Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1794 Five Lines of Essence

Chapter 1794 Five Elements Essence
The bloody mountains and rivers, the chaotic land, all areas are fighting together, and there are battlefields of predation and resistance everywhere. The saints such as Ren Tianzhu wantonly harvested the lives of monsters, and ruthlessly destroyed the entire land. rainforest mountains and rivers.But there are even more powerful monsters preying on tigers and ghosts, and attacking Niya and other invaders. The strength displayed by the blood of ancient beasts has brought heavy pressure to everyone.

The 'Tianmang Domain Raid Battle' was more 'difficult' than everyone in Beast Mountain had expected. This place is indeed the base of the Holy Emperor. There are a large number of monsters with strange bloodlines dormant in it, and it is also the 'warm nest' where the ink unicorns breed holy warriors. '.This surprise attack on Beast Mountain not only disturbed Tianmang Domain, but also completely aroused a wave of counterattacks by the group of monsters.

With the cry of the water unicorn, the battle of Tianmang domain entered a new field.

Well! !Well! !
Waves of wonderful sounds came from the deepest part of Tianmang Domain, like the howling of drums, like the beating of war drums, rapid but regular, regular and dull, dull with boldness, and bold with the power of the great way.

It seemed that there was a strange energy, which shocked the entire Tianmang Domain and hundreds of thousands of living beings.

In the depths of the forbidden area, there was a loud bang in the Great Rift Valley, shaking the mountains and rivers, as if the gods had opened their eyes, and the rays of light burst out, hitting the sky and blooming with extraordinary brilliance.

Like a rainbow hanging in the sky, like a sea of ​​colorful tides and clouds.

It looks gorgeous, but after a moment of turbulent entanglement, it exploded violently.boom! !As if the sky collapsed, the earth split open, the clouds tore apart, and the terrifying sound wave, accompanied by brilliant colors, swept across the clouds and rushed to different areas above the Tianmang Domain.

"What is that??" Ke Zunshan was stepping steadily on the back of the Black Underworld Flame Horse, and the disaster field was boiling and violent, filling the mountains and plains, squeezing the sky, mountains and rivers, destroying the world, and suppressing the terrible Black Flame of the Flame Horse .

The golden light is shining, and the fighting power is surging.

Hei Mingyan horse struggled and roared, but couldn't get rid of Ke Zunshan's suppression, and the confident Hei Yan couldn't withstand the wild bombardment of the disaster field.A life of loneliness and pride, now dying, defeated by Ke Zunshan in just a few breaths.

"Everyone be careful! The depths of Tianmang Domain are likely to nourish the spirits of the five elements of heaven and earth. They have been gathered and bred by the black unicorn for thousands of years. They may have given birth to wisdom, or they may have tyrannical power." Tigris is majestic and wild, three feet The body straddles the green-eyed wild lion.

The killing power of the peak holy realm mixed with surging demonic energy shocked the green-eyed wild lion like a mountain, suppressing all its resistance, and even eroding its energy storm.

The intention is to tame it, suppress it, and become one's own mount.

Du Yang and the others fought fiercely, but their solemn eyes kept looking into the depths of the forbidden area, paying attention to the violent changes there, and they could feel the terrifying and ominous power that was surging inside.

Whoa! !

Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and thunder rolled in the sky, covering the entire sky in Tianmang Region; the rain curtain rustled, falling from the sky until the torrential rain poured down; Out of the ground, flock to the mountains and mountains of the Tianmang region; thousands of trees are revived, branches are in groups, dancing chaotically in the world.

All of a sudden, upheavals continued to occur, each more violent and more terrifying, and the Tianmang Region with a radius of a hundred miles seemed to be revived.Thunderstorms, rainstorms, earthquakes, magma, and the sea of ​​trees all seemed to be given life, covering mountains, rivers, and rivers, and cholera in the world, as if a natural disaster had come.

Xue Tianchen, Nian Youyu, Du Yang and others all vacated, temporarily left the battlefield, and placed themselves in the high-altitude clouds, guarding against the sudden disaster scene.Standing at a high altitude and looking at the mountains and rivers, the strong vision impacts the soul.

But the shock didn't stop there. The sky thunder was irritable and boiled, and it actually gathered into a terrifying thunder beast, which was completely entangled by the sky thunder group, and it bloomed with terrible brilliance. Like thousands of thunder snakes entangled.

The *thunder and lightning clusters in the clouds rushed out continuously, shooting at its body, as if the whole body was covered with lightning chains, connecting the thunderclouds.

Aww.The Thunder Beast let out a terrible roar, like a thunderstorm, trembling the mountains and frightening all the beasts, and even brought a strong psychological oppression to the beast mountain group.

"The seed of the sky thunder? The thunder seed bred by the ink unicorn!" Zhao Zimo's face was suddenly full of enthusiasm, and he looked at the thunder beast bred by the sky thunder in astonishment and surprise. .

Then came drastic changes.

The magma turned into a magma giant, the earth gathered into a rock monster, the trees became entangled into a person hundreds of meters away, and the water tide condensed into a water dragon.

All five major energy bodies descended, shaking the space, causing the power of the five elements in the Tianmang Region to become chaotic and out of control, giving Beast Mountain a strong sense of oppression, and igniting the passion of the monsters in the Tianmang Region to resist.

The root of Mo Qilin's ranking on the throne is to gather the power of the five elements of heaven and earth, control the profound meaning of the five elements, and give birth to the body of the five elements.But the reason why he stepped from Jiehuang to Shenghuang is that he changed the power of the five elements, not the five elements in the conventional sense, but got rid of the wind's profound meaning and included the thunder's profound meaning, and other profound meanings have also been greatly changed. Make the overall five elements more powerful.

Ow! !
The five major energy bodies are roaring, wielding the power of the five elements, shaking the world.Hundreds of thousands of monsters roared to the sky after being horrified, venting their murderousness and pride, all of which seemed to be the clarion call for Tianmangyu's counterattack.

"Beast Mountain, fight!!"

The third fire suddenly rushed out of the clouds and took the lead in attacking. While running wildly and shooting down, his thin body exploded and turned into a hundred-foot-high dog. His whole body was full of flames, his body was ferocious and unrestrained, his temperament and posture completely changed, and he faced the fire essence. The transformed giant rushed over.

Rumbling, head-on impact, brutal culling.

The magma giant was blasted into pieces, collapsing into magma all over the sky, and scattered the mountains.

The hellhound roared ferociously, its fangs opened wide, and the power of the flames turned into a whirlpool, devouring the magma essence in the sky, trying to swallow the opponent whole.

However... the scattered magma actually regrouped and reshaped into a giant behind him. With a roar and an explosive punch, he grabbed the hellhound's head with the power of burning the sky and melting the earth.

The Hellhound fought back fiercely, the claws against the giant palm, and the hellfire against the magma.

A fierce and brutal battle broke out immediately.

"Beast Mountain, fight!!"

"Be careful, these monsters are immortal."

"Separate a few saints to stop these monsters, and the rest will speed up the slaughter. We don't have much time."

Ren Tianzhu and Nangong Prison shouted one after another, Yaoye and Vulcan Crow turned and joined the battle circle, pounced on the earth giant, and the perfect combination detonated the battlefield.

"Kill!!" Du Yang and the others all ignited their fighting spirit, completely wielding their fighting power, exacerbating the chaos of the scene, bombarding and killing their opponents, and advancing forward in a crushing manner.

They don't have much time. If they don't form an overwhelming advantage, when the space barrier of Tianmang Domain comes into contact with themselves, countless monsters will escape and spread the news.

The whole raid lost its original meaning.

They expected that Tianmang Region would not be easy to win, so they sent fifteen saints and dozens of semi-sages, but now they realized that they still underestimated the strength of Tianmang Region.

It is worthy of being the territory of the Holy Emperor, and it is worthy of being the lair of the number one demon emperor on land.

This place has been operated by him for tens of thousands of years, and it is also his own cultivation place. There are too many scary places.

During this period, the war that broke out in the Tianmang Region was massive, and the energy wave it triggered was even more overwhelming, affecting almost half of the Mo Qilin's control area and causing a sensation in the territory of millions.It attracted the attention of countless monsters, and a large number of monsters gathered in the direction of Tianmang domain.

Forest Village!
Granny Ma was weaving bamboo baskets at the head of the village, when the bamboo stick suddenly slipped, and the sharp corner cut her thumb, making a deep cut, blood dripped down, and a bloody pattern bloomed on the apron.

"Huh?" Granny Ma gently rubbed the wound, silently feeling the energy fluctuations underground in the Demon Realm.

The energies of heaven and earth are different in different regions around the world.But they are basically in their own state of balance. The spiritual veins of the abyss of the earth are more like winding giant dragons, dormant in the ground, wandering in the spiritual sea, occasionally chaotic, but never out of control.

But today... Granny Ma quietly looked at the ground in front of the table, silently feeling the spirit veins of the earth in the demon realm.

They... seem to be very restless... "What happened? Emperor Pangu has escaped from the Demon Realm, who made you uneasy?" Granny Ma raised her head, her kind face was slightly worried.

At this time, the white old man came from the village in a hurry.

"To the west...something seems to have happened." Granny Ma got up, the bamboo sticks slammed down, and the half-woven bamboo basket collapsed, but the old man couldn't care less. See through the void.

The old man Bai stood beside Granny Ma with a worried face: "The spirit veins of the land in the west are very restless. It doesn't seem to be disturbed, but it seems to be getting out of trouble."

"Oh?? Could it be that the Five Elements Essence of Tianmang Region was awakened?"

"Mo Qilin is fighting fiercely in the north, and it is impossible to return to Tianmang Domain. Besides him, who dares to awaken the five elements? Who dares to activate their power?"


"Unless Tianmang Region is a matter of life and death, guarding Qilin is a last resort."

"But Tianmang Domain is protected by a space formation, who can easily break through it?"

Granny Ma and old man Bai looked at each other, and they both saw solemnity in each other's eyes.

After a while, Granny Ma shook her head: "No, I have to go and have a look."

The white old man held her down: "You stay, I'll go over."

"Be careful on the road."

"Alas... these children are really worrying, they are going to cause a big disaster." The old man Bai sighed, walked into the dense forest quickly, and hurried towards the direction of Tianmangyu.

(End of this chapter)

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