Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1789 Water Unicorn

Chapter 1789 Water Unicorn

After a long journey, turning left and right, Moonlight Linghu led Nalantu into the picturesque mountains and valleys, into the deepest part of Tianmang Region, and stopped in front of a lush valley.The slope of the valley is rich in vegetation, the green sea is like waves, and the flowers are eye-catching. Inside the valley is a vast lake with a flat, sparkling, clear and clean surface.

It's like a giant agate inlaid in a beautiful valley.

The rich water elemental force floats on the surface of the lake and dances lightly in the valley.

It's like a fairyland, spotless and pure.

"Kowtow to the Holy Lord, people from Beast Mountain, please see the Holy Lord." Moonlight Linghu stopped on the path in front of the valley, knelt down on his front legs, bowed down to the valley, with a respectful expression.

"Beast Mountain, Nalantu, under the order of the young master Tang Yan, visit Tianmangyu and discuss important matters." Nalantu bowed his hands and saluted. The alien beast visited and observed.

The surface of the lake is flat and windless, and the clear and pure lake water rises and converges, turning into the outline of a ten-foot unicorn, which is more holy, more majestic, brighter and more aloof.

Just the water body incarnation of the water unicorn contains the sacred power that makes the beasts fear, and even oppresses the Nalantus in front of the valley, as if a god overlooks the common people, making the Nalantus secretly afraid.

"What's the matter?"

"A matter of life and death."

"Since it's a major event, why didn't Tang Yan come by himself? Is my Tianmang domain not worthy of Tang Yan's bowing down?" The water body of the water unicorn walked forward slowly, and stood on the edge of the valley, his blue water eyes implied coldness , overlooking the Nalantus.

"He will come here in person, but now is not the time. I am in charge of visiting Tianmangyu and conveying the wishes of the young master Tang Yan." Nalantu is delicate and thin, with a gentle manner, giving people a sense of friendliness that is harmless to humans and animals.

The water body of the water unicorn bent slightly and stared coldly. After a while, he retreated to the lake on the waves, and snorted coldly to show: "Get back, let Beast Mountain send someone with weight, preferably Tang Yan himself. By the way Tell him that this is Tianmang Domain, the Garden of the Holy Emperor, and not all servants can come in."

"Wait a minute! I came here today for the life and death of the Tianmang Region. I have three questions to ask His Highness Shui Qilin. First, when will the Holy Emperor Mo Qilin come back? Second, how many powerful people are there in the Tianmang Region?" Guarding? Third, if the Tianmang Region is attacked, how strong will it be able to resist the attack?"

Nalantu spoke quickly, intending to attract Shui Qilin's attention.

The water body of the water unicorn paused for a while, then turned to look at Nalantu: "Human, do you know that in this demon realm, you have committed a big taboo by blasphemy about life and death in the Tianmang realm, and you should be punished!! Here you go!" The ten breath time limit, make it clear immediately!"

"We have received news that Tianmang Region may be attacked, so we are here to make an announcement. We hope that Tianmang Region can be prepared and not ruin it easily."

"Who??" Moonlight Linghu's eyes flashed coldly.

"The Tianmang region will be attacked, and there will be turmoil in the south. There is a prophet in my Beast Mountain who saw this. The young master is grateful for the kindness of Tianmang region, and specially appointed me to remind Tianmang region to be prepared. I also hope that this will bring the relationship between Beast Mountain and Tianmang Region closer." Nalantu said sincerely.


Nalantu smiled slightly: "One month ago, the demon realm was in chaos. The young master was lucky enough to pick up a lot of monster corpses. Later, after the beast mountain, he would remove the bones and get blood, which benefited many people. What is this if it's not a favor?"

Moonlight Fox was furious: "Presumptuous!!"

"Human, if I don't kill you, now is not the time. Send off."

How shrewd was Shui Qilin, he saw through that Nalantu did not come to report a message, but with a special purpose, and even the conversation from beginning to end was somewhat provocative.

If it wasn't for the weak defense of the Tianmang Region, worrying that killing him would cause some unnecessary accidents, or giving Beast Mountain a reason to attack the Tianmang Region, Shui Qilin would definitely have wiped out this damn thing right away. of humans.

"Hehe, the water unicorn is nothing more than that. Now that you have seen through my purpose, why don't you dare to make a move?" Nalantu suddenly changed his posture, and the provocative meaning in his words was not concealed.

But the more he behaved like this, the more Shui Qilin became worried, secretly suspecting that this person was really sent by Beast Mountain to "send him to death" with the intention of provoking a war between the two sides.

"Tianmangyu listens to the order, all closed! Prepare to open the highest defense, and the four gates in the southeast and northwest are closed!" Shui Qilin issued a high-pitched order, warning Tianmangyu, and took a deep look at Nalantu, and snorted coldly: "I remember Your appearance is now, your life is deposited with me, and I will definitely take it back in another year or month."

After the words fell, a stream of water vapor rushed out of the valley, blasting towards Nalantu, and even drowning the Moonlight Linghu: "Seeing off guests! Expelled from Tianmang Domain!"

The water vapor seemed soft, but it was extremely powerful. It led Nalantu to rush for more than a thousand meters, over the Fanhuaxidi, and far away from the valley of the water unicorn.

"Human, get out." Moonlight Linghu glanced at Nalantu in hatred.

Nalantu stood up leisurely, patted the dirt on his body unhurriedly, and asked Moonlight Linghu with a smile: "Do you know the real purpose of my coming here?"

"Death!!" Moonlight Linghu also guessed the question similar to the water unicorn.

"Smart!! It's a pity you didn't kill me!!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Close your eyes and leave with me." Moonlight Linghu sped up.

Nalantu was not in a hurry, he shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity."

"What's the pity? Follow up quickly, don't let me do it myself." Moonlight Linghu urged coldly.

"It's a pity that your cleverness is mistaken by your cleverness." Nalantu looked at the surrounding scenery, and suddenly smiled relaxedly: "Calculate the time, it's almost time to start."

"What??" Moonlight Linghu was secretly vigilant.

"Guess?" Nalantu soared into the sky, looking at the beautiful and picturesque mountains of Tianmangyu.He tried to see the eye and base of the large space formation. Although it is a space formation, the formation will definitely be exposed from the outside.

"Are you trying to kill me? Last reminder, leave with me!" Moonlight Linghu stopped the startled and angry monsters nearby, and yelled at Nalantu.

But at this moment, a sharp cry suddenly came from the sky in the south of the Tianmang Region, the sound was harsh and harsh, and a thunderbolt was faintly approaching the Tianmang Region at a fast speed, heralding a warning signal.

"What? Enemy attack?!" Moonlight Linghu understood the signal in the cry.Soaring into the sky, looking far into the dark southern sky.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Several Thunderbirds came through the sky, rushed in before the Tianmang Domain was closed, hovered high in the sky and screamed rapidly, sending a piercing and frightening signal—a strong enemy is coming!

"Enemy attack!!" Moonlight Linghu screamed sharply.

In the depths of the valley, the valley where the water unicorn is located trembled violently, and the blue and clear water gushed into the sky, like a river flowing against the current, rushing endlessly, rumbling, disturbing the mountains in all directions, and the real body of the water unicorn appeared proudly, overwhelming all directions : "Send me the order, the ten direction empty lock array, open!!"

"Aww!!" The three monster saints, the green-eyed wild lion, the nine-sun sky fox, and the black flame horse, all woke up and appeared, each stretching out their own domains, turning into different energy waves, and guarding in different directions.

Jiuyang Tianhu guards the south, Black Underworld Flame Horse guards the north, green-eyed wild lion guards the west, water unicorn guards the east, and the vast holy land overwhelming the submerged mountains brings firm psychological comfort to the beasts in the Tianmang Region and inspires them Confidence and anger against enemy attacks.

Rumble!The mountains shook and the ground shook, the rivers boiled, and countless semi-sages and demon venerables rushed out of their territory. The momentum became bigger and bigger, and the aura became more terrifying. There were giant pythons, giant purple scorpions, golden war oxen, and phantom rabbits. , all kinds of terrifying beasts occupy one side one after another, either dominating the sky or ruling the group.

In the depths of tens of miles of mountains in the Tianmang Region, all the terrifying monsters appeared. The beautiful and gorgeous picture scroll of mountains and rivers at the previous moment is full of dangers and murderous at this moment.

At the same time, the space protection barrier was fully opened, and the gods shined brightly, blooming in the mountains, illuminating the mixed red sky, and the light tide appeared layer by layer, covering the Tianmang domain, forming a tough barrier, tens of thousands of people in the void The chains swayed slowly and twisted in a specific way, causing the wave of light in the sky above the Tianmang Region to twist, as if countless 'auroras' enveloped the sky.

It's like a round of colorful scorching sun falling down the mountains, shining brightly in the world.

The opening of the ten-direction space-locking array was very slow, but the defensive power was increasing layer by layer, covering the Tianmang Region from the sky to the ground, without any gaps at all.

At this time, a sharp cry resounded through the sky, coming from the distant southern sky, the golden light was gorgeous, covering the end of the line of sight, and getting bigger and brighter, rushing towards the direction of Tianmang Region.

"Demon Saint?!" The water unicorn separated into a body of water and rushed towards the southern area, guarding the south with Jiuyang Tianhu. Looking into the distance, it captured the increasingly blazing aura of the holy land.

"Could it be Tianpeng Ridge? The voice is tough, like some kind of Peng-type demon saint." Jiuyang Tianhu's body was full of divine brilliance, illuminating the south, like a god sitting high in the sky.

In the depths of the tide of light, nine rounds of scorching suns rotate, more gorgeous and terrifying, highlighting its terrifying majesty.

"Where's the human just now?" Shui Qilin suddenly noticed the Moonlight Fox not far away.

"Just now..." Yueguang Linghu's expression turned cold, where is he?

"Find him!! Live!!" Shui Qilin ordered coldly, looking into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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