong person is born.

As for whether the blood eyes can isolate the energy caused by the birth of the emperor, we have no way of knowing, but the birth of Prince Cang was really silent, and the Demon Spirit Emperor did not notice. "

Tang Yan suddenly realized, but felt that something was not quite right. Now that the matter became clearer and clearer, but he felt more and more strange. As for what was wrong, he would not be able to figure it out for a while.

"The things I'm going to say below are based on later analysis, and may be a little unreasonable. I hope it won't cause you any misunderstanding.

After Prince Cang became emperor, he got the support of some elders in the clan. We cannot judge whether what those old people thought was right or wrong, but the number of people supporting Prince Cang doubled in secret.

Of course, there are many incomprehensible places in it, and there are many weird things in the whole incident.

The most plausible explanation is this. The higher-ups within the Demon Spirit Clan are aware of the growing hostility of the three tribes towards the Demon Spirit Clan. Once the birth of Prince Cang and his success as emperor are announced, it may become a trigger that will directly detonate The three clans' sanction-like attack on the Yaoling clan will not cause the Yaoling clan to be wiped out, at least it will cause serious injuries and become a plaything in the hands of all clans.

Therefore, in order to preserve the strength of the Yaoling clan, the elders of the Yaoling clan decided to take the initiative to attack—to assist Prince Cang and destroy the Yaoling Emperor. "

"What? What kind of stupid reason is this?" Tang Yan's face suddenly darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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