Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1966 The Mystery of the Ancient Underground City

Chapter 1966 The Mystery of the Ancient Underground City
Tang Yan knelt in front of the lonely grave for a long time: "Is my father really dead?"

Qilufu said: "With your current state, you can't directly assert life and death. You have the origin of hell, you are hell yourself, and your existence represents death.

I can't give you the real answer, but I can assure you that when you grow to the level he expects and truly dominate a world, possible..."

"Who are you?" Tang Yan asked a seemingly inexplicable question.

Qilufu looked up at the transfer of heaven and earth in the distance: "Yeah... Who am I... I don't know who I should be now... I just know... I may not be able to hold on for too long..."

"What is your relationship with Jiuying, and what is the relationship between father and Jiuying?"

Tang Yan was not dazzled by the enormity and mystery of the whole incident, he could hear that Prince Cang deliberately ignored an important issue - the existence of Jiuying!

Back then, the real reason why the former emperor and the Succubus Emperor decided to "give it a go" might not be me alone, because I was a "new baby" after all, and there were too many unknowns.

Unless they have another trump card, a real one.

This trump card can even ensure that Prince Cang can better deal with the external environment of the Yaoling Clan and deal with all parties.

Reminiscent of the appearance of Jiuying during the Qitian Continent, the gift of Long Kui, and the silent guardianship now, Tang Yan has reason to believe that Jiuying's peerless monster has a special connection with this terrifying conspiracy.

Furthermore, the phrase Qi Lufu mentioned earlier, "I once traveled the world with the War Demon", once again touched Tang Yan's sensitive nerves and aroused an absurd guess, which led to the question at this moment.

Zilufu was silent for a long time: "Let me tell you a story."

Tang Yan collected his feelings and stood up from the ground.

"Jiuying is a monster from ancient times, and also a very special life form. It really dates back to the early days of ancient times. Just as you understand, he is a great murderer in ancient times.

Its personality tends to be evil, and it fights alone in the world and enters the world alone. It has never had any friends, nor has it established any influence.

Because of its personality, it has provoked many powerful enemies, encountered many disasters, and suffered a lot of persecution, but with its miraculous ability, it still stubbornly wanders around the world and meets the challenges of the heroes.

In that era, he was still the top existence in the world, and even more so, he was a monster that everyone feared. He had no power, but instead became his advantage. He could do whatever he wanted without any worries.

However, there are both good and bad aspects of Lonely Fighting in the World. His overly withdrawn and arrogant personality attracted all parties to join forces to persecute him, making him more and more difficult until one day, he caused a catastrophe and angered the sleeping Emperor Wu.

Emperor Wu was angry, so he woke up and punished him. He wanted to kill Jiuying to declare the power of Emperor Wu.

At the moment of life and death, another emperor stopped him and saved him, even offending that emperor.

But Emperor Zun who rescued Jiuying did not take this opportunity to enslave Jiuying, nor did he talk about any benefits. Afterwards, he left and never appeared again.

Jiuying received invisible protection through that incident, and no Emperor Zun dared to punish him anymore. He became an existence of "invincible under Emperor Zun" in that era. "

"What realm is Jiuying?"

"The realm is the realm of the ancient emperor! The only ancient emperor in the world! He separated his body into different parts. The main body is maintained at the realm of the holy emperor, and the clone is maintained at the realm of the martial saint. In this way, the power of heaven is divided.

His avatar is different from other powerhouses. He was originally a whole composed of nine demon bodies, so he can avoid the sanction of heaven and delay the punishment of heaven by dividing his body.

Because of this, he is almost invincible.

Until later, the emperor who saved him was persecuted by all parties and fell, destroyed in the void.

Jiuying was grateful for the kindness of Emperor Zun's salvation back then. Afterwards, he forcibly wandered through the turbulent space and wandered persistently in the void for more than [-] years. Fortunately, he recovered a few emperor bones and emperor blood, and suffered heavy injuries because of this. damage. "

"The emperor's fall is because of hell?"

"No, there were five emperors co-existing in the Qitian Continent back then. They were all close to gods, living between the real world and the void. They were too strong and too strong to disdain the troubles of the world. For them, all kinds of things in the world It was like child's play, so they met and fell asleep.

But the emperor who saved me often wakes up and wanders around the world, causing the other four emperors to be unhappy, and then...the four emperors finally found something interesting-killing the emperor! "

When Zilufu talked about these secrets, he felt absurd, even child's play.But for Emperor Zun back then, they were really gods, almost invincible existences, they could get anything they wanted, and they might feel great and proud at the beginning, but what about 1000 years? What about 1 years? What about 10 years?Day after day, year after year, they got bored and bored, so they fell asleep.

Killing the emperor became the only thing that could arouse their interest, and it was precisely because of that tacit understanding that the fifth emperor was destroyed and finally fell into the void.

"Wouldn't Jiuying bring back the Emperor's bone and Emperor's blood to attract attention?"

"Jiuying is a very strange life form. It can be said that he has nine lives, nine clones, nine personalities, and nine wisdom. It didn't rush back to the Qitian Continent, but hid in the turbulence of the void. Looking at those few emperor bones, I comprehended the profound meaning of the emperor's blood, and glimpsed the true meaning of longevity."


"The main body sleeps forever, seals its own destiny, and the strange clone lives alone in the world, going through ups and downs, from strong to weak, and accepts the life and death sanctions of heaven."

"Can you introduce it in detail?"

"The main body in the realm of the Holy Emperor fell into a deep sleep, a permanent deep sleep, and the eight avatars outside the main body, that is, the eight heads awakened in turn.

After each avatar wakes up, it will leave the sleeping place, live alone, and grow with its own independent consciousness, just like a brand-new living body that is conceived, matures step by step, grows step by step, until it reaches the ultimate martial arts, enters the realm of martial saints, And when the tens of thousands of years of life is approaching, calmly accept the sanction of heaven and go to death.

The death of the clone is equivalent to the death of the main body.

But during the growth period of the avatar, it must sleep regularly for thousands of years. During this period, the main body will reach a resonance connection in a specific way, transmit ideas, and share memories.

After each clone dies, the main body will regenerate a new head.

From then on, the endless life is tantamount to taking advantage of the loopholes of the way of heaven, deceiving the way of heaven, and making the way of heaven confused and unable to distinguish between primary and secondary.And assist the main body of Jiuying to pass the threshold of '10 years' again and again, and continue to survive again and again. "

"It can't be that simple, can it? How can Heaven be so easily deceived?" Tang Yan had to sigh amazingly, but it's easy to say, but it's so difficult to do. Even if Jiuying's own conditions are special, it is impossible to succeed time and time again. Crossing the 10-year threshold again and again.

"If you want to do this, it's not just that Jiuying has nine heads and nine clones. If his main body wants to maintain permanent vitality and resonate with the clones, it needs a very special environment, and it needs enough. Blood energy and soul power, as well as the unique heaven-defying seal array."

"Please allow me to interrupt again. In order to live forever, Jiuying is willing to let the main body of his holy emperor state sleep forever, and only let the avatar move?? With his arrogant character, wouldn't this be... life would be better than death?"

"You are right, the real reason why Jiuying sealed himself up is not only because of eternal life, but because he hopes to resurrect the emperor who saved him.

At the time when he returned, the Qitian Continent was invaded by the mysterious world of Hell, and a terrible war disaster occurred. He used the disaster war of Hell's invasion at that time to obtain a large number of corpses.

Including the Demon Emperor Wuhuang, including wonderful creatures, and hundreds of millions of them.

Jiuying also found the exclusive sleeping place where Emperor Zun was alive, that is, a source of the earth in Qitian Continent.

Utilizing the special seal inside and burying all the corpses is equivalent to building a giant cage, setting up an altar in a wonderful way, and a series of tasks.

In the end...he used the seal of Emperor Zun's sleeping place to cover up all the breath, and used blood drops, emperor bones, and hundreds of millions of corpses to create a special living nest for himself. "

Tang Yan stared at him for a long time: "The Emperor who saved Jiuying is Emperor Longkui?! The cage where Jiuying is sealed is the ancient underground city of Qitian Continent?!"

"That's right! The ancient underground city is the former cage, the place where the original ancestor of Longkui slept! It's just that after endless years of consumption, the seal and power of the cage have weakened. The collapse of the year was not caused by you digging ore, but Jiuying's body was forcibly awakened during that period."

(End of this chapter)

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