Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2059 Clan Hunting

Chapter 2059 Clan Hunting
"Issuing a wanted warrant, it is said that two human beings, a man and a woman, have broken into our territory. They are the Martial Saints of the Star Clan. They are offering rewards at the highest price, no matter whether they live or die. Also, release the news that a large number of human expedition teams have already penetrated into the territory of our clan. My demon territory.

The human race is a species that likes to get together and compete. Since the star race has sent big men over, the other golden ancient races will at least not lag behind, and other powerful human races will also send troops.Even though you can rest assured to inform all the tribes and districts, and let all the troops and fierce demons rise up and sweep them all, I don't believe that human beings can really lurk in the territory of our demons unscrupulously. "

Oss sternly ordered that if the human race dared to join in the fun, they would close the door and beat the dogs to let them know how powerful the demon race is, and let them come and go without returning, and be buried in this demon land.

The head of the left guard personally selected five trolls: "Go, spread the news as quickly as possible, and send orders to the troops within the clan to concentrate on chasing and killing the three humans of the Star Clan. They are seriously injured and cannot escape. Far, let alone escape from this demon realm.”

"Take orders!" The five trolls left immediately and took charge in person.

"Hmph, the human race dared to intervene in the Xihai incident, it seems that they are impatient." Oss slowly kneaded his nose, condensed the amethyst essence, and healed the wound. It can't bring the wound to the West Sea.

"Since the Star Clan is here, other human races will come too. Your Highness, you are right, but the human did they know about the Xihai incident? I mean...know so early? Given the distance from the Star Clan to here In other words, they knew the news at least half a month ago!"

"The human race only sent troops to investigate, and did not directly concentrate their forces to launch a war. It means that they only got some small news, knowing that there is a change in the West Sea, but they are not sure whether the incident is true or not, and they don't know what happened.

Come on, let's spread the news today, it will be enough to set off a wave of hunting down the human race in the Demon Realm, and it will also make them retreat in a hurry. When the time comes, the West Sea incident will naturally remain secret, and it will not be heard by the human race .

Even if one or two humans entered the West Sea, so what?Even we may not be able to come out alive, and they will die if they go in? "

"That's right. The human race doesn't know the danger of the West Sea. If they go in blindly, there is no way out."

Oss thought about it carefully: "The identities of the three members of the Star Clan should not be simple, especially that woman, who was guarded by two old men time and time again, and called... Your Highness more than once?!"

"Woman...His Royal Highness..." The chief guard on the left thought hard, and said: "To be worthy of these two titles, it should be the princess of the Star Clan, or the princess or something. Our Stone Demon Clan has nothing to do with the Star Clan , I haven't dealt with them for tens of thousands of years, so I don't understand them very thoroughly, but... It is said that the generation of the Star Clan is a bit weird, with yin flourishing and yang declining.

After many years of hard work, the Star Emperor gave birth to a female heir. Among the descendants of other royal family members, there were only three girls and two boys.

The female heirs are better than the other, while the male heirs are not up to par.

The best female heirs, one is the eldest princess, Mu Yanyun, and the other is Mu Tianyu, the eldest daughter of the Grand Marshal of the Great Martial Saint of the Star Clan.

One of the two women is better than the other. They are known as the two strange women of the Northern Continent. They are even worse than Tang Bing, the second princess of the Yaoling Clan. The most important thing is that the two women were born far earlier than other tribes. Enter the realm of Martial Saints and stay there for more than ten years.

Mu Yanyun and Mu Tianyu have shown amazing talents since they were young, and they were all cultivated by the Emperor Xingchen himself, and they have always been like this.

Xingchen Renhuang also regards Mu Tianyu as his own, and does his best.With respect for the two women in the clan, both women will be called His Highness. "

The Stone Demon Clan and the Star Clan have no intersection, but at least they have their own information system, and they will pay close attention to the situation of the major Golden Ancient Clans. Even if they don't know the most secret information, one or two special information can still be discovered. What's more, The existence of Mu Tianyu and Mu Yanyun is not a big secret.

"No matter who it is, it should be one of the two women. Give me an order to capture that woman. I have a great reward. If you catch her alive, you can join my royal family and be named a general. You can also spread the word When the news comes out, let’s just say that it’s the eldest princess of the Star Clan, Mu Yanyun, and that they are all seriously injured. Whether it’s true or not, this identity will definitely cause a sensation, and let the big demons lurking everywhere take action.”

"Your Highness is wise." The chief guard on the right selected five trolls again and sent them to carry out this special order.

"Remember, I must have that female human." Oss loudly told the five trolls who were about to leave.

The chief guard on the left looked at the sky: "Your Highness, let's go to the West Sea now. If we don't go there, the clan elders may be angry. When there is news about the hunt, we will notify you in time. Don't worry, they will never escape."

"Don't worry, I haven't caught my mount yet." Oss didn't forget the thousand-meter monster, and his fiery eyes returned to the messy iron stone wasteland.

"Scatter them all for me, search. Remember, no matter who finds it first, don't do it hard, and have a better attitude. If you find the two big demons, hold on first, or directly report the name of our Highness, I believe they will be handed over in a strange way." The guards on the left and right did not want to delay any longer, and directly used their names to oppress each other.

"Understood." Nearly a hundred trolls immediately dispersed to search the Iron Stone Wasteland.

The left and right guards and Oss also personally joined the hunt.

However... They searched from early morning to early morning, and then in the morning, they almost searched the Iron Stone Wasteland, but they couldn't find the hiding place of the thousand-meter monster.

They found the last footprint of the thousand-meter monster, and then...disappeared out of thin air...Oss was really not reconciled, and ordered to continue searching.Delayed for a day and a night, there must be no gains.What's more, he really took a fancy to that kilometer monster from the bottom of his heart.

But from morning to evening, they tried their best to search a second time, and also searched the edge of the wasteland, but there was really no clue.

Did it really disappear out of thin air? !
Do not accept, but have to accept.

As a last resort, Oss left ten trolls behind, and sat here directly, continued to search, and continued to wait, and went deep underground to find clues if it didn't work.Oss was dragged away by the left and right guards, and turned towards the West Sea.

In mid-December, just a few days after the incident in the Iron Stone Wasteland, shocking news broke out in the area controlled by the Stone Demons—the Golden Ancient Clan and many human forces had penetrated into the Demon Realm, and they were currently secretly operating in the western coastal area. Clan Prince Oss now informs all parties to hunt down all clan teams with huge rewards.Moreover, Aussie has severely damaged the three-person team of the Star Clan, and it is confirmed that the leader of the team is the eldest princess of the Star Clan, Mu Yanyun.

A single stone stirred up thousands of waves, causing a sensation in all directions, and also alarmed the human team that was dormant in the dark.

The western region of the Demon Race, which is in constant turmoil, is intensifying the chaos again, human?An enemy like a natural enemy, if you can kill it, you will never let it go!What's more, the human race dared to act unscrupulously in the Demon Realm. They couldn't bear it. They must be hunted and killed, and they will never be condoned.

All of a sudden, a large number of rogue monsters and monsters began to move around, searching for the whereabouts of the human race. Even if it is just useful news, it may be sold for a good price, and the target may be tracked.

The most important thing is that the team of the Star Clan has been seriously injured, and this is a good time to pick up a bargain.

Aussie offers generous benefits one after another, inducing all parties to focus on the pursuit, which will naturally lead to a greater wave of pursuit by all parties.

The dormant human team was shocked, never expecting to be discovered so quickly, with such a violent momentum.What's even more unbelievable is that Mu Yanyun was seriously injured, and was reduced to the point where the demons hunted him with all his strength. It was very difficult to escape from the demon realm alive.

Not long after, a human team was besieged by monsters, seriously wounded and captured, escorted to the stone demons, swallowed on the spot, and the team of monsters who asked for credit was rewarded heavily.That night, another news came out that a human team was personally captured by a big demon and sent to the Stone Demon Clan.

In just a few days, as many as five teams were arrested.

Although it is not a team of the ancient golden clan, but it is definitely a team of some powerful sects who have the courage to go deep into the Demon Realm and lurk until now.

Their arrest successfully angered the demons, and not only did the human races come in, but there were also a lot of them.

Looking at it like this, if you catch another ten and a half months, you can catch at least four or five.

The encounters of these five teams also stimulated other lurking human races to be more careful.

But in this situation, it is impossible to advance or retreat. After all, it has penetrated into the hinterland of the demons. The more active it is, the more terrifying it is.

A large number of human races have been dormant, and many human races have ventured to bite the bullet and continue to act.

In a few days, the endless western fringes of the demons continued to be chaotic and intensified, and traces of the human race were also found in the western part of the area controlled by the Li demons and the evil ghosts, and three groups were successfully arrested. team.

However, the Star Clan team, which was highly wanted by the Stone Demon Clan, disappeared completely after that night, without any news, no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find any trace.

(End of this chapter)

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