Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2045

Chapter 2045
Ow! !
With a roar and a cry, the two new ghost masters were forcibly recruited from the hell world by Tang Yan, released in the thousands of meters above the sky, and sprayed towards the monsters and stone demons to wreak havoc. battlefield.

Pfft, a pair of iron wings fluttered to the sky, broke through the black mist, and shot high into the sky.

Iron wings are just a pair of wings!

Other than that, nothing else!
The speed is extremely fast, and it disappears in an instant without a trace.

Rumbling, high-altitude clouds and mist churned, energy surged, and a gigantic monster with a height of one thousand meters fell by itself, dispelling the ghostly aura in the sky, and crashed into the broken earth, crushing mountains and rivers, setting off violent winds and gravel, and even more A large number of monsters were trampled into pulp on the spot, and other stone demons were blown away by the strong wind and swept into the sky.

The scene of the riot was suddenly chaotic.

Fortunately, the pair of iron wings did not attract attention, and quickly disappeared into the chaotic sky, but this thousand-meter giant, like a giant mountain peak, was hammered down straight and rumbling, and even the ground sank more than ten meters alive.The irritable mountains and fields fell silent, and all the monsters and stone demons stared at it in amazement, unable to hide their horror.

In the world of the stone demons, the smaller ones are weaker, and the bigger they are, the more terrifying they are.

The golden dwarf, an earth monster born from hell.

It has an infinitely growing body shape, more or less similar to a giant ape, but it has four heads, four pairs of giant arms and giant claws, and four thick legs. It is weird and exaggerated, ferocious and terrifying.All over the body, there are various thorn-like spikes and protrusions all over, any one of them is extremely hard, sharp and piercing.

Its shape is weird like a creature, and its ugliness is even more exaggerated.

But the whole body, the posture of growth, and the parts that exist are all for fighting.

It, a real war troll, lives for battle.

It doesn't have any secret treasures or martial arts, but it has the hardest physique in the world, a war spirit of the earth shaped by hell.

Its whole body, from the inside to the outside, is made of fine steel and black iron, so hard that it is a mess.

It can grow infinitely, and its limit can be as high as the sky.

The stronger the strength, the more flexible, the harder it is, and the refined steel and black iron are also harder and more terrifying in the continuous self-tempering.

Stone demons smelt rocks, giant spirits smelt iron, the same way but the same effect.

However, the golden giant spirits were born and raised, all absorbing the most primitive source of power from hell, and their strength... can be imagined.

At this moment, the golden giant spirit suddenly came to the outside world, somewhat at a loss, not to mention the slow development of consciousness.

But... Tang Yan landed on his shoulders, stemming from the sense of belonging in life, making him surrender and follow.

"Aww!!" Jin Juling raised his arms and roared loudly, the sound was so loud that it was deafening, his eight arms shook the sky, and his sharp and fierce claws seemed to be able to tear everything apart.

Endlessly wild, filled with cracks in the mountains and ground, all monsters and stone demons trembled, not daring to move forward blindly.

"How is it?" Tang Yan sat on Jin Juling's shoulder and asked with a smile.

"It looks like a monster, suitable for activities in this demon realm." Caidie said, conveying Niya's thoughts.

The husband and wife seem to have the same mind and understand each other's goals.

"There are more suitable ones. Yuntianjing, come back." Tang Yan slowly raised his arm, and a moment later, the iron wing that disappeared into the sky flew down at top speed and landed firmly on his right arm.

Soon, countless black streaks spread rapidly in the blank area between the two iron wings, growing from the ends of the iron wings, intertwining and intertwining in the blank area, like countless blood vessels intertwined, like a brand new life Born, and the speed is amazing.

In a blink of an eye, a demonic bird appeared, extremely ferocious, like an eagle or a tiger, with a ferocious and cruel eagle head, completely black, but full of devilish aura.Regardless of the breath or appearance, it is completely similar to the magic bird that Yuan Kong is attacking at a high speed.

copy?Mirror image!
Yun Tianjing, the only flying ghost in the hell space.

It can transform all raptor species, from breath to appearance, as the strength grows, it can even completely copy the target's martial arts, energy form, etc., and fight like the target. Of course, the strength must reach the opponent's level.

Similar to mirror reflection, the monsters and monsters seen are fully projected and manifested by themselves.


No matter in terms of combat effectiveness or function, it can be called a must.

It's a match for the sore who stalks in the shadows.

The bitter woman dominates the shadow, it can control the sky.

The space between the two wings of the Yuntian mirror is actually not a blank space, but a transparent body, which can avoid visual and sensory detection, similar to a vacuum.

In fact, it can completely manifest any species, but its wings... will never disappear, only changing shape and appearance.

Therefore, it can only manifest raptor-type monsters and so on.

It may be because the strength is so against the sky that God added some "flaws" to its "perfection".

"In this demon clan, the more exaggerated, the more normal. They will regard me as a hidden demon who jumped out of some demon lair." Tang Yan stood on Jin Juling's shoulder, holding the ferocious semi-holy demon in his right hand. Qin, and the whole body is steaming with demonic energy, which has the posture of a peerless monster, and it really suppressed the monsters in all directions.

In the far sky, demonic birds became a tide, covering the world, there were thousands of giants, their appearance once again shocked the stone demons and magical beasts below, it seemed that they were very afraid of this group of demonic birds.

It's just... at this moment... the leader of the demon bird is staring blankly at the demon bird on Tang Yan's shoulder. Why is this guy just like me... The devil birds behind me are also a little touched Don't think about it, why is my master... two?
"Chirp!" Tang Yan raised his arms suddenly, Yun Tianjing fluttered his wings and hit the sky, bursting into the sky, and the vast magic power raged high in the sky, causing violent wind and magic energy.Its horror lies in the 'true' copying, and even the ghost energy in the body can change its attributes.

This time, the leader of the devil bird in the distance is even more confused, is that... what?

There was a commotion among the devil birds all around, and it was hard to tell who was the master.

"You can't hold them down like this." Niya fell from the sky, her hands had completely turned black, or it could be said that she had condensed a huge amount of magic power, which was existing in liquid form, flowing through her fingertips.Her gaze was like a torch, locked on the demon bird in front of her, and then...suddenly, she raised her arms, her fingers flying, using her fingers as a pen, using force as ink, and using the sky as a canvas, splashing ink and brushing it, imitating the opponent's appearance, and the outlines of each demon bird were formed impressively.

"Hey? You can still use the magic power?" Tang Yan was surprised.

"Magic energy is also energy, but it exists in a different form. If you understand the essence, you can use it for me. Don't forget, I am now...a saint..."

Niya's arms shook suddenly, extremely capable and gorgeous.

Nearly a hundred demonic birds in front of them were revived in an instant, fluttering their wings frantically, churning all over the sky, surging demonic energy all over their bodies, vicious and violent.

"This time, we can go straight to the West Sea in a grand manner." Tang Yan smiled behind the mask.

Incarnate as a big demon, ride the 'monster' Jin Juling, and enjoy the escort of the devil bird. This posture is really like a big demon going out on a tour.

In the world of the demons, arrogance is the nature, and arrogance is the essence. The more secretive you are, the more likely you will be questioned and bullied. The more crazy you are, the more normal you are.The point is, when he got to the West Sea, Tang Yan could still rely on his status as a 'loose cultivator' to join the demon camp and jointly 'guard' the west coast.

"Be safe." Niya took out the magic pills from Tigris, sprinkled them all into the sky, and was swallowed by those monster birds. The magic energy in her whole body soared immediately, more like a monster, and at first glance, her strength was even stronger. powerful.

"If you play like this, I'll add an insurance." Tang Yan narrowed his left eye, quietly released the bitter woman, and pointed at the leader of the demon bird who was still in a daze in Yuankong: "Control it."

Whoosh!The bitter woman attacked and shot straight into the sky along the black shadow.This time it was more swift, as if he had sensed the threat Yun Tianjing posed to him and intended to show himself.

Yun Tianjing hovered high in the sky, and also noticed Ku Po, his ferocious eyes flickered slightly, full of killing.A moment later, he blasted towards the demonic bird army and took the leader of the other party.

Aww! !Enraged, the leader of the demon bird uttered an ear-piercing cry, rolled up a torrent of demonic flames, and blasted towards Yun Tianjing.

But at the moment when the two sides were facing each other, the bitter woman seized the opportunity, turned into thousands of black threads, and cruelly inserted into the demon bird's body. Suddenly, there was an earth-shattering scream and runaway, completely disturbing the high-altitude clouds.

The monsters and stone demons in the mountains and plains looked stupid, their IQs were not enough, and this would make them even more confused.There were a few giant stone demons staring at it, as if they were going to attack the golden giant spirit, but the golden giant spirit stared back, obediently like a dog.

(End of this chapter)

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