Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1732

Chapter 1732
Tang Yan didn't respond directly, and shifted the question: "The Yaoling clan is basically stable now, what is the prestige of Prince Cang in it?"

Xu Lengcheng nodded: "It's very high, much higher than the expectations of the various tribes. The Star Clan and the Spirit Clan agreed to Prince Cang's rebellion, and their other purpose was to intervene in the affairs of the Demon Spirit Clan after the rebellion. They speculated that Prince Cang could not control the Demon Spirit Clan. , let alone be able to resist the attack of the two demon clans, and can only ask for help from the two clans at that time, and the two clans just took the opportunity to erode the demon spirit clan and firmly control the demon spirit clan.

But this battle involved the seven major clans, they were all plotting with each other, and they all had their own calculations, but in the end they failed to get what they wanted.The retreat of the demon and demon clans gave the demon spirit clan a precious chance to rest and give Prince Cang a chance to control the demon spirit clan.

Half a year, only half a year, Prince Cang successfully took over the two major powers of the military and government, and the voices of doubt and resistance in the clan basically disappeared after half a year. "

Xu Pojun continued: "The death of the Yaoling Emperor brought indelible trauma to the Yaoling clan, causing turmoil within the clan, but the number one figures from the Military Affairs Council and the Clan Affairs Council all stepped forward to support Prince Cang, Even aiding in its manifesto – the bigger picture matters.

Prince Cang took advantage of his prestige in the army to deploy the military defense line with all his strength, and even secretly started the war to divert the attention of the clan.

We do not deny that the power to question Prince Cang still exists in the clan, but the high-level people are surprisingly rational, and neither the military nor the government elders have resisted too fiercely.

After all, things have already happened, the Demon Spirit Emperor is dead, and Prince Cang controls the Demon Spirit Clan. It is impossible for them to overthrow the current ruler just to remember a dead admirer. That will only completely destroy the Demon Spirit Clan.

In the face of righteousness and survival, the elders of the Yaoling clan chose to survive, the military chose to survive, and the people also chose to survive. "

"There is nothing wrong with this. After all, the Demon Spirit Clan is a super-rich clan with tens of millions of people. It is impossible for the higher-ups to turn tens of millions of clansmen into slaves and corpses because of a desire for revenge, and to destroy the Demon Spirit Clan that has been passed down for 10 years. Otherwise, all of them will be sinners of the demon spirit clan."

Xu Lengcheng deliberately said the latter sentence, testing Tang Yan's reaction.

She became more and more curious about Tang Yan's identity, and...looking at it...she felt more...Tang Yan's face...was very a person?like who? !

Tang Yan nodded slowly while pondering: "I understand, thank you."

"You're welcome, this isn't a secret, but few people dare to talk about it anymore. Prince Cang has been in charge of the Demon Spirit Clan for more than forty years, and he has devoted all his energy to protecting and strengthening the Demon Spirit Clan. The demon spirit clan continued to be strong, but no longer so violent. Unless provoked by the outside world, they rarely took the initiative to attack, and the rest of their energy was used to appease and recuperate.

The demon clan launched a fierce attack more than once, and tried their best to take advantage of Prince Cang's unstable foundation to defeat the demon spirit clan, but they failed to do so.Prince Cang's talent in military affairs has been infinitely magnified, several military should I put it...exciting!

Winning the hearts of the people inside, resisting powerful enemies outside, isolated in the northern land, developing silently, expressing to the nine major clans that he has no ambition to unify the human race.

Everyone despises Prince Cang's rebellion and hates him for killing his brother and seizing power. Even today, the nine major clans and the monster clans all call him Prince Cang, not Yaolinghuang. Even within the Yaoling clan, there are many military generals Call it Marshal, not 'Emperor'.

But the royal family has been the most ruthless since ancient times. These things have always existed since ancient times. The winner is heaven. You can hate him, but you cannot deny his existence and success. "

Xu Lengcheng repeatedly showed a gesture of persuasion, but the implied meaning was still a temptation.

But Tang Yan has always avoided her search: "I still have a question."

"Where is the wife of the Demon Spirit Emperor? How was she dealt with afterwards?"

"Wife? Does the Demon King have a wife?" Xu Lengcheng wondered.

Xu Pojun and the others looked at each other: "No?"

Xu Lengcheng shook his head: "I never heard that the Demon Spirit Emperor had a wife. He dedicated his life to the Demon Spirit Clan and martial arts, and devoted himself to fighting. He has never heard of marriage.

Even Prince Cang was the same. He never married in his life and devoted himself to the military affairs of the Yaoling clan until he was seriously injured and returned to the clan more than 300 years ago.

At the beginning, people thought that Prince Cang had seen through the world after life and death, and it caused jokes. The clan rushed to donate a woman with outstanding talent to Prince Cang.But in fact... Prince Cang wanted to leave an inheritance before Emperor Jin.

The higher the strength, the more difficult it is to give birth to heirs. This is the limitation of the supreme law of heaven and earth. Prince Cang wants to leave the inheritance as much as he can while he is still in the holy realm, and then make a breakthrough with all his heart. "

"Where is Tang Chen? Is Tang Chen the emperor's vein?" Xu Yan couldn't help asking.

"Tang Chen's very special... Some people say that the bloodline of the heirs has been sublimated with the transformation of Prince Cang's bloodline, but no one can confirm this statement, and some people say that Prince Cang made it for him after he became emperor. A special washing was done, but no matter what, Tang Chen's the emperor's blood..."

"In short, Tang Chen..." Xu Lengcheng suddenly realized that something was wrong with Tang Yan.

"Tang Yan? What's wrong with you?" Xu Yan also touched Tang Yan.

Tang Yan was completely dumbfounded, and was stunned for a while: "The Emperor Yaoling doesn't have a wife?"

"No way. Such a big matter should not be hidden."

"Then...did anything special happen in the Lost War Realm 50 years ago, such as... an earthquake or something, or something like blood rain?" Tang Yan carefully lured the topic.

"Yes! 50 years ago, there was a rain of blood in the Lost Battle Realm, which shocked all races. It was rumored that Prince Cang officially became emperor and left the customs, which caused a vision of heaven and earth, but some people questioned that the time when Prince Cang became emperor was even further forward. , there are all kinds of theories, but then they were covered up by the rebellion of the demon spirit clan. How do you know this??"

Tang Yan was even more surprised, this was different from what Amber said! !
Not married?Where did I come from?

Even Ma Yanwang once expressed his intentions about the 'mistress', how could it be... "Young Master Tang, we discussed it with you."

"Ah? Ah." Tang Yan came back to his senses, quickly adjusted his state, and temporarily suppressed the weird news.

"First of all, thank you for taking us in. I am really grateful. Maybe this is fate. Back then, the Bone Race betrayed the Demon Spirit Emperor to some extent. Now, we, the remnants of the Bone Race, have once again encountered a monster The legacy of the Spirit Race.

Sorry, please forgive me for calling you that for now.

But the treachery has happened once, and we have learned a lesson to ensure that it will not happen again.Perhaps it is too pale to say that this guarantee is now, we will verify it with practical actions in the future. "

Tang Yan said: "You worry too much, there is no tolerance and loyalty. Xu Yan and I have been sworn brothers for decades, and we have lived and died together. Brothers and sisters are better than brothers and sisters. Beast Mountain is my home and hers, and you are her clan. You go away Entering the Beast Mountain is not called seeking refuge, nor is it called hosting, you are going home."

"This..." Xu Lengcheng and the others were moved for a while.

The word "go home" warmed their hearts, completely dispelled their worries, and made the so-called "conditions" and "guarantees" that had been negotiated before all stuck in their throats.

Tang Yan has already said that, and if they say anything else, it's just a matter of birth.

"Thank you! Thank you!!" Xu Lengcheng was full of emotion. He was a lot older and rarely excited. At this moment, Tang Yan's words really touched his heart.

"You don't know me, you don't even know Xu Yan very well, but we still have a long time to get along in the future, I believe you will integrate into Beast Mountain and our circle.

I know that you have a heavy mission on your shoulders, and sometimes it is not convenient to show up, or if you have any requests, please directly raise them.Those of us are very easy-going, directly mention things, ask directly, and speak directly when we have concerns, so as not to cause conflicts because of poor communication. "

"We are very touched by your words. Mr. Tang, if there is anything we can use, please directly bring it up. Since we have returned home, we should do something for the family." Xu Pojun was very straightforward. Also very direct.

Tang Yan comforted everyone in the Bone Race, left Hell, and lay on the bed silently absent minded.

Finally got the news about the Demon Spirit Clan and learned a lot of dusty past events.

Knowing that the father's hero is unrivaled, and knowing the fearlessness of the ethnic group.

This series of events touched him a lot.

But... the more I think about it, the more I feel that something is bothering me.

The Demon Spirit Emperor crazily expanded his group in order to create the great cause of the strongest race in the human race.

He admires, sincerely admires!
The demon spirit emperor has fought bloody battles for thousands of years to attack the emperor's career, for his lofty ambition to dominate the world.

He also admires and looks up to him infinitely!

But thinking about it carefully, the persistence of the Yaoling Emperor in the early stage stems from his infinitely strong heart, and the fact that he used the strength of the whole clan to give it a go is due to his confidence in himself. All of these are admirable and understandable.

But what about the later stage?
After persevering for tens of thousands of years, the Demon Spirit Emperor should know whether he can succeed. Since he can't succeed, he should choose to give up his unified thinking, adjust his strategy immediately, make good friends with the human race, and slow down his strategic offensive.Since it can be successful, you can sprint with all your strength, even if the demon spirit clan suffers huge casualties, as long as one of them proclaims the emperor, everything will be saved.

But... the royal father should not be a reckless person, how could the final curtain be so strange?
What looks tragic to outsiders, directly absurd to him.

Will there be any secrets in it?
There is also news about the Yaolinghuang and his mother. The more Tang Yan thinks about it, the more something is wrong. The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that he has stepped into a certain circle, but Amber is the closest relative of the Yaolinghuang. The hatred for Prince Cang was not faked.

"Wait!! Amber??" Tang Yan stared suddenly and sat up abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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