Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1922 Era Destroying the Emperor

Chapter 1922 Era Destroying the Emperor
Outside the Nantian Gate, the atmosphere was tense. Hundreds of thousands of guards were standing on the top of the city, glaring at Tang Yan. Tang Xiong and other generals were on full alert, surging energy and stimulating blood, and might explode at any time.

"Marshal Anhua, did you see it? Did you hear it? This person... should be killed!!" Tang Xiao stepped back slowly, keeping a distance from Tang Yan to avoid accidental injury.

Tang Yan was expressionless and treated indifferently: "I've said these words many times, and I'm tired of saying them, and I don't bother to say them after the last time today. I, I'm here, I'm here, you want Kill or cut, it's up to you."

"What do you want to do?" Tang Anhua was a little anxious, why did he suddenly lose control?
I was calm all the way, and I gradually felt relieved. I was satisfied with Tang Yan's calmness and stability. Why did he suddenly have a seizure when he arrived at Nantianmen?Could it be that they are trying to suppress it all the way.

What's the meaning of the previous sentence 'committed a felony, how to deal with it'?Could it be that Tang Yan is going to put all his eggs in one basket?But it doesn't have to be this way.

"Marshal Anhua, you may not be able to keep him! Such thieves should be punished and killed!" Elder Tang Xiao's smile gradually subsided, and at the same time he gestured to the three guards of the Nantian Gate.

The three of them understood, and immediately stood in front of Tang Anhua, preventing her from throwing that strange knife to the thief.Without the weapon, the threat of this person will be greatly weakened, so he can deal with it.

Tang Yan was neither in a hurry nor in a panic: "I would like to ask, how should I deal with my current crime?"

"How else to deal with it? Little thief, kill!" Elder Tang Xiao sneered: "Do you really think that you can be lawless after becoming a martial artist? Open your eyes and see clearly, in front of you is the emperor's territory!"

"It seems that I haven't offended enough." Tang Yan shook his head and smiled.

"What? This crime is enough to kill you!"

What I want is not as simple as death, what I want is severe punishment, Tang Yan murmured silently in his heart, and turned to Tang Anhua: "Marshal Anhua, thank you for your company, thank you for your trust, but I have reached the first line, I have my own I have my own way, and I hope you will not interfere in any way."

After speaking, Tang Yan took a deep breath and bowed deeply to Tang Anhua.

"You..." Tang Anhua frowned, not knowing what Tang Yan was going to do.

Tang Yan repeated again: "Trust me, I will handle it myself."

Elder Tang Xiao said coldly: "Marshal Anhua, I think you were deceived by this thief. General Tang Xiong was right. This person wanted to use you to come to Yixiantian, and he had ulterior motives. Now his sinister intentions have been revealed. You and I should be glad that no catastrophe was caused. Now, are you going to eradicate him yourself, or let us do it?"

Tang Yan's cold and handsome face was indifferent: "Elder Tang Xiao, I haven't finished my words yet, so don't worry."

Tang Anhua did not act in a hurry, she was very curious about Tang Yan's plans.She believed that the emperor's children were not reckless, and that Tang Yan's ability to gain a foothold in Zhanmeng was not due to brute force.

Tang Bing was also silent and curious, wanting to see what Tang Yan's intentions were.

"What else do you want to say? What else is there to say?"

"The big reason is boring, I just want to ask you a word."

"Speak." Of course Tang Xiao was happy to delay the time. The madman in front of him was a saint, and no one could suppress him except Tang Anhua.But Tang Anhua didn't seem to want to make a move, so he could only wait for the strong man from the first-line sky to come.Tang Xiong has already sent a signal, and the time is almost up.

"I accept the fact that there is one king and one courtier, and I understand the reason for your demon spirit clan's silence. But I still want to ask, how do you evaluate the demon spirit emperor back then?"

Um? ?Tang Xiao squinted at Tang Yan, but didn't express his opinion immediately.

The other three elders frowned secretly, exchanging weird glances with each other.

What does this kid want to do?What exactly do you want to do?It's getting more and more confused.

The key is the calmness of the other party, who actually looks like death is at home.

Now we want to discuss the 'scars' of the Demon Spirit Clan in front of the South Gate of the Demon Spirit Clan?
Discussing the Demon Spirit Emperor in front of Prince Cang's personal guards?
What a sharp thought, what a sharp move, is this a counterattack?If this is the case, he really pushed Tang Xiao to the edge.Whether he refuses or answers, it may cause some trouble for Tang Xiao, and it will be true.

"Why, don't you dare to say it? Elder Tang Xiao regards the Demon King as a taboo? Or are you afraid that you have said the wrong thing?"

Tang Xiao was still silent, he really didn't expect this kid to do such a trick to himself.

"If I remember correctly, Elder Tang Xiao said before that he didn't dare to answer."

Elder Tang Xiao's eyes condensed again and again, and after a while, he chuckled: "Friend, what is your purpose for coming to my Demon Spirit Clan??"

"I'm just a person who regrets the tragedy of the Demon Spirit Clan. I've lived for these years, and I've seen everything. Just such a question is entangled in my mind. If I don't ask clearly, life is tasteless.

Even if he died here today, it would be considered a great event.

Elder Tang Xiao, dare to answer me?Was it because he was afraid that telling the truth would attract Ye Sirius' revenge? "

Tang Xiao's heart turned cold, and the bigger the smile on his face, it didn't matter anymore, since the other party made a move, the more he tried to evade, the more he would be disadvantaged.

In this case, I will give you a hard time.

You want to frame me?I really used you today.

Tang Xiao made preparations, and smiled calmly: "The sky is full of talents, a generation of outstanding people."

"Continue? The Demon Spirit Emperor has guarded the Demon Spirit Clan for 10 years. Can you sum it up in two words? Let's make an objective evaluation. I want to know how the three bosses of the Demon Spirit Clan Military Affairs Academy commented on that incident. The former emperor." Tang Yan confronted Tang Xiao, this was a battle without gunpowder, and it was even more a game.

Tang Xiong signaled to the team to keep restraint, and happily procrastinated. In a few minutes, the strong man in the first line of the sky will come, and the thief will not be able to escape even if he wants to.

"He is the pride of our clan. It can be said that he personally shaped the current Monster Spirit clan."

"Hmm! Continue??"

"He made our clan proud and made foreigners jealous. His dominance is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

"Very good, is there any more?"


"Oh? But what??"

The two seem to have changed identities. Before Tang Xiao questioned Tang Yan, now Tang Yan asked Tang Xiao instead.

Tang Xiao stared deeply at Tang Yan, and slightly straightened his fat body, as if he had made some kind of decision, very relaxed, and his eyes were shining brightly: "The Demon Spirit Emperor used to be the most shining star in the Lost War Realm , but now? Who is talking about him, who is talking about him again, and how many people are thinking about him again?? Not saying no, but too little, too little.”

"Let's hear it, what's the reason??"

"The Demon Spirit Emperor was brilliant for tens of thousands of years, but he was forgotten in just a few decades. Even if he thinks of him, he just remembers that there used to be a Demon Spirit Emperor in the north, and there was a powerful emperor in the Northern Continent. North of China... there is an outstanding man.

As for what he has done, what deeds he has had, who remembers? ?

you want to know why? ?

Let me tell you very clearly that there are only two things that the Demon Spirit Emperor bestows upon the Demon Spirit Clan—glory and war!
Glory pushed the demon spirit clan to the top of the human race, and was feared by all parties, shaping the supreme prestige of him and the demon spirit clan.

War brings trauma, death, and endless flames of war to the demon spirit clan.It is the survival concept of the demon spirit clan that is almost distorted, and the hatred between the entire human race, the demon clan, and the demon clan. "

Tang Anhua's complexion was a little ugly: "Elder Tang Xiao, what you said is too much."

The other three chiefs of the military academy coughed quietly, signaling Tang Xiao not to say any more.Did you fall for it?Tang Xiao shouldn't have accepted the thief's words.

Today's news spread among the Hui people, maybe it will cause a lot of trouble.

Tang Xiao stopped, didn't say any more, but looked at Tang Yan with a smile: "I said this, are you satisfied?"

Tang Yan shook his head: "Not enough."

"Not enough? What do you want?"

"Since everything has been said, let's talk about it to the end."

"Okay!! I'll give you two more sentences."

"Elder Xiao, don't say any more." The Fifth Elder behind him reminded softly.

"No, I want to say." Tang Xiao looked straight at Tang Yan, and raised his voice a little: "For his own ambition, the Demon Spirit Emperor tied the entire Demon Spirit Clan to a chariot, so that in the long history of the Demon Spirit Clan, nothing but war , war, still war.

It is constant war, conspiracy and threats.

It was he who created this situation, and it was he who caused the demon spirit clan to fall into a vicious circle, and had to fight harder to show their strength.

He is a hero of the demon spirit clan, and also a sinner of the demon spirit clan. "

"Tang Xiao! You are absurd!" The fifth elder's complexion changed drastically, crazy?Tang Xiao has a cramp in his head?How can you say such outrageous words!
Tang Xiao never stopped, but his voice was even louder: "In that era, the demon spirits were tired. If they didn't stop, they would break themselves and push themselves to destruction. But can they stop? Can't stop , The Demon Spirit Emperor pushed the entire group to the brink of life and death, with tigers and wolves around outside, stopping would mean destruction.

So... in that era, in that environment, the Demon Spirit Emperor must..."

"What must it be?!" Tang Yan's eyes froze.

Tang Xiao paused his chest, greeted tens of thousands of eyes from the audience, and said one word neatly: "Death!"

(End of this chapter)

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