Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2052 Stone Demon Royal Family

Chapter 2052 Stone Demon Royal Family
When Tang Yan left the underground magma world, it was almost dawn, and before he knew it, he spent the night underground.

"Leave the rainforest, and go south to find a transition zone between the Li Demon Clan and the Stone Demon Clan, so as to facilitate the deployment of the battlefield." Tang Yan ordered the Jin Juling to draw at full speed. He deliberately took out the Silver Moon Sword and released its sword energy for the convenience of the three A 'enemy' tracking.

Tens of miles away, Mu Yanyun's new hiding place.

As Qing Lao's exclusive, he naturally captured the sword energy from Yinyue Sword, and also re-felt the imprint of the Star Clan on it: "The two big demons may have to leave, go, catch up, and find a suitable place to do it." kill them!"

"You monsters who don't know how to live or die, you have provoked the wrong people and taken the wrong things." Mu Yanyun and the three quickly chased after them.

Soon, separated by the distant mountains and rivers, and also separated by the thick night, they found the 'Giant Peak' running wildly at the end of their line of sight. The rumbling scene made even the mountains and rivers tremble. Roaring, you can see it clearly from dozens of miles away.Occasionally, it would crush a volcano, and the gushing magma hung all over its body, faintly reflecting its terrifying physique.

"Crazy monsters! You are looking for your own death!" Mu Yanyun and the three sneered at the arrogance of the monsters. Their unscrupulous swagger and wild running showed their arrogance. It's hard not to pay attention. Let's see where you can run? !
"Go up to the clouds and spread out." Mu Yanyun ordered halfway, and all three of them flew up into the sky, reaching deep into the clouds, hiding their true whereabouts, and slightly arousing the demonic energy of the demon treasure in their arms to cover up their majesty. , to mislead the monsters below into thinking that they were three big monsters flying by from a high altitude, so as not to over-investigate.

Ahead, Tang Yan received a report from the bitter woman.

"It's really coming, hey, keep an eye on it, don't lose it. By the way, expand the monitoring area to ensure that no other forces interfere." Tang Yan clenched the murderous sword in his hand, ready to catch a turtle in the urn, so that the tracking troops can enjoy their combat effectiveness.

"They are probably from the Star Clan, that is to say, the Spirit Clan may have joined forces with the Star Clan, or it may be that the Spirit Clan gave it to the Star Clan on purpose. If this is the case, the Spirit Clan may also be lurking in the dark." Niya finally said If you have concerns in your heart, no matter right or wrong, it is always better to be careful.

"You mean, they're bait?"

"The Spirit Clan will not send out the Silver Moon Sword easily. There must be other intentions. The Star Clan may be ignorant, or they may cooperate with them. Don't forget your agreement with the Spirit Clan Peisa, and don't forget the 'curve strategy' he is good at , it is not ruled out that he secretly uses the Star Clan while cooperating with the Star Clan."

"That's more interesting. But don't be nervous, the Spirit Clan may use the Star Clan, but neither the Spirit Clan nor the Star Clan know who we are, so we just thought we provoked a monster."

Niya ordered: "It's always good to be careful, poor woman, take back the troops, reassign tasks, and focus on searching for traces of the Spirit Race. Yun Tianjing, lead the troops to stay vigilant, and focus on monitoring the invasion of other monsters."

Yun Tianjing and Ku Po noticed that Tang Yan nodded, and immediately took orders to disperse their actions.

Tang Yan thought about it for a while, and secretly notified Ren Tianzhu, the master of evil in the hell world, to make the necessary preparations.There are other ghost masters who have also received orders. If necessary, they will all be recruited out of hell to join the battle.

He didn't care if the Spirit Clan would intervene, what he cared about was the identities of those three people, if they were really the Star Clan, they would definitely win!
Niya gently turned the wrench in her hand, which contained the treasure of Taizu's relic.When necessary, there will be chaos.

"Speed ​​up and find a more suitable place." Tang Yan urged Jin Juling.

"Roar!" The golden giant spirit threw off its arms and ran at full speed, trampling mountains and rivers, crushing demons, leaving a sound of cursing and exclamation, as well as messy volcanic ruins and fractured potholes, rolling up the howling The wind was blowing straight down to the south.

The momentum is no less than that of a hurricane.

Niya and Tang Yan deliberately released the magic power to suppress the monsters in the mountains and plains, so as not to cause public anger.

However, before rushing far, a mysterious team rushed towards them between the dark clouds and the sky.

They are running wildly in the sky, all of them are more than a hundred meters tall, majestic and majestic, with exaggerated air force, wearing terrible armor, carrying a knife of more than a hundred meters, like ancient giants, surrounded by magic flames, stepping on the magic cloud, full of evil spirits, Coming from the distant sky, the whole sky was trembling, like thunder rolling, roaring and deafening.

They are extremely fast, and their running momentum is even more wild.

Are they all stone demons? !Nearly a hundred stone demons of hundreds of meters? !

Tang Yan has traveled through most of the territory of the Stone Demon Clan so far, and has never seen such a troll!The stone demon is only a few tens of meters at most, which is exaggerated enough, but this time it came over a hundred meters? !

Nearly a hundred teams rushed out of the atmosphere of tens of thousands of people, and they were even more violent like raging waves crashing on the shore.

In the middle of the team, or guarded by more than a hundred stone demons, a blue mad bull is also more than a hundred meters high and 200 meters in size. Can knock down Optimus Prime.

An amethyst troll was riding on the blue mad bull.

It is also a stone demon, but the rock is not jet black, but more majestic and hard... Amethyst? !

It looks like an amethyst monster, but it has a bit of majesty and handsomeness.

It holds its head high, rides on the galloping green bull, and leads this exaggerated team to rush through the clouds and the sky.

Seeing this scene in the sky suddenly, it was like seeing heavenly soldiers and generals coming from the sky in a trance.

It's just that the evil spirit is too heavy, and the devilish energy is too strong.

"Stone Demon Royal Family?!" Tang Yan secretly thought that something was wrong, and he could guess it without knowing it. He immediately signaled the golden giant spirit to change direction. He must not confront these monsters head-on. Now is not the time.

But... Mad Bull's speed is extremely fast, and the speed of the team's sprint is also not slow.After all, with a height of [-] meters, he can run hundreds of meters in one step.They quickly noticed the head of the golden dwarf pierced into the clouds, and naturally noticed its more exaggerated physique.

Um? ?The amethyst stone demon's eyes were like torches, with bloody eyes hidden in it, staring at the away golden giant spirit. After a moment, he waved his hand and stopped the running team.

For the stone demons, the golden giant spirit is almost fatally attractive.

These thousand-meter monsters have exaggerated physiques, terrifying four heads and eight arms, and thorns and thorns all over their bodies. They are equivalent to war monsters. They were born purely for fighting, and they are definitely qualified to be used as mounts.Whether traveling or entering the battlefield, it is shocking enough.

The amethyst stone demon stared at the golden giant spirit until it disappeared from sight, but the bloody light in its eyes became more and more intense: "Such monsters are none other than me!"

It rarely likes things, but the kilometer monster makes him fall in love at first sight.

It is almost harsh and picky about mounts, and also has a fanatical dedication.Why hasn't such a monster been found before?I once issued an edict to find a mount.After thousands of choices, five monsters were chosen. This violent monster cow was one of them, and the only one that caught his eye.

Why didn't I find this thousand-meter monster at that time?
However, the kilometer monster seems to have the aura of other great demons?Owner?

The amethyst stone demon snorted coldly.It doesn't matter, my territory, my world, and the things I value are all mine!
At this time, the three of Mu Yanyun came galloping from a distance, and they were also sneaking in the clouds. They noticed the abnormality here from a distance, captured the powerful aura, and were secretly startled, the stone demon royal family? !They shifted their direction in time, threw a big circle, locked on the golden giant spirit again, and chased after it closely.No one wanted to offend the royal family of the Stone Demon Clan.

This scene once again fell into the eyes of the amethyst demon.

Three big demons come again? !Are they chasing and killing that monster?
"Catch up." The Amethyst Golem waved its arms again to signal.

"Your Highness, the situation in the West Sea is critical, and the emperor urgently calls you to return to your command. If the trip is delayed, I'm afraid..." The giant stone demons on both sides reminded with a buzzing sound.The situation is serious and urgent, and I am afraid that he will be punished if he is late.

"Catch up." The Amethyst Stone Demon reiterated again, with a stern voice.

" shouldn't be in the Great Demon Realm, so it's not worth capturing by His Highness himself. I think Your Highness, you go there first, and we'll bring you that monster back?"

"Become my mount, and sooner or later it will be the Great Demon Realm. It, mine, I want to take it back with my own hands, and I want to ride it and step into the West Sea." The amethyst demon clenched his fists, and he completely regarded the golden giant spirit as his mount. .

The gathering in the West Sea this time belongs to the rare and rare Grand Alliance of the Demon Race. The various races do not simply have to deal with the situation in the West Sea, but compete with each other at all levels.I must not lose the prestige of the stone demons, especially in terms of mounts, that kilometer monster will definitely make my influence rise to a higher level.

God has treated me well, and at the last moment, I let myself discover the treasure.

"Obey." The giant stone demon did not dare to disobey, since His Highness insisted, they could only obey.After the two big stone demons on the left and right made a signal, all the stone demons were shocked, spread their legs and ran wildly, catching up with the direction where the golden giant spirit disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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