Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2041 Five Lines of Magic Field

Chapter 2041
Mo Yansheng and Granny Ma seemed to have really 'disappeared' and never came back.

At first, based on their trust in their strength and ability, no one thought much about it, but if they didn't reply for a day, two days, one month, or two months, it would inevitably make people suspicious.

The white old man couldn't hold back at first, and had to recall the Shuni beast in the void.

After understanding the situation in detail, Suni Beast only reassured everyone to wait calmly, and left to search in person.

In this way, Sunny Beast's departure made the space base station that was about to be completed stuck in the final finishing stage.

The army of the Yaoling clan was ready to leave camp and return to the clan, so they had to continue to wait.

Tang Yan also planned to take Nian'er to the Demon Spirit Clan to baptize her blood, but with such a delay, he could only wait for a while.

King Ma Yan had already prepared the soul of Nian Wuxin and the corpse of Bailian Heipeng, and was going to bring them to the Yaoling clan for fusion, but now he had to temporarily suppress them.

All actions are temporarily suppressed.

On this day, Lan and Luo Hu brought back the bruised tiger and ben cavalry. Thousands of people were bruised and supported each other to return.But... Lan has fulfilled her promise, and Huben has made a breakthrough in the special training, and has completed a qualitative change under the forcible tempering of countless spiritual source liquids.

Relying on a tenacious will, relying on continuous bloody battles, and the forcible infusion of countless elixir and precious medicines, they... finally became a fighting force that could be put on the table.

These troops who followed Tang Yan all the way from the frontier to the lost war world can finally proudly stand up their shoulders.

Tang Ba's half-sage and the war giant's half-sage once again invited the entire Huben.

The rest command all the high-ranking warriors.

Each team has twenty martial masters, and all the rest are high-ranking martial kings.

The formation is deeply integrated, almost flowing in their blood.

The overall combat effectiveness of the tiger and ben cavalry has made a qualitative leap.

Du Yang found Tang Yan suddenly, and no longer shy away from his relationship with Lan.Or Lan's active pursuit broke the heart of this cold man. They said they wanted to go out for a walk and explore the world.At the same time, a piece of holy spirit source liquid is going to be taken, and Du Yang wants to help Lan... to complete the unfinished legend... Then, Zhao Zimo and Tian Si.Bid farewell to Tang Yan and walked out of Zhanmeng.

Luan Che left, and Xuanyuan Longli also left.

They all want to go out for a while. Before, they were stuck in the Zhanmeng and endured the baptism of the war. Now they have finally settled down. They also have the strength to break through. Naturally, they will not be content with the status quo and stay here to enjoy themselves.

Even Chocolate found Lin Zhongcun's residence in Zhanmeng after the mischief that night, and chose to retreat.

In recent years, Youyu is also preparing to venture into the outside world with Zhuge Liang and Youshui.

Therefore, each of them received a space light ball from Lin Zhongcun, so that they could keep track of their whereabouts at any time. After that, they all left, some alone, some with companions, and began to wander the world, feeling the world left behind. Consolidate your strength through experience.

Tang Yan was not idle either. First, he collected the remaining 'Five Elements Essence', brought them back into hell, and suppressed them in the Five Elements Field in the northeast.

Although Du Yang and the others had made a breakthrough, they hadn't exhausted their spirit power, with about one-third of them left.

Tang Yan intends to use the power of the five elements to build a 'Five Elements Field'.

A small world in hell that serves as a brand new cemetery.

As for who the owner of the grave is, it is yet to be determined.

Then... Tang Yan took the time to accompany Nian'er, and also accompanied Niya Zhaoyi and the others, enjoying the rare peaceful time and fulfilling his duties as a husband and father.

That evening, after the tenderness, Tang Yan held Niya in his arms, whispering softly, cherishing the rare warmth.

"Du Yang and the others have left, what about you? Go out and wander around whenever you want." Niya understands Tang Yan's character. He can enjoy it for a while, but it is impossible to enjoy it forever. His heart is in the outside world. Accompanying them wholeheartedly for nearly a month is already commendable.

"Wait until Mo Yansheng has news from them. Or there is news from the Spirit Race. This year, I won't go out blindly. I only need to go out three times, just to fight against the Spirit Race. Get rid of them as soon as possible, and get rid of a worry .”

"How about the Blood Soul Tree?"

"This time the injury is not serious, but it's nothing serious. It has a lot of blood and soul power, but it's never been consumed so badly before, and it's a bit uncomfortable, and it will heal slowly."

"You have to rely on it to fight against the Spirit Race."

Tang Yan suddenly hugged Niya tightly, his hands were doing evil quietly, and he smiled confidently: "Don't worry, even if I meet the Spirit Clan alone, I can handle it."

"The resurrection of the war demon failed, the Palace of the Earth King..." Niya knows Tang Yan best, and can guess the meaning of the Palace of the King of the Earth, but now... who can support the Palace of the King of the Earth?

"..." Tang Yan was slightly silent.

Niya said: "Mo Yansheng probably won't be interested. He stays in the Zhanmeng more to help. If the responsibility of the hall master is deducted, it means that he belongs to the Zhanmeng completely, and he is also under your control in name. He has his own. Arrogance, and his perseverance, should not be accepted."

"Then Qilufu, he may not be willing to be the master of the palace, but the palace of the king of the earth lacks a strong guard, he is the best candidate, even if it is just a name. Others... Ten Road Demon Saint, Wu Niangniang and the others sit together and build the Diwang Palace into a special existence. They have a high degree of autonomy and are not subject to any restrictions. They only need to be able to provide reinforcements to other battlefields in times of war."

"You'd better have a face-to-face conversation with them. There may be no problems with the Demon Saint of the Ten Routes. It's best to visit Bai Chenxiang and Liu Tianzong in person."

Suddenly at this moment, Tang Yan realized that something was disturbing in the sea.

The reason is that in the hell world, the soul of War Demon has reopened his eyes.

Tang Yan had already ordered the Jinyan Spirit Turtles to take care of them, and if there was a situation, he would call him immediately.

Therefore, when War Demon woke up, the Golden Flame Spirit Turtles sent a signal.

Tang Yan's mental body descended, controlled Ming Tu's avatar, and appeared in the wasteland where War Demon was.

I saw that towering and majestic figure from a distance, and felt the fighting spirit in my soul, but... this time, the war demon was very quiet and quiet, not as violent as the ones in the celestial tomb group, not like It's so crazy in the ancient sword.

His whole body was full of soul power, standing in the wilderness, staring at the dark sky, as if he was observing the world.

"Teacher, I... Tang Yan."

Tang Yan came to his side and saluted again.

War Demon withdrew his gaze and looked at Tang Yan.There seemed to be a slight deviation in consciousness, and it took a while to gradually have a bright light, as if he recognized Tang Yan and remembered the past. "Thank you for your hard work, hard work."

Although he is a soul body, his voice is still very heavy and stable, giving people a sense of thick and majestic.

"I should be the one to thank. If it wasn't for the Fierce Demon Knife, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get to where I am today."

"I only left the knife, and you are the one who uses it. Everything is the reward you deserve for your hard work."

"Do you still need the Fierce Demon Knife? I can transfer it here. Perhaps one day, you will still need it."

"No need, my relationship with it is over in my previous life. If you can get its approval, it will belong to you. I have a knife in my heart, and everything is a soldier. You keep it, don't... let it down... "


"It's nothing but, it has been with you for 40 years, let it accompany you to go on." Zhan Mo looked at Tang Yan, and after a long time, he nodded: "I am proud of you."

"But I still can't help you."

"Enough is enough. The value lies in the process, not the result. You have tried your best, and I can feel it. I accept this result." War Demon can afford it and let it go, and it has always been like this.

Being able to reshape the soul, restore memory, and think independently again is enough.

"You feel wronged to live here. If we meet a suitable opportunity, we... will try again." Tang Yan couldn't guarantee it, but he never gave up hope.The world is so big, there are too many unknown things, just in case, there is always something to look forward to.

"Zilufu left me a message, saying that this is a brand new world, and I can start a new life here." War Demon looked at the brand new world and felt the complexity here.But there is a sense of familiarity, just like in the lost war world back then, I once fought alone, and I also rose to fight proudly.

"You... can you really accept this place?"

Zhan Mo raised his hands and looked at the hazy soul body: "Success or failure of life and death is irrelevant. A clear heart is the witness of the existence of life. The defeat of the past, the death of this time, I... accept..."

"Is there anything you need?"

"If you really want to help me, transfer the survivors of the Zhan clan to hell."

"Okay, when I find them, I will definitely send them to you."

"Don't be sad for me, I'm fine." Zhan Mo stared at the world in front of him: "I can feel a lot of powerful aura."

"Here are the seventeen innate life forms born in hell, as well as the special fierce place I transferred from the outside world, and many other evil ghosts and ghosts. The hell world has basically matured, and the space here is very stable. The number of ghosts exceeds Never."

"In the previous life, people fought against demons and fierce demons. In this life, they fought against ghosts and souls and fought against hell." War Demon was not sad or lost. His desire for war was born in his soul. In a different environment and on the same battlefield, he ...Looking forward to... "Since you have confidence, how about going to the northeast? I suppressed the five elements there, and I am going to build a small world, with a normal natural environment. If the Zhan clan really comes back in the future, they can also reproduce there Survive. Your situation is quite special, you can try to find a way of survival that is more suitable for you in the five-element law field and the hell world outside."

"Okay, if you are interested, let's go there." Zhan Mo nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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