Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1970 Demon Spirit Attack

Chapter 1970 Demon Spirit Attack
Royal capital!Weiyang Palace!

The three leaders of the Military Affairs Council joined forces, and the five generals of the military region participated. An unprecedented strategic discussion meeting was quickly rolled out, and it was rapidly being completed.It was the first time for them, the important military officials of the Monster Spirit Tribe, to jointly deploy a campaign, and their enthusiasm was high, so the efficiency was naturally very impressive.

When Tang Yan followed Qi Lufu and the Tang brothers followed Prince Cang to appear in Weiyang Palace one after another, the plan was officially finalized and delivered to Prince Cang through Tang Fengye.Before Tang Yan officially expressed his position to take over the Yaoling Clan, the emperor here was still Prince Cang, and they only needed to protect Tang Yan in their hearts.

The two sides started discussions again, Tang Yan revealed a lot of confidential information about Zhanmeng, and the agreement was finalized.

Plan according to the protocol.

Tang Wu returned to the camp in Xijiang, and joined forces with Tang Hong, the commander of the Military Affairs Council, to guard against the invasion of the blood demons.

Tang Wuxiang and Tang Fengye returned to the Eastern Border camp and joined hands to sit in the camp.Tang Fengye paid a personal visit to Xu Ye, the patriarch of the Bone Clan, and disclosed the necessary information and the news of Xu Pojun and others to persuade Xu Ye, prompting the two clans to form an alliance, and jointly threaten the Star Clan and the Spirit Clan.

Tang Yu returned to the northern Xinjiang camp and sat steadily to prevent accidents in Beihai.And properly separate the troops to move to the two sides, respond to the western battlefield and the eastern battlefield at any time, or rush to support the Bone Race.

Once the demon spirit clan rushes to the battle alliance in an all-round way, it will definitely cause a sensation in all parties, and even lead to a series of unforeseen riots. Therefore, we must strictly guard against the blood demon clan, sky demon clan, and the star clan and spirit clan in the northern continent.

While the demon spirit clan rushed to the aid of the Zhanmeng, they should prepare a strict and perfect defense strategy.

Secondly, Prince Cang must sit in command of the Yaoling Clan and take guarding the sky as his most important task.Otherwise, if you lose the first-line sky where the emperor sits, you will be frantically hunted and killed by all parties, and its allure even exceeds that of Zhanmeng.

Third, while stabilizing the three major fronts of western Xinjiang, eastern Xinjiang, and northern Xinjiang, the southern and southeastern borders will go all out.

The Liuqing Demon Group Army guards the southeast border, defends the Demon Territory, and supports the Eastern Frontier. The remaining Tianwu Army, Ye Sirius Army, Jinfeng Army, and 280 million troops from the three major armies head south with all their strength, bypassing the Demon Territory, and rushing to the Zhanmeng battlefield.

Tang Anhua, Tang Xindian, Tang Shou, the commanders of the three major armies each commanded their own group armies, and all the strong men under their command participated in the battle.

Tang Zhibai and Tang Yuanque, the two military leaders fight together.

All nine brothers and sisters of the Tang family participated in the war.

Including Unicom Tang Yan and Qi Lufu, there were a total of twelve great martial saints and 36 semi-sages in the participating troops.

Among them, Qi Lufu is at the perfect state of martial arts. Tang Anhua, Tang Xindian, and Tang Shou, the commanders of the three major armies, are all top fighters who are one step away from the peak martial saints, and they have fought in the battlefield all year round with extraordinary strength.

"Can I intervene?" Tang Qiu couldn't help raising his hand: "Aren't we going to wipe out the Pangu and Shihuang clans? The situation in the Zhanmeng is very critical now, and our forces can at most ensure that the Zhanmeng will not be destroyed." Break through and form a tie."

"Didn't you hear the Thirteen Demon Saints that General Qilufu said?" Tang Cang reminded.

Tang Fengye originally intended for the Blue Demon Army to join the battle, but Qilufu mentioned that he had placed "thirteen demon saints" as spies in the demon army, and would respond when necessary to break the situation together. Absolutely believable.

"I understand that the number of high-level people can form an advantage, but it can't form absolute suppression. But the biggest danger now is not only the high-level generals, but also the huge gap between the war troops. At least there is a gap of four to five million? I don't doubt that we The strength of the Yaoling Clan army is only 500 million to fill the gap of 280 million, at most a tie, it cannot form an overwhelming advantage."

Tang Chen asked Tang Yan: "You really don't need to transfer another group army? Yixiantian can form a reserve group army to go to the northern border, and transfer the twin army groups in the northern border to go south."

"No need. I said that the Zhanmeng is confident of resisting this battle. I didn't mean to boast. I didn't come here to simply ask for support. I still have 200 million troops in my hand, ready to be sent to the battlefield at any time."

"200 million?" Prince Cang was surprised. He had been observing Zhanmeng, not to mention having a comprehensive grasp of the lineup there, at least he had a good grasp of it, so that he would not miss 200 million troops.

"I'm sure." Tang Yan calmly accepted everyone's doubts.

"Since the young master can be sure, it's a foregone conclusion!" Tang Fengye really couldn't draw more troops. After all, the Zhanmeng and the first-tier talent divisions are at the two extremes of the world. For several months, once the 'North-South Alliance' is achieved, it will be a severe shock to the entire Forgotten War World, and Yixiantian must make various defensive preparations.

"Are you sure?" Tang Bing actually didn't have much communication with Tang Yan, was inevitable to be a little suspicious.

"The 200 million troops are in the hands of my wife Niya."

"Isn't your wife Zhaoyi?" Tang Chen knew it from his ninth sister Tang Lin, she seemed to be called 'Zhaoyi', a magnificent woman who was as beautiful as a fairy, with a gentle temperament.

"I have...four wives...Niya, Zhaoyi, Ling Ruoxi, and Mu Rou. I will introduce you to each other after the matter is over." Talking about his beloved, Tang Yan's complicated mood these days calmed down a little, but I am very concerned, the battle of Zhanmeng has been fought so far, and I don't know what has happened.

Tang Cang and the others looked at each other, hey, are you still an infatuated?
"I look forward to meeting all the young mistresses." Tang Yiyuan showed a gratified smile on his face.

Okay, okay, give birth as early as possible, the earlier Tang Yan conceives offspring, the higher the success rate.

This is the bloodline of Longkui, the bloodline of Tianhuo, leaving a little bit of inheritance power.

On the way he came, he was planning to marry Tang Yan Zhang Luo, and he was selected from one hundred and eighty people in the clan.He is very experienced in this area, and he was the one who set up Prince Cang's "reproduction" plan back then.But it is not needed for the time being. When I see those young mistresses, I have to arrange for someone to check them out.

Prince Cang said: "I can't come to the battlefield with my real body, but I can use a ray of mind to go south together. I need to explain something to Mo Yansheng on behalf of my elder brother. The key point of this battle is Lin Zhongcun. .”

Qi Lufu said: "Mo Yansheng rejected the proposal of the Demon Spirit Emperor one after another. It's not that he can't see through current events, but because he felt that the time was not right, and he also hoped to find another way to return to Qitian Continent. But this time, he must A decision has been made."

"Qilufu, Tang Yan, Tang Chen, follow my body of thought to the south, and you will arrive at the Zhanmeng battlefield within three days. Tang Anhua, Tang Xindian, and Tang Shou will lead the group army to detour through the demon realm. Pay attention to the early stage camouflage."

"Tang Shou and Don Juan, the two commanders can accompany you. My hell world can accommodate [-] elite soldiers, and the Ye Sirius Army's [-] troops can enter my hell world first, and the rest of the troops are under the command of General Tang Zang." Tang Yan now With a great increase in strength, the holding capacity of the hell space will expand accordingly, and you can challenge new limits!
"This will be a protracted battle. Once the southeast fortress is opened, it will be accompanied by various accidents. It is likely to evolve into a rare all-round battle in the history of the demon spirit clan. Everyone should be mentally prepared." Prince Cang made a final reminder, blooming dazzling The divine splendor fills the magnificent palace, and a brand new phantom of Prince Cang is being rapidly formed by energy and royal power.

Tang Shou ordered the [-] troops of the Ye Sirius Army to gather quickly and released Tang Xiong in the Thorn Cliff.

The gate of hell opened, and all [-] elite troops settled in.

Prince Cang's royal power avatar rolled up Tang Yan, Qi Lufu, Tang Shou, Tang Juan, and Tang Chen's brothers and sisters, and took away Tang Anhua, Tang Xindian, Tang Zhibai, and Tang Yuanque, across the sky at the speed of light.

After leaving Tang Anhua, Tang Xindian, Tang Zhibai, and Tang Yuanque in the southeast, they went straight south and rushed to the southeast Zhanmeng battlefield. Enough to come to Zhanmeng.

As early as two days ago, the assembly order had been launched in all major military regions, including the Ye Sirius Army.So when the order was issued, the three major armies, the Tianwu Army, the Jinfeng Army, and the Ye Sirius Army, immediately operated with high efficiency.

More than [-] troops of the Ye Sirius Army went south secretly.

The Jinfeng Group Army set up a camouflage, quickly shifted to the east, and advanced towards the southeast camp along the dense line.

Marshal Tang Wu returned to Western Xinjiang to deploy, Marshal Tang Yu returned to northern Xinjiang to guard, and Tang Wuxiang went to Eastern Xinjiang to deploy defenses.

Tang Fengye paid a secret visit to Xu Ye, the patriarch of the Bone Clan. Because the two belonged to the Military Affairs Director of the Ancient Gold Clan, and had very similar temperaments, they had always had some personal relationships. Therefore, Tang Fengye's personal visit would definitely be valued by Xu Ye. With the help of news, I believe that the Bone Race will agree to form an alliance.

In this way, as Prince Cang's royal power avatar moved southward at an extremely fast speed, the "human giant" of the Yaoling clan was revived at high speed, a series of military deployments and clan reinforcements were carried out in an orderly manner, and preparations for a full-scale battle were quickly made.

(End of this chapter)

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