Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1826

Chapter 1826
"Father, why don't you come forward and talk to the big wolf kings?" Liu Li accompanied Thunder Wolf King Yin, softly making up his mind.

"Tell me carefully first, why did you go to the Lost Battle Realm?" If the Thunder Wolf King had known that Tang Yan had abducted his precious daughter to the Lost Battle Realm so early, he would not have allowed Liuli to follow him anyway. Tang Yan left.

He is very clear about what the Lost Battle Realm is, compared to Qitian Continent, it is simply the world and hell.

"Now is the time to talk about this?! We don't have much time, let's take down the big wolf kings first." Liuli knows the value of the wolf clan best. Any wolf king who nods will bring millions of wolves to settle in Beast Mountain. It is enough to double the overall strength of Beast Mountain, and greatly make up for the shortcoming of the lack of strength in the middle and lower classes.

With Tang Yan's ability, he can take down the strong in the celestial tomb group, but he is completely helpless against the wolves.Because the wolves are extremely xenophobic, highly vigilant, and not threatened, not afraid of challenges, not tempted, looking at the food chain in the world, the law of wolf nature is definitely one of the supreme laws of race survival.

Tang Yan couldn't ask blindly, that would be counterproductive and cause fierce conflicts among the wolves.But if Thunder Wolf King came forward, the situation might be quite different.

"Have you forgotten the enmity between the Thunder Wolf Clan and the Four Great Wolf Clans?? If I came forward, they would not consider it an invitation of equality, but would just take it as my show off." The Thunder Wolf King knew the four wolf kings best. disposition.

He used to be equal, and even the four wolf clans joined forces to suppress the Thunder Wolf clan, and suddenly he had to rely on himself and go to Beast Mountain?It is impossible to think about it.Going by yourself will only irritate the four wolf kings even more.

"But you still want to try, right?"

"Because of your relationship, it is logical that the Leiwolves belong to Beast Mountain. It is more like a family transferred to another family. But what about other wolf tribes?? Even if they promise to receive various protection and preferential treatment, they will feel inferior to Lei in the end. The level of the wolf clan. They have fought with me for thousands of years, would they be willing to be crushed by me?? They would rather die in battle!!"

Liuli lowered her head, thought for a while, and said, "Beast Mountain is located in the southeast of the Lost Battle Realm, in the middle of the Gonggu Mountain Range. The Gonggu Mountain Range is huge, at least a hundred times larger than the Youye Forest. The areas ruled by the major overlords are pure rainforests and are not easily threatened, so you can invite the major wolf clans into it."

Thunder Wolf King didn't answer, but looked at Liuli quietly, still majestic and cold and arrogant, but his green eyes were slightly weird.

"What are you looking at?!" Liuli shot back.

"When I let Tang Yan go, there was an agreement."

"Why, you still want to draw his blood? Those three bowls back then weren't enough for you?"

"His blood has indeed improved my strength a lot, but that's not what I mean." Thunder Wolf King glanced at Tang Yan in the distance. In order to respect, he kept taking out some things and pressing them into the black coffin, every time it always caused the black coffin to loom.

Not surprisingly, Tang Yan should be sending energy to them, using the energy liquid introduced by Liuli——Lingyuan liquid.

"I'm talking about business with you!!" Liuli was dissatisfied with Thunder Wolf King's inexplicable change of subject.

"I'm also talking about business with you." Thunder Wolf King suddenly looked at Liuli very formally, and said seriously and seriously: "Ask you a question, answer me seriously."

"What's up??"

"Did Tang Yan bred with you?"

"You..." Liuli wished she could draw all six tails up.

"No?? Still not successful??" Thunder Wolf King frowned. It was related to the continuation of his Thunder Wolf clan. Of course, he had to treat it with caution: "Don't be discouraged, try a few more times! Tang Yan has already been promoted, you It’s a semi-saint again, your strength is too strong, it is very difficult to give birth to offspring, but the more you drag on, the more difficult it is to give birth. From my experience, this kind of thing requires perseverance and perseverance.”

"..." Liuli stared at Thunder Wolf King, unable to hold back a word for a long time.

Thunder Wolf King touched his chin and thought deeply: "According to Tang Yan's situation, he has dragon veins and a fire body. Your offspring will be very unique. I have already thought about the name, holy fire dragon wolf, how about it? Or sky fire Thunder Dragon Wolf! Loud enough!"

"If you don't shut up, I'm leaving now!!" Liuli panted angrily.

Thunder Wolf King frowned: "What's your attitude? Continuation of the race is the Millennium Plan of the Thunder Wolf Clan. As Princess Thunder Wolf, you should shoulder this glorious and arduous task. When I go to Beast Mountain in the future, I will take Put more energy into supervising this work, no matter what, let you successfully conceive."

"I'm sick!!" Liuli turned around and left.

"Hello? Where are you going?" Thunder Wolf King was very dissatisfied with Liuli's attitude, and he didn't understand why she got angry, and why this child became more and more ignorant! !But after a while, he raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking of something vaguely.

Could it be that Liuli has fallen in love with Tang Yan?

In the world of the wolf clan, the wolf nature lasts forever, and "survival" and "prosperity" are the most powerful energies flowing in the blood. This fundamentally affects the various concepts of the wolf clan, which are far away from the human world.As a result, the so-called gestation of offspring is also the survival of the fittest, and the fusion of strong and strong will give birth to strong offspring.

emotion?love?It basically doesn't exist in the wolf world.

Thunder Wolf King has a domineering temperament, bloodthirsty and warlike, brave and powerful, and he has never possessed such things. Whether he conceived Liuli with a female wolf, or arranged for Liuli to breed Tang Yan, it is a normal survival like hunting.

But Liuli's resistance today gave him other thoughts. Could it be that this is an emotional problem in the human world?
Liuli did not live in the independent world of wolves, but grew up with Tang Yan, a human being, and would inevitably be influenced by it.

Thunder Wolf King thought about it, and finally understood, but he could think about it again.No, now that you have feelings, the breeding is more logical, why is there no movement? ?Could it be that the problem was with Tang Yan.

Based on human aesthetics, Liuli should be considered stunning, and Tang Yan is a young and vigorous man, how could he remain indifferent?Could it be... Tang Yan has some flaws? ? ?
Thunder Wolf King secretly made a judgment, and nodded thoughtfully: "I have to check it out for him."

Du Yang saw Liuli approaching angrily, and couldn't help whistling: "What did your father tell you, that you annoyed our girl?"

"Do you really want to hear it??"

"If you don't mind... I really want to gossip." Du Yang winked.

"He has taken a fancy to your blood, and is going to find a she-wolf to let you keep a seed. Be careful in the future, and don't get into his trap in a daze."

"Hiss!! Is it true??" Du Yang stared, this joke can't be played casually.

"Let's make up the picture of that moment." Zhao Zimo joked with a half-smile.

"Pay attention, you gentlemen, the father has taken a fancy to you, and plans to use you to expand the ethnic group branch in the future."

Everyone's faces turned bright immediately. At this moment, Thunder Wolf King cast his strange eyes here, intending to observe Liuli, but it happened that all the eyes of the others turned around, and he involuntarily glanced at them one by one.

I'll be good! !Du Yang and the others gasped. Seriously?Does this look look wrong?
Liu Li solemnly reminded: "The Thunder Wolf Clan is very different from other monster clans. They can transform into human forms when they reach the semi-holy realm. Currently, the Thunder Wolf Clan has two female wolves leading them, both of them are in the semi-saint realm. Everyone, please be blessed! Bar."

"Du Yang is the most suitable!!" Zhao Zimo and other four brothers said in unison, and retreated neatly.

"Contempt!! I'm still young, my body is delicate, and I can't stand the cruelty of those thousands of years of old wolves. Old horse, Zimo, you two are the most suitable, wild and resistant to tossing."

Matthews and Zhao Zimo rolled their eyes at the same time, and said in unison: "Jiumei is very tolerant."

Long Li groaned in pain: "Big brothers, figure out the enemy!!"

Nalantu smiled awkwardly, and backed away again: "You fight, you grab, my little physique won't mess around."

Liuli was in a better mood, and added: "Whether it fits or not depends on the wolf clan's aesthetic concept."

"Then according to your point of view... who will be selected?" Du Yang was in a state of anxiety. The Thunder Wolf King had long been aware of his domineering power. , Thinking of this made my whole body tremble.

"You can be strong on the outside, but you can't do it."

"Phew! That's good, that's good! Hey?? What do you mean!! Someone did it! What do you mean it can't be done?!"

"Huh?? You seem to be very urgent, how about I help you match up?"

"Elder Sister!! Forgive me!!"

Liuli couldn't help smiling, and then said, "Zimo, get ready, the father likes you."

"What?!" Zhao Zimo almost jumped up.

Xu Yan and Niya shook their heads and were speechless. Looking at the weird eyes and expressions of Du Yang and others, they couldn't help but want to laugh. These shrewd guys were actually bluffed by Liuli.

"What happened? What happened??" Xu Yan asked Liuli in a low voice.

She, Tang Yan, and Du Yang all walked along with Liuli, and they have the deepest relationship.

"It's nothing." Liuli couldn't open her mouth, and her teeth itch with hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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