Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2015 Eternal Death Pit

Chapter 2015 Eternal Death Pit
The two left quickly and went straight to the Palace of the Son of Heaven.Send another person to contact people in other areas who are trying to find Tang Yan, and immediately go to the Tianzi Hall to gather.

In the Palace of the Son of Heaven, everyone returned one after another, and those who had just received the news also rushed over.

Ma Yanwang, Undying Phoenix, Du Yang and others are still retreating, and they have not been disturbed. All others who can come have come.

"what happened?"

Without exception, everyone's faces were gloomy, and the brows were filled with shock and suspicion.

The reincarnation clan was exterminated?Absurd news!
They still have some suspicions that it is a prank!
Tang Chen gestured to 'Feng Mei' Tang Lin and introduced: "Six days ago, there was a violent vibration in the sky over many areas of the Demon Realm and the Sea Region, and a lot of land fell out. Just like the fall in the Youye Forest at that time, the scene is not much different. They all squeezed through the clouds from the void, and fell vigorously to the battlefield.

The areas of those lands vary in size, but they are all dilapidated and messy without exception, almost stained with blood, and there are many broken corpses.It is initially suspected that these lands may be space fortresses hidden in the void, and after breaking apart, they fell to the Lost Battle Realm, because the corpses were basically found out, and all of them were members of the reincarnation tribe.Mo Yansheng and Granny Ma have already gone to investigate in person. "

"Who did it?? Who can wipe out the reincarnation clan silently? It's just...absurd..." Tang Zang and others were shocked and frightened. As members of the ancient golden clan, they knew best what the ancient golden clan was Possessed heritage and strength.

That is a complete ancient golden clan, and the reincarnated emperor is the holy emperor second only to the Yaoling emperor!

What's more, hiding in the void, the reincarnation clan has a natural space barrier to protect!
"Could it be because of too long time that the space barrier broke by itself? It caused turmoil in the void, created a lot of space turbulence, and forcibly tore the space fortress apart?" Xu Lengcheng doubted.

Tang Lin shook her head: "The reincarnation clan survives and multiplies there, and the guarding of the space barrier must be very strict. How could it be possible to allow the space barrier to collapse silently? What about their reincarnation emperor? How could they not protect it?"

Tang Chen said solemnly: "This matter is no small matter. The destruction of one ancient clan will inevitably lead to a catastrophe. Now all parties have been alarmed, and all teams have been dispatched to investigate. We are also going there now. In the whole world, no single force can destroy a The complete Golden Ancient Clan. But something happened unexpectedly, and if you think about what happened to the Pangu Clan before, there may be a deep secret hidden in it."

Tang Yan asked: "Wait a minute, where is the reincarnation emperor? Where are the surviving members of the reincarnation clan?"

Tang Lin said: "So far, there has been no news of the reincarnation emperor coming to the Lost War Realm, nor has there been any news that the reincarnation clan has escaped from the void on a large scale. The biggest possibility is that all the reincarnation clan were buried in the void. The flow crushed it to pieces."

Everyone's scalp was numb when they heard it, and they couldn't believe it, but they had to believe it.Everyone exchanged glances with each other, deeply shocked.

Tang Yan's face was also ugly. Just now he suspected that the Samsara clan had taken the Pangu clan away, and even Qi Lufu gave a very definite guess, but in the blink of an eye, the Samsara clan was wiped out?What about Xuanyuan?The so-called brightest star of destiny was slaughtered so silently?
If not the reincarnation clan, who would it be?

Who is controlling behind the scenes, who is directing all this?And who wants to completely disrupt the lost pattern?

The enemy is in the dark, and there are many crises.

Unpredictable intentions, menacing.

Tang Chen said: "It's not too late, let's go to the Demon Realm first, the largest one that has landed on land so far is in the southwest of the Demon Realm, next to the Tianmang Realm."

Nalan asked: "Didn't the ink unicorn occupy that place? How can we get there?"

"Don't worry, Mo Qilin is no longer in the west. He took the only remaining team and the wolf royal family to occupy the eastern coastal area of ​​Yaoyu, and was jointly guarded by Tianpeng Ridge and Donghuangyue. The entire western area of ​​Yaoyu is now A land of the free without a leader."

"Let's go, let's go together."

"You don't need to go too much, just stay with the housekeeper. This matter is very strange, and the possibility of a certain force secretly massacring cannot be ruled out. If this is the case, we should also make preparations and be careful." Tang Yan stopped other thoughts people to accompany.

"That's good, our Zhanmeng is very weak now, and it is extremely vulnerable to attack." Nalantu and others stopped insisting.

Soon, Tang Yan, Tang Chen, Tang Lin and Chocolate stepped into the void and rushed towards the demon realm.

All the others left behind to adjust their deployment secretly, and made a good defense in secret, and did not disturb any retreaters, allowing them to rest for one more day and recover more strength.In case of any accident, there should be some room for resistance.

Today's Yaoyu can be called the most turbulent moment in ten thousand years, and it is also the weakest moment.

Mo Qilin was seriously injured, and his strength was greatly reduced, far less than [-]% of his heyday.From the Northern Expedition of the Yaoyu, to the Youye Forest incident in the later period, and to the recent offensive and defensive battles of the Zhanmeng, Tianmangyu has suffered nearly tens of millions of casualties, and now there are very few survivors. Qilin is almost going to become a polished commander.

Not to mention the seriousness of the physical injuries, the resentment is more like tarsal maggots, exacerbating the damage to the body and mind, and delaying the speed of recovery.

Mainly because of the loss of Huangyuan, Mo Qilin's own recovery was greatly restricted, which also made him resent his own carelessness at the beginning, not carrying Huangyuan with him, and he even resented the thieves of Zhanmeng.

Mo Qilin didn't dare to return to the Tianmang Region, lest he be exposed to the joint attack of the Demon Spirit Clan and the Zhanmeng.

In order to ensure the remaining deterrent power in the Demon Realm, Tianpengling and Donghuangyue reached an agreement - to protect Mo Qilin!

So, shortly after Mo Qilin returned to the demon realm with grief and resentment, Tianpengling and Donghuangyue negotiated to vacate the eastern triangle area and hand it over to Mo Qilin, the remaining monster clan and the wolf royal clan for survival. Mo Qilin gave him some psychological comfort, but he didn't add insult to injury.

However, because Tianpengling and Donghuangyue also suffered heavy losses, the entire Yaoyu took a conservative stance, no longer participating in any incidents, ignoring any changes, and concentrating on not adjusting their breath.

But the more they want to be quiet, the more fate plays tricks.

A vigorous falling incident completely broke the tranquility of the demon domain, and focused the eyes of most of the Lost War Realm here, and many casual cultivators from the southern and northern continents, as well as the sea area, swarmed in and rushed into it. It has entered the rainforest of thousands of miles in the demon domain.

In view of the weak state of the demon domain itself, the three major demon emperors did not have the strength to utter any more shouts about forbidding intrusion into the demon domain, and no one would pay attention to them if they shouted out. There was no other reward except humiliation for themselves, so they were secretly annoyed. Choose silence on the whole incident.

However, as the falling incident intensified, the three demon emperors also faintly caught some fear.

The most mysterious reincarnation clan was brutally slaughtered?Or was it killed in the depths of the void?
Thinking about the Pangu Clan incident before, if you say that there is no connection between them, you can only deceive yourself and others.

But if there is a direct connection, then Zhanmeng's charges can be cleared.With the current state of the Zhanmeng, both the top management and the whole are severely weak, and the air force is also scarred. It is absolutely impossible for them to destroy the Pangu clan first and then the Samhui clan.

It's not Zhanmeng, who is it?

Who in the world can possess such destructive energy?
In such a turbulent and special period, is there any special significance?

So on the fifth day after the incident, Tianpengling and Donghuangyue successively sent strong men to investigate.

Mo Qilin was seriously injured, so he ignored it in seclusion, and the wolf royal family entrenched in the east did not act rashly.They are different from Tianpeng Ridge and Donghuangyue. Although the two monsters are seriously injured, they still have some influence. This is also the territory of the demon clan, and no one dares to be too presumptuous towards them.

On the sixth day after the incident, while the Zhanmeng began to pay attention to this incident, the western demons also began to pay attention.

Due to the concealment of the reincarnation clan, the demons almost forgot the existence of this ancient golden clan, but it does not mean that they will ignore the threat of the reincarnation clan, on the contrary, they are even more afraid of this group that is lurking and developing secretly.Considering the weakness of the Demon Realm and the chaotic and disordered situation in the Southern Continent, the Stone Demon Clan, the Li Demon Clan, and the Evil Ghost Clan sent out eyeliners one after another to secretly cross the Southern Continent Zhanmeng's control area and arrive at the Demon Realm to investigate.

However... not long after the demon clan's secret operation started, a sudden accident triggered the high alertness of the Li demon clan, blood demon clan, evil ghost clan, stone demon clan, and Li demon clan, covering the entire western demon clan. Emperor's attention.

The West Sea...mutated... I don't know when, the boundless black mist has enveloped the vast West Sea, the fog is like a sea, rolling silently, the endless West Sea, dead silent.

The black air is very thick, they permeate from the depths, and spread towards the coastal area, slow but depressing, like a hell attack, causing a high degree of panic in the coastal area.

The demons sent troops to investigate one after another, but all of them disappeared without return, including the strong ones of the big demon level, all disappeared in the depths of the endless fog.

All the major strongholds set up by the demons in Xihai also lost contact.

The western sea area shrouded in mist seems to have become a forbidden and dead place.

The high-level demons from all sides secretly suspected that the seal of the eternal death pit had been loosened, and the time had come for the Dark Demons to come back to the world.

However, they didn't discover the abnormal change in the West Sea until now, and the fog has covered the entire West Sea.Then, the time when the seal of the Eternal Death Pit was really loosened...a long time ago...After the incident, the demons had a high degree of tacit understanding, gave up their hatred, and fully united. On the one hand, a large number of strong men were sent to the Binhai District to sit in town to jointly resist the spread of the fog and strictly prevent the fog from spreading to the land.

The vast demon realm is full of oppression.

(End of this chapter)

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