Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2020 Doubts

Chapter 2020 Doubts
Tang Yan?Tang Yan?Pei Feng suddenly had a wrong thought. The Lingzu and Tang Yan could be regarded as mortal enemies, and there were many fierce fights secretly with each other, and here is the demon realm. The strong men from Tianpeng Ridge and Donghuangyue are all there. Can he take advantage of this? Opportunity to arrange something, create chaos, and take the opportunity to kill Tang Yan?I believe that there should be no shortage of strong players who are willing to participate.

Thinking of this, Pei Feng's soul fluctuations became stronger immediately, which also aroused the vigilance of Tang Yan and Tang Chen.

But at this moment, a cold voice resounded faintly above the mist: "General Pei Feng, is there a problem?"

The person who came turned out to be Tang Yaoyu, the head of the Blue Demon Group Army. He appeared like a demon, and stood directly above the fog of soul.

Damn it, Pei Feng gritted his teeth with hatred, but he couldn't make a sound, stuck in mid-air, embarrassed and embarrassing.

"General Pei Feng, we..." the four elders of the Hanzi clan faltered.

"You guys? You can die now." Pei Feng made a sudden move, and four soul chains burst out of the air, and hit the heads of the four clan elders in an instant. 'Open the scoop', kill it on the spot.

The only surviving elder of the Hanzimen almost fainted, curled up tremblingly, not daring to make a sound.And Jiang Qiming in his arms was half dead, already exhaled more breath and less breathed in, it seemed that even if he was revived, he would be a waste.

There was no sound in the surroundings, and the silence was always suppressed, and it was impossible to describe the mood at this moment.

Should it be said that Han Zimen is pitiful?I can only say that fate is bad.

It should be said that Tang Yan and Tang Chen are bullying, but it seems that the two sons of the emperor have maintained restraint and demeanor from beginning to end.

Alas, to die.

It's better to be low-key.

Pei Feng glanced at Tang Yan coldly, feeling reconciled, but he did not act forcefully, only sarcasm and hostility were implied in his words: "This is the demon realm, Palace Master Tang had better be careful, in case there is trouble and danger, It would be a pity to die young."

"Thank you, General Pei Feng, for reminding me that my fate has always been like this. You should have experienced it in Qitian Continent." Tang Yan shot back sharply.

Pei Feng snorted, rolled up the fog of soul, and returned to the ruins of the palace.

The casual cultivators in the dark places of the four fields also retreated quietly, leaving no one behind.

"Your Highness!" Tang Yaoyu walked down from the sky, and saluted Tang Yan and Tang Chen in turn. Tang Yan was in front and Tang Chen was behind, showing his respect.

The facts about the Demon Spirit Clan have been announced at the top. No one is not moved by Prince Cang's loyalty, and no one is not applauded for Tang Yan's potential, and also respects Tang Yan's suffering.

A Tang Yan, a Tang Chen, can bear the respectful "His Royal Highness" from the army commanders of each district.

"We meet again." Tang Yan also bowed back.

"I was disrespectful when we met that day, and I hope you will forgive me." Tang Yaoyu took the initiative to lower his posture.

"Why is General Yaoyu here?" Tang Chen stepped forward.

"The emperor instructed me to thoroughly investigate this matter. I must find out the movement of the reincarnation clan. I originally sent a team before. But after the news that the ruins belonged to the reincarnation clan's palace, the Tianxie army of the star clan, the spirit clan's The Nightmare Army, Tianpeng Ridge, and Donghuangyue all sent to the Holy Realm, so I came to see it myself, and I just arrived this morning."

All the Tianwu Group Army stayed behind in Zhanmeng, and the Qingyao Group Army shouldered the heavy responsibility of defense. It happened that the Southeast Camp was not far from here, so he came over to check the situation in person.

"The area inside the palace has been divided and scraped?" Tang Yan noticed that there were six or seven holy auras scattered in the palace area.

"The Star Clan, the Spirit Clan, Tianpengling, Donghuangyue, and our Yaoling Clan each occupy a main area, and the other strong clans occupy other areas." Tang Yaoyu led Tang Yan and Tang Chen towards the palace area.

"What's the situation now?"

"It looks like it has gone through a battle and suffered from the turbulence of space. There are a lot of treasures scattered inside, and several treasure secret rooms are well preserved, and there is no sign of advance treatment. If you evaluate it from an objective point of view, there are Grasping can rule out the possibility of reincarnated people directing and acting themselves."

Although Tang Yaoyu said so, the suspicion in his heart has not been ruled out.

History has shown that many appearances are diametrically opposed to reality.

The closer the appearance is to a certain aspect, the more likely the reality is to deviate.

He interviewed the saints of various races at noon, exchanged opinions briefly, but couldn't accept the fact that the reincarnation clan was slaughtered, but he really couldn't think of the reason why the reincarnation clan did this, hiding?The reincarnation clan has been hiding all the time, so is there any need to hide?
Most importantly, there has never been any news of reincarnated survivors escaping from the void around the world, nor has they caught the breath of the coming of the reincarnated emperor.

Could it be that Emperor Reincarnation led his people to live in the void?They built a new space fortress?Even more ridiculous.

Tang Yan asked: "If the reincarnation clan was massacred, there must have been a fierce battle. In the end, the space fortress was torn apart. It is very likely that the reincarnation clan blew up their own homeland. Since then, the corpses in the ruins everywhere have been more than the reincarnation clan. On one side, there should still be the corpse of the enemy."

"Good question, this is an important doubt. We have not found any traces of the enemy from the beginning to the end. Other forces even sent people to taste the blood everywhere, and they have not found the blood of enemies other than the reincarnation. This aspect looks like Self-directed and self-acted, but with the shrewdness of the reincarnation clan, they would leave such an important loophole? Thinking about it this way, the suspicious point is no longer a suspicious point.”

Tang Yaoyu shook his head, there were too many doubts, but he had no clue, and there was something weird everywhere.

"How many people are there in the reincarnation clan? I think there are a lot of people here."

"The division of reincarnation people is very extreme. Either practice martial arts or abandon them. If they are abandoned, they will be ordinary people, responsible for farming, manufacturing, livelihood, etc., and will always be ordinary people, unless the bloodline is suddenly awakened in the birth of a child one day. If you practice martial arts, your strength must be strong. Even if you are not strong, you will continue to refine and gradually improve your talent after going through several consecutive lifetimes of reincarnation.

The Samsara Clan has been hiding all these years, and no one is sure how many Xiuwu Clan members there are in the Reincarnation Clan.A generally accepted point of view is that the combat troops of the reincarnation clan are around 15, and at most no more than [-]. As for ordinary ethnic groups, they have multiplied over the years, and there should still be a baseline of [-].

Most of the corpses you see are ordinary people. There are probably thousands of normal strong people in this ruins. "

Tang Yan suddenly realized that he probably had a plan.

Tang Chen said: "This is the casualty of a thousand warriors, and the overall casualty is tens of thousands. For the reincarnation clan, it is already a fatal injury."

"Where is Senior Mo Yansheng?" Tang Yan asked.

Before coming here, I heard that Mo Yansheng and Granny Ma had come to investigate, focusing on searching for the remnants of the reincarnation land in the void.

"I came out in the morning, and disappeared before I had time to say a few words. I just told you that you might come over, and he will come out again at that time to discuss in detail."

Tang Yan nodded. He had arranged for Chocolate to look for it before. Since it was nearby, it should come out soon.

A group of people walked forward quickly, passed through the ruins, and saw various miserable scenes.

A vast garden was dismembered by the earth, and the precious medicine inside was either destroyed or looted by various scattered cultivators.

Some gardens and manors were buried by boulders, rivers and ditches were broken by cracks, and tattered corpses were looming. Some were smashed into two pieces by stones, some were killed by heavy blows, and some were directly buried in the ruins, with their stiff hands raised high.

Among them are the elderly, children, and young girls.

Many scenes are destroyed by some kind of martial arts, and many cracks are artificially created.

Tang Yan originally wanted to take Yueying into the hell world, but Yueying hugged her tightly and snuggled softly, not wanting to leave for a moment.Walking forward, a faint mist appeared in the air, the mist was slightly scarlet, like a thin blood mist, covering the palace, it seemed to announce the cruelty of the disaster, and it seemed to be dancing with ghostly words, sending a sense of coldness and desolation Thick.

In the depths of the mist, an imperial palace came into view.

This ancient city is too grand, exuding a majestic aura. The city wall is a hundred meters high, full of the vicissitudes of the years, and the ruins and dilapidation cannot conceal its own ancient temperament.On the contrary, it is precisely because of its dilapidation and desolation that this majestic giant city seems to have come from ancient times across time and space.

In front of the imperial palace, a huge city gate with a height of [-] meters is wide open, facing many cultivators.

The entire palace was destroyed, but the city gate stood firmly, as if it represented the pride and backbone of the reincarnation clan, unyielding and unyielding.

Tang Yan pointed to the front: "The one in front of the city gate is..."

Tang Chen followed the prestige, and saw an old man in heavy armor standing with his head held high, glaring at the front, imposing and majestic, without showing any signs of aging, on the contrary, he was even more majestic.He held the tiger-patterned war halberd tightly in his right hand, and plunged into the soil obliquely. His heavy armor was full of scars, engraved with the desolation of war.

The old man stood there alone, full of murderous intent, the surrounding ruins were empty, "one man should be the gate, ten thousand men can't open it".

But he was dead, and there were fist-sized blood holes in the two vital parts between the brow and chest, which were empty and blood flowed.

"Who is he?" Tang Chen and Tang Yan asked at the same time.

"Qiao Yang. The reincarnation clan has never appeared in the world for thousands of years, and many powerful people have not been recorded, but Qiao Yang was a legendary figure long ago. He commanded the reincarnation royal guard group army ten thousand years ago. He has killed all directions with great achievements in battle. His realm... ...the pinnacle of a martial saint."

"Oh? Peak Martial Saint?" The two whispered.

"He is a very special existence in the reincarnation clan. He is both wise and brave, and has a noble status." Tang Yaoyu secretly thought it was a pity, but he walked past Qiao Yang, but did not stop.

(End of this chapter)

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