Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2049 The Silent Underground Magma World

Chapter 2049 The Silent Underground Magma World

"What's wrong?" Niya wondered.

"Here... I don't think I've seen it before?" Tang Yan looked at it for a while.

"This is the Demon Realm, how could you have been here?" Before Niya finished her sentence, her fingertips had condensed into a meditation symbol, pressed it on Tang Yan's back, and then drew one for herself.The inexplicable sense of familiarity, she worried, came from some kind of hallucination.

Tang Yan was not affected, and his consciousness was clear. "I'm fine, it's just... these crows..."

He opened his Sen Luo eyes, stared carefully, and noticed the Nether Crow sleeping deep in the magma, and then looked at the other Nether Crows flying around, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Niya carefully observed the changes in Tang Yan's expression to determine if there was an illusion.

"I..." Tang Yan hesitated to speak, slowly floated, and fell to the fire nest below.

"Don't take any chances."

"You wait here for a while, I will be back soon. Jin Juling, in case of accident, call me immediately."

Tang Yan was silent for a while, then suddenly sank, falling extremely fast, stepped into criss-cross cracks, and fell into the churning hot underground magma.

"Be on guard." Niya replaced Tang Yan and took control of Jin Juling and Yun Tianjing.The two ghost masters cooperated tacitly, the golden giant spirit stood up, lifted Niya straight into the clouds, Yun Tianjing and the Kupo patriarch controlled the wind-eroded magic eagle to occupy the high altitude, scattered as much as possible, and vigilant about the surrounding situation.

Tang Yan covered his body with green fire and sank into the magma, resisting the hot power of the magma.At first, I didn't feel anything special. When passing by the sleeping Nether Crow, the other party was also indifferent, as if sleeping deeply.Moved around and found nothing unusual.

The only thing that feels different is that the depth of this magma seems... very deep... the further you go down, the deeper it becomes.

The whole world is red and hot, the magma is viscous and the temperature is terrifying, it seems to be able to melt steel and iron.They surged underground, like an undercurrent of a river tide, surging endlessly.

Being in such a strange world can also make people lose their sense of direction involuntarily.

It was very quiet all around, there was not a single sound in it.

The longer you stay, the more flustered you become.

It's like stepping into a red blank world suddenly, boundless, directionless, and timeless.

Like the world's 'exile'.

Tang Yan kept biting the tip of his tongue, feeling the slightest pain, reminding himself to be fresh and to gather energy.He kept falling based on his feeling, and forced his mind power to try to find out the real topography of the magma.But not long after, he found that he had underestimated the space of this magma world, and with the power of his thoughts, he couldn't catch up to the end.

Is it really boundless?Or is it suppressed by the influence of special forces?

Such an ordinary rainforest, such an inconspicuous fire nest, hides such a mysterious space.

Can not help but make people suspicious.

Tang Yan sank and sank, sank continuously, but woke up in a daze.

I seem to have really sunk into a different dimension, into a boundless mysterious world.

direction?No direction.

time?Lost time.

Is this really sinking?

Or is it shifting the original trajectory?

Where is the way back?
"Linger." Tang Yan summoned Huo Linger.

Huo Ling'er appeared leisurely, sitting on his shoulders, shaking his little feet, looking at the surrounding environment, taking a deep breath, the endless fire energy seemed to flow into the sea, converging towards it in all directions, effortlessly , is simpler than breathing.

She shook her head proudly, showing off to Tang Yan, am I amazing?
"Find the way back. If possible, explore how deep this magma world is."

"Yeah." Huo Ling'er obediently agreed, and thousands of green filaments of fire bloomed all over his body immediately, rushing to different directions, spreading wildly, and sprinting at extreme speed.

Tang Yan didn't move blindly, but stopped in place, carefully feeling the magma world.

Where does the sense of familiarity come from?

Why did it evoke such a strong sense of familiarity, which has not weakened until now.

"Go down... walk..."

Suddenly, a soft voice plucked the ears, and it entered the ear, softly to the bone.

Tang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he clenched his fists secretly.

A female body hugged him from behind, her body was as soft as water, her body fragrance was intoxicating, like a soft and beautiful snake, tightly wrapped around Tang Yan from behind, her hair was like a waterfall, draped over Tang Yan's shoulders, her red lips were wet and slippery, Gently pecking at Tang Yan's earlobe, her slender hand was as white as jade, lightly touching Tang Yan's shoulder, tapping a little, across his chest, soft and charming, as if trying to turn him into water.

"You follow me every day, aren't you afraid of falling in love with me?" Tang Yan we go again?A lingering thing!

"I... have... fallen in love with..." The girl turned to Tang Yan, her long hair danced lightly, as soft as a willow, her enchanting body was close to Tang Yan, embracing him, kissing him, and touching her red lips lightly. Tang Yan's lips, the tip of his tongue was wet and slippery, as if he wanted to knock Tang Yan's teeth open.

Tang Yan hugged the girl slowly, gradually increasing his strength, the corners of his mouth curled up, and suddenly kissed the girl's red lips heavily.

The girl groaned softly, fascinated, and seemed to enjoy Tang Yan's rudeness.Passionate and enjoying.The enchanting body squirmed, clinging to Tang Yan, wishing to blend into his body.

Sisi chanted softly and whispered softly, echoing in the empty magma world.

Tang Yan kissed vigorously, and the tip of his tongue penetrated deeply into her mouth, but after a moment, his chest suddenly lifted, and a mouthful of condensed 'dragon's breath' rushed into her throat and sprayed into her mouth.

If the girl was really an entity, this blow would definitely kill her.

Dragon's breath, with the power of Long Kui, absorbs the essence of heavenly fire, squeezes it to the extreme, and is extremely powerful.

However... the girl sucked his tongue greedily, kissed his lips intoxicatedly, and passionately stroked him and herself with both hands. The fiery magma world and the blazing high temperature could not match the fiery passion of each other .

As for the dragon's breath, it rushed past the girl's body and hit the endless magma world. It didn't cause too many waves, like a mud cow entering the sea, and disappeared without a trace.

Tang Yan's face became more and more gloomy, even cold, and he pushed the girl away suddenly: "What the hell are you?"

The girl is absolutely beautiful, regardless of her temperament, appearance, or skin and body, her perfection is unreal, and she has a fatal lethal force on any type of man. She smiled coquettishly: "I... live in your..."


"...giggle..." The girl smiled coquettishly, her smile was flamboyant, the jade rabbit on her chest seemed to jump out of her gorgeous clothes, her smile became more and more charming, and her laughter became faster and faster, as if she couldn't control it .

Tang Yan woke up in horror, where is the boy?Why only her!

not good! !Niya! !
Tang Yan shot in an instant, soaring into the sky.

"Accompany you, together." The girl smiled delicately, and caught up with Tang Yan unhurriedly.

Tang Yan sprinted across the void with the eight-phase thunder seal, but the girl was always by her side, like a shadow, always 'wrapping' Tang Yan, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get rid of it.

"If you dare to hurt her, I will kill you to the end of the world." Tang Yan threatened sharply, with extremely fast speed, and rushed out a blank trace in the magma tide. The trace formed a whirlpool at random, disturbing the underground magma.

"She is very beautiful." The girl lay on Tang Yan's back again, her red lips pecked at Tang Yan's earlobe lightly: "With me, is she beautiful?"

"You monsters, are you worthy of being compared with Niya?" Tang Yan shouted in his heart, and ferocious green flames exploded on his body, trying to burn the girl and drive her away.

However, everything is in vain.Last time, it was found that she was a real entity, but now, she is clearly an illusory existence, completely unaffected by any attack.

"You, the direction is wrong." The girl's vermilion lips closed slightly, blowing hot air.

"Huh?" Tang Yan suddenly stopped the speed, not because of the girl's reminder, but... deep in the magma, just above his head, there appeared a misty and illusory place, with jagged waves, but dense mist, undulating waves, but And bewildered.It's like rushing for a long time, rushing to the edge of the world, approaching that mysterious barrier.

On the other side of the mysterious barrier, the color is no longer crimson, but pale and dim. Deep in the dry tone, there is an old road, a road that seems to extend beyond the world, boundless, silent and desolate.

Tang Yan finally woke up, the source of familiarity.

Nether Ancient Road!Four-winged white crow!
That is the Luoyue Mountains in the Qitian Continent, and that is the Road of Time guided by the ancestors of the Yan Kingdom.

Familiar, from Nether Duck, one extremely pale, one extremely dark, identical in appearance but opposite in color.

Is this another end of the Ancient Nether Road?
Here, is the remaining avenue of time between heaven and earth?

Time fighters can be destroyed, and time martial skills can be destroyed, but 'time', the supreme mystery of the world, is immortal.

Time, it left traces, is this mysterious ancient road.

In Tang Yan's mind, such a profound thought sprouted in Tang Yan's mind, and it passed through his mind deeply and clearly.

Huh?The girl seemed to have never been here before, and she was also surprised by the wonderful scene in front of her.It's just that she doesn't have Tang Yan's similar 'epiphany'.

Tang Yan suddenly turned around, closed his eyes, and returned at full speed.

The direction was really wrong before, this is the end of the ground, and in turn, it is the ground, rushing.

The girl ignored the illusory ancient road and caught up with Tang Yan again: "Can't you get out, let's make a deal? Use her life in exchange."

(End of this chapter)

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