Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1824 Hole Cards

Chapter 1824 Hole Cards
Tang Yan looked at him quietly, but said nothing.

"What, was it broken?? Huh!!" The Human Sovereign snorted heavily, and the brilliance of the black coffin flowed, and a terrible imperial power surged out, calming the clouds and vibrating the sky, making all races afraid.

Tang Yan was silent for a while: "Do you have any other questions? I can answer them together!"

"Solve this problem first, I will only give you this one chance."

"You may have some opinions on me and regard my behavior as provocation, I understand. I can also understand your concerns. If it falls into the hands of others, these questions cannot be answered satisfactorily, but in my case, it is not not difficult.

We are short on time, so please allow me to make an introduction.

The current Lost War Realm is at the critical point of riots. Before the incident in Youye Forest, there were actually four other major incidents.

One, the Bone Emperor is dead, and the Bone Race is in decline, barely guarding the northern coastal area to fight against the Demon Race.

Two, I captured the eldest prince of the Pangu tribe, but no one knew that I did it.The Pangu clan was furious, but was used by Yaoyu to wipe out millions of elite soldiers of the Pangu clan, and the hatred between the two sides is escalating.

Third, based on this incident, Yaoyu set off a war covering the three major continents in the southeast, north, south, and north, involving the three tribes of humans, monsters and demons. The hatred between Yaoyu, the Star Clan and the Spirit Clan reached a new level.

Once given the chance, the two ancient clans will definitely deal a fatal blow to Yaoyu.

Four, I took over the lair of Mo Qilin, the Holy Emperor of the Demon Realm, but no one knew about it.Now Mo Qilin is investigating, causing continuous turmoil in the demon realm, and triggering the preparations for war by the major human races. "

After Tang Yan finished speaking without haste, the atmosphere in the sky immediately changed.

The Emperor of the Black Coffin fell into silence for a long time. Even with the barrier of the black coffin, one could still imagine the way he looked at Tang Yan and the judgment he gave—the war madman.

It was true that he had some resistance to Tang Yan before, and any emperor-level powerhouse would regard it as a provocation when faced with doubts, and he was no exception. root string.

Back then, he...was also in the world with cholera...he survived the era of great destruction and rose up in that era of cholera.

Capture the eldest prince of the Pangu clan alive?

Take the Holy Emperor's lair?

He suddenly thought of himself back then, and unconsciously, the resistance in his heart became a little weaker.

Tang Yan continued: "The current chaotic situation in the leftover world, once detonated, will affect the interests of all parties and trigger various wars. At that time, it will be chaotic. Your existence may be an acute problem, but other sources The problems are equally sharp, and when several equally sharp problems fall into the same chaotic whirlpool, no one can predict what will happen.

I do not deny that things may turn out to be extremely bad for us, but it is also possible for us to fish in troubled waters and make a fortune.

I believe that with the combination of you and my uncle, the chances of the former will be reduced to very small. "

"It's small!! But it's possible!!"

Tang Yan smiled: "Hearing this sentence from a human emperor, I feel... Isn't it too ridiculous? How can there be 100% absoluteness in major events in the world, especially wars?

You should have fought many wars and taken many risks when you reached the stage of Human Emperor.You should be very clear that any war is gambling in nature, and any victory has an element of chance.

A battle of absolute victory is simply impossible to exist.As long as the odds are high, it's worth going all out, you say, right? "

The emperor in the black coffin was silent again. After a long silence, he found that he really didn't seem to be so resistant to this kid. Although it was only a brief exchange, with his eyesight and experience, he can be sure that this kid has a wild nature in his bones. , with him... right appetite... but right appetite, Tang Yan's answer still didn't satisfy him.

"Don't rush to judge, I haven't finished my words yet. The reason why I am confident that the incident will not be too bad and that I can keep you is because I am sure that within half a year... you will be restored to your full glory! !"

"Hahaha!!" Human Sovereign laughed suddenly, inexplicably, but actually mocking.

This wild laughter came very suddenly, causing all the teams in the celestial tombs below to look up at the sky, not knowing what the two of them were talking about and how far they were talking.

But listen carefully, whether it is the wolf kings, the captives in the black coffin, or Xuanyuan Longli and others, they can taste that this wild laughter is definitely not a joy.

"The atmosphere is not right, will it be messed up?" Zhao Zimo muttered.

"Wait a minute, Tang Yan's soft-spoken skills are stronger than his strength." Xuanyuan Longli really has to admire Tang Yan's advantage. His smooth-talking skills used to be tricky and willful, and playful nonsense. Turning to negotiation skills and strategic judgment, people have to admire this growth and transformation.

Niya and the others waited patiently, they... believed in Tang Yan! !Believe as always!
"You may not believe it, but..." Tang Yan stretched out his hand to cover his left eye. In just a moment, a multicolored light appeared between his fingers. The light was extremely sharp and violent. A palpitating energy.

hum! !Invisible ripples exploded high in the sky, sweeping across the vast sky, making the endless clouds undulate.

Um? ?The laughter and banter of the Black Coffin Emperor stopped abruptly.

Tang Yan clenched his fists tightly, holding the spirit.But he couldn't restrain the trembling caused by that force, and couldn't suppress the shooting of light, as if a force wanted to break through the restraint and blow his fist to pieces.

This essence... comes from the imperial source of Mo Qilin! !
Tang Yan took out a little energy from the hell space, which was less than one ten-thousandth of its original source.He is not afraid of attracting Mo Qilin's attention, after all, this is a small world wrapped in the void space, separated from the Lost World by two worlds.

"This is……"

"It comes from a piece of Huangyuan, and this is only a small part of it. Would you like to taste it first?" Tang Yan didn't mention the origin of Huangyuan. He held the essence and slowly pressed it towards the black coffin.

A force rushed out of the black coffin, forcibly stripped the essence, without any escape, it was completely absorbed into the black coffin, and was swallowed by the emperor.

A stream of energy is like the body, like the rain after a long drought, infiltrating the human emperor's body with incomparable comfort.

For tens of thousands of years, the continuous dedication almost exhausted him, and today he finally got the gift.

Human Sovereign froze there, savoring the refreshment and enjoying the beauty inside.

It's a pity that there is too little, too little, and the meaning is still unfinished.

Tang Yan waited patiently for a long time: "How do you feel?"

"I want to kill you." Human Sovereign's eyes towards Tang Yan finally changed, really changed.A clear killing intent also emerged, killing Tang Yan, snatching the source of the emperor, and returning to the top.

It's a pity, I can only think about it, since Tang Yan dares to give it to himself, he is not afraid of causing trouble, because the person outside is watching! !

The previous blow made him clearly feel that the strength of Tang Yan's uncle was definitely far superior to his own.

"Now, do you believe my words?? I can bring you back to the top in the shortest possible time, and fill in a guarantee for us to gain benefits in the chaos. When the two real emperors sit in charge, we will stand in the Invincible, and the use of various means, is enough to vortex in this war."

"You are too naive, so what about the two emperors, Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by the forest wind, this is the most basic truth. Our alliance will only provoke continuous counterattacks, and the lost war world will not allow one side There are two emperors in power.

Even if we can use this chaos to win, what about the future?In the future, when the various races have resolved the chaos, they will concentrate their efforts on attacking us, and they will not be able to escape that catastrophe after all. "

Human Sovereign is Human Sovereign after all, he is far-sighted, sees far, and sees clearly.

"Youye Forest landed in the Forgotten Battle Realm, and the various secrets hidden in it are definitely enough for the Forgotten Battle Realm to be chaotic for a long time, causing various conflicts. According to my inference, it will last at least decades, or even hundreds of years. At that time, we will not be two emperors, but... three..."

Tang Yan spread out his right hand, a green flame bloomed, and a spirit body awakened.

"This is……"

"The ancient sky fire, the ghost green fire. I, the inheritor of the green fire, have been promoted for 40 years." Tang Yan is not showing off himself, but showing himself to give the emperor a sense of faith.

"Ghost blue fire?? Fire of calamity??" Human Sovereign had obviously heard of ghost blue fire.

"That's right! That's it!" Tang Yan supported Huo Ling'er, Huo Ling'er's big eyes blinked, and she looked curiously at the dark coffin in front of her. Mouth shrugged.

(End of this chapter)

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