Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1754

Chapter 1754
"Our group is lucky to be able to pass through the void alive." Matthews is not without emotion. The moment the void collapsed, and the endless emptiness and coldness of the void in exile, are definitely unforgettable memories that will remain in his heart forever .

"We were indeed lucky. At that time, the area where the space collapsed should have been infinitely close to the space of the Lost Battle Realm. If it was a little further away, maybe we would all have to be planted in the void."

"You just said that all the old friends are in Beast Mountain? How did Beast Mountain come here?" Matthews asked.

"Come on, sit down, I'll chat with you." Tang Yan gestured with a smile.

Next, Tang Yan introduced the situation of Xiashoushan, Dong Qingniu and others in detail, including a series of things that happened from the beginning to the present, as well as various situations of leaving the war world.

Whether it is Xu Yan or Matthews, although the things they have experienced since they came to the Lost War Realm have been bumpy, they are relatively simple.Although two years have passed, there is still very little awareness of the Lost War World, and the occasional information is also hearsay.

Xu Yan and Matthews calmed down, listened to Tang Yan's introduction, and learned about his experience, Beast Mountain's experience, and the general structure and power distribution of the Lost War Realm, etc.

After some conversation, their biggest emotion was exactly the same, that is, this guy is really worthy of the name of a warmonger. He actually caused so many troubles in two years, and he directly started fighting with the corpse royal family.Even the source of the demonic invasion can be traced back to him.

The battle against the corpse royal family made their blood boil; the tragic attack and defense made them empathize; the release of the Beast Mountain Three Killing Order made them proud and excited; the Jiuying sitting in the town shocked them; The layout and situation of the two races of monsters, etc... A brand new and magnificent, magnificent and tragic world picture scroll was spread in front of them, setting off layers of huge waves in the sea of ​​their hearts, stirring up their war-thirsty hearts. As fate's heart.

After learning about the changes in Beast Mountain and the growth of Tang Yan, Du Yang and others, their hearts were full of emotions. Although they landed in the terrible lost world, Tang Yan, relying on his madness and tenacity, , worked hard to create a stable home for myself and my friends around me, a home where I could rest.

While they lamented Tang Yan's madness, they also lamented his devotion.

"You rest here, don't worry about the rest, leave it to me. I'll let you out when I return to Beast Mountain in the future, everyone misses you, and we will have a good reunion at that time." Tang Yan patted Xu Yan and Ma Hughes shoulder, turned and left.

"I can help." Xu Yan got up.

"Don't worry about it. The previous battle touched you a lot. Hurry up and retreat. Don't waste this precious opportunity. Realize that this thing is hard to come by. If you encounter it, you must catch it. Once you slip away, it will be hard to find it." .

And you, Matthews, the trauma of the soul should be recuperated as soon as possible, so as not to leave sequelae for the future.Believe me, like you all believed me before, I, can, do. "

Tang Yan gave them a reassuring smile and left the Rainforest of Life.

Xu Yan still wanted to persevere, but Tang Yan's Mingtu avatar had disappeared.

"Don't worry, he can do it, he can do it all the time." Matthews took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. For more than two years, he has never been so relaxed like this moment.He was hurt and tired, and he could hardly keep his eyes open.

This ease comes from peace of mind, but also from trust.

Following the joint orders of the water unicorn and the fire unicorn, the animal hordes within a radius of more than a thousand kilometers in the central and eastern regions of the ink unicorn's territory responded one after another, concentrating their forces to sweep forward from the outside to the inside.Another part of the animal horde explored from the inside to the outside according to the order of the fire unicorn, forming a radial team to avoid missing anything.

But Tang Yan had already withdrawn to the outside of their sweeping range, sprinting towards the north at full speed, in fact, he rushed out of their predetermined search circle before the deployment of the water unicorn and fire unicorn.No matter how hard he tried, it was impossible to find Tang Yan's trace.

Tang Yan moved at full speed and contacted various search teams.Calculating the time, the team of the Corpse Royal Clan will soon enter the net, and the rest of the Golden Ancient Clan will more or less expose some movement trajectories. After all, the scope of the recent animal tide movement shop is too wide, while slowing down their speed of movement. , will also let them leak traces to varying degrees.

The bell of the hunting war has sounded!

At noon, Tang Yan appeared on the top of a rocky mountain, stepped on the crown of a tree, and overlooked the mountains. The mighty beast tide scene in this area has eased, precisely because of the large-scale gathering in the central and eastern regions.But easing does not mean disappearing, and all kinds of search teams are still everywhere, big and small, ranging in strength.

Soon after, Sen Luo's clone and the bitter ghost master found him here.

"Your family has not found the whereabouts of the corpse royal family?" Tang Yan asked the bitter woman.

Their family is the only ghost family that has appeared in the form of a group in hell so far, and their number has reached more than a hundred. With their speed, two days and two nights are enough to wipe out one-fifth of the ink unicorn territory. It shouldn't be nothing Discover.

The bitter woman conveyed her emotions and thoughts with her mind: "I contacted you on the way here. Our family is increasing the speed of advancement, focusing on advancing northward, but I haven't found it yet. I suspect that the various clans deliberately slowed down to avoid beasts. Chao, secondly, I expected that you would ambush here, so stop still and polish your patience."

"The Overwatch team didn't find the target either?"

"Already contacted, neither the Overwatch team nor the Ren family team have found the target for the time being. They have also begun to focus on the north and are preparing to adjust the direction of the sweep.

Don't worry, the royal family of corpses will not be caught without a fight, so it is naturally not easy to find.You're fishing and they're running for their lives.It would be weird if it was discovered so easily.Give us another half day, and we should find something after nightfall. "

"We are running out of time, and we must not let Hanchen escape from the demon realm easily. The opportunity is rare, if we lose this time, we don't know when the next time will be. You should act yourself and search with all your strength."

"Wait for my news." The bitter woman hid in the shadows and disappeared without a trace.

Tang Yan stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking the mountains, while silently contemplating the strategy.

The bitter woman's words reminded me.

He was fishing, Han Chen was saving his life.The mentality varies, the attitude varies, and the degree of caution varies. It is destined to spend a lot of energy on oneself, and it is impossible to win it easily.

Tang Yan imagined that he was Hanchen, knowing that he would be ambushed, what strategy would he choose to avoid being hunted down, and how would he go south as soon as possible to leave the Demon Realm and return to the Abyss of Cangwu?
If it were Han Chen from before, he might put up a fight against him, and even show the courage to abandon the two ten thousand-year-old corpses to make himself pay the price.

But the current Cangwu Abyss and the corpse royal family can't stand the toss, especially the destruction of the corpses in the abyss corpse pool, which brought devastating trauma to the corpse royal family. It is destined that it will be difficult for them to give birth to saints within ten thousand years , so now every ten-thousand-year-old corpse is extremely precious.

The situation of the corpse royal family limits Han Chen's performance, and Han Chen has to think about the ethnic group, so it is impossible to head-to-head with himself, and can only adopt a strategy of avoidance or a passive strategy.

Tang Yan's brows were furrowed. The demon realm was too big. It was really difficult to find the three saints who had been hidden deliberately, no less than looking for a needle in a haystack.

Do you want to find a way to lure him out?
I'm afraid that Hanchen won't take the bait, he is too shrewd.

Do you want to use the next reincarnation clan?Forget it, that old woman is smarter than herself.

Now all parties are in the dark, all with purpose, this big drama has been unveiled, but they are all waiting for the opportunity, it depends on when and where the explosive point will open.

Since Tang Yan is the initiator of the whole drama, he should take the initiative to take the initiative, take the initiative to take the stage, and let himself sing the first voice.

"Wait another half a day, wait for an entry point."

Tang Yan pondered over and over again, and decided to wait for the watchman or the Ren family to bring him a clue, and then think about countermeasures.He believed that the watchmen would definitely find out, after all, four or five days had passed.

(End of this chapter)

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