Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2006: One Arrow, Many Eagles

Chapter 2006

Xuanyuan Longli left the rainforest quickly. He really couldn't bear the sight of millions of corpses staring and drooping their tongues, and he didn't dare to imagine the reason why the corpses collectively turned in a certain direction. It was too cruel, too evil, and creepy.

Tang Chen and the others also withdrew one after another, not daring to stay inside for an extra minute.

Even Tang Yan felt a deep discomfort when he saw people who were used to hell.

Du Yang said with a sullen face: "Who has studied curses? Could it be some kind of vicious curse formation inside. Whoever enters will be unlucky or something? Curse Zhanmeng is plagued by bad luck??"

Nalantu shook his head quickly: "I'm interested in formations, but I haven't studied curses. But having said that, it seems that there really are such evil existences as curses in the world."

"for example?"

"Uh... no..."

Tang Bing whispered to himself: "There have been curse events in history books, but they are all mysterious and conjectures without real evidence. But more than 400 million Pangu people hanged themselves collectively, I am afraid it will not be that simple, even if it is not The curse must have some meaning."

Zhao Zimo said: "How about destroying them? It's unlucky to be cursed like this just after the Zhanmeng was established?"

Tang Chen broke the gloomy atmosphere: "It is impossible for the Pangu clan's army to disappear collectively for no reason. We should have missed something. We all dispersed and searched again. Everyone had to search again. Afterwards, we summarized the suspicious points we each found. Focus on discussing solutions."

"Agreed." Everyone nodded one after another and spread out to search.

The search operation restarted, and everyone carried out it alone, in their own unique way, from the angle they were good at.From noon to dark, from dark to early morning of the next day, and then to the afternoon of the third day, everyone concentrated all their strength and completed a carpet-like sweep of the ruins of the Pangu clan.

However, when everyone gathered together again, all of them were sullen, and they couldn't find any clues, which meant they found nothing.

"It's strange, this is not suitable for cleaning up." Du Yang even carried out a sweep of the Pangu tribe's periphery, and found no trace of large-scale troops leaving.

"Will the problem arise on the formation that the Pangu clan destroyed? Could it be the space transfer formation?"

Tang Yan remembered that Hou She once mentioned that the eighteen mountains of the Pangu tribe flickered for three days and three nights. That was when the formation was fully activated. Was it really just a cover-up?
Since it is a cover-up, there must be a reason.

Nalantu shook his head: "This formation is a guardian, I'm sure."

Granny Ma gave them an affirmative answer again: "It is true that there is no space power left in the entire Pangu clan territory."

"Could the problem be underground?" Zhao Zimo suggested.

Du Yang said: "The damage on the surface is serious, but the ground is very solid. I have checked and can rule out the possibility of transfer from the ground."

Tang Cang looked back at the ruins again: "It's strange, I didn't find that the Pangu clan can play with mystery before."

More than 100 million troops of nearly 200 million, or troops with hatred, just disappeared so mysteriously?
Too dangerous.

No matter who uses it, it may become a killer move to subdue Zhanmeng.It would be even more terrifying if it was just the Pangu clan who moved by themselves. They must have some kind of cruel purpose. Since they were able to disappear silently three days ago, will they come to Zhanmeng silently one day in the future? internal?
Xuanyuan Longli looked solemn: "There is another very serious problem. The Pangu tribe suddenly disappeared mysteriously. This news cannot be kept for a long time. I think it will take a few days for other forces to discover the situation here one after another. Doubt is upon us.

The only force in the world that can silently slaughter the Pangu clan is our Zhanmeng, because we hate the Pangu clan the most, and we have empty weapons!

Once the incident is announced, the world's fear of Kongwu will instantly reach its peak.

Just imagine, Kongwu not only affected the emperor-level battlefield, but now it has united with our Zhanmeng to quietly destroy the Pangu clan?

What will people in the world think and fear?

Once the tide of fear, it will fuel the hatred of our war allies on all sides, and inspire the determination to fight us.

This stimulus may even become an incentive for all parties to form an alliance in the near future.

Also, those millions of corpses will also be suspected to be the work of our Zhanmeng.It is said that we massacred the ordinary people of the Pangu tribe, that we hanged millions of people from our tribe, that we have no conscience, that we slaughtered beyond measure, that we were cruel and abominable, and so on.

Words are terrible, disappearing will vilify us infinitely in the constant rumors, let us Zhanmeng change from 'powerful' and 'patron saint of the south' to 'demon' and 'pervert' in the eyes of the world.Don't underestimate these human words, when human words become a kind of power, it is definitely more terrifying than imagined. "

When Long Li mentioned this, everyone's expressions became even uglier.

Who the hell did this?What a great deal.

Could it be that the Pangu clan had such an idea?Using the suicide of millions of ethnic groups as a curse will affect the public opinion of the world by the way?Moreover, the disappearance of the Pangu tribe will be regarded as 'destruction', which will arouse people's fear of Kongwu.

It's a clever trick that kills multiple birds with one stone.

Matthews said to Tang Yan: "It seems that you have to dispose of all those corpses. Whether you like it or not, the existence of these corpses is a threat, it may be a curse, or it may affect public opinion. For Zhanmeng, they They must disappear. The best way is to refine them all and disappear completely without giving the outside world a chance to discover them.

Otherwise, public opinion will seriously affect the image of our Zhanmeng. On the most direct aspect, it will affect the current conscription wave. Many strong people who are not used to it will leave by themselves, and it will also affect the time for those who join the Zhanmeng to integrate. "

Niya looked at Tang Yan, noticed his frowning, and said, "You can transfer them into your hell world, and turn their souls into ghosts and corpses into food to enrich the hell world. This can be regarded as an indirect burial. They are already dead, and the murderer is not us. In short, these corpses must not be left behind."

Tang Yan knew the seriousness of the matter, and would not be a woman in this regard: "I will transfer them all to hell, and you will be responsible for destroying that forest, imitating the traces of destruction in other places, and trying not to let the outside world find any doubts."

Niya just walked a few steps, and suddenly asked: "Is there no subordinate tribe in the Pangu tribe? Can you find any clues from them, and, did they disappear along with it?"

Tang Bing shook his head: "The Pangu tribe is arrogant and arrogant. They trust their own fighting power and never bother to find affiliated tribes. The area controlled by the Pangu tribe is full of scattered ancient cities with the largest population on land, but there are no One place is absolutely loyal to the Pangu clan."

"Yes! White Deer City!" Nalantu remembered Dong Qingniu mentioned by Tang Yan.

Tang Yan said: "Beast Mountain resisted the attack of the corpse royal family for the first time and took root in the southeast. In order to monitor the Zhanmeng, the Pangu tribe selected a city in the southwest of the controlled area, named Bailu City. Since the Pangu tribe has no other White Deer City should be the only one attached to it."

Tang Chen made arrangements: "Continue to split up and act separately. The people from Guangmu Palace will continue to stay and investigate here, and expand the range appropriately to find some clues in the mountains and forests outside the Pangu clan's territory. Let's clean up these corpses first, and then go to Bai Lucheng takes a chance."

"Agreed!" Everyone agreed, and started immediately.

Tang Yan first took all the more than 400 million corpses back to the hell world, and Tang Chen and the others imitated the ruins in other areas, destroyed the entire hunting garden, and tried to erase the traces left by themselves.

Hell world!

Millions of corpses covered the dark land densely like a torrential rain, fell in different areas, were swallowed by the fire, buried by the earth, and scrambled by lonely souls.

When Tang Yan was refining corpses in the Zhanmeng before, he devoured countless resentments and lonely souls, and turned them into ghosts after passing through the gate of hell, so that the number of ghosts in the hell world skyrocketed to tens of millions. Instinct began to devour other lonely souls, and some ghosts naturally became nourishment.

The major ghost masters who have returned to hell have all retreated and practiced, devouring the nourishment of ghosts wantonly.

But today, millions of corpses have once again become treasures in the eyes of the ghosts of hell, especially the "Pluto" of hell, showing greedy blood, and pounced on those scattered corpses, trying to refine them into their own people and expand themselves. to fight against the Fengdu Ghost Lord.

(End of this chapter)

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