Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1945 Demon and Spirit

Chapter 1945 Demon and Spirit

Tang Yan didn't know the situation outside, Long Kui's demon body sank slowly, to the depths of Hualing Pond, and to the bottom of the deep and dark Yin Pond.

It is silent and dark here, as if descending into an endless black hole.

There is no color, no life, no sound, just deathly silence.

This place belongs to the bottom of the Yin Pool, which is connected to the bottom of the Yang Pool. It belongs to the penetrating zone and the transition zone, and also belongs to the core energy source area of ​​the entire Yin-Yang Spiritual Pool.

This place belongs to the intersection zone of yin and yang, the energy is between yin and yang, the purest and most mysterious.

There are many restrictions set up here all the year round. It belongs to the forbidden area in the restricted area. It is maintained by the energy of more than 800 stone pillars outside, forming the basis of protection. It is an area that cannot be touched by ordinary baptists.

This is also a mysterious place where spirits are bred.

There are mysteries that outsiders cannot understand here, and endless mysteries bred by nature.

Today, due to the damage of the stone pillars, eight hundred guardian clan elders were seriously injured, which affected the guardian system of the entire Yin-Yang Lingchi. The restriction was lifted, and Tang Yan lost the suppression, and sank all the way, passed through the violent energy area, and sank to dead silence here.

The spiritual body of Longkui in Hualingchi also rushed in here, but his mood also changed from intense to calm. The previous scary momentum no longer existed. It sank slowly and stayed in the sky, overlooking the Longkui transformed by Tang Yan. demon body.

When it has intelligence, it also has the emotion at this moment.

This spirit pool of the Demon Spirit Clan is connected to the earth spirit vein of the sky, and it is the strongest spirit vein in the Lost Battle Realm. It once belonged to the Blood Demon Clan, the Supreme Overlord of the Lost.

The Demon Spirit Emperor occupied this place, opened up this spirit pool at the source of the gathering of the earth's spiritual veins, set up complicated sealing restrictions, carried out a comprehensive transformation, and finally created the holy place for baptism of the Demon Spirit Clan.

One can imagine how extraordinary this spirit pool is, and how vast the energy inside it is.

However, the blood of the demon spirit clan is quite special, and it needs to absorb the flesh and soul of monsters to awaken in the later stage, so it needs to be exposed to similar breaths during the baptism stage. Therefore, the Hualing pool needs the essence power of various monsters to enrich it to enrich the essence inside, so as to better promote the awakening of the new generation, and help them better determine the monsters they can correspond to when they are young.

It's like throwing countless 'keys' into the spirit pool, each key corresponds to the essence of a kind of monster, the blood of the new generation of the demon spirit clan is like a brand new lock, and the baptism stage is equivalent to Matching the lock with the key, we are looking for each other.

Therefore, for tens of thousands of years, the demon spirit clan kept hunting monsters, pouring monsters into the spirit pool uninterruptedly, and smelting them into corresponding essences.

Using the unique mysterious power of the spirit pool, smelt the flesh and bones of monsters into pure energy, and mix it into the energy of the spirit pool.

This principle is somewhat similar to Skyfire, but the essence is not the same.

Tianhuo is smelted into spiritual source liquid, while Hualingchi is smelted into special energy force, which contains the soul force and blood force of monsters. After continuous tempering and years of accumulation, it sinks into the Yin The land of the pool is transferred to the surface of the Yang pool, which is dedicated to the awakening of the blood vessels.

The dark world at the bottom of Yinchi is equivalent to a 'cemetery' of countless monsters.

In a sense, every bit of energy here is a monster, containing the soul and blood of the monster, and the vast bottom of the pool is equivalent to millions of monsters, of various types, strengths and weaknesses. wait.

This is also the real reason for the birth of Long Kui's spiritual body at the bottom of the Yin Pool, but... the vast majority of the Yaoling clan don't know this secret, and the birth of Long Kui is believed to be the manifestation of the ancestors.

The awakening of Tang Yan Longkui's demon body also used the power of sky fire to absorb the essence of countless monsters, and used the blood cow to swallow the energy of thousands of monsters in the underground world.

Tang Yan was perched at the bottom of the pool, looking up at the spirit body of Long Kui in the sky.

Long Kui's spiritual body is entrenched in the sky, overlooking Tang Yan at the bottom.

The birth of Tang Yan and the spirit body are actually the same, so that there is this moment of peace and familiarity.

A moment later, Tang Yan and the spirit body stretched out their claws again, with the same move and the same calmness.

They interweave in mid-air, stirring up ripples and ripples.

Then... slowly slowly... fusion... from the claws, to the arms and wrists, and then to the body.

Long Kui's spiritual body gradually merged into Tang Yan's Long Kui's demon body.

Very calm fusion, very quiet 'return'.

It's like the spirit has found the empty shell, and it's like the empty shell has found the spirit.

It's like pairing a key with a lock.

Unexpected, but logical, so natural, so warm.

Tang Yan's body began to heat up, the meridians all over his body were infiltrated, and the blood vessels were opening silently, accepting the 'intrusion' of the spirit body. Hundreds of millions of cells seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, blooming with vitality and releasing warmth.

At this time, the luck of the Pangu clan sealed in the blood was shocked. They bloomed with divine brilliance and turned into countless crystal light spots, reflecting the return of Long Kui's spiritual body. Cooperating with this fusion, they played a magical effect .

This is the beginning of a transformation opportunity.

Tang Yan never thought about swallowing the spirit body here, nor did he think about fusion, but the situation at the moment is so calm and natural, his heart is very quiet, and his spirit is even more quiet, as if he is in a silent world, where The sun is shining brightly, the place is warm and harmonious, so there is no pain and no quarrel, there... a world of peace... Tang Yan completely released himself unconsciously, accepting integration and transformation calmly.

Tang Fengye, deputy commander of the Ye Sirius Army, Tang Zang: "Commander Tang Zang, if you have nothing else to do, please mobilize your troops to separate the people and let everyone return to their villages. Anyone is strictly prohibited from spreading this news , block the four heavenly gates, and strictly prohibit anyone from entering or leaving."

"The last general will do it like this." Tang Zang accepted the arrangement naturally, without hesitation or refutation, and he could clearly distinguish between the importance and the importance of being able to achieve his position.

Tang Fengye glanced at him from a distance: "General Tang Zang, I trust you, and I leave this matter to you. Please put the overall situation of the Demon Spirit Clan first, and don't use selfishness. Otherwise, you can't afford the consequences. The Sirius Army can't afford it.

Still the same sentence, I trust you and know who you are, so I leave it to you.

But if you do anything that violates the rules and morals of the family, I, Tang Fengye, can give you a clear answer to the consequences - massacre the Ye Sirius Army, one soldier at a time, and not leave a single soldier behind, and slaughter all the generals of the Ye Sirius Army relatives, use their death to bury your ugliness. "

Tang Zang raised his eyes, made eye contact with Tang Fengye, didn't say any more, and didn't care about the viciousness of the other party's words. He simply clasped his fists, turned around and left, and called the commanders of all the troops to discuss the meeting and jointly deal with the emergency. event.

Tang Fengye's voice did not cover up and suppress it, and it spread throughout the audience, the senior teams of the two deans, and the Ye Sirius Army.

These words are for Tang Zang, and in the name of Tang Zang, for everyone to hear - you dare not know what is good or bad, I, Tang Fengye, would rather be a butcher, kill you without discussion, and implicate you without discussion.

Everyone in the world knows Tang Fengye's dominance and strength, so it's not surprising that he said these words. What's more, today's incident is so special that it needs such a vicious reminder.

"...the late emperor's child..." All the elders of the clan gathered in the sky above the Hualing Pond, the shock in their hearts was still not calmed down, and the waves they raised confused their mood.

Just one news about the late emperor's heir is enough to cause a sensation in the whole family and arouse their memories of the late emperor.

I may have reminisced and cherished it before, but the former emperor is dead, and he died cleanly, without any blood left behind, which is equivalent to completely evaporating, and will not come back, so there is no hope, the so-called The reminiscences and feelings are more fantasy, floating in the air, unable to fall.

But now, with the return of the former emperor's heirs, their memories have become vivid and real, and they can be touched with hands and felt with their hearts.

Reminiscence naturally brings anticipation.

It felt like... the former emperor is not dead, and the former emperor may come back.

What comes with remembrance is the remorse and sentimentality they have sealed up.

Like reminiscing, it was no longer real and heavy, but now it is becoming clearer, denser and stronger.

Even people who didn't care too much before were affected involuntarily.

The supreme majesty that originated from the former emperor is also reborn in the sea of ​​hearts at this moment.The majestic figure reappeared in the ocean of consciousness again, like a giant peak piercing the sky, making them breathless.

"What do you think?" Tang Fengye stood at the front of the line, and his cold words made everyone tremble. The strange meaning hidden in it... was clear to everyone.

But how do you answer this? ?Who dares to take it? ?
Rushing to make a statement?absurd!Give opinion?Even more absurd!
They are pleased that the late emperor still has a son alive, but the current demon spirit should I describe it? ?They were complicated and even more entangled in their hearts. Apart from silence, they could only wait. After all... Prince Cang is coming back soon.

(End of this chapter)

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