Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1752

Chapter 1752
"Do you dare? Kill him, and you will die faster. Also, the more you hurt him now, the worse you will die later. Don't you understand the truth? Matthews just said it right, The intelligence quotient of your spirit race is indeed a little bit worse. I guess it may be that there is no physical body, and there is some lack of thinking."

"What exactly do you want?" Pei Yuan sneered coldly.

"Simple, save people."

"We hand it over, you let it go." Pei Yuan's eyes flickered with evil thoughts.

"Do you think I'm also defective in IQ? How could I let you go away so easily when I finally formed a siege? My purpose is twofold, one is to save people, and the other is to eliminate pests, except for you pests."

"Do you want to tear your face apart? You have to think clearly, we are not afraid of you. Once a fight starts, Matthews will be the first to die. Even if we fall, it will leave you with a lifetime of soul trauma, and martial arts will stop. Here. Not to mention the turmoil in the demon realm, once a big war breaks out, no one will be able to leave."

"Yeah, not bad, I thought of an idea."

"Then we make a deal?"

"Wait first. I'm really curious, don't you Spirit Race often contact the Holy Spirit Temple?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you keep in touch with each other frequently, the Temple of the Holy Spirit should have reminded you to be careful when fighting with me. Did they not tell you, or did you not pay attention?"

"Huh?" The five soul warriors wondered in vigilance.

"You are killing my brothers, can I bear my temper? No!! I don't care to talk to you? I don't care! I've been here for a long time, I'm bored? Nonsense! But why am I so happy here? Chatting with you? The reason is..." Tang Yan deliberately dragged out a long tail.

But the five spirit warriors of the Lingzu have been lonely, strong, and superior all their lives. Have they ever encountered such a ruffian-like way of talking? .

"I really don't understand? Let the dog eat your IQ?"

"court death!!"

"It's you who are looking for death." Tang Yan's playful smile suddenly subsided, and he spat: "I'm talking with you here, I'm delaying time, I'm planning a killer move, I want to catch them all without making a sound! Understand! Is it? It seems that you don’t understand!!”

"You... kill it!!" The expressions of the five great souls suddenly changed, and they became angry in an instant.

"Stop!" Tang Yan roared louder, "One last question."


"How did the bear die?"

"What the hell?"

"Stupid! Kill!!" Tang Yan waved his hand suddenly, Moon Shadow Rakshasa and others charged at full speed, and the Blood Soul Tree rushed out even more swiftly, taking the Soul Martial Saint Pei Yuan straight.

"Set up the Heavenly Soul Net..." The four spirits were about to join forces to attack, but two of them suddenly hugged their heads and screamed, their whole bodies trembled, and they almost fell headfirst.

In the darkness, Yueying and Luosha each stared at a target, their eyes were rippling and spreading with a strange light. As early as Tang Yan was procrastinating, they had already quietly arranged the illusion. Invaded one.

They are all super masters who play with illusions. To a certain extent, they practice soul martial arts, which have an extremely strong ability to suppress the soul, so... once it explodes, it will be like a knife, severely mutilating the souls of the two soul warriors and semi-sages. .Even though their soul defenses were strong, they also screamed in pain at this moment.

The tomb boy and Prajna attacked at the same time, and the soul power secretly accumulated by the blood soul tree gushed out like a huge wave, sweeping the audience and submerging the five great soul powers.

Tang Yan violently rose at the same time, and the Fierce Demon Saber slammed into his hands behind him, and the Soul Slayer Jue slashed out in response, a black aura spanned the space, directly piercing through the five soul weapons: "Spirit Race, your end is coming!"

"Get out, you can't get out with all your strength." Pei Yuan was wounded and howled sharply, he didn't care so much, escape is the most important thing, I've seen bad things, but I've never seen such bad things.They were in pain and grief, and it was a great shame and humiliation that they fell into the hands of a little baby.

"Get out? It's a dream! Huo Ling'er, shoot!" Tang Yan pointed to the sky and roared, Huo Ling'er, who had been staying in the dark all the time, soared into the sky, dancing in the air with her petite body, resonating with Tang Yan who was a thousand meters away.

The boom, the sky-shattering loud noise, the earth-shattering, the rolling sound wave, caused a sensation in the mountains and rivers.

Within a radius of one kilometer, green fire exploded in an instant, filling the space, boiling and rolling, turning into a sea of ​​green fire, mixed with the soul power and blood energy from the blood soul tree.

This blow was simply a disaster for soul fighters.

Huo Ling'er and the Blood Soul Tree grew together all year round, lived together, grew up together, and developed together, and reached a symbiotic relationship with each other. The two energies that were supposed to restrain each other actually formed a perfect union in a perfect posture. It's like Tang Yan's green fire and Liuli's black electricity.

An ancient sky fire, an unrivaled wonder, the combination of the two can obliterate all souls in the world.

"Ugh!" There were sharp screams one after another, and before the five spirits started their offensive, they were already firmly suppressed by Tang Yan, blocked by Qinghuo, Blood Soul Tree, and even Moon Shadow with all their strength.

Tang Yan brandished the Fierce Demon Saber and launched a storm-like offensive.Blood Soul Tree and Huo Ling'er teamed up to show their power, Luo Sha and others assisted in the attack, completely controlling today's battlefield, suppressing the five soul warriors to fight to the death.

At the same time, hundreds of kilometers away from the south of the battlefield, the galloping King Kong Giant Ape was finally surrounded by the rushing tide of beasts. In all directions, mountains and plains, the sky and clouds covered the sky and the earth, and endless waves of light filled the sky and the earth, pushing back The darkness makes the mountains here illuminate like daylight.

But just as the encircling wave was forming, and when the great demon saints descended, the running King Kong Giant Ape suddenly stopped, rumbled to a halt, stood there straight, without any movement.

"Where is Tang Yan? Where is it!!!" Huo Qilin descended across the sky, roaring like thunder, and the roar continued, trying to shake the sky.

The King Kong Giant Ape stood proudly, with his head upturned, his arms half-raised, looking manic, but he refused to answer Fire Qilin's question.

"Are you dumb? What about people??" The fire unicorn was furious, and the sea of ​​fire spread out the secrets of heaven, filling the sky with oppression, causing the temperature of the sky and the earth to rise rapidly, and making the mountains and wild beasts tremble and kneel.

"Is he tired and stupid?" a demon saint questioned.

"Eh? Its breath is not right." Water Qilin came from the north, and noticed something abnormal from a long distance away.Because King Kong Giant Ape was covered in blood, and there were many blood holes, which injured the brain and internal organs.

The important thing is that she felt that the breath of life of King Kong Giant Ape was insignificant, and when it came, it had completely dissipated, that is... dead? !

"Speak!!" The fire unicorn was impatient, and a burst of flames spewed out from the high-altitude sea of ​​flames, and blasted towards the giant vajra ape, which was hundreds of feet tall.

With the tenacity and strength of the giant ape, such a burst of flames can be completely ignored, but... boom... the flame exploded, the silver light faded, and the vajra giant ape's hundred-foot-high body fell on its back.It was like a mountain stepping on the earth and sinking into the ground, deafening, crushing patches of woods and kicking up turbulent dust.

At this moment, all the monsters realized that something was wrong.

Immediately, a Yaozun rushed up to investigate the situation.

After checking, he was no longer angry.

"Dead?? How is it possible? Why did he die so well?" The monsters from all sides are very strange. The King Kong giant ape has a fierce reputation and dominates the monster realm. He is a powerful monster saint. For most monsters, this It is the god-level killing god and war god, whose power has penetrated into the bone marrow.

How could such a powerful demon saint run and die?
Shui Qilin went up to do the investigation himself, and after a while, his face changed slightly: "It is indeed dead, and it has been dead for at least a day."

"What?! Hundreds of thousands of monsters ran wildly behind it, how could it have died a day ago?" Huo Qilin was angry and anxious. He was excitedly chasing Tang Yan, but he was also sketching the future of the queen along the way. All aspects of deployment, why for no reason... died? !

"It is indeed dead, at least for a day, there is something strange about it." Shui Qilin had a premonition that something was wrong, maybe he was being tricked.But the King Kong Giant Ape was obviously running wildly, jumping and jumping very actively, how could it be... "What's going on? What's going on! Give me an explanation! Where's Tang Yanren? Didn't you see running away in front? Gone?" Huo Qilin couldn't hold back his anger, it was too hateful.

Shui Qilin thought about it and became more and more suspicious.

King Kong Giant Ape stayed to fight alone, and escaped should be no problem, but now it suddenly happened, obviously encountered an accident that day, and had already fallen in that battle.But why can he run wildly by himself?Why did monsters keep seeing that it was chasing a living person?

Some demon saints questioned: "This is a trap. No matter what method the enemy uses, they will always use the King Kong Giant Ape to draw our attention, so that they can take advantage of the opportunity to evacuate, or they have other purposes."

Um? ?The water unicorn suddenly remembered the war ruins where it was before, where the green fire breath remained, and there was a strong soul power, could it be... there is fraud there? !

"Scatter all! Keep searching, Huo Qilin, follow me to a place. No need to ask, follow me immediately!" Water Qilin withdrew alone, without leading any troops under his command.

Huo Qilin was angry and strange, and quickly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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