Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1933 Waiting for 5 Years of Talk

Chapter 1933 Waiting for 50 Years of Conversation
In the old courtyard at the deepest part of the Family Affairs Council, Tang Yiyuan sat by the lotus pond, faintly echoing the report of 'Shadow' in his ears, all of which were abnormal performances from Tang Zhibai's return to the Military Affairs Council to his visit to Thorn Cliff.

Tang Yiyuan sighed quietly, strange and sad.

"Zhibai is not an impulsive person, it shouldn't have such behavior, it's really strange."

"Although Elder Tang Xiao's killing has involved the face of the Military Affairs Academy, Zhibai has...had hatred...for me and for Prince Cang all these years."

"Oh, the way he knelt and cried bitterly in the ancestral hall... I will never forget it in my life..."

"Zhibai seldom manages the affairs of the Military Academy. Except for that old guy, Maple Leaf, he hardly has much contact with other people, and most of them go to the front line defense area.

The weight of the Military Affairs Academy in his heart is no longer as heavy as it was back then.What he really cares about is the Demon Spirit Clan, not the Military Affairs Academy. "

"If it weren't for Zhibai's depressed mood these years, Maple Leaf would have given up the position of First Elder long ago, An Wen would be his dean, and retreat behind the scenes to control and command."

Tang Yiyuan muttered silently, not minding that Tang Zhibai forcibly drove away the team of the Military Affairs Academy, and never caring about these trivial matters, but thinking about Tang Zhibai's various weird appearances inside.

"You just said that after Zhibai came back, he visited Anhua directly, and waved everyone away during the period? Then he went straight to the thorny cliff, and went back and forth many times?

He should have gotten something from An Hua, figured out something.

He turned and turned on the thorn cliff, to clear the field, to make sure that no one could hear and see the conversation between him and the warrior.It seems that it is not an easy thing to make him be so cautious. "

Tang Yiyuan held his crutches unconsciously in both hands, and slowly got up: "After the tragedy happened that year, Zhibaixin was dead. It has been 50 years, and I have never seen him actively busy with something. he?"

"I should have stayed on Thorn Cliff." A hoarse voice came from the darkness, flickering, empty, and unfathomable.

"No, no, you're welcome. Zhibai doesn't like being supervised. With his wisdom, he annoyed him. The consequences are terrible. Even Prince Cang didn't put any pressure on him." Tang Yiyuan smiled, as if joking , but the dignity between the brows became more and more serious.

What is the identity of this person?
Someone who can 'resurrect' Tang Zhibai?
"It seems that I have to move around again and go out for a walk." Tang Yiyuan got up with a cane.

"Tang Zhibai has never wanted to see you." A voice came from the shadow again.

"If you don't see it, you can see it. There are some things, let's get rid of them. You don't have to stay with me anymore." Tang Yiyuan walked out of the old courtyard again, deliberately staring at the personal guard and staying behind.

When Tang Zhibai just returned to the Military Affairs Academy, the old director Tang Yiyuan happened to walk to the main entrance of the halls of the Military Affairs Academy: "Zhibai, long time no see. How is the investigation going?"

"Old Dean." Tang Zhibai saluted slightly, and there was nothing abnormal or disrespectful on the surface: "There are some clues, but we need to investigate further, anyway, he killed Elder Tang Xiao, and the final destination can only be Hualingchi.

These scattered investigations of mine are just an explanation to the Military Affairs Council and an explanation to the people in the clan, so Elder Tang Xiao can't be left unclear. "

Tang Yiyuan looked at Tang Zhibai carefully for a while, and nodded with a smile: "You go and investigate, and our Clan Affairs Council will not interfere. By the way, how is the situation in Xijiang? I think you are back in good spirits this time. The condition is not bad, much better than before.”

It seemed to be a word of relief and concern, and the secret meaning made Tang Zhibai raise his eyebrows secretly. On the surface, he said calmly, "Thanks to the old dean's concern, I won't think so much when I get busy."

"That's good. It's been a long time since I saw your state back then. I hope you recover better. When you get back to the feeling of the past, Maple Leaf can retreat behind the scenes."

"Don't dare to take it, know how to be able to do it."

"If you can't be, who can be? That position was originally yours, and it will always be yours." Tang Yiyuan smiled lightly, and walked into the main hall gate of the Military Affairs Academy leaning on crutches.

Tang Zhibai stood outside the door for a long time. He really didn't want to get along with Tang Yiyuan very much in his heart, but he was about to leave soon, so there was no need to leave any more conflicts, that's all, let's walk with him.

Tang Yiyuan did not go to the confidential military area, but to the side hall area of ​​the Military Affairs Academy. It is quiet and quiet, a place for the elders to meditate, and a special place to receive guests.

Tang Zhibai was half a step behind and followed behind Tang Yiyuan.

"Zhibai, what happened back then has passed for a long time, and it is meaningless to talk about it now. But the Tang Xiao incident has caused a lot of noise, and all the things that should not be mentioned have been turned out. As for me, I am an old bone, and I rarely ask the clan The affairs in the clan, but the chaotic atmosphere in the clan is worrying, so I will come out to reconcile and reconcile."

Tang Yiyuan was walking on the path in the forest. The nearby clansmen and guards saw them from a distance, and all those who were interested left and disappeared from a distance, leaving Tang Yiyuan and Tang Zhibai, the two big bosses, a space to be alone.

Tang Zhibai followed silently, not rushing to answer.The old dean hadn't appeared in person for many years. This time, he not only participated in the incident of the Military Academy, but also came to him suddenly, and wanted to talk to him in private. Obviously, there was something special about it.

With Tang Zhibai's wisdom, he could vaguely guess that the old dean... probably had a premonition of something.

"There is a sentence, I wanted to ask you a long time ago, I also thought about today's conversation many years ago, but you are a smart person, you have your own decisions, outsiders can't give you guidance, can't give you comfort .

Neither can I.

Some things are too involved, and I can't give you a complete explanation.

So many things have happened today, and you have persisted for 50 years. I think it is almost time to tell you some secrets that you don’t know, and give you an answer that you have been looking forward to for 50 years. "

Tang Yiyuan walked slowly, and spoke softly. In the dense and verdant woodland, there was a clear echo of the sound of the crutches, very slowly and lightly.

Tang Zhibai stopped in the forest, raised his eyes, and looked at Tang Yiyuan's old figure in front of him.

Tang Yiyuan continued to walk, and said softly: "Zhibai, you were placed with high hopes by the late emperor, and you did not disappoint him. 50 years ago, you did a good job, and you won the world with your own efforts. The recognition of the family is your outstanding performance, so that the emperor can sleep peacefully.

In the 50 years since the tragedy, you have gone from decadent to strong, and you have continued to protect the demon spirit clan, and you have also done a good job.

According to what I thought back then, you would leave after the tragedy that year, or even rebel. I thought about all kinds of bad things, but you didn't. You were silent, but you never protested. You healed yourself, in your own way Carrying the pain of your disillusioned dreams, I am so proud of you. "

As he said that, Tang Yiyuan smiled silently: "What I said has become more formal. If I don't say it, I won't say it anymore. If I continue to talk, it will become a chatter. I came to you today and asked you a question, what do you think of Prince Cang?" ?If we look at the current demon spirit clan?
You may have been looking forward to my question for 50 years, and I will have a frank talk with you today. "

Tang Zhibai didn't answer, but lowered his eyebrows and said, "Do you want to ask who he is?"

"Don't ask. If you want to say it, you will naturally say it. Now it's what I want to ask and what I want to say."

"I deny that Tang Xiao was disrespectful to the late emperor, but I... agree with the phrase 'Era has destroyed the Demon Spirit Emperor' in his speech." Tang Zhibai borrowed Tang Xiao's remarks.

"Yes, the era destroyed the emperor of the demon spirit clan. The former emperor dedicated everything to the demon spirit clan. He paid too much for the great cause of unification and reached his own limit. Unfortunately, the era has brought him too many shackles. Heaven suppressed his last struggle.

In that last fight, he poured his all, including his heart and soul, including his life. Unfortunately, he didn't make it through, and died on the battlefield and in the era. "

Tang Zhibai paid a little attention to Tang Yiyuan's last sentence, there seemed to be some deep meaning in it. "Prince Cang's Jinhuang is a miracle in the history of the Yaoling Clan, with the favor of heaven.

It was his birth that triggered the death of the former emperor and caused the biggest tragedy in the history of the demon spirit clan.

For what happened back then, I will not forgive Prince Cang, and I will not forgive you.But I agree with Prince Cang's peaceful strategy of ruling the Yaoling clan in the later period, and I approve of your measures to stabilize the internal affairs of the Yaoling clan. "

Tang Yiyuan didn't hear Tang Zhibai's direct comments, but it was very rare to hear him talk about these things. "Many people hate Prince Cang, the whole family, including the military, more than [-]% of the people hate him, and regard him as a disgrace, as a traitor.

Until now, the reason why the whole clan accepts his leadership is only one reason, Huang.

He is the emperor of the demon spirit clan, the most fundamental pillar of the demon spirit clan's existence, nothing more.

The inner pain of the clansmen was deep and heavy, and they were blinded by resentment. No matter what efforts he made, he would never get sincere support. He also saw this, so he did not intervene in clan affairs, and did not make any personnel adjustments. All he has done is to control the military and resist foreign nations. "

Tang Zhibai waited in silence, not making excuses for Tang Yiyuan's sadness.He can clearly see the real situation and the emotions of the people, and he can also see clearly the performance and behavior of Prince Cang. He has his own fair judgment, but there are some things that he doesn't want to say.

Tang Yiyuan slowly turned around and looked at Tang Zhibai: "I can tell that that person's identity is very special, so special that you have messed up your senses, and if you don't want to say it, I will stop guessing. I don't care what you do What decision, what feeling, what I want to tell you today is..."

Tang Zhibai waited for a long time, but did not hear Tang Yiyuan's voice, so he couldn't help but slowly raised his eyes to look at the old man in front of him.

Tang Yiyuan sighed quietly: "Wait a little longer, you are waiting for the death penalty in Hualingchi, I am also looking forward to it once, and when that day comes, I will give you a final answer. What I can tell you now is that I am for you I feel guilty for suffering all these years, but there are more people suffering than you..."

(End of this chapter)

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