Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1746 Hidden Sword

Chapter 1746 Hidden Sword
The great riot of the beast hordes, which can be called the once-in-a-thousand-year chaos in the Demon Realm, made people more and more suspicious of the real purpose of the Holy Emperor Mo Qilin and the reason for his anger.

A riot of this scale is by no means something that can be triggered by ordinary events.

But to a certain extent, the riots of the beast tide in the Monster Realm also exacerbated Tang Yan's madness.

This is the killing feast of the monster clan, and it is also Tang Yan's hunting feast.

With the traces of the ghost green fire cleaning up, and the forcibly swallowing by the extinction beam, Tang Yan is like having an excellent cleaner, sprinting all the way without any scruples, and hunting wantonly.Groups of monsters one after another were transferred to the New World, and one after another the beasts were brought into the Little Hell, among which there were many rare and strange beasts and birds of prey.

Tang Yan even seized the opportunity to rush to the clouds, triggering a swallowing vortex, and swallowed a group of more than [-] "Wind Doves" into the new world, leaving no traces.What's more, it plunged headlong into the rushing river, tearing the arrogant semi-holy river beast into the fierce sea.

With the "batches" of monsters entering, the new world also became lively. Many ghost masters awakened from the abyss, rushed towards the panicked beasts, preyed on their blood and bones, and devoured their souls.

From afternoon to dusk, from night to dawn, the beast tide was galloping endlessly. Tang Yan galloped fearlessly. In one day and one night, the number of monsters in the Newborn Realm reached [-].

One hundred thousand monsters! !
Such a huge number made Tang Yan unbelievable, and made the evil spirits of hell completely crazy, preying on the scattered monsters wantonly, and the collision of the major ghost masters occurred for the first time in history.

The underworld left the chaotic swamp, the snow girl expanded its frozen domain, the ghost monk stepped out of the wasteland to face the hell dog, the underworld dragon and the tomb boy fought, and the underworld king encountered the provocation from Prajna in the predation, so that there was a tragic collision .Rakshasa revealed his repressed ambition and tried to control the lineage of the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle, but was strongly counterattacked by Jin Lao, which caused turmoil in the southern Hell of Fire.

Looking at hell, there is chaos, and the killing is monstrous.

Tang Yan ignored the situation in hell, or directly adopted a laissez-faire strategy.Throughout the ages, the evil spirits of hell have grown up in the midst of slaughter, and the position of ghost master is also defended with strength in the midst of slaughter, rather than being easily named by themselves.

Tang Yan didn't expect the ghosts in hell to coexist peacefully, and it was only a matter of time before friction occurred.

The current ghosts are fighting alone at most, and the scale is not large. In the future, each ghost master will develop his own huge ethnic group, and each ghost master will be equivalent to the king of a country.

The current collision is only on a small scale, but in the future it will be a large-scale battlefield of millions.

Just like the battle of heroes in the Qitian Continent.

This is a world, a complete world, with its laws of development, its form of existence, and its own mode of operation.Moreover, only in the constant killing can one grow better.

In the mountains and rainforests, Tang Yan continued his hunting operations, deliberately avoiding the team led by the demon saint, and doing his best to expand his harvest. Anyway, the demon domain has a huge population, so he doesn't care about himself.

Tang Yan would occasionally break into the lairs of some powerful monsters, or some special geographical environments.Once you encounter a good elixir medicine, you will never let it go, and sometimes you will swallow the entire canyon and the entire mountain into the new world.

It is a sweeping advance directly.

All parties are in chaos, but it is cheaper for him.

When the entire Demon Territory was tense and chaotic, Tang Yan achieved the largest war harvest and the richest indulgence report since he came to the Forgotten War Realm.

At noon on the second day after the incident, Tang Yan appeared on the edge of a war ruin.

There are ravines and ravines everywhere, huge pits everywhere, and all the mountains are either split or cut off in the middle. The scene is shocking, as if a giant beast has been raging in ancient times.

The point is that the ruins extend far, but not very wide.It extends from Tang Yan's feet to the end of sight, twists and turns, climbs in the vast mountains, and disappears at the end of sight.

In the green mountains like the sea, such a war ruin lay so abruptly in front of him, like a piece of flesh and blood had been gouged out from the flat skin, it looked extraordinarily weird.

There are monsters constantly appearing in the nearby mountains and forests, but this ruined area is very quiet, there are no monsters set foot, occasionally pay attention nearby, and then leave quickly, even the fierce birds hurriedly skip at high altitude.

Tang Yan crouched on the edge of the ruins, his cheerful smile gradually diminishing.

The ruins here are either chaotic and messy, or neat like a flat mirror.All the potholes were churned out by some chaotic force, and all the cracks were forcibly split by a sharp sword.

This battlefield is full of fierceness, but also faintly weird.

Tang Yan reached out to grab it, trapped the energy in the air with green fire, and tempered it repeatedly.For a moment, the violent energy was smelted into a clear energy mist under the smelting of green fire, but the hints of sharpness hidden in the mist could not be suppressed.

Staring carefully, these sharp auras are like sword auras.

Tang Yan pondered for a while, sat cross-legged quietly, and shot out dozens of green fire balls one after another, grabbing energy from different areas of the ruins, and refining it repeatedly, but it was not refined thoroughly, but left the purest breath inside.

Back and forth, back and forth.

Tang Yan smelted hundreds of balls of energy, and finally observed them one by one.

There is sword energy in every group of energy, without exception.But some of the sword qi are the same, and some are completely different. There are seven types in total.

Tang Yan clenched his right hand slowly, and collapsed the energy group in front of him. He stood up with a solemn expression: "Seven Killing Swords! Matthews is in the Demon Realm?!"

On the shoulders, Huo Ling'er shook her feet, wondering at Tang Yan's sudden solemn expression.

Kacha, Tang Yan walked into the ruins stepping on messy branches, his fingertips lightly touched the hideous and messy rock formations, scene after scene, as if being torn by ferocious claws.Or neat or pitted scenes, showing the tragic situation of the battle.

"Has Matthews been promoted to semi-holy? This scale is definitely not a respectable battlefield."

"There is only sword energy, only the sword energy of the Seven Killing Sword, how can there be no trace of the enemy?"

"Matthews dancing the sword alone?"

The more Tang Yan probed, the more strange it became. The whole ruins stretched far away, but there were only traces left by the Seven Killing Sword, and no clues left by the 'opponent'.

It seemed that Matthews himself was going crazy, rather than confronting a strong enemy.

Tang Yan followed the traces of the ruins all the way forward. The overall scale was crooked and meandering. Sometimes the traces were shallow, and sometimes they were sharply zigzag.Tang Yan walked all the way, as if he felt the battle situation of the day personally, sometimes fierce, sometimes violent, sometimes just evacuating, or tense confrontation.

Finally, we stopped in front of a rushing river.

The battlefield stopped here, and the final fierce battle cut off the river in the middle, forming a huge lake, connecting the upstream and downstream. The edge of the cliff is full of traces of swordsmanship, which is shocking.

Tang Yan sat on the edge of the cliff, frowning and meditating.

It definitely wasn't Matthews himself going crazy, it must have been a fierce battle, but along the way, the occasional blood was only from Matthews, not from the enemy, and the traces that could be seen everywhere were only Matthews' fierce sword, no other sharp claws or Traces left by the crit type.

The opponent also uses a sword?

impossible!Grab a handful of energy at random, and the full sword energy is the breath left by the fierce sword.

The opponent is far stronger than Matthews?
But any type of fighter will suffer more or less from Matthews who is urging the Seven Killing Sword, not to mention that the entire fierce battle stretched for more than ten kilometers.

"Wait, soul attack?" Tang Yan's eyes froze suddenly, and he stood up and looked back at the winding battlefield.

Since there are no traces left, it must not be a physical attack!
Since it is not a physical attack, but it can persecute Matthews to such an extent, only... the soul attack... "Spiritual race? But this is obviously a demon realm!" Tang Yan recruited the boring blood soul tree in the sea of ​​qi , re-searching for the traces of the battlefield, and finally confirmed his judgment. There was a strong soul breath in the air, forming oppression invisibly.

I have advanced to the Holy Realm, and I have the body protection of the Blood Soul Tree. I didn't feel anything before, but ordinary monsters felt it strongly. This is also the main reason why no monsters set foot in the battlefield area.

In the hell world, Tang Yan's Mingtu avatar came to the central ghost town.

"Where are the spirit saints and prisoners of the spirit tribe I captured?"

The senior members of the Ren family basically retreated, and only ordinary people received them: "It's all broken down."

"Not one left?" Tang Yan frowned.

The people of the clan didn't know the situation, so they said cautiously: "It was all dismantled before yesterday, and the clan leader gave it to our clan, could something have happened?"

"It's okay, you continue." Tang Yan's Ming Tu clone withdrew and fell silent.He hoped that the news of Matthews would be tortured through the powerful members of the Spirit Race. If the Spirit Race really captured Matthews, they should know about it. Unfortunately...the Ren family acted too quickly...

(End of this chapter)

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