Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1840 The battle is still raging

Chapter 1840 The battle is still raging (2)

Year eight, January 26th!morning!

The chaotic battlefield of wolves gradually broke away from the central border of the Demon Realm in their massive raids. Millions of wolves ravaged across the border, crushed the rainforest and broke the river, and rushed into the southern border of the Demon Realm with deafening roars.

With tenacious perseverance, the speed has never weakened, and the blood has never faded.

The wolves are running wildly, not forgetting to fight back violently.

Rebirth and glory wash away their fatigue, and their blood and pride arouse their fighting spirit.

The continuous howling of wolves defends the dignity.

The tragic degree of the entire battlefield is constantly escalating, and the number of casualties is increasing.

The astonishing adaptability of the wolves has been perfectly demonstrated. The cruel battlefield tempered their blood, and the chaotic scene contributed to the blooming of their blood. The cruelty and chaos of this long-distance raid.

Casualties continued, but the wolves no longer panicked.

The Tianmang Region's troops gathered more and more, but they gradually couldn't keep up with the pace of the wolves.

Year eight, January 26th!At dawn!

The distance between the wolves and the horde of beasts in the Tianmang Domain finally opened up a little. The chaotic momentum was reduced and slowed down, the chaotic lineup was gradually integrated, and the speed of the wolves in front continued to soar.

However, the 180 million beast hordes from Tianpengling and Donghuangyue caught up with the scuffle team at this time, and rushed towards the Thunderwolf and Giant Wolf teams from the left and right directions, like two rounds of heavy hammers, viciously The slammed into the torrent, stirring up a bloodbath and a fierce battle.

The four great demon saints directly rushed into the depths of the wolves, rolled up a storm of destruction, destroyed the wolves, shouted wantonly, and destroyed the wolves in groups, and the cruel scene of the fierce battle escalated violently.

Thunder Wolf King Wu Niangniang and others fought bloody battles, but they struggled to control the audience.

The movement speed of the wolf clan team dropped sharply, and the Tianmangyu troops who were chasing after them rushed forward again and joined the battle circle.

The wolf army that had just become more regular and orderly fell into chaos again, more irritable than before.

The blood wolves face the giant wolves, and the night wolves pounce on the thunder wolves.

The Thunderwolves fight against the Night Wolf King, and the Giant Wolf King fights against the Blood Wolf King.

Wolf to wolf!
A battle of fate is a battle of glory!

Millions of wolves are fighting wildly, the bloody scene is shocking, and the shocking vision touches the soul even more. Looking around, they are all evil wolves. They bite ruthlessly and kill wildly. The body and dancing claws jointly interpret the ferocity of the wolf.

The hundreds of thousands of beast hordes in Tianpeng Ridge and Donghuang Mountain also gave the wolf clan a new impact and new devastation.

So far, the three forces of Tianmang, Donghuangyue, Tianpengling, and Yaoyu have formed a confluence, with a total of more than three million, quickly approaching the overall number of the two wolf clan troops.

This is more than three million versus four million, not thirty versus forty, three hundred versus four hundred, the battlefield stretches for more than ten kilometers, and it is full of chaos, large and small.Once any small group of wolves break away from the main force, they will be surrounded by powerful enemies and fall into the swamp of melee. They will either break out of the siege or be brutally suppressed.

battlefield!Battle circle!war zone!battlefield!
From small to large, from point to area, chaos within chaos, battlefield mixed with war zone.The confluence and encirclement of the three forces seriously hindered the advancing speed of the wolf clan, and brought new challenges to the thunder wolf clan and giant wolf clan.

Year eight, January 28th!noon!

The fierce battle and surprise attack lasted for two days and one night again. The Thunder Wolf Clan, the Giant Wolf King and the Three Emperors continued to move forward in the entanglement and fight, but the difficulties never stopped.At this point, the pioneering pathfinding troops of the Thunderwolves finally approached the southern edge of the demon domain, and they were less than a hundred kilometers away from completely breaking out of the demon domain.

"Roar!" The high-pitched roar of the Thunder Wolf Clan vanguard continued, echoing in the depths of the chaotic and deep rainforest, and passed on to the rapidly approaching torrent of war.

The unique signal, the unique howling, conveyed the message of hope, and spread it to all the wolves tens of miles away, inspiring the Leiwolves and the giant wolves.

Hold on!Hold on! !

Soon we will rush out of the rainforest, and the next step is to officially set foot on the territory of Southeast Beast Mountain!

I persisted for four days and three nights back and forth, hope is in sight! !
Unprecedented bloody escape, unprecedented epic battlefield.

The cross-century alliance between the Thunder Wolf Clan and the Giant Wolf Clan!
A true test of life and death.

For the first time in their lives, the wolves came into contact with so many types of monsters and experienced such a complicated attack of beasts. They rushed for four days and four nights, and rushed out of the mountains, rivers and rainforests of hundreds of thousands of miles. Almost every step was soaked in blood, and every step left Crowds of corpses fell down, and every step was taken with their strength and passion, every step was mixed with life and death struggle and persistence... every step... was a bloody and glorious defense.

The wolf clan is unyielding, and the wolf nature is immortal.

For this reason...they paid a heavy and painful price. It is impossible to estimate the exact number, but they can clearly feel the sharp decrease in the number and size of the wolf pack. The young wolves suffered the heaviest loss. .

According to incomplete statistics, the wolf clan may have lost more than one million clans!
Millions of ethnic groups, what a tragic number.

Thunder Wolf King, Ju Wolf King, Grandma Ji, and Ju Qing, the four holy wolves were all bathed in blood and fire, completely released themselves, and endured painful trauma. All the strong men of Wu Niangniang were entangled and blocked, and black coffins appeared cracks, and the lining itself was also battered.

Both Hou She and Qianlihu had no time to control the battlefield. They were caught in the chaos of war and couldn't take care of themselves. They couldn't take care of other directions, let alone look at the mountains and fields.

"Aww! Aww!!"

The Thunderwolf vanguard roared hurriedly. They stepped on high mountains, entrenched on cliffs, and shouted loudly towards the four fields, as if the world declared the pride of the wolf clan, and even guided the increasingly chaotic wolf pack to move in this direction.

However... "Hoohoo!!" The leader of one of the vanguard Thunderwolf troops is Thunderwolf King's guard 'Hung'. He suddenly noticed something strange in the rainforest ahead. roar.

The other hundreds of thunder wolves were all facing forward.

The vast rainforest, the endless green sea, the undulating mountains, the emerald green treetops are connected to the ocean, the scenery is beautiful and majestic, the vision is vast and boundless, it is refreshing and open-minded.'s too quiet... There is no roaring of monsters, no movement of beasts, no dancing of spirit birds, the fertile fields ahead have the scenery that the rainforest should have, but there is no sign of life activity, no beasts that should appear prey.

'Hung' stepped back slowly, his eyes flickered, he sensitively captured the crisis, a crisis that was suppressed to the point of suffocation.The wolves under his command also smelled the danger, they retreated slowly, the hairs all over their bodies were raised, and the black electricity ran wildly.


Lei Langxiong suddenly let out a sharp wolf howl, which became even more anxious. It echoed from the top of the cliff to the rainforest and spread to other rocky mountains, alarming other vanguard troops.

It is a warning, but also a signal of crisis.

The other pioneer Thunderwolves were vigilant one after another, overlooking the mountains and the distant mountains, and soon discovered the abnormality.

Thirty miles away, the rainforest is lush and complex, and the endless green sea is as high as a hundred feet, covering the sky, forming a vast but closed area, stretching for more than a hundred miles, almost extending to the southern edge of the demon domain.

In the depths of the dark, wet and cold rainforest, four terrifying auras are restraining and waiting with all their strength. The terrifying auras are pervading and spreading to all parts of the rainforest, intensifying the depression of the atmosphere.

This place is not only dark, but also silent. The originally vibrant rain forest is as strange as a dead place.

Until Lei Langxiong let out a sharp roar, until the howling of wolves echoed in the mountains.

In the depths of the four energies, all four pairs of eyes were opened. They were icy cold, fierce, ferocious, and fiery. The four different gazes were cast thirty miles away across the dark and dense rainforest.

"Here we come." A deep and hoarse voice echoed in the dark rainforest, many ancient trees slowly squirmed, thick branches stretched out, and fierce beasts and birds appeared one after another.

The trees in the rain forest stretched in stretches, stretching for dozens of kilometers, revealing groups of beasts and birds, and showing their terrifying aura.

The number...nearly a million... "Aww!!" Lei Langxiong suddenly burst into a rage and galloped towards the rear battlefield at a high speed. The rest of the wolves and more than a dozen wolves were all frightened and furious, retreating at full speed, sharp and impatient The roar echoed in the woodland, and passed to the battlefield of wolves running wild dozens of miles away.

Crash!The rainforest for dozens of miles is windless and automatic, dancing as a whole, and all the silent ancient trees are 'blooming'.

In the next moment, the roar became a tide, the cries shocked the sky, thousands of raptors flapped their wings and hit the sky, endless beasts raged wildly, and the chaotic energy, messy light tide and evil breath flooded the rainforest in just a few moments.

Looking at the endless rainforest, the beast horde has become the focus of the world, they... there are a million people... booming, chaos is escalating, energy is gushing, dark clouds are gathering, strong winds are howling, and the sky is shaking.

Lei Qilin, Wooden Qilin, Fire Qilin, Earth Qilin, the four peak Qilins of the Tianmang Domain are all present, and there are nine tyrannical demon saints behind them, and more than [-] strongest elite beast herds, which can be called the strongest in the Tianmang Domain gather.

As early as three days ago, after receiving the report, all the Tianmang domains were dispatched, and the old nest had long been destroyed. There was no need to worry about the gains and losses of the headquarters. They received an urgent order, so that they all attacked. In the constant transmission of information, they detoured a longer distance , an ambush phalanx was set up on the southern edge of the demon domain, fully covered by Mu Qilin.

Millions of beasts gathered this morning, so far...have been waiting for a long time...just waiting for this moment to come...

(End of this chapter)

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