Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1759

Chapter 1759

Tang Zhibai was completely stunned there, unbelievable, unbelievable, but shocked his soul, as if a giant bell kept ringing in his ears, confusing his thoughts, disturbing his blood, and invading his emotions.

It's so similar, like a person, a man whom he respects forever.

Like a person, a god of war in his mind.

"Father's debt is paid by son, what your father owes me, you come and pay!"

"The grievances of the previous generation, this generation continues again!"

"This is a sea of ​​suffering, past lives, present lives, eternal reincarnation, you can't escape, and neither can I!"

This sound originated from Tang Yan's cry, which constantly touched his soul, cutting off the "absurdity" and "suspicion" of "inconceivable absurd suspicion" abruptly, leaving only the shocking "incredible".

Why did Prince Cang arrange for him to participate in the Bone Race incident?
Why did Lin Tang mention 'the answer I've been looking for'?
Why is he called Tang Yan?

Why Tang?Is it a coincidence, or do you not forget the roots?

Where did he come from?Why is it in Beast Mountain again?
How old is he this year?After the death of the Demon Spirit Emperor, the queen who is the highest secret of the Demon Spirit Clan also disappeared. Why?Did she die, or did she leave?Where is she?
My mind is spinning, and my thoughts are clustering.

Tang Zhibai forgot the battlefield environment and the crisis at this moment, stuck in place, his consciousness completely sank into his own world, sketching wildly and speculating wildly.

Excited, or timid?Is it a surprise, or a thriller?
Tang Chen yelled loudly: "Tang Yan, stop. Even if you want revenge, it's not now. If you hurt them, the Demon Spirit Clan will never forgive Southeast Beast Mountain easily. You have the heart to look at what you worked so hard to build Is the base destroyed? I can find the answer you want, but you must stop immediately."

"I have always used my own hands to grab what I want. This is a habit I have developed over the past 40 years. You can't rely on others, and you have to work hard with your hands. This is my experience.

Your way, my way, are totally different.You can wait, I can't wait.

Ren Tianfu, what are you waiting for?kill! "

Tang Yan entrenched in the sky, intimidating the audience and restraining Tang Chen.

Ren Tianzan sat cross-legged, his pale and slender hands were slowly and forcefully gathering seal formulas, the soul-calling banner moved again and again, and the evil spirit rose again and again.He seemed to want to break some kind of seal, to release something inside the soul-calling banner.

The paper man behind him climbed slowly, stood over his back, climbed onto his shoulders, opened his arms, his movements were stiff and even more sinister.

With the sky full of lonely souls as a foil, the whole scene is eerie and creepy!

"If you travel safely, don't give up. If you travel urgently, don't give up your car... Let me only... for ghosts and monsters..." Ren Tianzang's lips and teeth moved, and he mumbled dry and difficult old sayings vaguely, His eyes turned blood red little by little, and his face turned as pale as paper little by little.

The steaming evil spirit was like a raging flame, roaring around the whole body.

ah! !There was a terrifying scream that pierced the ears from inside the soul-calling banner, and the ghosts and ghosts in the sky and the earth suddenly lost control, rolled up a vast evil spirit, and blew out terrifying gusts of wind.

"Open the door to invite ghosts! 36 Du... the first capital ghost... Fengdu 36 ghost servants... the first servant... headless!!"

Ren Tianzang's voice stopped suddenly, all the seven orifices, including his eyes and ears, were bleeding, and his expression was gloomy.

Wow! !A howl resembling a baby's cry came from the soul-calling banner, and the ghosts all over the sky suddenly rioted, like a turbulent vortex, pouring down towards the paper figurine above Ren Tianzhu's head.

Thousands of ghosts cry, and thousands of ghosts lead the way!
Invite all the evil spirits inside the soul-calling banner to settle in the paper figurine!
With the improvement of Ren Tianzhu's strength and the full force of the hell space, the power of the soul-calling flag is increasing, and the ghost servants inside are also recovering their abilities with all their strength.

Different from the beast mountain battlefield back then, the headless ghost servant this time is even more terrifying.

The head of the paper figurine burst open suddenly, and the scattered debris attached to the hands turned into slender sharp claws. Although they were all made of paper, they looked extremely terrifying.

"Huh?" Earth Sacred Bear felt fear, frowned and stared at the sky, feeling more and more threatened.The evil spirit all over the sky seems to create a world of death, and there is a flag waving inside that looks like the hand of death, trying to attract his own soul.

Today's battle made him fearful and horrified, awkward and nervous.

It was completely different from previous battles, this style he had never heard of or seen before.

Accustomed to the stormy attack and defense, today's weird attack made him very uncomfortable.

Ren Tianzun's tightly intertwined hands suddenly changed again, changing with a short and vigorous rhythm, controlling the headless paper figurine.The paper figurine shook its arms, and its body made a fierce posture of screaming upwards. It even stepped into the air and shot towards the holy bear on the earth.

Yay!Tens of thousands of ghosts howled, and the evil energy between the heaven and the earth was raging. Following the activities of the paper figurine, it was like a rumbling wave that swept straight up.

The behavior of the paper figurine was weird and creepy, as if it was possessed by some kind of evil spirit, controlled it and launched an offensive, without a head, but under the control of Ren Tianzhu, it accurately targeted the holy earth bear.

"Roar." The Earth Sacred Bear slammed its front paws on the ground, raised its head and let out a shocking roar. Although he didn't know what was going to happen, the great crisis aroused his desire to fight back.

The bear's claws fell, the ground roared, and piles of gravel were thrown up, varying in size, ranging from a hundred catties to ten catties. They gathered rapidly during the tumbling, turning into a tide of pure gravel, and hit the paper figurine hard.

"Broken." Ren Tian's burial seal in the distance changed, and the paper claws of the paper figurine rushed forward without any fear, without any suspense, a wave of broken stones.Like a speeding train hitting a baby, it was smashed to pieces on the spot.

The tide of stone raged past, leaving behind paper scraps all over the sky, and even the black evil spirit was swept away.The power of destruction is fully revealed, and the power of violence is frightening.

"Take out your true skills, little confetti, what can I do?" Earth Sacred Bear was cautious by nature, and felt strange at the moment, while provoking Ren Tianzhu, he looked at the confetti scattered all over the sky.

As a saint, the other party is also a strange character.It is impossible for the attack that has been accumulated for half a day to be so vulnerable, there must be some mystery in it.

The scraps of paper scattered and fell silently, mixing with the energy of earth all over the sky, some fell directly on the ground, and some floated towards the body of the earth holy bear.

Ren Tianzhu was completely submerged in the depths of the ghostly aura, his eyes were bloodshot, cold and cold, the imprints made by his hands were firm and stable, and he controlled the sky full of confetti from afar.

If it were someone else, they might have launched a direct counterattack long ago, either breaking Ren Tianzhu's ghostly aura, or directly attacking Ren Tianzhu.Or ignore these scraps of paper and provoke Ren Tianfu.

But the holy bear of the earth roared a moment later: "The bear protects the earth."

Booming, earth-shattering, the vast valley squirmed as a whole, as if a magnitude [-] earthquake struck, the strata were dislocated, boulders were cracked, trees were shredded, squeezed, and ruthlessly crushed, and a huge number of rubble rose from the sky, hitting A chaotic midair.

The earth energy in the valley reached its limit, and the boiling energy caused chaos in the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, and even caused more than a dozen giant mountains in the distance to shake, as if a sleeping giant was about to wake up and stand up from the shackles on his body.

All of a sudden, the vast valleys became the territory of the Holy Bear of the Earth, the boiling earth energy formed a whole with the earth and rock formations, and the high mountains in the distance became his weapons.

The scene may be chaotic, but only one thought of the Holy Bear of the Earth is needed, and any area will be formed into a protective fortress, or an offensive hammer.

Defense, can defend millions of gravity; attack, offense is the best defense.

With both offense and defense, it is definitely a war machine-like existence.

'Bear Protecting the Earth' has just taken shape, and the feeling of the entire space has become solidified.

However... In the chaotic mid-air of strong wind and earth tide, thousands of confetti "persistently" fell and wandered, passed through the chaotic area, and floated towards the body of the earth holy bear.

The reason why the holy bear of the earth opened the strongest defense is that it has a premonition that danger is approaching.Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, he can't let himself make mistakes in his carelessness, and don't allow Tang Bing and others to put their lives in danger in front of him.

However, when the Xiong Huan Land proudly took shape, thousands of confetti broke through the wave in an all-round way, and they were not blocked as expected.They are like scorching hot carbon stars scattered on the snowdrift, relentlessly penetrating, unstoppable.

A full-scale raid took shape amidst the chaos.

The seemingly strongest defense is like child's play in front of them.

In the next second, the earth holy bear's face changed drastically, and he let out a shrill scream. His tough right claw slammed on his head, struggling out of control, and fell to the ground with a bang, as if he was under some kind of strange attack. Painful, shocked and angry.

"What did you do?!" The Earth Sacred Bear roared, the spiritual power in his body was out of control, so that the earth energy was out of control, the scene was completely chaotic, and the indiscriminate bombardment seemed like a catastrophe.

"Headless ghost, one of the 36 great ghost servants in Fengdu. It lives in the west and lands in the first capital!" Ren Tianzang murmured to himself, controlling the headless ghost with all his strength, disturbing the spirit of the holy bear of the earth. force.

The Holy Bear of the Earth was in terrific pain, with a splitting headache, and felt his entire soul plunge into an endless icy cold, a terrible thing was biting and scratching it.The world of consciousness is gloomy and dark, like being in a boundless hell, a ghost without a head is entwining its soul.

Heck, heck, the weird laughter reverberated in his consciousness, chilling his whole body.

Click, click, the ghost is tearing at the soul, making a cracking sound.

(End of this chapter)

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