Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1807

Chapter 1807
Tang Yan and Shilong Loach went back on the road, temporarily forgetting about Xiahou Cha's situation, and rushed to Linzhong Village.

The more you move in, the number of monsters gradually increases, and their strength becomes stronger. Various rare groups emerge in endlessly, and there are all kinds of beasts and birds.

The abnormal activity of the beast herd brought heavy pressure to the rainforest. Once all kinds of beasts and spirit birds encountered, they would either fight fiercely or fight for supremacy.They crushed the mountains, destroyed the ancient trees, and hit the mountains. As far as the eye could see, there was chaos and chaos.

Tang Yan and Dragon-eating Loach were moving towards Linzhong Village, and they were obviously gradually departing from the direction of Tianmang Domain, but the number of monsters was still increasing, until it reached the level of full coverage of the sky and the ground.

"So many monsters?? Mo Qilin is monitoring Linzhong Village?"

"It should be like this. More than [-] monsters surrounded Linzhong Village. It is impossible for them to gather spontaneously."

"It's impossible for Mo Qilin to surround Linzhong Village for no reason. It seems... our guess is correct. There must be Kongwu in Linzhong Village. Mo Qilin is not only monitoring Linzhong Village, but may also be interrogating Linzhong Village."

"There really is Kongwu in the forest village! It seems that it has more secrets than I expected."

Tang Yan and the dragon-eating loach were separated by several kilometers of mountains, overlooking the village surrounded by herds of beasts.

The dragon-eating loach felt the tide of beasts in the mountains: "It's strange, there are no demon saints, only a few semi-sacred auras, and the level of beast tides is generally not high. This is pure surveillance."

Tang Yan thought for a while: "Mo Qilin should have come here in advance and reached an agreement with Lin Zhongcun. There is no need for strong people to sit here, as long as the situation in Lin Zhongcun is monitored."

"Find a way to get in, the chocolate might be inside."

"There is Lingzhi, and the rainforest is his battlefield." Tang Yan invited Lingzhi out of the hell space.

"There are a lot of sentient spirit beasts." Lingzhi observed the scene, and the sight was filled with dense swarms of beasts, dazzling and frightening.But as a half-human, half-spirit existence, he can clearly perceive the strange energy that fills the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, which is the special energy and smell emanating from monster-like beasts.

In the Qitian Continent back then, he often fought bravely with perceptual monsters and tempered his stealth ability, but the number of perceptual monsters was extremely rare, and they were all rare beasts. He did not expect to encounter so many of them today.

"They are used to monitor the elderly in the forest village. Can you avoid it?"

"It should be possible, but it will take some time."

"Be careful, you not only have to avoid the beast hordes, but also be careful of the barriers in Linzhong Village. Since there are empty weapons inside, it is inevitable that there are special restrictions in the void space. Don't rush in. If you find something wrong, you can try it a little bit. You just need to alert Lin Zhongcun. The people in Zhongcun, unless they have hatred in their hearts, they will not harm us."

Tang Yan listened to a lot of introductions along the way. The old people inside are indifferent to fame and wealth, and have long since given up their murderous intentions. Unless you violate their rules, they are all peaceful towards others.

Lingzhi wrapped Tang Yan and Shilongloach with branches, sank into the ground where the old roots were intertwined, and moved forward quietly along the underground rhizomes, breaking through the ground and deepening continuously.

In order to avoid those strange spirit beasts as much as possible, Lingzhi dived to a great depth, tried her best to avoid the feeling of being damp, and approached the direction of Lin Zhongcun.

Linzhong Village was as peaceful and peaceful as ever, and the old people continued to be busy with their own lives, growing vegetables, brewing wine, repairing houses, managing accounts, and cooking, and ignored the hordes of beasts everywhere outside.

The temporary travelers in the forest village are also busy with their own affairs, either sleeping, practicing, or tasting wine. Except for occasionally standing at the window and looking at the mountains, they don't pay attention to the oppressive feeling they bring.

Like a pinning needle stuck in the abyss, despite the turbulent tide, it remained motionless.

The only difference is that Granny Ma, who sat at the entrance of the village weaving bamboo baskets all the year round, is gone.

Under the old locust tree in the village.

The white old man was sitting alone, the tea in front of him had already turned cold, and the spirit bird on the tree was also quiet. He sat here for a long, long time, rubbing his forehead lightly, secretly saddened.

Mo Qilin mobilized more than [-] beasts to surround Linzhong Village. He was so unscrupulous and arrogant. He didn't pay attention to Linzhong Village at all. This kind of undisguised surveillance annoyed the old people in the village.

Fortunately, everything was bearable, no one fought back, and continued to live with an attitude of ignorance.

The old man Bai didn't care what Mo Qilin did. What he cared about was that Granny Ma had been away for seven full days, but there was no news. The time was far longer than he expected.

Things have come to such a point that more and more forces are paying attention to Lin Zhongcun.

Lin Zhongcun has been peaceful for tens of thousands of years, detached from the outside world, and looked at the world's complicated wars with a cold eye, but this time... Lin Zhongcun was once again pushed into the public eye, and some dusty memories will also be awakened.

If this step is not taken well, it will be difficult for Linzhong Village to maintain stability, and it may step into the quagmire of war created by the ink unicorn. drowned in endless war.

At this point, he couldn't blame anyone.

This is fate, it is God's will.

Karma free retribution.

When many old people in Linzhong Village intend to abandon the human race and monster race, they are ruthlessly dragged into the quagmire of war by reality. If they make a wrong step, they will never turn back.

The old man Bai felt dejected, worried about whether Granny Ma was safe, and even more worried about how he would explain himself once the master returned.What kind of opinion should I give?
Now Mo Qilin has put up a battle to drag Lin Zhongcun into the water.It must have suspected that Lin Zhongcun was involved in the Tianmangyu incident, and blamed Lin Zhongcun for its losses. It would not let Lin Zhongcun pay some price and pull off a layer of skin, so it would not let it go.

But... Can Lin Zhongcun really confess to Beast Mountain?

This battle will still be fought in the end, but with Lin Zhongcun leading the fire, the meaning of the incident has completely changed. If any catastrophe really happens in the future, Lin Zhongcun will become the target of public criticism, and the reputation accumulated over tens of thousands of years will be destroyed in one go.

If Lin Zhongcun is sneaked into this storm, he will have to go to war. Once the war starts, the eternal death pit in Xihai is destined to change drastically. Rubbing his forehead, his head was in a mess.

The master doesn't return all year round, and Linzhong Village is basically managed by himself and Granny Ma. He cannot escape the blame for such a big mess.

"Old man." A voice suddenly came from behind.

"Are you back?" The old man stood up suddenly, and Granny Ma was standing at the gate of the courtyard: "Just you? Where's the master??"

"Something happened!!" Granny Ma's face was extremely solemn, and her old forehead was covered with wrinkles.

"What's going on?" The old man walked up quickly.

"The master is not in the central restricted area, nor is he in the Succubus. I followed the traces for a long time and found a clue, and then..." Granny Ma whispered in the old man's ear.

The white old man's face changed suddenly, and he yelled sharply: "What?? Jiuying is he crazy?"

"It's not just crazy, he's going to completely mess up the entire Lost Battle Realm!! The blood bone restricted area incident, the Pangu tribe incident, and the Tianmang domain incident, the three incidents are fermenting, and the aftermath is still unfinished. Now Jiuying is going to make a big fuss in the void , getting entangled back and forth, this entire Lost Battle Realm must be blown up." Granny Ma turned and walked forward quickly, saying: "Gather the team and set off immediately."

"Master has already passed??" The old man followed closely.

Granny Ma's face was extremely serious, and she was no longer as kind and gentle as before: "The master and the Sunny beast are all there. I just arrived, and the master directly ordered Lin Zhongcun to rush to help at full speed. Be sure to block all of Jiuying before he loses control." The back road, when necessary, completely seal Jiuying in the void space."

"You bastard! Back then, the master predicted that Jiuying would wake up unexpectedly. It must not be an accident. His repeated actions have a more purpose. What about this time? For what?"

"I don't know for now."

"The matter is of great importance, do you want to notify the emperors of all races?"

"It's too late!! The emperors of all races are busy with their own affairs now, and it is impossible to take care of us. Even if we do go, they will help?? I don't think so!!"

"damn it!!"

"The master is already angry. The Nine Infants went berserk and severely injured the Suni Beast, which caused space turbulence. The matter is out of control. The master urgently needs our reinforcements. Hurry up and call everyone immediately."

The old man Bai didn't hesitate anymore, he moved quickly, and knocked on all the old people's villages in Linzhong Village.

There are the owner of the tavern, the old woman with the vegetable garden, the caretaker of the hotel, the mysterious old man who retreats in some huts, and the dusty guards in the forest village.

The hasty knock on the door and the stern urging sound alarmed all the old people.

They were at a loss to understand the situation, but they had never seen the old man in such an anxious and gloomy manner.Everyone walked out of the house one after another and moved towards the stone house in the center of the village. There was a lot of discussion on the road, but they were all at a loss.

Not long after, hundreds of old people gathered in the stone house and noticed the serious faces of the two village managers, Granny Ma and Old Man Bai. Everyone kept silent, and no one made any noise.

Granny Ma sighed: "Everyone is here? I'm sorry for waking up everyone. The situation is urgent. Let's make a long story short. Linzhong Village has enjoyed peace for thousands of years and has given you protection and tranquility. It's time for you to make some contributions."

"What's wrong with Granny Ma? Linzhong Village is our home, why should we separate you from him?"

"What happened? We all still remember the rules of the village, what we should do, what we must do. Even if we lose our heads, we will try our best to do our best."

"We are all so old, what else is there to be afraid of?"

"Tell me what happened."

Everyone expressed their opinions again and again, the bloodiness in the old body has never faded.

Granny Ma and the old man Bai looked at each other, and their voices were serious: "There has been a drastic change in the Northeast Sea, and Jiuying has gone crazy. He wants to drag the entire Youye Forest out of the void! Chaos left the battlefield!"

"What??" The expressions of all the old people changed in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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