Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 189 Punishment

Chapter 189 Punishment
In just 5 minutes, after climbing three hills in a row, Tang Yan finally approached the crisis battlefield where Tang Ying was. reduce.

When Tang Yan rushed to the battlefield, he happened to witness a scene that made his eyes tear apart!
Tang Gan and the others were dispersed again, scattered in twos and threes in various directions, and were in a bitter fight with each other. Unfortunately, Li Shouze and Tang Ying were trapped together, only them in the Martial Spirit Realm were in a panic. He became ruthless and slammed into Li Shouze from the side. The inexperienced Li Shouze lost his balance on the spot, and the two soldiers on the left and right rushed up with grinning grinning.

"Don't!" Li Shouze fell to the ground on his back. In his haste, he didn't think of fighting back, but stomped on Tang Ying's calf who was struggling to fight back.

Tang Ying cried out in surprise, fell down in embarrassment, and threw herself at Li Shouze who was beneath her.

"I'm sorry!" Li Shouze's other foot happened to kick out and hit Tang Ying's abdomen directly. He planned to use her body as a shield to resist the impact of the two soldiers, while he seized the opportunity to kill the two soldiers so as to break through the encirclement. Make peace with others.

Tang Ying's whole body was cold, and deep despair flashed in her eyes.

Tang Gan was just ten meters away, but this scene happened so suddenly and so quickly that he was so preoccupied that he didn't notice it at all.

Stab it!

In the instant of life and death, golden thunder and lightning appeared in the air, and a figure appeared precisely between each other, holding two steel knives with their bodies.

Tang Ying, who was stomped up, just landed in the arms of the visitor.

clang clang!The steel knife seemed to be slashed on the steel, and sparks burst out. The two guns were caught off guard, and they were rebounded abruptly.

The black girl flashed at the same time, with a roar like a lion's roar or a tiger's roar, her petite body swelled rapidly, and a violent black lightning rain enveloped the two bodies.

ah!The shrill screams resounded across the battlefield, but they stopped abruptly. The black lightning was like thousands of silver needles, piercing their bodies full of holes, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

"Tang Yan? Why are you still alive?" Li Shouze was slightly stunned, looking at the sudden appearance in disbelief.

"Brother?" Tang Ying was still in shock, her dilated pupils fixed on the somewhat familiar face in front of her.

"I'm alive, but you're going to die!" Tang Yan's face was icy, without any hesitation, he punched violently, and the wind howled, smashing Li Shouze's head with a bang.

The whole process ended in just two seconds, which aroused everyone's vigilance. The chaotic battlefield was still for a while, but before they could see what was going on, Tang Yan had already rushed into the dense forest with Tang Ying on his shoulders, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. Niu Tiao grabbed Li Shouze's body and chased after him.

"Shou Ze!" Li Shoujian hissed and almost passed out.

"You bastard, bring Tang Ying back!" Tang Qian shuddered and chased after him like crazy, but he was so angry that he knelt down on the ground, coughing blood.

"Assemble!" Dong Leiming and the others didn't care who captured who, seized the opportunity to break through the encirclement, and gathered tightly together to breathe hard.

"Haha? Look at what I found." With a clear and bright laugh, the captain of the Falcon Squad leaped forward and landed heavily in the center of the battlefield. His ruthless eyes swept across the audience, and a cruel look appeared on the corner of his mouth. Arc: "The Royal Guard of Delos"

Whoosh whoosh!Figures shot across the forest, the Falcon Squad surrounded them from all directions, and the sound of sharp swords being unsheathed followed one after another.

Did Tang Yan lure them here on purpose?

What does he want to do?Watch the two teams fight each other and take advantage of the opportunity?
They were a little hesitant just now, but they still rushed over. Such an opportunity is too difficult. If they can destroy this group of Delos imperial guards, it will definitely be a worthy credit!
The Royal Guards of Delos quickly assembled, temporarily abandoning Dong Leiming and others, and fully guarded against the enemy troops that suddenly rushed out: "The Thunder Eagle Army of the Great Zhou? It's really a narrow road to enemies!"

"Dross Royal Guard, they are so famous that they are not as good as meeting each other. They are really capable of attacking a group of children!" Captain Falcon retorted coldly.

"I was just doing warm-up exercises just now, and the game is just starting now, Falcon? Don't let us down!" The captain of the Delos Imperial Guard was full of fighting spirit, and the soldiers under his command also turned from surprise to excitement.

Without any more nonsense, with a sharp roar, the two elite troops collided fiercely, and the most direct and tragic melee broke out.

Dong Leiming and the others moved towards the corner vigilantly. They waited until the two troops were in complete melee and had no spare energy to take care of them before turning around and rushing towards the dense forest.

"Tang Gan, where are you going?" Dong Leiming suddenly stopped Tang Gan.

Tang Gan rushed forward sullenly, but the direction in front of him happened to be the direction in which the person who robbed Tang Ying earlier evacuated. He obviously wanted to save people.

"Where are you going? Where are you going? As the captain, you are going to sit idly by and ignore the disappearance of your team members?" Tang Qian was covered in wounds, and his bloody appearance was extremely frightening.

"We understand your feelings, but do you think our current situation is suitable for catching up? Personally, I suggest that we should reconcile with the elders as soon as possible!" Yang Ruyan's words were very direct, and got the approval of others. Li Shoujian hesitated, but in the end They didn't persist, after all, they were all seriously injured, and they were not suitable for continuing to fight.

Tang Gan looked at each other coldly: "If it were your family members who were lost, would you just sit back and watch?"

Yang Ruyan insisted: "Now is not the time to be impulsive. If you insist on saving people, we admire you, but you will definitely not accompany you."

"What about you? Li Shoujian! That man killed your brother!"

Li Shoujian avoided Tang Qian's gaze, and said indifferently, "The man is already dead, so what if he catches up? Revenge? Look at us now, okay!"

"What about you?" Tang Qian looked around and fixed on Dong Leiming.

"Tang Gan, you'd better calm down. The Tang family can lose Tang Ying, but they can't live without you. We really want to help, but we really can't do anything. We'd better make peace with the elders first, and then make a long-term plan."

"Let's go!" Yang Ruyan ignored him and left in the opposite direction first. The rest of them all chased after him without any pity or hesitation.

Tang Gan's eyes changed erratically, looking at the direction in which Tang Ying disappeared, he struggled a little and took a few steps, but finally he gritted his teeth and gave up.

In fact, Tang Yan didn't stay away. He just stood in the bushes not far away, taking into account the performance of Yang Ruyan and others. When Tang Qian insisted on rescuing Tang Ying, the hatred that had been suppressed for a long time in his heart eased slightly. But in the end it turned into disappointment again.

Up to now, he has completely lost confidence in these new generations of Giant Elephant City.

Tang Yan gently stroked the messy hair on Tang Ying's forehead. The little girl had already fallen into a coma due to excessive consumption, but it was good, so as not to see their ugly faces.

"Girl, help me take care of her, I'll be back soon."

Tang Yan left again, wanting to teach this group of guys who don't understand human kindness a lesson.

"Everyone insists on reuniting, and we will be able to reconcile with the elders soon."

"Are you sure you're heading in this direction?"

"Trust me, speed up, go fast!"

"I can't do it anymore, who can carry me for a while?"

"We're already safe, why don't we take a break?"

"Take a break, I can't hold on anymore!"

Plop!A young master from the Li family finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground. The rest of the people stopped one after another, bending over and panting heavily. They were exhausted and couldn't run anymore.

Dong Leiming frowned, wanting to encourage everyone, but seeing them covered in blood, he really couldn't hold on any longer: "Rest in place for three quarters of an hour, remember, it's only three quarters of an hour."

Everyone knew that the mountains were dangerous, and they had to reconcile with their elders as soon as possible, so no one clasped their hands together, and concentrated on absorbing the thin energy between the heaven and the earth, refining it into spiritual power to relieve fatigue.

"Hey? Young master, I'm lucky today!" A strange grin suddenly came from the bushes in front.

"Who is it, get out!" Dong Leiming was alerted immediately, mobilizing his only spiritual power to be on alert. Li Shoujian and others got up one after another, staring nervously at the blood-smeared bushes.

"Young people, you should be polite when you go out, especially when you treat your elders." A hunchbacked old man walked out slowly, his back slightly arched like a hunchback, and his dirt-covered face couldn't be seen clearly. The grim smile made everyone nervous.

This ugly appearance, and acting alone, could it be some evil cultivator who sneaked into the Leiyun Mountains recently?

Before entering the Leiyun Mountains, the elders have repeatedly reminded that the millions of military souls here have attracted a large number of evil cultivators who practice evil martial arts. On it, try not to provoke.

Thinking of this, everyone's face turned slightly pale, the room was leaking and it was raining all night, how could they meet such an evil warrior?
"Senior, I didn't intend to offend just now, please forgive me." Dong Leiming never looked at other people's faces, but now he had to lower his posture. The word 'evil cultivator' is enough to arouse their deepest fears, especially in their weakest moments.

"Well, I just want two things, give them to me, and I'll leave right away."

"Senior, please tell us, we will do our best."

The evil smile on the corner of the old man's mouth gradually deepened: "One man, one woman!"

(End of this chapter)

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