Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2043

Chapter 2043

Tigris said: "I don't understand it? I don't understand either. The real history of the Dark Demons has actually been sealed. What I said just now is what I found out from the ancient historical materials of the Blood Demons. Stars, records are scattered and rare.

Regarding the cognition of the Black Demons, what the outside world knows is mostly rumors, including the human race and the demon race.

The only ones who really understand them are the few old monsters of the Demon Race. "

"Why seal them up? Even the historical materials?"

"It's nothing more than two points. The Black Demons have given the Demons a shame. Another point is that the Dark Demons have great hidden dangers, and the Demons don't want it to be announced."

"What else do you know? Can you tell us more?"

"What I know is irrelevant, and it won't be of much help to you,'s okay to know something. Regarding the rise of the Dark Demons, at first, the demons on land didn't care. At most, they sent their own troops to go deep There, the purpose of supporting small forces and fighting against the Dark Demons is to create chaos there, the more chaos the better. They are watching the chaos there with the mentality of watching a show.

But no one expected that the Black Demons would become powerful emperors in just a thousand years, and quickly ruled half of the West Sea. It was not until then that the Demons attracted attention. Before rising, utter destruction.

However, the geographical environment of the West Sea is too complicated, and every battle is defeated.

Not long after, the Gorefiends, who were still ruling half of the land at that time, launched a tentative attack. Unfortunately, they also failed. The arrogance of the clan.

However, at that time, the Blood Demons were concentrating on absorbing the Qitian Continent's energy, which was their most important task. In addition, the Dark Demon King took the initiative to visit the Blood Demons to ensure that the Black Demons would occupy the West Sea and never set foot on land. And regularly attack the blood demons, providing guarantee for the people of the blood demons to experience and explore in the West Sea.

It is tantamount to treating the Black Demons as a subsidiary of the Blood Demons, taking care of Xihai instead of the Blood Demons. An emperor who can make such a respectful gesture is already sincere in the eyes of the Blood Demons at that time, so he accepts it. With the existence of the Dark Demon Clan, the Dark Demon Clan also took advantage of the reputation of the Blood Demon Clan to grandiosely become the new overlord, developing silently in the West Sea. "

"And then?" Tang Yan had a vague premonition. Is this sincerity?This is conspiracy.The majestic Demon Emperor actually lowered his posture. This is bearing the burden of humiliation, and it is a little patience and a big conspiracy.

"Since then, the Black Demons have experienced tens of thousands of years of reproduction, and they are very crazy. They not only unified all the forces in the West Sea, but also controlled a large number of monster legions. On the surface, they pretended to be chaotic, but their real power has grown by leaps and bounds.

It's just that the demons at that time, from the blood demons to other demons, all concentrated their energy on absorbing the energy of Qitian Continent. Covering is achieved.

Until later, the demons' invasion of the Qitian Continent failed, causing the human race and the monster race to counterattack the Lost Battle Realm in an all-round way, and the demons joined forces to fight. ', landed on land majesticly, they behaved quite well at first, their posture was very low-key, and they were even willing to be slaves, submissive, and did whatever task they were given, even if it was a suicide attack.

For this reason, the Black Demons are despised by the major demons, and even intentionally bullied. They are also feared by the human race and the demons, who think that they are a brutal and terrifying killing group.

Later, when the entire Demon Race defined the Black Demon Race as 'cowardly', and when the Demon Race relaxed their vigilance against it, the Black Demon Race... launched a counterattack, and the timing was chosen at a time when the three demons The battle between clans is very important.

The Black Demons had spent a lot of money in the previous battle and withdrew from that battle, but in fact, they had amassed a larger army in the West Sea, with tens of millions of people.At the most critical moment of the battle between the three clans, when the demons frequently mobilized troops from within the clan to reinforce the front line, the dark demons landed on the western coast and spread across the entire western continent with overwhelming momentum.

At that time, they completely destroyed the clans of the three demons, and slaughtered nearly tens of millions of demons.The Dark Demons even advanced strongly, launching a counterattack against the Blood Demons' lair.

In that battle, the Demon Race's rear was in chaos, which led to the defeat of the front line. It was precisely because of that battle that the Human Race took this opportunity to firmly establish a foothold in the Northeast Continent, and launched a full-scale attack since then. "

Tang Yan secretly realized that, as expected, he was ruthless and poisonous. In order to rise up, he did not hesitate to cause civil strife in the demon clan, and he did not hesitate to borrow the butcher knife of the human race and the monster race. Race.

"In that battle, all aspects of the Forgotten World were swept away. The biggest winners were not the Human Race and the Monster Race, but the Dark Demon Race. They landed on the western coast and controlled one-third of the Western Continent in one fell swoop. After entering the land of the three major demon clans, he possessed countless resources and weapons.

The counterattack of the human race and the demon race is also destined to make the demon race be in a hurry and completely passive.The Dark Demons can just take advantage of the opportunity to continue to expand and develop.This is also the expectation of the Dark Demons, the grand blueprint for their rise.

But... they were wrong, they miscalculated the Blood Demon Race, and miscalculated the impact of that battle on the Demon Race.

After that battle, the demons didn't care about the humans. Instead, they gave up the entire East Road, at the cost of easing the attacks of the humans and demons, and then concentrated the demons' forces to counterattack the black demons.

There is no record of the specific battle. In short, in the end...the demons joined forces to wipe out the black demons to a very small number, and completely suppressed them in the forbidden area of ​​the West Sea, which is also the death pit of the black demons. "

"Why not completely destroy it?"

"To be specific, the Black Demons themselves accepted the seal. The situation was very chaotic at that time. The Demons concentrated their efforts to slaughter the Black Demons. Naturally, they would be confused by the counterattacks of the humans and demons. Although the Black Demons were finally defeated. , but the attitude was very tough, threatening at the cost of collective self-destruction. The demons from all walks of life were physically and mentally exhausted at the time, and they were eager to fight back against the human race. Demon race. But there is another condition, the Dark Demon Emperor...must die..."

"Where is the eternal death pit?"

"Unsolved mystery, the Black Demons themselves requested to be sealed in the eternal death pit, a place of their own choice. Various demons checked at the time and found no problems, and then they joined forces to kill the Black Demon Emperor. Dissipated in the world, and then gathered the power of the six great demon emperors, the blood of fifty great demons, set up a series of sealing restrictions, and sealed up the few hundred thousand remaining black demons.

The sealing restriction belongs to the restriction of refining, which can refine and kill the Black Demons alive into dregs, so I said just now that the Black Demons are probably extinct and no longer exist.After all, the restriction is too terrifying, and after tens of thousands of years of refinement, it deserves to die. "

Tang Yan looked at Tigris: "Are you doubting in your heart... that this incident of the Demon Clan originated from the recovery of the Black Demon Clan in the West Sea?"

Tigris remained silent and said so much without reservation, just because of the doubt in his heart.It must be extremely special and extremely dangerous to attract the attention of the entire Demon Race.All the demons have set up defenses along the western coast again. Apart from the distant and mysterious history, he can't think of anything else.

"Aren't you going to accompany us?" Niya asked.

"I can't go, at least not now, and I can't be with you. I am the most wanted criminal in the Demon Race, and I will be noticed wherever I go. If you are with me, it will only become more dangerous."

"Then let's go there now. If there is a chance, see you on the west coast." Tang Yan and Niya bid farewell to Tigris.

"This time is not only a gathering of the Demon Race, but also the Golden Ancient Race. The Spirit Race you are looking forward to will send out a strong man. I wish you a triumphant return in advance." Tigris took out two black The pills were handed over to them: "Eating them before entering the demon realm will allow you to release a very weak demon energy from within and avoid unnecessary troubles. This is not a treasure, but it is very practical."

"Do you have many of these things?" Niya took it and twirled her fingertips. The strange aura danced like an elf, entwining the magic pill.

"There are quite a few. Two are enough for you to use. It will sink in your aura and spread day and night. The duration can reach... two months. When you don't need it, you can force it out. The air will dissipate by itself."

"I hope... I can take more, the more the better." Niya twirled her slender hands, the fluorescence was blurred, wrapped in the magic pill, feeling silently.

"There are quite a few here. In order to help the troops of Qiansui Mountain infiltrate the demons to investigate, I specially refined them a lot." Tigris took out five jade bottles, and each bottle was densely filled with dozens of jade bottles, filled with black air. It looks like some little monsters are entrenched in it.

"Be prepared, it might come in handy." Niya accepted it all.

"Good luck to you." Tigris blessed.

Tang Yan and Niya left secretly, just as they secretly mixed in the team.The two left the camp and headed straight to the south-central. In order to avoid trouble, Niya transformed the black eagle with a spell, and carried the two of them flying deep in the clouds at an altitude of [-] meters. Wearing a black cloak and a mask with fangs, they swallowed With the magic pill given by Tigris, the two can easily move within the Demon Race.

At the same time, Brahma, the son of destiny of the Asura clan, and Brahma, the son of destiny of the Sea God clan, sneaked into the Demon Realm from the southern wilderness and coastal areas respectively, and marched towards the western coastal sea.The elite teams sent by the Spirit Clan, Monster Spirit Clan, Star Clan, and Yin-Yang Clan have approached the Demon Realm infinitely, and some have even entered the Demon Realm.

A reconnaissance and investigation against the demons, and a fierce battle between the human races, officially kicked off.

(End of this chapter)

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