Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1924 Old Wolf Don Juan

Chapter 1924 Old Wolf Don Juan
Although Tang Xiao is in the semi-holy realm, and has been at this level for at least a thousand years, he has been sitting in front of the sky all year round, focusing on scheming and strategy, and has not gone to the battlefield for too long, and he has rarely experienced "fist to flesh" battles.So much so that at the moment of drastic change, he died in an instant, without any rebellious actions.

Ye Sirius Tang Juan, who was about to arrive at the Nantianmen Fortress, and the generals guarding the Military Academy, all witnessed the scene before them, and were caught off guard without exception.

A few miles ago, they discovered the confrontation outside the pass, but the 'quiet' and 'harmonious' atmosphere made them surprised and relaxed their vigilance, so that they didn't attack immediately, but only in the blink of an eye, the mysterious martial sage suddenly broke out, And Elder Tang Xiao's decapitated body moved deeply in their hearts.

This scene was not only sudden, but also unexpected.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Everyone's speed soared, and they fell outside the Nantian Gate in a flash, each arousing a mighty fighting power, and the cold breath locked on the mysterious martial saint.

"You killed Elder Tang Xiao? You killed the third elder of our military academy?" Tang Xiong couldn't accept the scene in front of him. The strange lunatic actually killed him in front of Nantianmen?Or kill the elders of the Military Academy?
This is definitely the first time in the history of the demon spirit clan.

For a long time, the strength and dominance of the Yaoling clan have given all clan members fanatical pride. This sense of superiority has penetrated into their blood. In their eyes, this place is like a land of gods. How dare mortals dare to be presumptuous, but this person in front of him... ... unexpectedly... killed the military elder?
Tang Anhua was equally astonished, but finally realized Tang Yan's goal - Hualingchi!He wants to evolve the spirit pool!
On the way here, Tang Yan asked her three times, what is the heaviest and cruelest punishment for the Demon Spirit Clan—enclosure into the Spiritualization Pool!Melt blood and flesh and blood, and completely perish in the world!

"Help me take care of Lie Mo Dao, don't try to save me." Tang Yan asked Tang Anhua again, and then...spread his signal to the audience that he would not resist.

Don Juan fell from a high altitude, dry and thin, short and thin, and his appearance was very inconspicuous, but his eagle eyes were as cold as lightning, and his tightly pursed lips gave off a dangerous ruthlessness, as if he was keeping a sharp edge anytime and anywhere. battle wildness.

He walked very slowly, like a shriveled wild wolf, with a ferocious and desperate vigor that made it impossible to ignore his existence.

Regarding his arrival, the tens of thousands of Ye Sirius troops all lowered their posture slightly, showing awe of him.

"Marshal." Tang Juan nodded slightly to Tang Anhua, expressing his courtesy, but he just nodded and called out, his cold and tense complexion did not show any relief, his voice was hoarse like a stone rubbing sawdust. It was very uncomfortable.

"General Tang Juan." Tang Anhua responded briefly, focusing more on Tang Yan.At this moment, facing Tang Yan's choice, she couldn't say no to it, and couldn't think of a better way.

Now that he has decided, let him go.

However, it is too risky and dangerous, can he succeed?
"Who can give me a reasonable explanation, why the third elder was chopped up in front of you?" Tang Juan fell to the ground and walked towards Tang Yan step by step. His voice was cold and hoarse, like an autumn wind sweeping through the courtyard, making people tremble.

"We..." Tang Xiong and the others were annoyed and even angrier. They glared at Tang Yan and glanced at Tang Anhua from the corner of their eyes, which was also cold.

It happened so suddenly, they were indeed a little surprised, and there was no chance to stop it, but Tang Anhua, as the marshal of the demon spirit clan and a powerful martial saint, couldn't even have no room to stop it, it could only be that...she let the sudden attack happen. kill.

"If you don't give an explanation, it's dereliction of duty. Come, take it down! In the name of me, Tang Juan, convict Tang Xiong, Tang Hu, Tang Lu, Tang Baibu and the four generals. He was taken to the cliff of thorns and beaten with an iron whip for eighty days. ! Day and night, non-stop!"

Tang Juan's cold voice wafted through the Nantian Gate, making Tang Xiong and the others excited and glaring, but it was only a momentary anger, and they would forcefully suppress it in the next moment, no one dared to offend him.

Don Juan is not only one of the three great martial saints of Sirius Ye, the captain of the 1th team, but also the "judger" of the Sirius Ye army, who controls the power of punishment.

"Take it!" Don Juan put his hands behind his back and lowered his eyelids, his appearance was really unflattering, but the strong and cold aura made the whole Nantianmen dare not make any disobedient voices.

Crashing, more than a dozen soldiers rushed out of the Nantian Gate, carrying heavy chains, and rushed towards Tang Xiong and other four ten thousand captains like tigers, and dragged them away forcibly, their behavior was extremely rude.

Tang Xiong and the others dared not speak out, but glanced at Tang Yan with resentment, and glanced at Tang Anhua with cold eyes.

Eighty days of punishment with the iron whip? ?too cruel!

They will be hung under the thorn cliff for a full eighty days.They will endure the continuous frenzied whipping of huge thorns and iron whips. No matter how strong you are, no matter how hard your body is, continuous beatings day and night for [-] days are enough to tear your skin apart, make your bones stick, and thrash you. You are not human.

That pain, that torture, is chilling.

The atmosphere outside the Nantian Gate became even more tense. Everyone in the Demon Spirit Clan knew Tang Juan's ruthlessness and cruelty, and they were all used to it, but thinking about the horror of the eighty-day iron whip, they still felt cold on the soles of their feet.

"Why did you come to my demon spirit clan to make trouble?" Tang Juan didn't care about Tang Anhua's existence, and went straight to Tang Yan, his cold eyes patrolled him back and forth.

Tang Yan closed his eyes and raised his hands.Don't pay any attention to it, just wait there for punishment.

"Why did you kill the elder of the military affairs dean?" Tang Juan walked slowly around Tang Yan.

Tang Yan still responded silently, without saying a word.

"Do you have anything to say? I'll give you a chance." Don Juan asked for the third time.

Tang Yan remained silent.

Tang Juan nodded slowly: "It seems that you intend to seek death, and I can make it happen. The Spirit Transformation Pond of the Demon Spirit Clan is your final destination in this life."

"Hua Lingchi?!" Many soldiers breathed in again, showing palpitations, and the three elders of the Military Affairs Academy also raised and frowned.

But when they thought of Tang Yan's provocation and crime, Hualingchi was not an exaggeration.

"Bring it yourself?!" Tang Juan took the two black iron rings from his subordinates and threw them to Tang Yan.

Tang Yan caught it calmly, and at the moment when he caught it, the two iron rings exploded into countless black chains, like thousands of poisonous snakes viciously pounced on Tang Yan's body, tightly entwined, especially It was the wrists of both hands, tightly wrapped behind his back.

The whole thing is a mess.

The black chain became tighter and tighter, as if it had vitality, and even more powerful power. It was binding Tang Yan's body, and it was also filled with the evil power of the seal, suppressing the operation of Tang Yan's spiritual power.

'Forbidden Spirit Circle', the top-level prison chain of the demon spirit clan.

Forged from special materials unique to Yixiantian, Prince Cang injected a little imperial power, endowed with powerful sealing power, which can fully suppress the speed of spiritual power circulation on the target, and achieve the effect of affecting strength.

The higher the level of the spirit-forbidden circle, the more powerful its effect. Like the one carried by Don Juan, it can definitely be classified as a spiritual weapon, and it can generate the power that threatens the martial arts.It won't make Wu Sheng helpless to fight back, but it can definitely suppress his power.The longer the captivity, the greater the power of repression.

Three days later, Tang Yan's spiritual power circulation speed will reach about [-]% of the normal situation, and his strength will naturally be suppressed to [-]%, greatly reducing the danger.

After ten days, Tang Yan's strength will not be able to display [-]% of his usual strength.

In this way, it is more convenient for the guardianship of the demon spirit clan.

Even if they intend to make trouble, they will not be able to go all out due to the restraint of spiritual power.

A restricted martial saint?A first-line genius can kill in minutes.

"Take it to Thorn Cliff! Ten days later, I will be executed in Hualingchi!" Tang Huangjing waited for Tang Yan to be tightly bound by the forbidden spirit circle, and gave the order coldly.

The two accompanying team leaders approached Tang Yan vigilantly: "This is a thin line of sky, it's best not to resist. The more you resist, the more pain you will suffer."

Tang Yan naturally did not resist, and followed the two towards the Nantianmen.

Tang Bing looked at Tang Yan who was leaving, and suddenly couldn't bear it.Transforming Spirit Pond?It's chilling to think about.

But she really couldn't quite figure it out, Tang Yan was obviously 'killing himself', he was actively provoking and seeking death all the time.

There was absolutely no need to kill the third elder, but he did it quietly, and deliberately, in front of Tang Juan and others, headed towards the Nantian Gate...destroying the soul of Elder Tang Xiao.

The weirdest thing was Tang Yan's calmness, as if he was waiting for this cruel punishment.

"Is there something tricky in it?" Tang Bing thought secretly.

Tang Juan didn't stay behind, and followed Tang Yan into the South Heaven Gate and walked towards the Thorn Cliff.

The Fifth Elder and the others stared blankly at the corpse on the ground, thinking back to Tang Xiao's publicity at the moment before his death, they couldn't help but feel absurd, but even more desolate.Perhaps Tang Xiao's personality is not very likable, but after all, they both belong to the Military Academy, and they usually have some friendship.

Today, he was killed in front of an outsider?
Although the Military Affairs Academy often participates in wars, it seldom goes to battle to kill the enemy. They basically sit in the barracks and command remotely. They have almost forgotten the bloody cruelty of this world.Today, unknowingly, I made an understanding.

The Fifth Elder signaled to the troops outside the city to carefully clean up Elder Tang Xiao's body, and arranged for the other two elders to take charge of it personally. He calmed down, calmed down, and said to Tang Anhua, "Marshal, the clan may not be very stable in the next few days. You should stay at the Military Affairs Academy temporarily. The Second Elder is returning from the Xijiang Camp, and he is expected to be back tomorrow night, and he will personally receive you."

He still hadn't forgotten the phrase 'be careful Marshal' Tang Bing reminded him of. Before he figured out what was suspicious about Tang Anhua, he wanted Tang Anhua to stay in the Military Academy.

When the second elder comes back, let him handle it.

I believe Elder Tang Zhibai can clearly understand Tang Anhua's situation and the purpose of the sudden return.

(End of this chapter)

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