Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1961 Symbiosis of Three Realms

Chapter 1961 Symbiosis Between Two Realms
"I... I don't quite understand..." Tang Yan was a little excited, his heart was shaking uncontrollably, and finally knew the identity of his mother, but he couldn't tell what kind of complicated feelings he had.

To be honest, Tang Yan is not from this world. The so-called parents and relatives are just the emotions that developed in the subconscious in the later stage. They are the emotions that Tang Yan produced when he fully integrated himself into this world and into this body.

However, whether he witnessed the Demon Spirit Emperor in the Tie Pai Dimension back then, or heard about the young witch at this moment, and every time he mentioned the names of his parents and the deeds of his parents, Tang Yan would always arouse strange emotions in Tang Yan's heart. It seemed that blood was thicker than The family affection of water is like a dream of deja vu.

Obviously all of this is not true, but why are the emotions so strong?
Is it really just because of the loneliness in the previous life that I have diagnosed all kinds of emotions in this world?
Prince Cang turned to Tang Yan with a strangely complicated expression: "All these years, have you been doubting your identity?"

"What??" Tang Yan's heart trembled inexplicably.

"You suspect that your soul does not belong to this world. You doubt what kind of attitude you should use to move in this world. You also doubted how to use this body. You initially questioned everything that happened around you."

Prince Cang's voice at this moment was very gentle, which was inexplicable to everyone's ears, but to Tang Yan's heart, every word was like a knife, which made him pale, his eyes lost their expression, and he froze there, sluggish for a long time.

In his entire life, only at this moment did Tang Yan feel the horror and the icy chill all over his body.

"Our biggest worry is that you will play the world with indifference, pay attention to all this with the attitude of a bystander, and treat the true feelings of this life with ruthlessness, but we are wrong, you have not only done it, you have also done it perfectly .

You put yourself completely into this body, you put yourself into the world.You have done a good job, you have won our recognition with your practical actions, you have pushed the door of this fate layout alone, and walked through the most difficult first half alone.

Your transformation from stubbornness to maturity is also the process of your body fusion.

Your gesture of trying to find the truth proves your friendship and your understanding of Enyi. "

"I..." Tang Yan opened his mouth, but was speechless, his breath was stuck in his chest.

"You don't have to be afraid, you are not an outsider, you are not a parasite, and you are not a rebirth. This body belongs to you, and your soul belongs to this body."

"I... I don't understand..." Tang Yan uttered these words with great difficulty. The moment before, he was really shocked. Until now, his heart is still beating extremely fast, and his whole body is icy cold.

'The alien soul resides in the world, and as an outsider, it roams about everything that belongs to this body. 'This is his biggest secret, it's about family affection, about love, about all the hard work, once released, everything will collapse and everything will get out of control.

Tang Yanshan, Niya, Tang Qiong, etc., what would they think of themselves?

All my hard work, all my hard work, will become absurd and illusory in an instant.

Prince Cang gave an affirmative answer: "Storing your soul in a different world is part of the original plan."

"I... still don't understand, so... where is the original soul of this body?" When Tang Yan said this, his throat was a little dry, and he spoke with great effort.

No one can understand his mood at this moment, let alone understand the difficulty of his moment.

"It's you too."


"It's the soul power that was stripped from your soul, and it was transformed and sealed with the unique power and meridian characteristics of your body, so that your physical body in youth looks complete as a whole, no different from a normal human being.

The meridian disorder in the eyes of outsiders is actually a seal made by the former emperor with the supreme imperial power, sealing the soul power inside, sealing the power of your blood, allowing the soul power and blood energy to maintain the growth of the physical body, allowing you A more stable and safer way to spend your teenage years. "

The more Tang Yan listened, the more confused he became. Tang Fengye and the others became even more confused and laborious. What are they talking about?
Tang Yiyuan propped up his body with his crutches: "Everyone get up, kneel down, to show respect to the four elders, they don't need us to kneel here, what they want to see is the prosperity of the demon spirit clan .”

Tang Fengye and the others tacitly kowtowed to the four tombs, kowtowed to each tomb three times, and then slowly got up.

Tang Yiyuan sorted out his emotions: "Let's start from the beginning. His Royal Highness Prince Cang just mentioned the cooperation 500 years ago, and the whole deployment officially started from that time.

In the beginning, the original intention of the former emperor and the Succubus Emperor was to find another partner, to reach a broader alliance relationship, to form a united front that runs through the whole situation, and finally to realize the unification of the entire Lost World.

However, when Huang Si and Tian Wu joined forces to spy on the way of heaven for the first time, they discovered the turning point of the galaxy in advance, that is, the appearance of the fate star.

This horoscope indicates that not only the demon spirit clan, but all the emperors of the human race will actually accept the sanction of heaven in advance of the expected time. The lifespan of the emperors of the entire Lost War Realm will end early, some thousands of years earlier, and some two or three thousand years earlier.

The appearance of the Fate Star is God's gift to the ancient golden clan. They will become the new emperors who will shine on the common people, succeed the original emperors of each clan, and continue to rule their respective clans.

This is the avenue of reincarnation, the law of heaven and earth.

It was that discovery that gave the former emperor and the Succubus Emperor a common premonition—to capture the star of fate, break the shackles, and cultivate those who break the situation from the new generation.

Moreover, among the top ten life stars, the Samsara life star and the demon spirit life star, the two life stars are the most shining, and the brilliance almost illuminates the long river of fate.

The dazzling flash of the Yaoling Fate Star indicates that the Destiny's Son of the Yaoling Clan will have a lot of room for growth, which also gave the former Emperor and the Succubus Emperor the determination and courage to put all their eggs in one basket.They decided to change their decision-making, bet everything, and create an unprecedented new star of the demon spirits. In the years to come, they will lead the demon spirit clan, dominate the human race, and finally break the chaos of the lost war world. "

Everyone listened carefully, not daring to leave anything behind.Today's conversation is more about the perspective of fate and heaven. This is an experience that everyone has never had before. It sounds very mysterious, but it also allows them to come into contact with a different world for the first time, which is clearer and more macroscopic. to understand the truth of the incident.

"In the words of the first emperor, since the fate of two ethnic groups and the future of tens of millions of ethnic groups are to be bet on, we should make a big one, a big one that has no way out, and a one that will benefit infinitely if it succeeds." big picture.

The Succubus Emperor, Emperor Priest, and Heavenly Witch all agreed with the late emperor's proposal - bet everything!
After making the decision, the first emperor and the succubus emperor gave almost everything they had, and unreservedly contributed the secret methods and secret treasures preserved by the two races since ancient times. It's all for this game, to make the game more perfect.

First of all, the first point, the crucial point, is how to better shape the life star so that he can better adapt to the overall situation of the future and the battle of future heroes.

On the surface, the combination of the Succubus Emperor and the First Emperor is undoubtedly the best choice.The twin emperors conceived a child, and the offspring's talents can be imagined, enough to prosper the Yaoling clan.

As I said at the beginning, as early as [-] years ago, the late emperor and the succubus emperor had a special experience. Simply put, it was the succubus emperor who fell in love with the first emperor.

Back then, the first emperor had the talent of heaven, and he could be called an outstanding person. Whether it was strength or bearing, he was the best of the human race.When the Succubus Emperor and the First Emperor met, they had a wonderful relationship. "

The expressions on everyone's faces were a little weird. The former emperor and the Succubus Emperor...feelings? !Are you in love? !
I'll be an obedient dragon.

The strongest man of the human race and the first witch of the demon race are in love? !
The Succubus Emperor almost became the mistress of the Demon Spirit Clan?

This too great...A pure combination of interests is acceptable, love each other?terrible.

Tang Wu and other marshals have been fighting the demons all year round, subconsciously vilifying the creatures of the demons infinitely, this kind of thinking is deeply rooted.The desire to slaughter the demons transcends everything, and defeating the demons is the meaning of their existence and the glory of their lives.

And all this is also the thought that the first emperor created for them.

So, when they first heard the news, everyone's expressions were wonderful, their eyes were weird, and their moods were... very complicated... Tang Yan's mood was also a little weird, after all, he was talking about his own life experience.It turned out that 500 years ago, I almost had the blood of the demon race.

"But due to two considerations, the former emperor and the Succubus Emperor did not combine. One is that the mind does not allow it, and the other is that the law of heaven does not allow it."

(End of this chapter)

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