Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1750 Darkness Invasion

Chapter 1750 Darkness Invasion
"The King Kong Giant Ape reappeared?"

In the place where the fierce sword was buried, Shui Qilin was shocked to hear this special news, but he didn't have much doubt.It believes in the strength of King Kong Giant Ape, and has always believed in it.Abandoning it that day and leaving on its own is because it is confident that it can resist the attacks of Tang Yan and the mysterious girl, even if it is seriously injured, it can escape.

The Lingniaohui of the herald reported: "King Kong Giant Ape shouted and found the target, and is running after him. In the direction of his pursuit, a human figure was found. At present, the news has spread to all places, and various departments have started tracking."

"Leave a team to guard this place. No matter who comes close, order them to retreat in my name, and the rest of the team will follow me south." Shui Qilin gave the order, and the monster team entrenched here immediately adjusted, leaving behind nearly Thousands of people stayed here, and the rest of the team went south to pursue them.

It explored the place carefully and found many interesting things.

Not only does it have the aura left by the green fire, but it also has a peculiar sword aura, and more importantly, it has a large amount of soul power remaining. It can achieve such a pure soul aura, and it lasts for a long time. Except for the spirit clan in the ancient golden clan, it Can't imagine anyone else who can do it.

During the special period of tense confrontation between the Qilin clan and the Spirit clan, the Spirit clan dared to send the Holy Realm powerhouse here to act presumptuously. Should they be called bold?Or are they chasing very special targets?

In short, this battlefield is not simple, and it is worth exploring after the fact.

The water unicorn left, leaving more than a thousand monsters to block the place.One's own name in this demon domain is equivalent to the trump card of the military order. If he stays here, he can deter thousands of monsters and beasts, and no one dares to be presumptuous.

The strength of these monsters is uneven, from the monster master to the most common monsters, and there are natural enemies between each other.

But the world of monsters is complex yet simple, and their concept of respecting the strong goes deep into their souls, so the presence of a monster lord threatens them, and no one dares to act recklessly. location, staring covetously at the dark and damp rainforest.

Tang Yan went back and forth, and a day had passed. When he came back here, the world was already groggy, especially the rainforest, which fell into darkness like ink in advance.

In one day, the news of King Kong Giant Ape spread throughout the small half of the Mo Qilin territory, alarming eight or nine monster saints, hundreds of thousands of monster clan teams, and went south to hunt them down, so that the area where the fierce sword was buried became a treasure trove. There is a blank area, not to mention the large-scale troops, even the idle monsters are few and far between. The whole dense forest is terrifyingly quiet and darkly terrifying.

Tang Yan cautiously sneaked back, like a ghost in the dark, lurking deep in the canopy of the tree, frowning to inquire about the situation, to determine if there were other strong men and potential threats nearby.

"Two demon masters, ten demon kings, and the rest are ordinary monsters. This water unicorn is too embarrassing. If you want to keep it, save more." After exploring for a while, Tang Yan was happy, and it seemed that the water unicorn really believed it. , so cleanly removed.

More than 1000 ferocious monsters seem to be deterrent, but in front of Tang Yan, they are not as good as decorations. Maybe the water unicorn left them for the purpose of deterrence, and borrowed its name in the monster domain to deter other monsters. Come here and be presumptuous, leaving a complete scene for later use.

But it didn't expect... to attract Tang Yan.

"Get ready to shoot, don't leave any one behind." Tang Yan was rude, awakened Huo Ling'er, and was about to take all the orders, but when he was about to get up, he suddenly became alert, immediately hid his breath, and continued to lie dormant in the darkness.

Because... a very unique aura suddenly appeared in the northeast direction, which awakened the blood soul tree in the air sea. Before Tang Yan called, it rushed out by itself, staring straight into the darkness with its big bright eyes.

"What's wrong?" Tang Yan quietly comforted the Blood Soul Tree.

The little guy stood on his left shoulder in a daze, like a kitten that had spotted a target, motionless, only his eyes were shining brightly, staring straight at it.

Deep in the darkness, it is the darkness that invades.

The dark mist slowly spread in the rainforest, brushing over the ground, passing through the branches, and flowing through the roots of the trees, like a large dark net, enveloping the area where the monsters were entrenched, cautiously, but with an extremely wide range.

"Don't make a sound, retreat first." Tang Yan hibernated in alertness, retreated quietly towards the rear, holding the Blood Soul Tree carefully with both hands to prevent it from rushing out suddenly.

Not long after, a dark shadow enveloped the area occupied by monsters. The range reached several kilometers, which was very wide. It may be that they were planning to catch them all and did not want to miss anything.

More than a thousand monsters didn't realize the danger was approaching, some held their heads high, observing the darkness, some squinted their eyes and fell asleep, feeling the rainforest, and some hibernated in the dark, vigilant against the mountains.

All in all, even if the dark mist fell on them, they were without exception not aware of it, including... two demon beasts in the demon state.

Tang Yan crouched in the distance, frowned and probed, and suddenly had an idea in his heart: "The fog of soul? Could it be that the spirit race has come again? The demon realm is currently in a period of great riots, and they dare to come over without any scruples?"

Blood Soul Tree nodded vigorously, confirming Tang Yan's thoughts.

"It's really the Spirit Race?! Hey, what a coincidence. I want to eat meat, the pig came to the door, I want to eat milk, and the girl is here." Tang Yan was talking to himself, while he was surprised, he hid more cautiously.

Just at this time, the battle in hell was declared over, Xie Zukong made a move, and the battle between the ghost masters was almost over. If you encounter special circumstances, you can fight.

In the distance, the dark mist is spreading, enveloping, and invading. As the night falls and the night intensifies, the mist is also thickening, and it has completely surrounded more than a thousand monsters.It can be seen that the spirit clan is very cautious in controlling the actions of the audience. They can obviously act in advance, but they act cautiously, for fear of accidents.

The entire field control operation lasted for half an hour. From the outer wrapping to the tightness of the wrapping, it blocked the retreat of all monsters and eroded their souls.

At this time, the men in black of the six paths had arrived before the ruins of the battlefield, raised their hands together, controlled the audience, and enveloped the ruins with the power of their souls.A moment later, icy cold hums sounded together, and the fog of the soul solidified in an instant.

More than a thousand monsters knelt down in a daze and calmness, their souls were annihilated, their bodies lost their vitality, and they collapsed to the ground, dying silently, peacefully, without making any sound.

Tang Yan's scalp felt numb when he saw it from a distance. These people, who are neither human nor ghost, are more ruthless than himself. They are so artistic when they play massacre, or...horrifying..."The demon domain is getting more and more abnormal, first it lasts The riot, and now a large number of monsters are gathering to go south, it seems that something big happened."

"Is Mo Qilin crazy? How dare you slaughter a tribe!"

"Human clearing operation, hum, what a bold move."

"It has nothing to do with us! The cleaner you walk, the better!"

"Why did the monster clan arrange more than a thousand monsters in this sword hiding area? Did they find something?"

"Don't worry about it so much, even if the sky falls, it has nothing to do with us. This mission is to collect all the seven killing swords, and there must be no more mistakes."

The five soul warriors walked into the fog of soul, and stepped into the ruins they had searched for five times. This time, they all felt the heavy pressure on their shoulders, and no more accidents were allowed.

However, two full months have passed since the overall incident, and they have truly experienced Matthews' tenacity. It can be said that they have never seen such a 'tough' man in half their lives.Thinking that it will not go well this time, Matthews will never let go easily, and if he does not use some special methods, he may not get the Seven Killing Sword.

Soul Martial Saint Pei Yuan walked in front of the team: "Matthews, how about we make a deal?"

"Forget it, your lives are not worth a single sword mark." Matthews walked into the ruins, looked around the ruins of the battlefield, and recalled the first fierce battle after the semi-saint, the first battle that exhausted everything .

"You..." A palm of the Soul Martial Saint blasted out from behind, and it was heavily imprinted on the back of Matthews' heart. The soul power was scalding like fire, destroying Matthews' already weakened soul, causing him to spurt blood from his mouth and stagger on his feet .

Pei Yuan raised his hand to stop the other spirit martial arts, and turned to Matthews: "You hand over the other three fierce swords, and I will give you a chance to be reborn."

"Elder..." The faces of the four spirit warriors all changed, but suddenly they understood it in their hearts, and they pretended to be calm and said: "It is very cost-effective to use the three swords to return you to life."

"Hmph." Matthews only responded with a cold snort.

Pei Yuan said: "I know you won't hand over the fierce sword easily. This is your life-saving reliance, but we bear the emperor's life, and we must win the fierce sword. Why don't you take a step back, you hand over the fierce sword, and we will give you your life. "

Another half-sage of spirit martial arts added: "You can rest assured, we keep our word, and if we get the sword, we will let you go, and we will never hurt your life."

But that being said, just because they didn't kill Matthews doesn't mean they can't use other means to execute Matthews. This is a demon realm with countless herds of beasts, and a little accident can motivate the herd of beasts to drown Matthews.At that time, they will bring back the Fierce Sword, and then bring back Matthews' body, and they will also be able to communicate.

In short, you must hold him steady now, as long as you let go, everything will be easy to talk about.

(End of this chapter)

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