Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1796 Tang Yan planed the mountain

Chapter 1796 Tang Yan planed the mountain
"What are they doing??"

"It's so leisurely? Digging holes for fun!"

"Come and help, you people who have suffered thousands of knives!!"

Nian Youyu and the others were in a hard fight, and they all looked weird after noticing the situation here.

"Aww!!" The beasts in the mountains rioted, and the ancient beasts fought against the powerful enemies with all their strength. No one came to 'disturb' them, and concentrated their strength to attack the troublesome powerful enemies.

Shui Qilin also noticed the situation here. From a long distance, he could feel Tang Yan's crazy bombardment, as well as the loud noise of the ground breaking, which caused an earthquake, dislocation of the stratum, and cracks all over the high mountains on the ground.

The scene was so vast that it made the entire sky tremble.

She had a faint feeling that something was wrong, but she couldn't concentrate in the chaos, and she couldn't think of the other party's real intentions, so she had to pay attention and resist the bombardment from the blue dragon with all her strength.

Tang Yan's seven were like giant pangolins, advancing at full speed deep in the formation, smashing the tough rock formation in front of them and destroying the underground magma.

The underground rock formation a hundred meters away was smashed to pieces by them.

The forbidden zone and Tianmang domain were originally a whole, but at this moment, they were broken layer by layer, from the ground to the bottom, the body was completely broken, layer by layer was broken, and a large area collapsed.

The strength of the crowd was fierce, and the strength of the semi-holy and holy realms was exerted to the extreme, especially Luo Hu, a war beast, who was bombarded violently with heavy weapons. Split the earth.

They advanced at an astonishing speed, and before Shui Qilin and the others woke up, they pierced through the ten-kilometer central forbidden strata, and stripped away from the complete strata of the Tianmang Region.

Not only was the stratum broken, but a huge crack and deep pit of only [-] meters formed on the ground, and even the spiritual veins of the earth a thousand meters below the ground were blasted away by their martial arts, directly affecting the 'Great Rift Valley', the core of the restricted area.

In short, the edge of the restricted area is dilapidated, and it is most clearly seen from a high altitude.

Du Yang and others rushed out of the ground one after another, shouting in response: "It's done!"

"Help me hold tight." Tang Yan rushed to the core rift valley.

Ke Zunshan followed closely: "You swallow with all your strength, and I will control all changes."

Tang Yan sits cross-legged in the sky, releases the ghost green fire to form a green fire domain, protects himself, and sticks to the territory.

Holding a golden knife, Ke Zunshan stands proudly in the clouds, as firm as a mountain, guarding the depths of the Great Rift Valley.

At this moment, the bloody battle in Tianmang Region is in full swing, except for a few, no one is distracted to pay attention to this place.

Tang Yan adjusted his state, and the spiritual power of the meridians circulated rapidly, keeping the whole body in a tense state of alert, mobilizing the majestic energy to gather in the left eye, and opening the hell world with all his heart.

Woohoo!The ghostly aura overflowed, faster and faster, more and more turbulent, until it enveloped the green fire field and spread in the blood-colored sky. The thick ghostly aura rolled like the sea and was as thick as clouds.

The dark wind howled, ghosts muttered, and innocent souls wept, as if hell had really descended.

There are many abnormal noises, horrifying and frightening.The phantom of the ghost gate reappeared, projected from the hell space into this space, looming in the depths of the ghost, even more eerie, more evil and weird.

"The gates of hell, open." Tang Yan roared loudly.

bang!The bloody ghost gate opened with a bang, and thousands of chains brought countless lonely souls and wild ghosts, rushing out of hell, out of the sea of ​​ghostly clouds, and blasted towards the ten miles of fertile soil in the central restricted area.

Booming and deafening, the chains shattered the ground and penetrated into the ground, entangled the mountains, tore the giant trees, and the chains were sparsely scattered in different areas, evenly distributed.

A gate of hell, thousands of devouring chains, implicating ten miles of fertile soil in the restricted zone.

This scene is clearly displayed between heaven and earth, as if hell is against heaven.

"Swallow!!" Tang Yan roared again, the sound was like a bell.

The ghostly aura at the Gate of Hell was rampant, and the sinister wind whizzed almost madly, bringing endless tearing power to the chains, all tightened immediately, causing the ground and ground in the restricted area to tremble violently.

"Absurd! Ridiculous! Crazy? He still wants to move away from the restricted area?" Yuan Kong, Shui Qilin was very angry.

But the next moment, the dying half-saints in other battlefields were terrified and roared in unison: "He wants to move the restricted area?!"

Booming, the entire Tianmang Domain trembled, thick dust and mist rolled around the edge of the restricted area, countless gravels collapsed, the mountains inside the restricted area trembled, and the underground rock formations in the restricted area rubbed and roared.

The chains shot from the ghost gate forcibly pulled up ten miles of the restricted area, fierce and terrifying, the chains continued to exert force, and the vast land in the restricted area rose layer by layer.

That land stretches for ten kilometers. It is not ordinary land, but forbidden soil that has been repeatedly refined by the energy of heaven and earth for tens of thousands of years. Was violently brought out of the earth.

Tang Yan was roaring and exerting all his strength. The ten kilometers of land was too heavy, heavier than a hundred kilometers of mountains, and it was full of different energies.It seems to drag up a small world, bring heavy pressure to the gate of hell, and even bring severe and sharp pain to the eye sockets.

"No!!" Shui Qilin screamed hysterically, abandoning Ma Yanwang and wanted to rush over, but was easily stopped by Ma Yanwang: "Little lady, your voice is very provocative."

"Heaven, he...he..." The group of beasts wailed, and all the beasts were terrified.The surviving half-sage had a chill all over his body, and stared at the scene of the restricted area in a daze, even Tian Si and the others showed horror.

"Get up!!" Tang Yan kept roaring and exerting force, leading the overall improvement of the restricted area.The rock formations collapsed, and the spiritual veins of the earth were disturbed, causing the spiritual power to spread out of control in the Tianmang domain.

This is the place where the spiritual veins of the Tianmang Region converge, and it can be said to be the source. Countless branches are born and interspersed in the ground of the Tianmang Region.Once it is messed up and cut off at the same time, the Tianmang Domain will not be far from being exhausted.

Because of this, the herd of beasts panicked, and the water kylin trembled.

With the improvement of the restricted area and the loss of control of the spiritual veins, the five monsters transformed by the spirit of the five elements also had obvious effects, their power dropped sharply, and their ability to reshape continued to decline sharply.They seemed to have a premonition of something, and seemed to show their power instinctively. They broke free from the shackles and wanted to come back, but they were dragged back by Tiangang Spirit Ape and others with all their strength.

The water kylin hissed and roared: "Tang Yan!! You are unforgivable!! You are causing trouble for your Beast Mountain! The Tianmang Domain is destroyed, and the holy emperor's anger will definitely fall on Beast Mountain. Can you carry it?!" "Aww!!!" The spirit of the Five Elements roared incessantly, ran wild again and again, triggered an out-of-control energy wave, and fought against powerful enemies such as Tiangang Spirit Ape. The scene and level of the battle reached the level of horror again.

"Who is it? Who awakened my peaceful sleep!"

Suddenly, a majestic call sounded, and it was transmitted from the depths of the Great Rift Valley to the high sky, echoing over the Tianmang Region.As if the sleeping troll was awakened, exuding cold murderous intent and supreme fighting power.

"what is that??"

"Could it be..."

"Holy Emperor!! It's the Holy Emperor!!"

"The Holy Emperor has a clone here? Hahaha, Tianmangyu is saved!"

The demons in Tianmang Domain were erupting and cheering.The horror of the previous moment and the ecstasy of this moment formed a sharp contradictory contrast, which stimulated their emotional fluctuations even more intensely. Many high-level monsters let out a long sigh, almost collapsed.

"Mo Qilin left a clone here? Another accident!! The old guy has deployed so many!!" Tang Yan was secretly startled, but Yi Ran was not afraid, and tried his best to control the ghost gate, tearing the heavy forbidden land out of the Tianmang domain stratum .

Vigorous and vigorous, the dust was like a tide, shaking the world.

"Holy Emperor ink unicorn?" Ke Zunshan clenched the golden knife tightly and creaked it.His sword eyebrows were raised, his fighting spirit was raging, and he concentrated on locking the Great Rift Valley.

In the Great Rift Valley, the divine splendor pours out, like a river pouring into the sky, and the light tide is the gathering of energy, mixing the power of the five elements, and the five elemental forces of thunder, water, earth, wood, fire are surging and boiling.

The light surged endlessly, converging into a phantom of a giant unicorn.

Standing proudly in the sky, overlooking the mountains, overlooking the common people.

The tyranny of power and influence makes the heroes suffocate and frighten, and makes all the beasts howl excitedly.

A large number of ferocious beasts were roaring and screaming: "You bastards of Beast Mountain!! Your time of death has come! Haha!!"

However... just as the mountains were boiling, there was a loud bang, and a golden wave rose into the sky, hitting the ink unicorn, and the five elements of light trembled violently, Shi Potian was also shocked, and the phantom of the ink unicorn was directly blasted smash.

"Different avatars are worthy of presumptuousness. Today you are in Tianmangyu, we are going to decide!!" Ke Zunshan's killing intent soared into the sky, his whole body was shining with golden light, his eyes shot out two golden lights, his majesty was even more domineering, he even held a knife and looked down on Mo Qilin.

"Wow!" The audience lost control, and the mountains howled.

Too exaggerated, too scary.

There is actually someone who confronts the Supreme God of this world head-on, even if it is just a clone, even if it is just an energy body, but after all, the majesty is flourishing, and the influence is like a brand engraved on the hearts of all the lost creatures in the war world.

Who dares?Who dares! !

"Humans!! How dare you challenge me! How courageous!" Mo Qilin was once again gathered by the tide of light and formed by energy, looking down at Ke Zunshan, burning with anger.

The Holy Emperor Mo Qilin is so terrifying, even though it is a clone, but with the help of the five elements in the altar deep in the Great Rift Valley, it is still full of arrogance and has an amazing killing power.

"You are not the mind avatar of Mo Qilin, but an energy avatar, and you will have no fear!" Ke Zunshan's fighting spirit was like a rainbow, and the sword in his hand was shining golden, and he pointed at the avatars of Mo Qilin that were gathering in the sky.

"Haha, arrogant man, courting death." Mo Qilin laughed back in anger, opened his mouth and spewed out a ray of divine brilliance, mixed with the power of the five elements, just like the palm of the emperor of heaven. .

Ke Zunshan shouted loudly, soaring into the sky, brandishing the golden knife, slashing towards the sky, with majestic momentum, as if the turbulent waves hit the shore, the rumbling sound rolled the sky and the earth, and the golden light wave shot out, causing dark clouds to roll, and thunder and lightning pierced through the body. The mystery of disaster.

Mo Qilin played Huangwei, and Ke Zunshan had a disaster.

It's like two gods fighting.

Click! !
The brilliance of the five elements met the golden knife, clanging and deafening, and there was a confrontation, which triggered an energy vortex.

The entire space seemed to freeze, and everyone's hearts were locked tightly.

But at the next moment, the meaning of the disaster surged, and Ke Zunshan went forward indomitably, without breaking the thunder group, blasting the sea of ​​fire, shattering the rock formation, splitting the water curtain, and finally piercing through the tree of the five elements, and crashing into the ink unicorn head-on.

"Slash!!" Ke Zunshan's killing power was astounding, and his whole body was shining golden, like a god of war, and like a scorching sun. In the midst of the roar, he slashed his knife by the bye, carrying the supreme meaning of disaster, due to natural and man-made disasters and other different destructive forces, Hit the sky-shattering knife.

The world is quiet, the heroes are horrified, forget to fight, forget to fight, forget to escape, forget to block, forget everything, and focus on the core of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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