Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1940

Chapter 1940

"His Royal Highness, Prince Chen." Tang Zang, deputy commander of the Ye Sirius Group Army, and Tang Juan, the first captain, clasped their fists in salute at the same time.

These two saints will personally sit on the altar and be responsible for the control of the process of "melting Tang Yan from Hualingchi".They will work together to lead the power of the formation, suppress Tang Yan's resistance, maximize the power of Hualingchi, and melt Tang Yan into a liquid as quickly and steadily as possible, destroying his mind and soul.

Captain Tang Huan personally dragged a purple-black 'forbidden spirit circle' onto the altar. This is also the strongest forbidden spirit circle of the demon spirit clan, used to suppress martial saints.It is extremely precious and belongs to the supreme spiritual weapon.

"Prince Chen, leave him to us." Tang Juan took the purple-black forbidden spirit circle, walked towards Tang Yan, and wanted to circle it for him.

"There is no need for the Forbidden Spirit Circle, let's start directly." Tang Chen directly rejected Tang Juan.

Don Juan was expressionless, even cold: "According to the rules, we need to check the spiritual power in the prisoner's body to ensure that the spiritual power is below [-]%, and add another forbidden spirit circle to ensure that the prisoner cannot resist. , This set of procedures will be executed when Hualingchi is put into a living body, and it has not changed for thousands of years. We are not afraid of him making trouble, just in case."

"I said, I don't need it anymore!!" Tang Chen replied coldly, not so forcefully, but his tone was very cold.

Um? ?Tang Juan raised his eyebrows, slowly straightened up, and looked straight at Tang Chen.

He is loyal to Ye Sirius, that is to say, he is loyal to Prince Cang, and naturally he is also loyal to Prince Cang's son, Tang Chen.

But facing Tang Chen's order, he didn't back down, and he didn't even pay attention to it.It's about Hualing Pond, it's about death-row prisoners, it must not be neglected, let alone the whole family watching, let alone any surprises: "Prince Chen, let him be handed over to us, this kind of bad thing will not dirty your hands. You can go to Clan elders, just watch."

While speaking, he bypassed Tang Chen and reached out to touch Tang Yan's neck.

Snapped! !Tang Chen grabbed the forbidden spirit circle with a wave of his hand, and threw it directly under the altar: "General Tang Juan, I said, I don't need it anymore, can't you understand? Do you need me to give you a word-by-word explanation?"

"The last general doesn't dare." Don Juan bowed slightly, but he was still gloomy and cold, and he didn't seem to know his mistake at all.

Tang Zang coughed lightly, reminding Tang Juan not to offend, stepped forward in person, and saluted slightly: "Prince Chen, can you give us a reason? It is convenient for us to explain to the people."

"You don't need any explanation, he is an explanation in itself. Just do as I said, save all the cumbersome procedures, and send him to evolve into the spirit pool directly. I will bear the responsibility for all consequences, and I will never implicate Ye Tian Wolf."

Tang Chen has always been gentle and refined, strong against the enemy and gentle at home, this is his consistent style and attitude, but today's domineering and cold attitude made the Ye Sirius troops who are most familiar with him feel strange.

"Since His Highness has decided, we should cooperate. But the rules are the rules, please give me some time, we will explain to the old dean and Dean Maple Leaf, they have passed, and we will not hinder it here."

Tang Zang signaled Tang Juan not to insist, and sent him to ask Tang Yiyuan and the others for instructions.

Based on his understanding of Prince Chen, it is impossible to act recklessly, especially at a moment when the whole family is concerned. Since Prince Chen has done this and his emotions are agitated, there must be his reasons.

Tang Zang chose to believe, just like he always believed in Prince Cang.

Tang Juan walked towards Tang Yiyuan and others who were a hundred meters away, and saluted respectfully, expressing Tang Chen's intentions.

"Oh?" But among the four, except for Tang Zhibai who knew the reason, the other three were all strange.

Tang Yiyuan and Tang Fengye didn't know Tang Yan's identity at all, so naturally they didn't know the connection between Tang Yan and Tang Chen.Although Tang Anhua knew Tang Yan's identity, he had no idea that Tang Yan had ever been involved with Tang Chen.

So...the three of them couldn't figure out what Prince Tang Chen was doing.

It was unbelievable to forcefully take it away yesterday, but today you have to protect it and throw it into the Evolution Spirit Pond. What kind of special situation is this?
They have a wealth of experience and a deep city, so they don't want to delve too deeply into anything, but today they are really curious.

Tang Zhibai spoke softly, reminding Tang Yiyuan and Tang Fengye: "The answer you want will be revealed today. There are some things and words that I can tell you right now, but it is far inferior to him saying it himself.

I can assure you that it doesn't make any sense whether to bring the Forbidden Spirit Circle or not, and it won't affect the final result.Since Prince Tang Chen is willing to make a guarantee for him, I will also use my life as a guarantee. Prince Chen and I will bear all the consequences together. "

"It's getting more and more evil." Tang Fengye said to himself, acquiescing to Tang Zhibai's request.

He really didn't believe that the mysterious Martial Saint could do other tricks. The whole clan was watching, and the whole clan's high-level officials were watching. Surrounded by hundreds of thousands of legions, even if there was an accident, he could easily deal with it.

Let you go, I'll be right here watching!I don't believe you can scare me to death! !
"Get ready to start." Tang Yiyuan made his final statement, agreeing to the successive requests of Tang Zhibai and Tang Chen.

Tang Anhua questioned Tang Zhibai with his eyes, Tang Zhibai signaled to wait and see what happened, he was relaxed, with a hint of expectation, but also with a bit of sadness, he had waited too long for this moment, proud of Tang Yan, moved by him, But the more tolerant Tang Chen showed, the more he felt sad.

The two brothers could have married each other perfectly, but the sky once again created a tragedy.

Is this the curse of the demon spirit clan?
The tragedy of the previous generation, this generation will repeat itself again! !

"Is it about to start?? Why did Prince Chen fight with General Tang Juan??"

"Hey, will there be any accidents? It's better to have a few, so it will be interesting to watch."

"Shut up, you want to die!!"

"Today's execution may not be as simple as executing a lunatic. It seems that all the high-level officials have come. This scene is too big, and it is very abnormal."

"I also feel it, it seems... um... that person's identity may be a little strange. Otherwise, with the body of Prince Chen, who is worth thousands of gold, how could it be possible to carry him away in person."

"Look carefully, the more complicated the better, the more complicated it is."

"I just don't understand. Prince Chen seems to care about that person, but why does he still want to throw it into the evolutionary spirit pool?? If you have to throw it into the evolutionary spirit pool, what tricks can you make? If you enter, you will die!"

There was a lot of discussion around the crowd, and people were infinitely looking forward to the upcoming event.

Not only to relieve hatred, but also to appreciate, not only to look forward to, but also to be confused.

Devouring Wu Sheng? !The Martial Saint, who stands high above the mountains and rivers, is about to be melted and dispelled before their eyes? ?Such a grand event is rare in a lifetime.Combined with various strange phenomena and weird performances, today's situation is even rarer.

Tang Yan walked to the front of the altar and looked at the cloud-shrouded spirit pool in front of him.

The Spiritual Pond is like a dynamic lake, with rippling currents, setting off ripples of clear spirits, and the spiritual energy on the surface turns into fog, churning endlessly, and the rays of the sun shine brilliantly, blooming dazzlingly.

Mysterious and agile.

There are 880 eight powerhouses around Hualing Pond, each sitting cross-legged on a stone pillar, which is 50 meters high, smooth and cold.They and the stone pillars sat cross-legged in different directions in strange star-like trajectories, densely packed to form a special trajectory close to that of a dragon's head.

The stone pillars are rooted in the ground, and each stone pillar is related to the Hualing Pool, that is to say, every strong person will inject energy into the Hualing Pool through the stone pillars, and activate the full power of the Hualing Pool with their unique arrangement.

They will form a special formation, which is the main force controlling the spirit pool today.

"It's about to start." Tang Yan clenched his fists secretly, his eyes returned to firmness amidst the complexity.

"When you need my help, just call out." Tang Chen stood behind Tang Yan and squeezed his shoulders: "Don't be careless, just in my impression, this Spiritualization Pond has already swallowed two people. A demon saint."

"I can handle it." Tang Yan stretched his arms slowly, breathed in the spirit mist from the Spirit Pond, and suddenly felt a sharp and tingling sensation from the nasal cavity to the body, hitting the meridians all over his body.

The spiritual power here is extremely manic, with a gloomy air, more like a strong resentment.Since it is different from its agility and mystery at the moment, it is no wonder that Yinchi is added.

Tang Chen squeezed Tang Yan's shoulder again, exited the altar, and stood beside Tang Yiyuan and others.

"Big Brother!!" Tang Bing, Tang Qiu, the third Tang Cang, the fifth Tang Yang, the sixth Tang Hua, and the seventh Tang Diao all walked towards Tang Chen from the outer army at this moment.

"Why are you all back??" Tang Chen calmed down.

Tang Bing said: "I gave them a notice the morning before yesterday, asking them to return to Yixiantian."

The youngest Tang Cangkongwu is majestic and mighty like a bear: "Brother, who is he?"

The brothers of them all came back to Yixiantian this morning, because Tang Bing, the elder sister, was notified, and the Hui people heard all kinds of rumors after that, so they all went to visit her, and they were detained in Tang Bing. There, until now, they have come to Hualingchi together.

Except for the fourth Tang Fu and the mysterious ninth Tang Lin, their brothers are all present.

Tang Qiu understood the situation to some extent, but Tang Bing's stern eyes kept stopping him, so he could only stare at the back of the line, not daring to say a word.

Tang Chen looked at the altar, looked at the thin figure, and said softly: "Look carefully, he is a person we all feel sorry for."

The brothers looked at each other strangely, and then all looked at Tang Bing, but Tang Bing was also confused by Tang Chen's words.

(End of this chapter)

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