Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1798

Chapter 1798
The "Tianmang Field Blitz" came to an end amidst twists and turns and maddening sadness. The space barrier was finally lifted, and tens of thousands of monsters rushed out of the hiding area and fled in all directions.Nian Wuxin and others, who can control the five major regions in the southeast, central and northwest, also launched an encirclement and suppression immediately, without any extra means, it was completely massacred and exterminated.

When the Holy Realm got angry, it moved mountains to fill the seas, shattered the ground and burned the mountains, which was enough to become a nightmare for all the fleeing monsters.

Even if there is a fish that slips through the net, chocolate can kill it in the first time.

All of a sudden, there were mourners everywhere, screams, and Nian Wuxin waited for a surprise attack and ruthless crushing.

Inside the Tianmang Region, the fierce battle quickly turned into a massacre, and the herds of beasts were harvested in pieces.

Shui Qilin gave up resistance and looked down at the mountains with complicated emotions, but he was powerless and had no stomach to escape.It can't get rid of the entanglement of Yama, let alone escape from this world.

The once proud Tianmang Domain is now destined to become its place of despair.

The final massacre lasted for a whole stick of incense, and everyone joined in the hunt and chase, destroying every mountain, every river, every valley and canyon in Tianmang Region, and there was a tendency to dig three feet into the ground. A fish that slipped through the net.

Tang Yan sat cross-legged in the sky, with dead air gushing out of his left eye, and the evil spirit was like a tide, engulfing the ten-mile mountain clumps in the forbidden area layer by layer, and took it across the gate of hell to enter another world.What is the true deduction of "Swallowing Mountains and Rivers" to everyone.

That day, the restricted area of ​​Mangyu was completely swallowed into the hell world, and the battlefield outside came to an end.

Tang Yan moved it to the northeast of Hell, between the Sea of ​​Fierce and the Rainforest of Life, and next to the territory of ghost monks, where they can control each other when necessary.

"Shui Qilin, do you surrender or commit suicide?"

Ma Yanwang stopped attacking and confronted the water unicorn from the air, but he didn't relax for a moment. The opponent was a real peak demon saint, with too strong strength and strange secret techniques, and he must not let it play tricks under his nose.

"I'll go back to Beast Mountain with you." Shui Qilin calmly accepted the reality.

"Just give up like that?? Do you know that if it falls into our hands, your chances of survival will be very small?" King Ma Yan carefully examined the water unicorn.Throughout the entire battle, the opponent's performance was remarkable, and even in the most critical moment, they did not lose their sense of proportion.

Thousands of years ago, I heard that the water unicorn is the calmest and most terrifying of the five unicorns. Today, I really understand that this calmness is convincing, and the horror lies in her ability.

Losing her is equivalent to breaking Mo Qilin's arm, which should cause Mo Qilin pain for a long time.

"Life and death, you can't decide." Shui Qilin stared at Ma Yanwang coldly.

Demon King's confidant general, Marshal Ghost Dragon, who died in battle for thousands of years, is actually in Beast Mountain?

The depths of this secret are full of other secrets, which are really fascinating.

"Hey, the little lady is very smart. I really can't decide your life or death, but I can decide your situation. Now I give you two choices, half of the bloodletting, or be beaten to death by us?"

Ma Yanwang must make sure that the water unicorn is under control, otherwise it will be a hidden danger to bring it back to Beast Mountain. Once it goes berserk, few people can control it, especially when the war breaks out.

Putting out half of the blood is enough to make the water unicorn weak for a long time, even depleting its numerology, and the blood of the peak demon saint is definitely a great tonic, enough to benefit many monsters.

Nian Wuxin and the others finished the battle and gathered at Ma Yanwang's battlefield one after another, surrounding and guarding Shui Qilin: "Let's go together?! Make sure she returns to Beast Mountain in the weakest posture."

"I don't need you, I will do it myself." Shui Qilin cut open the artery and let the blood flow.

"One-half, just a little more." Ma Yanwang reached out and controlled it, directing the blood to himself.

At this time, the Silver Emperor Falcon rushed over from the west carrying Zhuge Liang, and shouted: "There is a large-scale movement of beasts in the west, and the direction is pointing to the Tianmang domain. Brothers, withdraw?"

"The west is just the beginning. The beast hordes in other directions should arrive soon. We must evacuate immediately." Panting, Xuanyuan Longli reminded the others loudly.

They cleared up the beast horde outside Tianmang Realm long before the action, in order to deal with Tianmang Realm in a 'quiet' manner and avoid leaking secrets.But after acting for so long, the alarmed animal hordes in other places are almost here. Now that the west is here, other directions are also coming soon.

It is not suitable to fight now, nor to kill. No one is sure how many monsters are rushing from the periphery. The monster domain is a world of monsters. If you can't kill them all, you will only get into trouble.

"The last round of cleanup is guaranteed to leave no traces." Ke Zunshan reminded everyone.

"Scatter!!" Tang Yan and the others all rushed towards the mountains, destroying all places, and clearing the traces left by themselves, trying their best to prevent the war from being pointed at Beast Mountain.

While ultimately unavoidable, it is also possible to procrastinate.

Soon after, Tang Yan and others rushed into the void and evacuated safely.The beast horde from the west arrived first, but looking at the endless ruins, they were sluggish and chilled all over their bodies, feeling fear and uneasiness.

The once forbidden land of the demon domain, the sacred fairyland of monsters, is now turned into ruins?

How do they accept the scars of war everywhere?How to face it?

They even imagined the violent scene when the Holy Emperor returned.

who is it? ?Who has the guts to destroy the Holy Emperor's home.

who is it? ?Who has the ability to raze the Tianmang Region to the ground.

There are more and more groups of monsters and beasts, scattered in the mountains and high mountains, overlooking the Tianmang area, but no one dares to approach, some of the beasts turned their heads and evacuated, avoiding the ruins far away, they do not want to suffer from the black unicorn in the near future. The anger of innocent people was affected.

However, there are still some powerful monster leaders who gather to meet, select the fastest strong ones, and report to the northern theater. They don't know if Mo Qilin has already felt it. In short, they will do what they can.

On January [-], drastic changes occurred in the mighty Northern Continent Theater.

Without any prior warning, Mo Qilin, who was boasting to take down the Star Clan, stopped his onslaught on the Star Clan, and ordered the whole army to retreat overnight.Monster beasts are the easiest creatures to execute orders. No one dared to question them, and there was no unnecessary resistance. The troops quickly regrouped and evacuated towards the monster domain at full speed.

No one knows what happened, no one knows if there was fraud.

The Star Clan and the Spirit Clan were on alert, paying close attention, wondering if Mo Qilin had other arrangements.

However, the tide of millions of beasts was heading south at an unprecedented speed. In just one night, all the monsters withdrew from the control area of ​​the Star Clan and moved towards the direction of the Monster Domain at full speed.

This news was delivered at lightning speed, and it shocked all major areas of the Northern Continent battlefield.

All parties tried their best to prove it, and after many investigations, it was finally determined that Mo Qilin...withdrew his troops...January [-]th, late at night.

After the Star Clan and the Spirit Clan confirmed that Mo Qilin had withdrawn their troops, they didn't bother to rest and adjust their breath. The Star Emperor and the Spirit Emperor all sat on the frontier, continued to deter the demon realm, and mobilized a large number of troops and powerful people to help the blood bone restricted area.

Prior to this, the Heavenly Demon Clan had already mobilized a huge force. Nearly 200 million demon soldiers landed on the northern coast, intending to swallow the Bone Clan forbidden area in one go and completely defeat the Bone Clan.

The situation of the Bone Race is on the verge of collapse, and the Bone Race forbidden area may fall at any time.

But... Mo Qilin's sudden withdrawal of troops at such a moment made all parties astonished and doubtful, and even caught the Heavenly Demons by surprise.

Overnight, the Star Clan and the Spirit Clan assembled a total of more than one million troops, advancing from the southeast two directions into the blood-bone restricted zone, ordering elite soldiers to detour to the coastal area to intercept the retreat of the Sky Demon Clan.

The three clans joined forces to destroy the power of the Heavenly Demon Clan.

Northeast waters!

The Yin-Yang clan was shocked to hear the news, and launched the largest surprise attack in the millennium overnight.The Yin-Yang Renhuang personally guided the battlefield, commanded a huge army of millions, and almost dispatched all his nests, launching a continuous fierce attack on the abyss of the North Sea where the Tianmo clan was located.The Yin-Yang Renhuang personally restrained the Heavenly Demon Emperor and prevented him from sending troops to rescue the 200 million demon soldiers who landed on the northern coast.

January tenth!noon!

Suddenly, the war drums sounded in the Eastern War Zone of the Demon Spirit Clan, and the army of 60 demon spirits advanced at full speed, detoured around the northern coastal border, and rushed towards the army of the Demon Spirit Clan.

Surprises burst out one after another, horns roared over the North Continent, and the four major clans rushed to help the blood-bone restricted area, and the crumbling bones of the clan that had been immersed in despair finally got hope.

Regardless of his seriously injured body, Xu Ye proudly went into battle, motivating the remnants of the Bone Race to launch a counterattack.

A series of chain reactions broke out in just two days.

No one understands the 'causes', but the 'consequences' are inspiring.

The Bone Clan, Star Clan, Spirit Clan, Yin-Yang Clan, and Yaoling Clan, the five ancient clans have united across centuries, all targeting the Heavenly Demon Clan, and they are likely to swallow the 200 million Heavenly Demon Clan army alive.

In the abyss of the North Sea, the Heavenly Demon Emperor was furious, but he couldn't escape the counterattack of the Yin-Yang Renhuang.What's more, the Yin-Yang tribe came fiercely and surrounded the abyss of the North Sea to strictly prevent any troops from withdrawing.

In order to swallow the blood bone restricted area, the Heavenly Demon Emperor mobilized nearly half of the power of the Heavenly Demon Clan, but now...all of them are trapped in the blood bone restricted area, trapped in the northern coastal area.

Once destroyed, the consequences will be disastrous.

On January [-]th, Wen news from the Blood Demon Clan was frightened and furious, and they mobilized more and stronger demon soldiers to continuously attack the Demon Spirit Clan troops, aiming to shine on the battlefield of the Sky Demon Clan.

They knew best that once the Heavenly Demons were defeated and severely injured, the Yin-Yang clan that had been dormant in the Northeast Sea all year round would definitely continue to attack until the Heavenly Demons were completely trapped in the North Sea, or declined or destroyed.

In this way, the entire northern continent will be oppressed by the blood demons alone from the major human races.

The earth-shattering change, so sudden.

The situation of the demons took a sudden turn for the worse.

On January 300th, the Tianmo troops desperately broke free from the shackles of the Bone Race, escaped from the Bleeding Bone Forbidden Zone, and fled to the northern coastal area.However, as many as [-] million troops of the Spirit, Star, and Demon Spirits also gathered here.The remnants of the Bone Race mobilized more than [-] people to advance, forming a large encirclement.

The fierce battle broke out overnight.

The four ancient clans teamed up, not only far surpassing the Sky Demon Clan in terms of numbers, but also having an overwhelming advantage in the number of peak powerhouses. The result of this battle is almost a certainty.

However... just at the moment when the Sky Demons were in an unprecedented predicament, on January [-]th, shocking news came out from the Demon Realm—the Tianmang Realm, Mo Qilin's lair, was razed to the ground by mysterious forces, and its restricted area, the Great Rift Valley, was completely removed. .The homeland that had been painstakingly managed for tens of thousands of years was destroyed, and there was not even a single spiritual herb left.

(End of this chapter)

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