Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 193 Brother and Sister Reunion

Chapter 193 Brother and Sister Reunion

"Brother, is it really you?" Tang Ying stared at the familiar back, her eyes slowly filled with mist, and her small mouth was tightly closed.

Tang Yan turned around and said with a smile, "If it's fake, do you want to take off your clothes for inspection?"

Tang Ying burst out laughing, tears welled up in her eyes.

"Why are you still crying? When brothers and sisters reunite, they should smile." Tang Yan gently wiped away tears for Tang Ying.

But Tang Ying couldn't control it anymore, she rushed forward and hugged her tightly, crying loudly: "I'm sorry, brother, I'm sorry"

A warm feeling emerged in Tang Yan's heart, and she hugged Tang Ying: "Aren't I living a good life? You don't need to blame yourself, and I have never blamed you or my family. I made mistakes first, I understand."

Tang Ying hugged Tang Yan tightly, shook her head vigorously, tears could not stop flowing.In the tragic battle two years ago, everyone abandoned Tang Yan, and everyone was acting as a spectator. No one could take a step forward, including myself!

Even as an outsider, he could feel the desolation of that scene, let alone Tang Yan who was in it?

Alinda's self-destruction and curse of resentment not only shocked the Giant Elephant City, Tang Yan should be the one who stimulated the most!

She couldn't imagine what kind of mood Tang Yan felt at that moment, and how desperate and miserable she was. She only remembered that Tang Yan lost his mind at that moment
How many days and nights, she woke up crying in self-blame; how many days and nights, she fantasized that she could be as relentless and reckless as Du Yang; When Yan was desperately struggling, he was able to cast aside his shackles and stand by his side. Even though his strength was weak, he could at least say "brother, and me!"

But it was too late. Tang Yan wandered alone and was hunted down by Zhou Lingwang. Many people did not believe that he could escape from the psychedelic forest alive. The Lingwang Mansion also announced that Tang Yan had been arrested and executed.

She vaguely remembered that at the moment when she got the news, Grandpa left the stone room where he had been retreating for many years, and sat alone in the room where Tang Yan lived all afternoon.

She vaguely remembered that Tang Mingjing, in spite of everyone's opposition, spent one-third of the family's funds to issue a secret search order to the entire Great Zhou Empire, just for news of a 'living'.

Tang Ying always imagined that one day, at a certain moment, in a certain place in the future, she would be able to see Tang Yan again, see his cheerful smile, and see him laughing.

But she never really expected her dream to come true, because Tang Qing and others had secretly returned to the family, and their return was to some extent equivalent to confirming Tang Yan's death.

"Silly girl, don't cry, it's not pretty when you cry." Tang Yan rubbed Tang Ying's hair, gently pushed her away, looked at her carefully, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you in two years, our family The girl is already slim, is there any handsome guy who confessed to you?"

"What are you talking about!" Tang Ying was ashamed, and angrily waved her powder fist to teach him a lesson.

Tang Yan couldn't help scratching her little Qiong's nose: "A third-rank martial spirit? That's right, I'm not lazy."

"What's not bad, I was only promoted to the third rank a month ago, which is far behind you. Brother, you broke through again?" Tang Ying felt Tang Yan's aura carefully, but she couldn't see through it at all.

"It's been more than two years, won't you make a breakthrough again?"

"Why doesn't it feel like a second order?"

"Third level, just broke through."

"Third level?" Tang Ying grinned involuntarily. Is this a semi-finished product that was ridiculed before?In just a few years, he has made breakthroughs by leaps and bounds. He suddenly stepped into Wuzong two years ago.

He is only this year!The third-rank Wuzong!It is very hopeful to be promoted to Martial King before the age of 20!Looking at the entire Great Zhou Empire, this level of talent is definitely top-notch!

Tang Yan took out [-] pieces of spiritual source liquid from the golden lock and put them into an exquisite jade bottle: "Hold it, I can give you some help and make yourself stronger as soon as possible. But remember, don't rely too much on it. Try not to use it indiscriminately."

"Yeah, I know." Tang Ying was not polite, she carefully put it away, looked at Tang Yan carefully, and hugged Tang Yan again: "Brother, come back with me? The family misses you very much. The first time I saw grandpa sitting in a daze in the yard, uncle often talked about you."

"Is it appropriate for me to go back now? It will only bring misfortune to my family. Don't worry about it. I will definitely go back when it's time to go back. By the way, how is the family recently?"

"It's not bad, I haven't encountered any particularly difficult things." Tang Ying smiled, but the smile was obviously far-fetched.

Tang Yan secretly sighed, sure enough, the life of the Tang family should be not good.King Ling of Zhou was not a good quarrel, so he would definitely not let the Tang family go easily, even if he dared not do anything openly, he would definitely play tricks in the dark.

"Actually, it's not as bad as you imagined. The situation of the Great Zhou Empire in recent years has been a bit strange. Zhou Lingwang has been active frequently. This time, the invasion of Delos by the two empires seems to be facilitated by him. He is very busy now. It's time to make friends, and I seldom pay attention to our Tang family's affairs."

"The battle facilitated by King Zhou Ling?" Tang Yan frowned slightly.

"I don't know either, but I heard Grandpa talk about it occasionally."

Tang Yan's frown became tighter and tighter. What exactly does King Zhou Ling want to do?Since he provoked the battle, does the huge formation in Thundercloud Mountains have anything to do with him?Or is it purely a coincidence!
"This time I came to Leiyun Mountains, it was my father who accompanied me. Would you like to meet him? It's okay to take it with the family." Tang Ying very much hopes that Tang Yan can meet with the family, after all, the original After the incident, the relatives felt guilty and worried about Tang Yan's safety, hoping to have a chance to make amends.

Even though they both know it's hard to forgive.

"Let's talk about it later, you recover from your injuries first, and I'll send you back."


"No reason, I just don't want to meet for the time being."

Tang Ying asked cautiously: "Do you still hate us?"

Tang Yan smiled and said, "I'm not that miserable, I've never hated anyone, not to mention I'm living a good life now."

Tang Ying pouted: "I don't believe it, I must be living a bad life, look at your clothes, what are you looking like, and your body? Why is there a scent on your body?"

"What scent?"

Tang Ying hugged Tang Yan and sniffed at him for a while: "The scent of a woman, this scent seems very familiar."

Tang Yan quickly pushed her away: "What kind of woman's fragrance, your brother and I have body fragrance since childhood."

Tang Ying looked at him with weird eyes: "You still have the mind to play with women? It seems that your life is really good. Brother, I am not talking about you, can you change your temper, and be careful that one day you will die in a woman's belly superior."

Tang Yan said angrily: "You cursed your brother like that?"

Tang Ying curled her lips and muttered, "Who made you not love yourself."

"Hurry up, heal your injury, and I'll take you back."

"I want to spend more time with you"

"Don't worry, I'm not in the mood to find a woman."

"It's not what they said, or it was." Tang Ying suddenly gave Tang Yan an annoyed look: "It was a good reunion, what happened to you? You won't be serious once?"

"Please! My eldest lady! It was you who smelled the body fragrance first!"

"It was!"

"Okay, okay, be more careful in the future, don't just believe anyone. Also, you tell your father to leave Thunder Cloud Mountain Range as soon as possible."


Tang Yan tapped Tang Ying's little head and said, "There are so many reasons, do as I say, as fast as possible."

"Don't hit me on the head, it's easy to break."

"Don't tell anyone what happened today. If they ask, just say that you met the troops of the Falcon Army and were rescued by them."

"Okay, but tell me first, where do you live now? Where's Du Yang?"

"I'm a host in a clan's house in Delos. They're nice people, they treat me well, and they're planning to marry their daughter to me. Du Yang has been busy consolidating his realm recently, so he didn't come with me."

Tang Ying's eyes were weird again: "You want to be a son-in-law? It can't be that you have harmed his daughter, because he has nothing to do."

Tang Yan lost his temper completely: "Am I that bad?"

"Hmph, you can do this kind of thing."

Tang Yan rubbed his forehead: "I can't take it anymore, you should quickly recover from your injury and send you back immediately."

Tang Ying looked at Tang Yan, and suddenly smiled: "Brother."


"It's great that you are still the same as before." Tang Ying smiled sweetly.

(End of this chapter)

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