Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1981 The Emperor's Arrival on the Battlefield

Chapter 1981 The Emperor's Arrival on the Battlefield
"Young master? Why is he here?" Nian Wuqing temporarily suppressed his grief and despair, feeling strange at the scene in front of him.

Isn't Tang Yan facing the enemy on the eastern battlefield?

Wait...these people...these people..."Get up!!" Ma Yanwang suddenly ran away, even more crazy.Regardless of the encirclement and suppression by Mu Qilin and a demon saint, he let the secret technique bombard his body, and broke away from the battle circle forcefully.Staring straight at the strong man in the sky, he was as evil as him, and at this moment, his heart was surging like an ocean, surging up and down.

Mu Qilin didn't get too entangled, and let Ma Yanwang leave.

Because he also recognized these people, and felt the wonderful and familiar energy from the purple-gold light wave.

That's not a saint, not an emperor!

To be precise, it should be the energy avatar of the emperor.

"Commander Ma Long, long time no see." Ye Sirius Corps Chief Tang Shou greeted Ma Long first.

His era was much earlier than Ma Long's. When he was the leader of the army, Ma Long was still a young boy. Because of this, he watched Ma Long's strong rise with his own eyes, and appreciated the share that Ma Long brought to the Demon Spirit Clan. Fiery and rebellious, he also participated in the ceremony when Ma Long was named the head of the army.

After many years, meeting again, how much emotion, how much confusion.

I thought Yin and Yang were separated, who would have thought that the other party would stick to righteousness and hide.

"Legion Commander, do you still remember me, Tang Juan?" Tang Juan restrained his cold and arrogant posture, and saluted Ma Yan Wang.

He also has admiration for the most dazzling new star of the Yaoling clan thousands of years ago, and he also lamented the other party's untimely death back then.

"General Ma, I have long admired my name." Tang Chen and other brothers and sisters saluted King Ma Yan one by one.Any legion leader of the Demon Spirit Clan is a legend, this one in front of him is especially the worst!
King Ma Yan frowned, staring coldly at the scene in front of him, clenched his fists tightly and creaked, but did not respond.

"Ma Long, long time no see."

Prince Cang's imperial power was mighty, and he stretched out his hand to send out a cloud of light, which turned out to be Nian Wuxin's soul.

They arrived in time, but it wasn't too late. They could no longer suppress Nian Wuxin's self-destruction. Prince Cang could only use his royal power to forcibly snatch Nian Wuxin's soul.

The soul is still there, the hope is still there, and one day in the future, Nian Wuxin will reappear in front of everyone.

"Uncle Wuxin, rest, I will let you stand up again." Tang Yan was still afraid, and carefully took Nian Wuxin's weak soul. It was a step late, but it was not too late, otherwise he would have to collapse.He regained his composure and explained briefly to King Ma Yan: "Uncle Ma, I was neither coerced nor confused. Ten days ago, I detoured to the Demon Realm and went to Yixiantian by myself. I will explain the specific things in detail in the future. What happened is not what you imagined, I got the truth, please give Prince Cang some respect, please give the Yaoling clan some expectations."

King Ma Yan stared straight at Prince Cang, his gaze was like a sharp arrow, and it seemed that he had not heard any explanation.

Nian Wuqing and Nian Wude are also on high alert, and they are also infinitely complicated, their hearts seem to be kinked together.

The "deep hatred" that has been deposited for thousands of years, and the encounter with the "life and death rescue" at this moment, collided with overwhelming emotions, chaotic in the whole body, impacting the mind, but could not express a word, only the cold stare with.

"Our reinforcements are on the way. Hold on for a long time, everyone. We will win this offensive and defensive battle of the alliance! In the end, please believe me." Tang Yan raised his head to the sky, and his left eye suddenly burst into a dark and dead air, like a river The tide, rushing from the alien space, mighty and powerful, with a strong roar, drew a broad arc in the sky, and crashed into the direction of Zhanmeng Cangsheng Hall.

The dark and dead energy is mighty, reverberating in the sky and shaking the ears.It was full of dense figures, as well as the terrifying aura and the wave of fighting spirit, which attracted the attention of the high-level people in the audience.

Everyone stared distractedly, and saw one team after another of cavalrymen, and saw beasts one after another. They were all wearing heavy armor, carrying chopping knives, and straddled a huge dark winged wolf, like ghost soldiers rushing out of hell. , murderous, iron-blooded and sonorous.

In a blink of an eye, tens of thousands rushed out, reaching hundreds of thousands.

It is the most elite special warfare unit of the Ye Sirius Army!
"Ye Sirius!! Prince Cang?!" The Han Ba, Mu Qilin, Huo Qilin, Tu Qilin, and the commanders of Tianpengling and Donghuangyue of the corpse royal family all woke up in horror.

They recognized Tang Shou, the Ye Sirius Army, and Tang Juan!
Why did the people from the Demon Spirit Clan come here? !
A Northern Continent, a Southern Wilderness, across the Lost War Realm, should not appear here at all.

Tigris recognized the demon spirit clan, and Ke Zunshan and Immortal Phoenix also noticed the abnormality.

This group of people came too unexpectedly.

Their brows were furrowed tightly, and they were on the alert, maintaining a high level of vigilance.

"Don't be afraid, stand up for me! It's just a clone of the imperial power, it can't control the battlefield! Keep killing, killing!!" Huo Qilin roared suddenly, mobilizing the high-level battlefield again.

Tu Qilin snorted heavily: "Three or five saints, one hundred thousand troops, just want to control the battlefield? You, the demon spirit race, are too naive to think! Lower your proud heads, look at the current battlefield, and look at the tens of thousands of strong soldiers !"

"It's your right to wade into muddy waters, but you chose the wrong place."

"Prince Cang, retreat immediately, otherwise after the Zhanmeng is destroyed, the next one to suffer is your Monster Spirit Clan!"

"Don't think that Yaoyu didn't dare to attack Yixiantian, it's just that it wasn't the time before."

"Without the protection of the Demon Spirit Emperor, the threat of your Demon Spirit Clan is already less than half of what it was back then!!"

The heroes of the demon realm and the existing powerful members of the corpse royal family yelled one after another, a little surprised, but quickly suppressed their fear.

Unless the Monster Spirit Clan invades south with all their strength, they cannot control the destruction of the Zhanmeng. Even if it does come, it will be too late!

The thirteen demon saints are attacking the east, and it is only a matter of time before they take down the Temple of Heaven. At that time, the Pangu clan will advance strongly, and with the two northeastern part of the demon realm, Zhanmeng will not escape the nightmare of destruction.

No matter why Prince Cang came here, no matter what reinforcements there are, in one can reverse the destruction of Zhanmeng.

"The last word is born!" Prince Cang ignored it, but raised his head and shouted, chanting loudly, rushing towards the sky, roaring through the space.Like thousands of steel needles, densely packed into the depths of the void, they were extremely sharp and reverberated for a long time.

"The life and death of the demon spirit clan is not up to you to judge. Let's start, friends of Zhanmeng. From now on, the demon spirit clan will fight side by side with you!" Brothers and sisters Tang Shou, Tang Juan, and Tang Chen faced the whole world After saluting, they all rushed to the battlefield, made an attitude to the Zhanmeng with practical actions, and gave a straightforward response to the Yaoyu and the corpse royal family.

"Ye Sirius, draw your sword, and fight!!" The [-] troops of Sirius Ye had a little understanding of the current situation on the battlefield, and straddled the winged wolves filling the sky, facing the raptor troops of the demon realm who were preparing to threaten the greatest threat.

"I don't know how to live or die! Hit me! Hit me to death!" The demon domain was enraged collectively and launched an attack without superiority.They have been fighting in the flames of war for six or seven days. They are full of blood and courage, and they are not afraid of any challenge.

"Continue first!" Ma Yanwang's frown did not loosen, but after looking at Tang Yan for the last time, he waved his hand and signaled Nian Wuqing and others to settle today's battle first.

Everything is focused on the overall situation, the survival and victory of Zhanmeng.

"Fight, fight!" Zhanmeng quickly ignited fiery passion from top to bottom, and the dense roars finally became a whole piece, triggering a roar like a tsunami in the ocean.

The desperation and sorrow "Wang Yang" that lasted for six days and six nights was finally infused with the fairy spring of "hope", mixed with factors of revenge and madness.

Go up to martial saints, semi-sages, down to ordinary disciples, don't make any reservations, don't worry about ten days and a half months of protracted war, go crazy, fight, vent all your emotions and strength.

They are more like drowning people grabbing a life-saving straw, and the power of the explosion can be imagined.

From a few to millions, this force detonated the battlefield.

In the end, the kink became the first fiery battle in the northern battlefield since the beginning of the Zhanmeng offensive and defensive battle.

At the same time, with Tang Yan's arrival, the ghost monk on the eastern battlefield suddenly got up, picked up his scalp drum, and stepped out of the side hall: "Contact Kong Wu, send me to the Hall of Common Life!"

"Where are you going? You haven't finished the fight yet!" Xu Pojun stood up abruptly, but the next moment, his consciousness was spinning, his eyes went dark, he fell on his head, and lost consciousness immediately.

Until now, Watchman No. [-], who was guarding outside the door, clearly saw Xu Pojun under the 'dead breath', and saw his true appearance.

Skinny, with blood oozing from the seven orifices, the whole body is covered with evil black silk, as if being sucked dry by some kind of ghost, polluting the soul, already... dying... terrible! !Watchmen Five is secretly thrilling.

Is Xu Pojun beating the drums?Or was the ghost monk beating Xu Pojun's flesh and blood?

Probably the latter!
After confirming that Xu Pojun still had obvious aura, Watchman No. [-] was not too anxious, but rushed out immediately and ordered chocolate.

His task is to fully cooperate with the situation in the Temple of Heaven. Since the ghost monk suddenly made this move, there should be some special intentions. Now that the eastern battlefield is gradually stabilizing, No. [-] will naturally provide help to the ghost monk.

Without the support of Ghost Monk and Scalp Drum, Zhanmeng's troops suddenly felt exhausted and weak. Many people almost fell down on the spot, but the quick awakening of consciousness and the comprehensive counterattack of the high-level gave them new vitality.All the dead bodies fell, which is equivalent to losing a million troops, but Zhanmeng quickly adjusted its tactics, based on comprehensive defense, continued to stick to the eastern defense line, and waited for the high-level battle to be reinforced. In short, before the hope of victory, they inspired Seeing the final potential, the blood is not cold, the battle is still raging, and everything is going on in an orderly manner.

(End of this chapter)

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