Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1768 The Fisherman

Chapter 1768 The Fisherman
"Kill the Titan first!" Xu Pojun and Shouwang No. [-] signaled to each other, and suddenly rushed towards the Titan, taking the first action to solve this 'key point'.

The gap of three to five did not bring them oppression, nor did it affect their judgment.

As long as the target focuses on the seriously injured Titan, he can take the initiative.Because the corpse royal family will never risk their lives to save the Titans, as long as they try to control the Titans and continue to suppress them, they can plunge the battlefield into chaos.

"Fight!" Tai Tan was furious, roaring loudly, slightly hoarse but still brave.Control the heavy sword, sharpen the power of the sword, regroup and fight Xu Pojun again.Like a tiger that doesn't know how to retreat, it goes forward indomitably.

"You go and kill her." Han Chen signaled Wannian Ancient Corpse to target Xu Lengcheng, and killed Xu Pojun alone, uniting with Titans, two against two.

However, Xu Pojun and the others fought bravely, wildly, and fearlessly.

With the assistance of Overwatch One, they are tantamount to being invincible.

At the critical moment when two ancient corpses of [-] years raided Xu Lengcheng, No. [-] turned back to help, with a strange speed and astonishingly flexible movements, and he couldn't catch his movements at all, let alone his trajectory.

He is like a Thunderhawk, sharply smashing the battlefield.

Every surprise attack can always disrupt the combined offensive of the Wannian Ancient Corpse and Taylor.Every counterattack will always break their plan to severely damage and suppress Xu Lengcheng.

As for the combination of Hanchen and Taitan, Xu Pojun, a veteran on the battlefield, is fully capable of handling it. Even if he is in danger occasionally, Watchman No. [-] can also return to rescue as soon as possible to save the situation from danger!
Just like that, fierce fighting broke out again.

The Battle of the Eight Saints, destroying mountains and destroying the land, shaking the sky and shaking the clouds, is no less than the scene of a giant meteorite hitting the earth. In just a short moment, a huge war zone stretching for more than ten miles was created.

Looking from a distance, it seems that eight gods are trampling on that mountain.

The dust and mist are like a sea, and the boulders are like rain. Accompanied by the ferocious cracks in the ground, they spread violently in all directions, submerging the distant mountains and competing for the high-altitude dark clouds.

Taking care of the whole audience, Han Chen realized that the bones of the Bone Race were not easy to chew, so he quickly adjusted his strategy, intending to kill No. [-], the poisonous snake-like existence.But just after the order was issued, No. [-] seemed to be planning ahead, and directly left the battlefield area, reaching high altitude, overlooking and intimidating.

And Xu Pojun and Xu Lengcheng joined forces with the watchmen to launch a frenzied attack on Titan and Taylor, forcing the corpse royal team to do their best to rescue them.

Once they return to the battle zone of Titan and Tyler again, Overwatch One will return at the first time, continue to disturb the battlefield, and continue to prevent their actions.

It wasn't until this time that Han Chen fully understood the horror of these three Bone Race powerhouses.They are definitely the upper-level existence of saints, and they have been battle-tested, with unparalleled experience and adaptability.If the Titans were in their prime and Taylor would no longer be so eager to fight with the Titans, they might be able to play more rhythmically and have a chance to change the situation, but now... withdraw? !late! !

Xu Pojun and Xu Lengcheng stared at Taitan and Taylor, and watched them closely. Overwatch No. [-] patrolled and raided the two theaters back and forth, showing the assassination skills to the fullest. It is worthy of being the strongest guardian of the Bone Race. author's name.

They insisted that the Shihuang clan and the Pangu clan would not be of one mind, as long as they were not of one mind, they would not desperately rescue them, and as long as they did not desperately rescue them, they would not be able to break through their seemingly simple but extremely tricky offensive strategy.

In terms of battle formation, Tai Tan and Han Chen could not compete against the two veterans of the battlefield, No. [-] and Xu Pojun.

But Hanchen has experienced many battles, and Tai Tan is also brave and resourceful. As the princes of the ancient clan, they are not easy to be with. Responding, while calmly looking for a way to break the situation.

At the same time, more and more search teams in the Demon Realm got the news, and many of them were led by the Demon Saints.

Because the fierce battle between the Titans and the others was too fierce, the battlefields of the Eight Great Sacred Realms were devastated, and even the demon beasts of the demon master level dared not approach, so the demon beasts who sent the message couldn't tell what happened and what it was People are fighting, but for sure this is no ordinary event of this magnitude.

Therefore, after receiving the report, a small number of teams continued to search according to their own wishes, but most of the teams turned around and moved towards the battlefield. There were raptor troops, beast troops, ground troops, and more fish tides going upstream.

The scene is vast and vast, with more and more spread out, all kinds of ferocious beasts are innumerable, like a monster clan assembly, they gather from different directions, and there is a faint tendency to form an encirclement circle.

But just before the vanguard team of the Yaozu arrived at the battlefield, another team approached the battlefield first, and they were... the reincarnation clan!

"Xu Pojun, the watcher, and Xu Ye's granddaughter Xu Lengcheng? These are all heavyweights. Why are they here? How can they attack the Pangu clan? It's like going crazy."

"How did the Corpse Emperor Clan get mixed up with the Pangu Clan?"

"This matter is strange."

The reincarnation team lurks in the dark, watching the increasingly chaotic battlefield through the ruins of the rainforest.There the thick fog billowed, the roar continued, the wind turned into a hurricane, the impact was like thunder, and the earth shook and the mountains shook, it was hard to describe, but with their eyesight, it was not difficult to recognize the Bone Race team.

"Why did Xu Ye suddenly become so strong? I found the reason." Xuanyuan stared at the battlefield, and the doubts and guesses in his heart could finally be settled.

"Oh?? Please enlighten me, aunt." The elders of the reincarnation clan looked at Xuanyuan one after another.

"The 'hope' of the Bone Race was transferred by Xu Ye, to Beast Mountain, and Xu Pojun and his three close confidants were appointed to guard it. Xu Ye has nothing to worry about, he has put aside all worries, and now he only wants to grow stronger The ethnic group, of course, can be fearless."

"Why?" They were very surprised, how could Xu Ye have anything to do with Beast Mountain.

"Because Xu Yan!" Xuanyuan didn't explain much, but observed the battlefield intently.

Xu Ye was really good at pushing Xu Pojun and Watcher out of the Bone Race and sent them to Beast Mountain.It's cheaper than Tang Yan, who simply got three high-level saints.Xu Pojun is a well-known fierce general among the top ten golden ancient clans, and the watchman troop is the only killer troop that the Bone Clan can handle, and it is also a dreaded guardian troop.

From this, it can be completely determined that Xu Zhuanzhu is in Tang Yan's hands.

It is even more certain that Tang Yanding will definitely show up in the immediate battle!He will not sit back and watch Xu Pojun and others fall into danger, be entangled by the Pangu clan and the corpse emperor clan, and be surrounded by the demon army.

The clan elders of the reincarnation clan were even more strange, but knowing my aunt's temper, they didn't dare to ask too much.After observing for a while, he asked instead: "Do we need to take action? Tai Tan is seriously injured, this is a good opportunity, maybe we can also take down Han Chen!"

"Wait! Tang Yan will come over soon, he collects the net, we collect him!"

Xuanyuan observed Hanchen carefully, is he the prince inherited from the corpse royal family that Tang Yan said?

If so, it would be a formidable enemy.

According to her understanding, it is impossible for the Pangu clan and the Shihuang clan to form an alliance easily, but today they actually joined hands, and there must be an initiator among the two sides.

She has researched on Tai Tan. This man is strong if he is strong, courageous and resourceful, calm and domineering. He has the characteristics that a prince should have, but he is too arrogant and lacks polishing. It is impossible for him to take the initiative to ask for help.So it can only be that the corpse royal family offered to form an alliance and persuaded Titan.

Another question, how did Titan get hurt so badly?The difference in numbers is five to three. It should be the Titans who have the absolute advantage, and the injured should be Xu Pojun and the others from the Bone Race.But if this happens, it can only be that the Titans fight against the Bone Clan first, and the Corpse Royal Clan joins later.

Taking a step back, one word can naturally come to mind—leading the snake out of the hole.

The Pangu clan made the introduction, and the corpse royal clan made the ambush.

Their original intention was to lure Tang Yan to appear, but they unexpectedly attracted Xu Pojun from the Bone Race.

Regardless of the result, just look at the layout.

It's unbelievable that Hanchen can persuade Tai Tan to be used as bait.

It can also be imagined from this that this person is really extraordinary and worthy of attention.

But the Titan... Will he fall today?

Xuanyuan naturally hoped to seize the luck of other clans as soon as possible, but the luck of the Bone clan had just disappeared, and then the luck of the Pangu clan was also taken away?Will this storm be too violent?
Xuanyuan waited silently, watching the changes.

She always firmly believes that the real fisherman is the one who catches the net last.

(End of this chapter)

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