Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2030

Chapter 2030
Luo Sha was secretly vigilant, with a smile on his face, walked near Peisa, stopped for a while, and blew on the crying soul beast: "Little guy, pick a master and pay attention to matching, will you match with the old guy on you? No Take. You and I are a match made in heaven. When you change your mind one day, remember to find me in Zhanmeng. Or if the old man on your body dies one day, you can also go to Zhanmeng to find me. I... I must treat you well..."

"Wow." The Weeping Soul Beast screamed, almost sucking Raksha's soul.

Luo Sha jumped out of the way, smiled coquettishly and hooked his hands: "Giggle, don't be so affectionate. When this old man is dead, you can come to court me again, don't be in a hurry, I can afford to wait."

Pei Sa comforted the crying soul beast, and also paid a little attention to Rakshasa, but he couldn't penetrate the opponent's realm.Looking back on the family affairs information, there is no similar introduction of a strong person in the records about Tang Yan.

But...he didn't stop him, and let Luo Sha pass by, as if he believed that the woman would not find anything.

Under the supervision of the man in black, Luo Sha slowly raised his snow-white slender fingers, and gently touched Qin Minghuang's forehead.

"What are you doing?" The man in black raised his hand to stop him, and said hoarsely.

"What do you think? Check. Are you saying such nonsense to strike up a conversation with me, the beauty?"

"Hmph! He doesn't belong to you yet, you just need to check his life and death, and other things are not allowed! If you make trouble, we will suffer!"

"Is there such a saying? I can't even touch it. How can I be sure of life and death. Besides, how can I know if this body is Qin Minghuang? What if you just find someone similar to the bag?" Luo Sha's winking eyes seemed to be Fascinating all living beings, in fact, it reveals shrewdness.

"Let her check." Pei Sa arranged hoarsely.

"Hmph." The man in black looked at Rakshasa maliciously, and gestured to the clouds in the sky without any trace.

At this time, a gust of mountain wind blew past, and the six chains shook slightly, and the three of Qin Minghuang, who were entangled in the chains, also swayed in a very subtle and unnatural way.It seems to be injecting soul power, and it seems to be a silent reminder.

"It's just a simple inspection, don't get excited." Luo Sha's fingertips touched Qin Minghuang's forehead again, and a trace of soul power was injected into his body.

Qin Minghuang closed his eyes, hanging stiffly, without any reaction.

The man in black stared at her with shining eyes, and also followed Qin Minghuang's reaction, seeming a little nervous.

But even though he covered his face, he couldn't hide his subtle reactions from the corners of Raksha's eyes, and he couldn't help but wonder, why is this kid so nervous?
Tang Yan withdrew his gaze and asked, "Pei Feng is a Martial Saint, a citizen of the Spirit Race, and the commander of the Spirit Race's legion. His value should be very high."

"Young Master Tang, what you mean is that the three of me are not enough to exchange for General Pei Feng?" Pei Sa lowered his face, as if he had already prepared for it.

"It's easy to talk to smart people, that's exactly what I mean. It seems that I have lost a lot of money by exchanging a martial arts saint for three sick ordinary friends. Don't talk to me about anything. Pei Feng's life, since you're here, make up your mind to change it."

"What more do you want?"

"Silver Moon Sword, Black Jade Sword!" Tang Yan would not mention anything about breaking Qin Minghuang's soul shackles. With the temperament of the Spirit Race, even if he agreed, he would secretly do other tricks, which would be more troublesome in the end.

Therefore, he only needs the fierce sword.

The two fierce swords that Matthews is missing now are the Silver Moon Sword of the Starry Sky and the Black Jade Sword of the Abyss.

Pei Sa shook his head slowly: "A fierce sword is worth a martial saint, Mr. Tang, let's give up, we would rather lose Pei Feng than sacrifice a fierce sword."

Tang Yan sneered: "Aren't you afraid of hurting Pei Feng's heart when you say this? Human life should be more important than dead things."

Pei Sa was noncommittal, did not respond directly, and instead said: "Qin Minghuang alone can equal the value of Pei Sa, not to mention Xia Minglang and Huan Xidao's two sacred bloodlines, the three of them together, the future value is enough to match More than double that of Pei Feng."

"Don't talk about future value with me, who knows if the blood of the three of them is still complete."

"Since Mr. Tang feels very unwilling, why don't you ask for other conditions? We came here with sincerity, and we don't want to have too much trouble with Mr. Tang. I am willing to make an appropriate compromise. As long as it is not an excessive condition, we don't mind giving it away."

"My conditions remain the same, Qin Minghuang, Xia Minglang, Huanxi Dao, Moyu Sword, and Yinyue Sword."

"Forgive me. The two fierce swords are not with me, nor are they mine. They are not within the scope of our exchange."

Tang Yan was about to speak, but found that the situation in front of him was a bit strange, and looked at Luo Sha: "Is it still not well?"

Luo Sha didn't say a word, and probed Qin Minghuang with his fingertips, but stared straight at the man in black with a pair of charming eyes.

The man in black was indifferent, and was also looking directly at the confrontation.

It was obviously just an investigation, but an invisible confrontation formed.

The weird atmosphere can naturally arouse everyone's sensitive nerves.

"Back back." Pisa seemed a little angry, with a hoarse voice, reminding the man in black coldly.

"This subordinate will leave." The man in black withdrew immediately.

"Wait, don't go, I haven't played enough yet."

"Hmph." The man in black soared into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

"It's boring." Luo Sha spread out his hands and pressed them on Xia Minglang and Huan Xidao respectively.

After a simple investigation, this time is over soon.

Luo Sha turned around and walked back to Tang Yan's side, and said as he walked, "The body is unaffected and intact. The soul is very weak, and there seems to be some signs of poisoning."

When walking past Pei Sa, she smiled at him: "Am I right?"

"The girl has research on the soul?"

"I'm more than just a researcher. I'm very proficient in the soul. The meaning of my master's shaping of me is to exist for the soul." Luo Shayan looked at Mei Xing, twisting her waist slightly, her charm was suffocating.It's just that the words spoken, to the ears of outsiders, are more like flattery and temptation to Tang Yan, and no one really treats them.

"Hehe. That's right. It's good to have self-confidence." Pei Sa is good at observation, and his judgment of the woman in front of him has plummeted. He thought it was a person, but it seems that at most it is a meatball, a plaything for Tang Yan to vent.

The worry in my heart was quietly erased because of this.

"I'm omnipotent, otherwise, why would my master take me with me?" She returned to Tang Yan's side, holding hands, cuddling tightly, the fullness of her chest squeezed Tang Yan's majestic arms, rubbing them gently, The smile is full, so seductive.

"If that's the case, I'm sorry. Mr. Tang is indeed attractive. To have such a wonderful woman is a blessing, which is enviable." Pei Sa's dry compliments were actually sarcasm.

"Giggle, I like when you talk."

Luo Sha smiled prettily, leaned over in front of Tang Yan, and lightly pecked his lips.

Frivolous, seductive.

With Rakshasa's charming temperament and glamorous appearance, such behaviors are not too much, or any frivolous behavior is not too much.

But based on Tang Yan's understanding of her, this woman's charm is only limited to her behavior, not her inner self.His behavior at the moment was not only abnormal, but also weird, so he didn't refuse, and calmly accepted Raksha's obsession.

And the moment Luosha's red lips touched Tang Yan's lips, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and made a subtle mouth shape to Tang Yan - deceitful!
oh?Tang Yan sneered in his heart, this group of people who were neither human nor ghost were really dishonest.

"Let's talk about a deal. Since the inspection is all right, Mr. Tang is willing to accept it?"

Tang Yan secretly looked at Qin Minghuang and the others, while Luo Sha cuddled tightly, beating Tang Yan's arm with his fingertips, injecting subtle soul power, which turned into a voice that echoed in the ocean of Tang Yan's consciousness, explaining her Discover.

The spirit clan did it very cleverly, and the secret tricks they made almost left no traces.But just as Luo Sha himself said, she was born from heaven and earth, and the significance of the world shaping her lies in the illusion and the power of the soul. It is not comparable to any ordinary person.

Therefore, although she only had the realm and strength of a semi-holy, she was able to detect the problem subtly.

Tang Yan was stunned, but he didn't leave in a hurry, instead... he chose to accept... "I won't bargain with you anymore, all three of them belong to me, but I have to give you another fierce sword. There is no room for negotiation, you Agree, we will exchange immediately, if you don't agree, I will leave immediately."

"The fierce sword is not in my hands, and I don't have that authority."

"That's a pity, goodbye!" Tang Yan waved his hands back and snapped his fingers secretly.

The void in the back is slightly distorted, which is controlled by chocolate, which means that Tang Yan really has Kongwu around him, warning Pei Sa and the others invisibly.


"Changed your mind?"

"I have something to say to Mr. Tang, and I think you should be interested."

"For a long time, Mr. Tang has always had the upper hand in the confrontation with our spirit race. This may have given Mr. Tang a special feeling. He thinks that you can play with the spirit race and applaud him. He thinks that the spirit race is far less threatening to you. For other organizations, think you can ignore our existence.

But in fact, you ignore another threat to you personally from my Eldar race—we have a deeper understanding of you and your friends than outsiders.

Especially after you returned to the Demon Spirit Clan, this understanding is even more profound after being connected in series. "

(End of this chapter)

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