Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1847 Steel Torrent

Chapter 1847 Steel Torrent
In the eighth year of the Era, January [-]th!morning!
The vanguard troops assembled by themselves in the southeast arrived at the battlefield, responded to Beast Mountain's call, and rushed towards the boundless chaotic battlefield.

They are only tens of thousands of years old, come from different organizations, and have not experienced group training, but they are all elite powerhouses, and there are two saints of Hanjuegu as their leaders. The forced insertion of this force is bound to arouse the weak storm.

And... since the early morning, troops from various districts in the southeast have arrived one after another, ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands, but the momentum of their arrival and the chanting of reinforcement slogans still brought great shock to Tang Yan and others. shock.

Everyone in Beast Mountain didn't expect many forces to come to reinforce them. Ke Zunshan's original purpose at most was to use them to show some oppression, but he didn't expect... From early morning to early morning, there were 50 million troops arriving, and there were even continuous attacks. increasing trend.

Beast Mountain was greatly encouraged up and down, and the massive offensive of the coalition forces inspired the new blood and fighting spirit of Beast Mountain Wave.

Tianmangyu was under pressure again, Mu Qilin ordered to retreat for the second time, and Huo Qilin also sternly refused for the second time.

war! !continue! !
In the eighth year of the Era, January [-]th!early morning!
Beast Mountain and the Pangu Clan gradually took control of the situation, tenaciously resisting the Tianmang Region's offensive.

The 80 Pangu troops have been guarding the northern border all year round. They have unique tactics and battle formations against the demon realm. Driven by anger and revenge, they have exploded with extremely strong combat effectiveness. battlefield.

Mu Qilin and Tu Qilin ordered sternly one after another, and Lei Qilin finally made the decision to withdraw.

The current situation is becoming more and more unfavorable. Since there is no hope of swallowing Beast Mountain completely, there is no need to continue entanglement.

The three unicorns joined forces to make a decision, which finally affected the audience.

Huo Qilin had no choice but to give up his persistence, obey the decision, and ordered to retreat.He's not stupid, he clearly sensed that the situation was getting out of control, but he really couldn't give up his desire for Skyfire.

In the eighth year of the Era, January [-]th!Dawn breaks!
With the joint order of the four unicorns, the tactics of the Tianmangyu troops were fully adjusted, leaving the battlefield one after another, forming an assault phalanx.The scene seemed chaotic, but with full of wildness, they still gradually broke away from the entanglement of the beast mountain and wolf tide.

However, the 50 troops of Beast Mountain finally arrived at the battlefield at the dawn of dawn after a day and night of extremely fast galloping. With high-pitched shouts, they marched as a whole and rumbled into the battlefield, facing Tianmang. The beast tide in the domain started to intercept.

The Tianmangyu troops were full of wildness and fighting spirit. Although they retreated, they were not panicked or afraid of challenges, showing the strong qualities of a top-level overlord force.

At the same time, there are constantly new waves of beasts bursting out from the monster rainforest to reinforce the battlefield.Although the number is small, it still has a good interference effect.

In the eighth year of the Era, January [-]th!morning!
The deepest part of the demon realm, where the night forest descends.

Tianpengling, Donghuangyue, and the two major wolf packs launched an attack on the wolf royal family stationed in Tianmang Region. As many as 600 million troops poured into Youye Forest and surrounded them from all directions. The momentum was huge and the battle was fierce. Suppress the wolf royal family.

Prior to this, the avatars of the three Great Human Sovereigns had already left the Youye Forest. They got the information they wanted and made their own due decisions.They even noticed the joint move of Tianpengling and Donghuangyue, as well as the massive attack wave, but no one interfered, you want to fight, you can fight as you like, it is best for both sides to suffer, and it is better for the wolf royal family to perish!
Facing the sudden attack of destruction, Yao Yueye angrily reprimanded the two wolf kings for breaking the clan rules, but the two wolf kings ignored them at all. The howling wolves kept yelling orders, directing the wave to storm the territory of the wolf royal family.

Millions of wolf packs of the wolf royal family fought in anger. With the help of geographical advantages in their territory, tens of thousands of years of fortifications, and the special destruction formation of the sky tomb group, they forcibly defeated the strong attack of the two top forces.

The wolf's nature is immortal, and the wolf's power is unyielding.

The wolf royal family never retreats or flees, displaying supreme majesty.

In the eighth year of the Era, January [-]th!noon!
Beast Mountain, Wolves, Pangu Northern Border Army, and Southeast Allied Forces, a total of four major armies, successfully completed the encirclement against the Tianmang Region troops, and firmly blocked the Tianmang Region's assault attack.

There are also some exhausted wolves who joined the battlefield regardless of opposition. They have been in a mess for several days. They don't want to miss the great opportunity for revenge. They would rather die in battle than drag a few backs.

At this moment of chaos and crisis, 180 million Pangu troops finally arrived on the battlefield.

With a three-meter-high body, a majestic physique, and terrifying heavy weapons, against the background of 180 million bases, it showed a terrifying majesty that made the mountains and rivers horrified.

The earth trembled, and the wilderness wailed.

The troop of giants trampled on the ground, stirred up the dust and mist, and roiled the ground. Everyone speeded up and raised their knives. The terrifying coercion was like a huge wave, and they rushed towards the vast battlefield more than ten kilometers away, bringing beasts to the mountain. The new encouragement brought desperate groans to Tianmangyu.

The Pangu Clan is here, for real!These giants are out for revenge! !
The faces of the four unicorns were ugly, and the offensive surged with all their strength, and they hurriedly ordered the beast hordes in the Tianmang domain to speed up their assault.

Ke Zunshan left the battlefield for a short time, and was assisted by chocolate to reach the sky above the Pangu troops. He met for a short time and concluded tactics, and then returned to the battlefield to continue to face Qilin.

More than one million troops of the Pangu tribe advanced rapidly, bypassing the vast battlefield, and straddling the southern line of the Demon Realm, forming two defensive formations, the first to defend the Demon Realm from increasing troops, and the second to defend against the return of the Tianmang Realm troops.

The Pangu clan's defense force is the strongest among the human race, and the united front formed is even more terrifying.

They are like the Great Wall of Steel and the Qingtian Mountains. Once the formation is completed, it will be difficult to break through even the torrent of thunder.

Of course, Lei Qilin and the others were aware of the Pangu clan's defensive strength. The first time they noticed their intentions, they hurriedly ordered to evacuate quickly, and temporarily gathered heavy war beasts such as strong bulls, giant elephants, and apes, preparing for a fatal collision when necessary.

In the eighth year of the Era, January [-]th!It's three quarters in the afternoon!
The defense line of the Pangu clan was officially completed, and 180 million troops were straddling the vast wasteland. They straddled ferocious beasts, held shields, raised swords, and shouted revenge orders, trying their best to prevent the retreat of the Tianmangyu troops.

The Allied Forces of Beast Mountain surged in momentum, and tried their best to entangle the beast horde in Tianmang Region, counterattacking the chaotic troops, and preventing Tianmang Region from retreating.

In the eighth year of the Era, January [-]th!afternoon! !

The Pangu Clan and the Beast Mountain once again formed a huge encirclement circle, trapping the beast hordes in the Tianmang Region.

This time, surrounded by the Great Wall of Steel, Tianmangyu finally fell into the 'quake of war'.

After that, Beast Mountain hurriedly ordered the wolf clan to form a sharp force to advance forcefully, cutting the chaotic troops in the Tianmang Region into more than ten areas, and then the Pangu clan took the opportunity to advance and set up a defensive line near the cutting line to divide the troops in the Tianmang Region Go to different areas, break through one by one, and kill one by one.

So far, more than [-] million troops in Tianmang Region have been completely trapped in the wasteland.

They are only [-] kilometers away from the Demon Realm, but the short distance of [-] kilometers has become a distance that they cannot touch and a gap that cannot be bridged.The four unicorns fought bloody battles, and the strong men of all tribes struggled to the death, but the allied forces of the Pangu clan in Beast Mountain fought more and more fiercely, and the encirclement became tighter and tighter.

Tianmangyu fell into a passive state, and the Beast Mountain Allied Forces launched a fierce offensive.

One ebbs and another, the end of the war is coming.

In the eighth year of the Era, January [-]th!evening! !

A new batch of southeastern allied forces arrived, with a total of [-] people, with varying strengths, but it was the largest lineup assembled so far in the southeast.

All the forces in the Pangu Clan's control area spontaneously summoned 30 coalition troops. They also arrived at the battlefield at this moment and joined the wave of melee, intending to reinforce the Pangu Clan and Beast Mountain, and reinforce this unprecedented alliance.

It is definitely the long-cherished wish of the Southern Continent to be able to seriously injure the number one overlord of the Demon Realm. The weaker the Demon Realm is, the greater the number and depth of Southern Continent forces rushing into the Demon Realm, and the greater the benefits and resources obtained, so... …they don’t pass up opportunities.

At this point, the reversal moment has officially arrived! !

There was no sign of hesitation in Tianmangyu, and they rushed frantically, trying to break free from the encirclement.

In the eighth year of the Era, January [-]th!Into the night! !

Jiuying fought and retreated, stopped and left, and withdrew from the demon domain without haste.

The battlefield of the four emperors carried the power of destruction, crushing mountains and rivers, descending on the wilderness, and next to the chaotic battlefield.

In the eighth year of the Era, February [-]st!
At a special moment when the chaos in the demon realm is stirring up all directions, and various information is transmitted sequentially, when the eyes of the entire Forgotten War Realm are all focused on the demon realm and the chaotic battlefield, the supreme overlord of the Northern Continent, the Star Clan, beat the war drums first, assembled Millions of troops went south to the demon realm, broke through the border defense line, drove straight in, and advanced in a plundering manner.

At the same time, the frontier guards of the Spirit Tribe received orders from the Spirit Emperor to lead nearly a million troops to the south and advance to the battlefield of the Demon Realm; the southeastern frontier of the Demon Spirit Clan called for mobilization, and millions of troops assembled and marched into the Demon Realm in the evening.

The three ancient clans moved together, the war drums roared, the horns sounded, and the war situation changed drastically.

The already boiling eastern battlefield has risen to a new level!

Almost all the forces of the three tribes of humans, monsters and demons have put down their tasks, and the overlords of the land and sea regions have suspended their retreat. All eyes are on the three continents of the northeast and the south, focusing on this peerless war.

In fact, so far, the forces of all parties have not fully figured out the cause of the incident, and the many exaggerated intelligence reports have not affected their attention to this war.

This is not only a disaster in the demon realm, but also a counterattack and revenge of the human race. The most important thing is that it formally symbolizes the rise of the Southeast Beast Mountain.

The scenes of this battle are worthy of attention, the forces involved are worthy of attention, and the many meanings contained in it are even more worthy of attention. This battle is destined to be recorded in history forever.

(End of this chapter)

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