Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1803 Secret

Chapter 1803 Secret
"What clues happened?" Ma Yanwang and others hurried over after getting the news.

The demon realm is in chaos, and Mo Qilin is furiously mobilizing the Eastern Continent. He may find clues at any time and send troops to attack Beast Mountain. At this critical juncture, all deployments of Beast Mountain need the help of Chocolate's space.This is their secret weapon, able to win by surprise at critical moments, and is valued by Ma Yanwang and Ke Zunshan.

How could it be lost for no reason? ?

Completely broke their deployment.

The faces of Ke Zunshan, Ma Yanwang and others were very gloomy.

"The chocolate was robbed." Tang Yan handed the bark to Ma Yanwang and the others, and briefly introduced the current situation and the hidden danger that Xuanyuan Longli suddenly raised.

"There are holy space warriors in Tianmang Region? Impossible!" Ke Zunshan categorically denied: "Based on the situation at that time, if there were space warriors in Tianmang Region, they would definitely be able to stop our offensive. and the spirit of the five elements."

"What if the space fighters weren't in the Tianmang Domain at the time?" Tiangang Spirit Ape questioned.

"It's even more impossible! Since Chocolate felt uneasy from the very beginning, it means that he chased all the way from the void. He must have been in the Tianmang Domain at that time and saw the whole process. Or he was in the distance at that time, and then hurriedly rushed It's here, but in short, he has caught Chocolate now, which shows that he knows that the Tianmangyu incident was caused by Beast Mountain.

In this case, there is no need for him to grab the chocolate directly. He has already thrown the ink unicorn over, and the entire demon realm has launched an offensive many days ago. "

"what do you mean???"

"If it's true that the space fighters caught the chocolate and didn't harm us, it must be the work of a third-party mysterious force. The words left on the tree bark are not provocations, but more comforting. The word 'punishment' represents their situation. The identity of the adjudicator looks at the problem. Mo Qilin has not moved for a long time, which shows that the third-party forces have not notified Mo Qilin, but are using their own methods to punish the mistakes made by Beast Mountain."

General Ke Zunshan's sonorous words suppressed the anxious atmosphere heavily.

"There is some truth to what you said." Everyone secretly admired his deduction ability, and slowly calmed down their minds, at least no longer nervous and anxious.

"Is it really the work of space fighters? Is there really a holy realm empty weapon in the lost war world?" Tang Yan looked at King Ma Yan. The disappearance of chocolate is not only related to the deployment of the next war, but also stimulates his emotions.

Among the many brothers and sisters, apart from Du Yang and Xu Yan, Chocolate was the first brother to follow him. The two fought and fought, rogue and mischievous, but their relationship was getting deeper and deeper, and he must not let it be unclear. got caught.

Ma Yanwang was silent, his brows were tightly furrowed, it seemed to be suspicious, but also worried.

Tigris shook his head slowly, pondering while thinking: "There should be no empty weapons in the Lost Battle Realm. It is said that when the human race monsters invaded the Lost Battle Realm, a large number of space fighters settled in and played a very important role. It provided a non-negligible auxiliary force, and was also hit hard by the demons.

But later, the human race agreed to destroy all the space passages and cut off the passage back to Qitian Continent, resulting in the tragic sacrifice of the Kongwu group, buried in the whirlpool, and some lost to the void abyss with the collapse of the space vortex, almost dead. .

After that incident, little was heard from Kongwu.The Human Race and the Monster Race agreed that they must never have empty military offerings, in order to show peaceful coexistence. "

"Oh?" Everyone understood, no wonder there are very few empty weapons in the Lost Battle Realm. It turned out that they all died when the passage was sealed.

"Boss, what are you thinking?" Nian Wuqing asked Ma Yanwang.

"It is true that there are very few space fighters in the Lost Battle Realm, and it is strictly forbidden to use them in battles between the ancient golden clans. This is a tacit understanding and a rule. I asked a few times when I was still in the Yaoling clan, but I have never heard of it." People explain it, and after careful investigation, there is only one answer-the emperor's decision.

But judging from your statements today, it seems that space fighters have not completely disappeared, but have always existed, but rarely participate in external disputes.

This time the chocolate was taken away, and the two words 'punishment' were clearly written.

Since the mysterious forces they formed have never participated in external disputes, how could they only deal with us this time?Isn't this pregnant with their rules? ?Unreasonable!

Furthermore, since it was a punishment, why not arrest other people and only focus on chocolate?Also leave a message specifically marked 'safe and sound'? ?

Taken together, I will give an inference.

There really might be an organization of space fighters in the Lost War Realm. They never interfere with external affairs, they are detached from the outside world, and independent from the human race and monster race.The reason why we intervened this time is that we unintentionally violated a mysterious treaty that was left behind in the war world. The core of this treaty lies in space warriors.

So they took the chocolate, or maybe it would be better to take it away.

They took the chocolate to punish the chocolate, not us.

If the assumption is true, we don't have to worry about the safety of the chocolate, and we can rest assured that the mysterious forces will not inform the ink unicorn.But what we need to worry about is that the mysterious forces may really imprison chocolate for a hundred years, and we will be very passive in the next war. "

Xuanyuan Longli said: "My nephew retorts that if such an organization really exists, Mo Qilin must know about it! After searching for so many days, Mo Qilin should have questioned the reason why the Tianmang Domain was breached, thought of the space formation, and then thought of Space warrior is such a concept.

And after that?He will question this mysterious organization.

I don't know the strength of this mysterious organization, but as the number one demon emperor on land, Mo Qilin will never be easy to deal with.Chocolate fell into their hands, will they be forced to hand over to Mo Qilin?Once handed over, Chocolate will surely die, and our Beast Mountain will be completely exposed. "

After a period of depressing silence, Du Yang suddenly spoke out with fierce words: "The top priority is to find Chocolate!! We don't care what organization he is in. Our people don't have their turn to punish and sanction them. They can be superior, but they can't dominate our Beast Mountain. Behavior. They can claim to be the top management, but we are not his subjects, and it is not his turn to convict."

Tang Yan's eyes flickered, and his face was gloomy: "The battlefield in the Tianmang Realm is huge, and the scope of influence is limited after all. Mysterious forces are not gods, and it is impossible to predict them in advance. Even space fighters, it is impossible to arrive in time across half of the Lost Battle Realm." .”

Nalantu interjected: "They can feel the scene of the war, and they can catch up with the chocolate when we evacuate. The organization of the mysterious force is definitely in the Demon Realm, and it's not even too far away from the Tianmang Realm."

Zhao Zimo re-interfaced: "Considering the speed of warriors in the holy space, the linear distance can be calculated within the time limit of about one stick of incense for the whole action. Taking the Tianmang domain as the base point and the linear distance as the radius, the circled area The circle is where the mysterious forces are located."

Matthews then said: "Since the mysterious forces are space fighters, their organization may be hidden in the void, or there may be some kind of secret realm, but they are human beings after all, and they cannot lurk all year round. As long as they search closely, they will definitely be able to find clues. Find out where they are."

Niya said: "It may be a hidden area, or it may be a public place; it may be inaccessible, or it may maintain a unique reputation. Think carefully, is there such a place in Yaoyu?"

Tang Yan frowned: "Yaoyu, Forest Village!"

The eyes of Nalantu and other old brothers were like lightning, their thoughts were flying like flying, a series of sonorous and exciting words, a series of successive inferences, made everyone look strange and even secretly shocked.

This group of guys were so excited when they got excited.

"Lin Zhongcun? Where is it?" Everyone was surprised.

Tang Yan said: "Linzhong Village is hundreds of kilometers away from Tianmang Domain, but at the speed of space sages, it should be within their range of perception and movement.

It is a mysterious organization that accepts any human beings and monsters who are active in the demon realm for refuge. Once they enter there, no fights are allowed. It is said that the collateral princes of the ancient clan were chased and killed for making trouble inside. "

Ma Yanwang and Tigris said in unison: "Have you been to Linzhong Village?"

"Should you be familiar with it?" Tang Yan asked back.

Ma Yanwang and Tigris looked at each other, and both saw doubts in each other's eyes: "Lin Zhongcun is a special existence, but I have never heard of Kongwu."

Nangong Prison said: "There should be no Kongwu. When I was young, I went to the Demon Realm to practice. I have been stationed in Linzhong Village more than once, but I have never heard of Kongwu."

The third fire said: "I've heard of the forest village in Yaoyu, but I haven't been there. It is said that the people living there are all old people who are indifferent to fame and wealth, and they have lived for a long time."

Nangong Prison continued: "The human race and the monster realm jointly attacked the Lost War Realm, which once brought countless ethnic groups and lone rangers. Later, as the war continued and various conspiracies and tricks spread, many races declined in the war, and many strong men Disappointed and retired. Some declining ethnic groups gradually disappeared, and some old people in the declining ethnic groups chose to retreat with one or two blood descendants.

These reclusive human races and monsters created their own organization called Lin Zhongcun. They are detached from the outside world and do not interfere in any battles. They only provide a little shelter for the human race and do what they can. "

King Ma Yan nodded: "That's right!! Linzhong Village is a settlement for old people from the declining ancient tribes and old demons. The human and monster tribes are grateful for their contributions and sympathize with their current situation of decline. They jointly agreed to acquiesce in Linzhong Village. The existence of them also recognized the rules and regulations they made themselves."

"Basically, Linzhong Village can be dispatched. It is impossible for us not to know about such a big event." Nian Wuxin also seconded. It is said to be the settlement of Kongwu.

Tang Yan said: "No, I have to go to the Demon Realm, and even Linzhong Village!!"

"Now?? The demon realm is in chaos, especially the territory of Mo Qilin."

Tang Yan calmed down, got upright, and said seriously: "I'm not going to cause trouble, let alone provoke Mo Qilin. I'm visiting Lin Zhongcun to find clues to mysterious forces. Don't worry, I've lived for so many years, and I've experienced many storms and waves. , have a sense of proportion.

One day I'm not sure about the safety of chocolate, one day I'm not at ease.

Looking at it now, Mo Qilin has not found Beast Mountain for the time being, and we still have some free time.I have entered the demon domain, and I can keep an eye on Mo Qilin's movements at any time. Once I find that Mo Qilin is going south, I will return immediately.

Also, if Mo Qilin really attacks Beast Mountain, maybe I can follow behind and find an opportunity to cooperate with you both inside and outside. "

Everyone looked at each other and accepted Tang Yan's opinion: "Who is going with you?"

"We old brothers, that's enough." Tang Yan himself is a saint, Ren Tianzhu and Xu Yan are also saints, and Du Yang and others are even more extraordinary. Even if there is an accident, the formation that has not been used for a long time should be able to play a role.He was just looking for someone, so as not to mobilize the crowd, the defense of Beast Mountain was the key.

The dragon-eating loach rolled in the sky and quickly turned into a man in black: "I will accompany you there. I was hunted down back then. I once took refuge in Linzhong Village, so I know something about it."

(End of this chapter)

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