Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1995 Southern Pattern

Chapter 1995 Southern Pattern
When Mo Yansheng and the others rushed to the central holy mountain, it had already been closed ahead of time.

The seven-colored barrier, shining brightly, holds a strong imperial power, forming layers of protection, isolating internal and external connections.You can't see through the situation inside, and you can't detect anything inside.

Qilufu and the three clones all came here, broke through the barrier, and all settled in the holy mountain.

Granny Ma and old man Bai all retreated outside the holy mountain, or rather, they were driven out.They stared at the majestic giant mountain shrouded in brilliance, with worry hidden between their brows, and they clasped their hands tightly, rubbing them unconsciously, showing their inner anxiety.

Immortal Phoenix and Ke Zunshan rushed to the holy mountain one after another, they all had a premonition that something might be wrong.

The coming of the Three Emperors is definitely a historic confrontation, but it turned out that two 'outsiders', Mo Yansheng and Suni Beast, came forward to deal with it, which is somewhat nondescript.But Jiuying was silent in the holy mountain, and did not make a sound from the beginning to the end, except for the initial burst of staring at the holy mountain, and now it directly closed the holy mountain, which did not fit the image of Jiuying in their understanding.

"What happened?"

The Immortal Phoenix and others were all standing high in the sky, not in a hurry to get close to the protective barrier that was gradually thickening on the holy mountain.

Granny Ma and the others exchanged glances, without concealing the facts: "The specific situation is not clear, we can only infer roughly. In the last confrontation, the Human Sovereign fought to the death, intending to contain Pangu and create opportunities for Jiuying. But Pangu As if he had a premonition of the key to that blow, he used the strongest secret technique to fight desperately with his body turned into a knife. The result..."

"What's the result?" Everyone's hearts tightened, and the power of the emperor's dying counterattack can be imagined.

Emperor Pan Gu was different from Emperor Qi Tian who was weak and tired. He was a complete emperor, and his strength far surpassed that of Emperor Qi Tian. Once he attacked without regard for his life, the consequences would be disastrous.

"It stands to reason that Jiuying could dodge completely, but he didn't do that, as if he didn't want to give up the opportunity created by Qi Tian Renhuang with his death, and he didn't want Qi Tian Ren Huang to die in battle like that, so he came at that moment. Head-to-head.

As a result, Emperor Qi Tianren fell into a coma on the spot due to serious injuries, and the sword transformed by Emperor Pangu shattered, causing the body to be broken, hurting the vitality of the body, and life and death were uncertain.Jiuying...well...had two heads chopped off, and the other one lost. "

hiss!Everyone gasped, and suddenly felt cold all over, hurting all three prayers?It is completely conceivable that the attack was brutal and terrifying. Fortunately, it happened in the void. If it was in the sky above Zhanmeng, it would be enough to razed Zhanmeng to the ground in an instant.

"Don't worry, Jiuying will be fine." Mo Yansheng comforted everyone, but he was worried.

Before assisting Jiuying and the others to transfer from the void, Jiuying spent a lot of energy to complete the transformation from the demon body to the human form. The entire face was almost disfigured, bloody and bloody, most of the body was bleeding, and the hideous wounds were shocking.Qi Tian Renhuang was even more miserable, he looked like a skeleton, his skin was pulled out and his flesh was picked, it was too horrible to look at.

At the end of the day, they didn't dare to recall too much, it was too miserable and terrible.

Emperor Qi Tian was crazy, Emperor Pan Gu was also crazy, and the last Jiuying was even more crazy.

They never thought that there would be such a tragic battle of madness and death regardless of life and death.

Can you not worry? ?Immortal Phoenix and the others looked solemn, and now the whole world is staring at Zhanmeng, every move will arouse unusual suspicion and attention.If Jiuying suddenly fell into a deep sleep and Qi Tian Renhuang was unconscious again, it would definitely stimulate a large group of forces, maybe it would attract a new round of blows, and shake the foundation that the Zhanmeng had just established.

Granny Ma noticed the dullness of the atmosphere, and said warm words of relief: "Jiuying knows well that he is only injured, so he will not fall into a deep sleep. When the Zhanmeng is in danger, he will appear immediately to ensure that the Zhanmeng is safe."

Suni Beast said: "Don't worry about Jiuying, let's worry about ourselves. The offensive and defensive battle of the Zhanmeng is over. We are safe for the time being. It is gratifying and congratulatory, but the most urgent thing is to clean up the mess. By the way, be vigilant against the anger of the Yaoyu and the Pangu clan. One more preparation, one more guarantee, must show a strong posture as soon as possible, give a deterrent to the heroes of the world, and avoid a second war after the war."

Mo Yansheng added: "Lin Zhongcun will stay in Zhanmeng from now on. If you don't mind, we can treat them as a family. We don't need to worry about anything. We will help each other and let Zhanmeng recover from the war as soon as possible. , it will be very difficult during this period of time, and it is also very important, in any case, we must not show fatigue."

"Everyone persist for a few more months, everything will be fine, come on!" Everyone looked at the closed holy mountain for the last time, encouraged each other, and dragged their tired and hurt bodies to disperse.

Assign tasks to each other, some count casualties, some treat the seriously wounded, some carry corpses, some repair damaged colleagues, and some shoulder a new round of guardian patrol missions. It is necessary to let the Zhanmeng recover some vitality as soon as possible. Can't be dead for a long time.

The end of the war is only the first stage of the overall campaign. If the state of the Zhanmeng continues to weaken in the later stage, it will inevitably trigger a new round of attack storms from all sides. At that time, it will be the real deadly threat. Such tragedies have happened many times in history .

On the [-]th, the second day after the offensive and defensive battle of Zhanmeng Beast Mountain ended, the imperial battlefield officially ended.

Zhanmeng once again shocked the world with a brilliant victory.

"Zhanmeng achieved double victories in the main battlefield and the imperial battlefield."

"Jiu Ying and Qi Tian Human Emperor have safely returned to Zhanmeng!"

"The ink unicorn fled the Gonggu Mountains in embarrassment!"

"There is no more news about the corpse emperor and Pangu emperor, and it is rumored that they have been imprisoned in the depths of Zhanmeng!"

"The Emperor Asura and the Emperor of the Sea showed up one after another, but they failed to make any achievements. In the end, they had to retreat to the Gonggu Mountains due to formalities."

After the [-]th Zhanmeng's offensive and defensive battle ended, Zhanmeng did not rest immediately, but showed continuous enthusiasm and high-pitched fighting intentions. Together with the demon spirit clan, they carried out a comprehensive sweep of the Gonggu Mountains for eight days. The encirclement and suppression forces chased and killed the Pangu and Yaoyu troops.

According to incomplete statistics, after the end of Zhanmeng's mopping-up operation, there were very few deserters from all sides who were able to escape from the Gonggu Mountains and flee to their respective territories.

Only 30 troops of the Pangu Clan actually returned to the Pangu Mountains, and the number of the demon realm was actually less than one million.

So far, the offensive and defensive battle of the Zhanmeng has come to an end, and the Zhanmeng has dominated the southeast with brilliant victories.

The five-party coalition forces finally withdrew in embarrassment due to the disaster of destruction.

About 400% of the five-party coalition, which originally claimed to have [-] million troops, was buried in the Gonggu Mountains.

Thinking back to the five-party alliance ten days ago, it was menacing and mighty, and there was a great momentum to swear an indestructible alliance, but today, ten days later, the corpse royal family has been completely wiped out, millions of soldiers from the Pangu clan are engulfed in the battlefield, and 900 million beasts in the demon realm The tide survived millions.With an awkward and desolate attitude, this historic battle ended and became the most sensational battle in modern history.

The Gonggu Mountains, the once mysterious and rich ancient rainforest, the vast and endless green sea and mountain tide, became the most terrifying 'cemetery' in the Southern Continent after the war, a terrifying place of death.

Together with the millions of troops sacrificed by the Zhanmeng, one battle created more than [-] million dead souls in the Gonggu Mountains.

The endless mountains, the messy rainforest, the sky is dark, the souls are weeping, the blood is lingering, and it lasts for a long time. It has been coiled over the vast mountains and rivers for three months. The cold wind lasted for three months.

Depressed, lethargic, dank, bloody, rancid.

It seems that the heaven is crying, the earth is mourning, and all living beings are choking.

Many monsters living there, as well as casual cultivators lurking inside, couldn't bear the depression, went mad in the rain, lost control in the blood, and committed suicide in the mud and ruins.

The once beautiful mountains and rivers are now like hell.

There was a gloomy incident in the depths of the dark mountain forest, which made all parties dare not set foot there and regarded it as a forbidden area.

Some people even saw "the ghost soldiers pass by the way" and "thousands of ghosts gather and weep", which is evil and gloomy, bloody and weird.

During the three months since the end of the Zhanmeng, the entire Southern Continent, and even the land and sea areas left behind by the Zhanmeng, have been silent and suppressed unprecedentedly. , no more war broke out.

A strange atmosphere reverberated in the hundreds of millions of miles of territory, circulating among the endless powerful clans and powerful factions.

No one attacked the Yaoling clan, no one attacked the demon domain, no sea area interfered with the land, and the Pangu clan did not retaliate. Everything was so quiet, so quiet that it was suffocating, and even ordinary people were affected.

Everything is due to this unexpected victory of the Zhanmeng, which truly broke the world pattern.

(End of this chapter)

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