Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1964 The Secret of Bloodline Transformation

Chapter 1964 The Secret of Bloodline Transformation

"After discussions between the emperor's priest and the heavenly witch, we agreed with the former emperor's choice, and also decided that the combination of the young witch and the former emperor is the best choice - what the young witch can provide future generations with is an infinitely tolerant physique, as well as being able to communicate with hell." The body and soul are infinitely matched by the origin, what the former emperor can give is the blood of the Yaoling clan and the way to give birth to Long Kui.

In order to better conceive and raise offspring, they made a lot of preliminary preparations, and finally successfully conceived and raised you.On the day you were born, the blood drifted from the sky to the earth, which was regarded as a sign of rebirth from hell, and was even more valued by the former emperor and the succubus emperor.

The talent potential you have is much, much stronger than originally expected.

They decided that night that on the line...with no regrets.

And with your coming and blood drifting across the world, all our previous deployments are fully activated. "

Everyone was silent, no one interrupted, and continued to wait.

So many things have been said, in fact, it is more foreshadowing, and there are still many secrets that have not been revealed.

Tang Yiyuan said: "There were three reasons for the death of the first emperor, which can also be said to be the purpose.

First, the deployment of the entire operation must have a relatively stable environment. The war situation of the Yaoling clan has reached the edge of losing control, and the crusade from the human race has been put on the agenda.

If the Demon King is still there, the war can only continue. Not only the Blood Demons and Sky Demons will continue to attack, but the human race will also join hands to sanction the Demon King. The ambition of the Demon King to dominate the human race.

Once the siege situation arises, it is very likely that there will be a situation where the emperors are at the front line, or some high-level people will be arrested.Even if there is no war, all clans will definitely monitor the demon spirit clan [-]%, and will not let go of any clues.

The previous emperor's deployment was exquisite, but problems would inevitably arise.

In order to prevent this phenomenon from happening, the first emperor made a decision to die.

Only his death can return the Demon Spirit Clan to a relatively stable living environment, an environment that will not be closely watched by other clans, and offset the world's hatred for the Demon Spirit Clan.

The second goal is that the first emperor's life is approaching, the deployment has been laid, he has no other distractions, and decides to give it a go. This is an unprecedented battle in history - fighting the emperors with his own strength!

Either fall, or nirvana.

To end with pride in a war, or to seek a breakthrough in that level of combat.

The third purpose is that he doesn't know what the future will be like, how long this game will last, let alone when Tang Yan will grow up, and how long it will take to become emperor. He doesn't know if he can stick to it to that day.Therefore, he sacrificed himself to fulfill Prince Cang. "

"Ah?" Everyone was a little surprised, fulfilled?Prince Cang's Jinhuang is the effort of the former emperor?
"Prince Cang's realm is the perfection of martial arts, and he has been in that realm for tens of thousands of years. In fact, he already has the capital to become emperor, but unfortunately he has never been able to find an opportunity.

So... the former emperor listened to the emperor's priest's suggestion, fed Prince Cang with his own blood for 300 years, squeezed his own blood recklessly, and with the help of the Succubus Emperor and the young witch, promoted the blood of Prince Cang to develop Unprecedented transformation, officially became emperor. "

Everyone grinned secretly, fed with royal blood?The blood of the Holy Emperor for 300 years? !
The first emperor really went all out!
"Once Prince Cang becomes emperor, he will break the shackles of fate and become a brand new emperor. He will undergo a comprehensive transformation in all aspects, and his lifespan will be extended by at least 5 to [-] years. He will be able to protect Tang Yan well until he grows up.

That is to say, on the premise that he and Prince Cang were going to decline together, the first emperor chose his own death to fulfill Prince Cang. "

After Tang Yiyuan finished speaking, he glanced at Prince Cang for a while.

Prince Cang stood in the wilderness, staring at the sky speechlessly. The imperial brilliance covered his body and clouded his face, but it was faintly visible that two lines of tears silently ran across his cheeks at this moment.

The former emperor's exhortation still echoed in my ears: "You can't make me break through the ancient emperor, I can help you step into the emperor's way, you and I must have one person to live, and it can only be you."

"I have entrusted all my children and the demon spirit clan to your hands."

"Keep going, this road will be difficult."

Prince Cang said: "The reason why the late Emperor died was to fulfill me, to fulfill my tens of thousands of years of Martial Emperor's dream, to allow me to protect Tang Yan forever on his behalf, and to eliminate the too dazzling light of the Yaoling clan. Eliminating the suppression of the demon spirit clan from the outside world is also for the last fight, fighting the emperors to the front line of life and death.

The first emperor planned to use the last battle to completely injure Mo Qilin, Blood Demon Emperor, Holy Spirit Emperor, Taotie, etc., in exchange for sacrificing himself, in exchange for all the emperors around the Yaoling Clan. Back to peak.

This is also the real reason why I was able to compete against the Blood Demon Emperor and the Human Emperor and the Demon Emperor at the level of the new emperor. It was not because I was too strong, but because they were too seriously injured.

The first emperor really did it. He sacrificed himself in that battle and severely injured all the emperors. Except for Mo Qilin who recovered quickly in the later stage, the rest are still seriously injured. "

Tang Yiyuan said: "The four elders of the Clan Affairs Council jointly deployed the disguise operation of the year, fully assisted Prince Cang, and made various arrangements. But in order to permanently seal the news and avoid leaking one day's gaffes, it is even more to eliminate the tribalism. Resentful, they offered to sacrifice themselves.

As for not letting Tang Zhibai and Tang Fengye participate, it is also to protect you.

According to what the former emperor meant back then, who knows, whoever will die will definitely die, there must be no luck, everything is for the sake of the overall situation of the race.The fewer people who know the truth, the better, and the fewer the better.

And I chose to live alone in order to prop up the brand of the Clan Affairs Council and prevent him from getting rid of it completely, not to mention my life expectancy is numbered.At that time, I was thinking that I could stick to it for a hundred years, wait for you to come back, the young master, tell you the truth with my own mouth, and then die easily, but I didn't expect you to come back 50 years earlier.

I don’t want you, Marshals, to know that it was the first emperor who knew you and decided that you would put the overall situation first and would never rebel afterwards. At the same time, I was also worried that you were on the front line of the war. If you knew the truth, your actions would inevitably reveal it and cause bloodshed. The demons suspect that, or if they are caught, they may be tricked out of the truth.

So adding up the whole incident before and after, very few people know about it. "

Prince Cang said again: "Tang Yan's blood was very strong when he was just born, and with his baby's constitution, he was unable to suppress the leakage of that power, and it was impossible for outsiders to help suppress it all the time. Staying in the Forgotten War Realm will eventually attract attention. So it can only be thrown to other worlds.

In order to better seal Tang Yan and avoid all kinds of accidents, even if it is thrown to another world, special preparations are required.

So... the young maiden acted in person, stripped Tang Yan of your soul, and the first emperor personally acted, setting a seal in a way that reversed the meridian, leaving behind some soul-like power to maintain vitality.

Then, the first emperor sent you to the Qitian Continent, and the young witch took away the soul, and found the cracks in the void, which are the giant cracks left when hell was destroyed before, and they extend to a distant and unknown world , the young witch chose a crack that had been explored before, wrapped it with the power of green fire, and sent it to that mysterious and unknown world.

On the other hand, she wandered around the Qitian Continent, looking for the origin of hell, and made various arrangements.

When more than ten years have passed, once the deployment is complete, she will personally go to the unknown world, lead your soul back with green fire, and transfer it to this physical body.

Your soul is the key to your body, the key to your meridians returning to normal, and everything officially starts from that moment. "

"My mother has been watching over me?"

"No, it is not an easy task to forcibly shuttle through the turbulent void, and the price to be paid is too great. And the mistress has already given you everything in the beginning in order to better conceive and raise you. Her back then Lifespan is limited, residual energy is limited, and being able to lead your soul back is already the limit."

Prince Cang did not directly point out the life and death of the mistress, because he did not know the news about the mistress.

Tang Yan suddenly remembered the mysterious woman who crossed the void back then, the phantom of the woman who claimed to be her mother. Could it be... that is the mother... Could it be that she is still alive? !
Tang Yiyuan nodded slowly towards Tang Yan, his face full of relief: "The emperor saw the rise of the fate star, but could not see the end of the fate star. We have made various arrangements, but all of them are preliminary preparations, and we cannot predict the future. The ending, the beginning of this overall situation is paved by us, and how it will develop in the later period is also unpredictable.

All in all, you are the key, everything depends on yourself.

We can't even give too much protection, give more guidance.

The biggest variable in the whole chess game is yourself, your later character, your attitude towards events, your growth rate, and your pursuit of martial arts.All of these are things we cannot give, and all of them need your growth in the later stage.

We don't know how you came here these years and what kind of hardships you have experienced, but you came back 50 years in advance, not only awakened your blood, grew up to be a martial artist, but also created a war alliance in this chaotic world, your achievements We are proud of your efforts, and we believe that the late emperor will be proud even when he is alive.

Thank heaven for sending you back, thank you for your persistence, and not let all our efforts fail. "

Prince Cang also gave a high evaluation: "We are proud of you. You did not disappoint all those who had expectations of you. You completed your mission and you did it. I say for the late emperor, well done. "

(End of this chapter)

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