Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2034 Return to Zhanmeng

Chapter 2034 Return to the Alliance
In mid-September, Tang Yan finished his trip to the Demon Realm and returned to Zhanmeng. In the past ten days, Zhanmeng and the entire southeast have undergone earth-shaking changes.

After the disaster, the Zhanmeng took on a new look, with renewed color and vitality.

The hot recruitment work of each hall has officially come to an end. Only a large number of unwilling organizations and casual cultivators are entrenched outside the Gonggu Mountains. It is also difficult to break in on your own.

During the process of recruiting new disciples in each hall, there were more or less accidents of varying degrees, including foreign spies detected by blackwater leech, and despicable lunatics, or disturbances caused during the recruitment period, but overall It went smoothly, not only recruited a large number of potential newcomers, but also honored to accept many powerful casual cultivators and hermit tribes.

Realized the surge in the overall number and strength of Zhanmeng.

Although the recruitment work was successfully completed, all the high halls were busy. The new disciples in each hall were working hard to adjust and rectify as much as possible. The construction of the temple is the best, and the preparation of your own system is the best, in order to look forward to improving the overall combat effectiveness.

The masters and deputy masters of the various halls may not have the intention of this contest, but after all, the eight halls are held together, and there is always a ranking, and hundreds of thousands of fresh blood have been injected. We must build our own temple into the strongest and most outstanding temple, and stand proudly at the head of the ten temples of the Zhanmeng.

On the first day that Ma Yanwang and others completed the recruitment in each hall, they specially woke up from the retreat, held a welcome meeting inside their respective halls, sternly complained about several points, and held a grand meeting with ordinary disciples, meaning Let the disciples of each hall know their own hall masters and deputy hall masters, and also intend to show the aura of their own temples.

They do not fight or grab, but they will not stop the enthusiasm of the disciples, but will let them guide them, so as to maintain the enthusiasm of their own temple.

All in all, Zhanmeng's offensive and defensive battles cost Zhanmeng a heavy price, but it also won a reputation, established a position, and many other invisible results, and the value of these invisibility was fully demonstrated in this recruitment activity.

A frantic expansion brought the total number of Zhanmeng to more than ten million, jumping to the forefront of the entire Forgotten Zhanjie.

The joining of the top ten sacred realms before and after gave a resounding cry to the world and injected strong strength into Zhanmeng.

During this period, a total of five saints were rejected by the Zhanmeng due to their character problems, and became the focus of discussion among all parties. It also declared that the Zhanmeng pays attention to character and talent, rather than a single strength to judge.

However, what the outside world doesn't know is that among the five expulsion saints, two actually joined the Temple of Heaven secretly afterwards, and were secretly sent to Bailu City in the southeast new area to become Dong Qingniu's behind-the-scenes assistants.

They are "Five Poison Fist Master" Iron Blood from the Falcon Mountains, and "Dark Claw" Star Desert from Thor's Ridge.

They are all notorious villains, lone walkers, who are doing evil in their respective regions, and have almost no praise. It is 'reasonable' to be rejected to join the Zhanmeng.

But in fact, under their bad behavior, they all have unknown origins with Qilufu, have been rescued by Qilufu, and have had a happy time together.

The reason why the two left their respective territories and went all the way to the Zhanmeng was to get better resources and development opportunities. After seeing the future of the Zhanmeng, they came here for Qi Lufu.

After Zhanmeng's repeated secret talks, and a brief meeting with Qilufu, the two readily accepted the invitation, and the emperor was so happy that he went far away to White Deer City to 'spend and spend'.

Just imagine, with Zhanmeng as the support, the wild and chaotic area of ​​the Southeast New District as the battlefield, and Zhanmeng giving the guidance of "enjoyment", where can you find such a good thing?
For these two wild men, there is no better task than this one.

It is tantamount to doing evil according to the order.

So, the two of them clapped their hands heavily, and left gracefully, heading straight to White Deer City, throwing their arms aside and preparing to harm the Southeast New Area.

Noticing the 'hot' momentum of the two, Tianzidian was very 'relieved', let's mess it up, the more chaos there the better, the more chaos the more suitable for the small forces in White Deer City to survive in the cracks.

Dong Qingniu was not very happy about the arrival of these two 'uncles', but it was the best disguise at the moment.Let the world know—Tie Ruxue and Xing Mo were abandoned by the Zhanmeng, and ran to the Southeast New District in anger. It happened that Bailu City was vacant, so they sat here and hit it off with the slave owner Dong Qingniu.

Everything is reasonable and will not be suspected by outsiders.

The completion of Zhanmeng's recruitment work also allowed other forces to see the powerful appeal of Zhanmeng and the strong future of this new type of organization. While amazed, they were also afraid.Many casual cultivators who had no chance of joining the Zhanmeng focused on the top ten affiliated forces of the Zhanmeng, and were unable to join the Zhanmeng. It would be nice to join them.

Therefore, Hanjuegu and other organizations made good use of this opportunity, expanded aggressively, and realized the dream of a strong clan that they had always dreamed of.I also felt once again that the bet was really right. After paying so much, the harvest was even greater, which strengthened their determination to follow Zhanmeng.

When Tang Yan returned to Zhanmeng, the Palace of the Son of Heaven was bustling with vigor and vitality.Up and down are busy assigning duties, adjusting residences, assigning tasks, and a series of tedious tasks.

Because of Tang Yan, the son of the emperor, the Temple of Heaven has attracted a large number of casual cultivators with lofty aspirations and blood. To prosperity.

The outside world also regards 'joining the Temple of Heaven' as the proudest achievement.When Tang Yan becomes emperor in the future, this place is the emperor's home, and they will naturally enjoy the emperor's gifts better.

Therefore, the Tianzidian has slightly improved the level of assessment, so that the overall strength has jumped sharply.

"It's very lively." Tang Yan avoided the scene of activities at the foot of the mountain, and appeared directly in the main hall of the Son of Heaven Hall.

"The task was overfulfilled, but there are too many and too many people. Coordination and integration is a big problem, and it needs to be adjusted patiently." Nalantu has been very busy these days. When he learned that Tang Yan was back, he finally found time. "But don't worry, we have drawn a team of 2 people from the original disciples to be responsible for coordinating and governing."

"Thank you." Tang Yan also had a smile on his face.Zhanmeng is finally on the right track, and it is no longer a new weak force that anyone can bully.

"It should be. How is the investigation over there?"

"I don't have a clue, and no one can give a definite answer now. The outside world is more inclined to kill the reincarnation clan, but what Senior Mo Yansheng means is...the reincarnation clan directed and acted themselves, and hid themselves."

"Have you discussed a countermeasure?"

"Let's pay more attention, that's the only way to go. If the reincarnation tribe really directs and acts on its own, it won't appear in a short time, but it should make some small moves. After a few days, the demon spirit tribe will send a group of intelligence troops to help us prepare Guangmu Hall, when the time comes, the Zhanmeng and the Demon Spirit Clan will join forces to monitor the northern and southern continents and summarize them regularly."

"Don't be too nervous, as long as we are strong enough, are we still afraid of their challenge?"

"That's right! When the space base station is completed, the Bone Race will be stable. Our alliance system is sufficient to deal with all kinds of challenges. By the way, Du Yang and the others are all in retreat?"

"It should be. After entering the secret room, he never came out again. Do you have something to do with them?"

"It's been half a month, and it's almost time to meditate. I'm going to hand over the five elements essence to them. After working hard for these years, it's time to reap the rewards." Tang Yan didn't give it before, just hoping that they could calm down and meditate on their own, and don't overdo it. Put your hope on the spirit, so as not to cause any accidents due to the power of the spirit being too strong.

"Zimo, Long Li, Du Yang, Luan Che, Tutu, and Three-legged Toad should all have a chance. They have enough talent, hard work, and opportunities. They are just short of the last sprint. "

Tang Yan nodded: "No accident, it should be successful."

"By the way, Palace Master Zhaoyi went to the Diwang Palace to take twice the holy spirit source liquid. He said he was going to make a rush. He had already retreated five days ago. Not long after Liuli retreated, Wolf King Yin also came. Accompanied by retreat in the forbidden area of ​​the backyard, by the way, I took a holy spirit source liquid in your name, saying that I want to pass on all the secret skills of the Thunder Wolf Clan to her, and I want to help Fang give it a go."

"Oh? What about the others? Is there any more?" Tang Yan didn't care much about the spirit source liquid. It is refined for human use. It is naturally the best thing to be able to use the spirit source liquid of dead things to create a brand new martial saint.Zhaoyi is not a person who takes risks. Now that she has decided, she must have really touched the barrier.Lei Lang Wang Yin is not a rash person, and this time he came to accompany him personally, and he is more confident that he can assist Liuli to complete the breakthrough.

(End of this chapter)

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