Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2063 Joining the Stone Demon

Chapter 2063 Joining the Stone Demon
Stone Demon Oss made a decision, since he wanted this thousand-meter monster, he had to give the other party some compensation.

I was going to give some resources, but I suddenly found that this big demon is quite strong and suits my appetite, so I was going to try a punch, but I didn't expect it to make it almost ugly, and then I tried five punches, which was more suitable for my appetite. Such a big monster, You can't stay outside and let him hang around, the income is good.

For the sake of his strength, for the sake of his contribution to the thousand-meter monsters, and for the sake of blocking the mouths of other demons, you should be my son-in-law.

The buzzing discussions among the demons gathered in the northern urban area started, and those big demons who were eager to try turned their lips and rolled their eyes, very annoyed and helpless. They were still planning how to make a move. She was lucky enough to marry into the stone demon royal family? !

The Li Demon Clan, Evil Ghost Clan, and Blood Demon Clan in the dark were slightly dissatisfied.This Oss was definitely intentional. He deliberately showed his strength in front of the entire demon clan, and deliberately performed a good show of "surrendering the demons with righteousness" to show his courage and publicize the heroes. He recruited easily. A strong assistant.

Most importantly, he can use this method to cover up the 'ugliness' of his robbing monster.Although the Demon World is not very reasonable, but after all, this is the territory of the Stone Demon Clan, and it is the first summoning order issued by the Stone Demon Clan. Doing so will easily make other casual cultivators afraid to enter the ancient city again.Now it's all right, it's all done.

"This Oss is really scheming. Unlike ordinary stone demons, they have a low IQ and can only fight."

"Using my own daughter as a bargaining chip to invite the big devil to join me is quite bold."

"Hmph, it's not bold enough. It's using its daughter to make a big bet to ensure that the big devil will join in quickly. It can see that the big devil has a tough character. If he doesn't take out a big chip, he won't accept the invitation easily. When the time comes, the other party will be tough." Refuse, resist, and embarrass itself."

"But what is the origin of this monster? With such a troll as a mount, he can still punch five times against Oss."

"He's a good general. It's a pity that Oss made the first move."

"This time, with the help of the Xihai incident, all parties are called together. It is also a good time for our major demon royal families to recruit powerful warriors. Usually, the loose cultivators hide in their respective territories, and they will not easily Accept the solicitation, this time, an unprecedented large gathering, a rare opportunity, if you can recruit a few, you will have a few more assistants. Oss has made a move, shall we pick a few too?!"

The teams of the five supreme demon clans were all lurking in the dark, after silently watching Oss's "good show", they discussed and thought about each other quietly.

But they were talking in the corner, and they also agreed that Tang Yan was lucky to find a good master, but Tang Yan himself was completely ignorant, while trying to guess the meaning of the amethyst stone demon, while running the Immortal Yan Tian Jue to recuperate Physical injuries. "What is this stone monster talking about? It doesn't mean that you have regretted it, and you want to do it again?"

The stone demon Oss stepped up into the air, came to the mid-air, and confronted Tang Yan directly: "This is the first time I have promised a marriage in a thousand years, and it is also the first time I have personally recruited generals to enter the royal family. You have a hundred reasons to be proud. Now, what should you do?"

What the hell is your name?If you lose, you will leave, be clean and tidy, what can you say here.Tang Yan was depressed, why did this monster talk to him?

There is a language barrier, brother.

what to do?You can't keep pretending to be dumb, can you?
Yes, Tang Yan's eyes lit up, he shook his head pretending to be deep, and made a gesture of serious consideration, and then... he jumped back and landed on Jin Juling's shoulders, as if he wanted to discuss with his "companion" Niya, And quietly signaled the bitter woman to fall from the sky.

The bitter woman has searched for the thoughts of the wind-eroded magic eagle, and she understands the language of the demons to some extent. At least she can teach herself a few sentences, or understand the meaning of the other party.

"Hmph!" Amethyst Demon Oss was secretly annoyed, he sent out an invitation in front of so many demons, yet you hesitated? !However, in order to show its own demeanor, it stopped in mid-air without excessive urging, waiting for the opponent's decision.

"What? Married girl?! Can you explain it to me again?" Tang Yan almost fainted after hearing what the bitter woman said.

My mother-in-law, fourth uncle, master, how could such a thing happen.

Is this troll's head filled with water?

What kind of shocking thought made him come up with such absurd agreement?
"So you are also attractive to the demons, are you proud?" Niya teased softly.

"You want the Jin Juling, and you want me? He knows how to do business." Tang Yan couldn't laugh or cry, he was about to become the son-in-law of the Stone Demon Clan?Should we cry or laugh?If it knew its identity, wouldn't it be dissatisfied with the world chasing and killing itself?

"You can agree, but you have to make sure that you can catch up on the language of the demons in a short time." Niya quietly suggested.

"You mean, I broke into the Stone Demon Clan?" Tang Yan was helpless.

"Didn't you often say that all you play is heartbeat?"

"I'm afraid my heart will jump out."

"Try it? Unless you can think of a better countermeasure to reject it. But you have to think clearly, this is a public event, and the demons need to save face."

"Reject? Forget it, he has moved out his daughter, how can I refuse? As long as I shake my head, he will definitely tear me alive. I have to admit that I am not his opponent. Get back." Tang Yan noticed the surrounding atmosphere, and understood the meaning of the amethyst stone demon better.The word "resolute" cannot be uttered.

"I suggest that we temporarily donate the golden giant spirit to win favor. We infiltrate the Stone Demon Clan and find an opportunity to learn about Xihai's information. When the time comes to find the right time, we will secretly put the golden giant spirit into hell without anyone noticing it. Don't you You may be missing something, but you will gain something. The only thing is, you must pay attention to it, don't show off, try to maintain an aloof posture, and cover up the illusion that you don't understand the language."

"Oh, this... can you take it?"

"Why can't you accept it?!"

"I mean, what if that girl from the Demon Race is very pretty? Will she ask to consummate the marriage with me?"

Niya ignored it directly, straightened her black robe and black cloak, and reminded: "Quickly learn a few common words."

"If this goes well, I'll win the Oscar." Tang Yan muttered twice, regained his composure, and walked into the air, deliberately slowing down. The bitter woman entangled Tang Yan's jaw area through the shadow, doing simple things guidance.

The bitter mother-in-law is also learning and teaching, flustered, but she can barely cope.

Tang Yan walked into the air, stopped in front of the Amethyst Stone Demon, looked at each other for a moment, bowed heavily solemnly, and said in a hoarse and interfering magic language: "I would like to ruin your heart for you, but I hope for a fair and courteous treatment."

"Oh? Haha, good, good, what a heartbreaker. As long as you put your heart and soul into it, I will guarantee your reputation as the Demon Realm." Amethyst Moos laughed loudly.

"Please!" Tang Yan turned around and signaled, asking Oss to ride the golden giant spirit.

"Haha, haha." Oss laughed wildly, full of excitement, and patted Tang Yan's shoulder heavily: "It will be regarded as your betrothal gift for my daughter, and I will accept it."

This sentence was deliberately said to other monsters.Did you hear that?I didn't take it from me, it was a dowry gift, and I gave it away.

The golden giant spirit was signaled, stretched out two sharp claws, and stretched into the air.

Oss stepped down, landed on the sharp claws, and was lifted by the golden giant spirit and landed on his shoulders.

Standing at a height of a thousand meters, overlooking the ancient city of Weiwei, the vastness of his sight made him laugh three times again.

"Congratulations, Your Highness, I'm happy to have won a battle beast." Nearly a hundred imperial guard trolls shouted loudly, congratulating them with great joy.

Although Oss is a hundred meters tall, the golden dwarf is a thousand meters high and has four shoulders, which are enough for him to move around. Therefore, not only are the two sides not incompatible, but they match well. "I haven't asked yet, what's its name?"

"The King of Iron and Stone." Tang Yan said nonsense.

"Oh? Why such a common name?" Oss was very dissatisfied with the name.

"I found it at the bottom of the Iron Stone Wasteland. It was 3000 years ago. Its body was only more than 200 meters long. I thought it was just a mutated stone demon. I didn't expect it... the longer it grows, the more unique it becomes, and the longer it grows, the taller it is." Tang Yan's face didn't blush and his heart didn't beat.

Aos's eyes lit up, and the suspicion in his heart was confirmed again. It turned out that it was really a monster born in the Iron Stone Wasteland!That potential is boundless, and it will be stronger and bigger in the future. I really got my treasure.

Not bad not bad, let me work hard.

"Since it belongs to you, you should give it a new name."

"Then it's called... Iron Demon King? Haha, yes, it's called Iron Demon King!" Oss was very satisfied with his name, and asked by the way: "What about you? What's your name? Where did you come from?"

"My name is Zaku. I was born in the north-central part of the Stone Demon Clan. I have been wandering around. This is my strong friend thousands of years ago. I have been working together for a long time. Later, I took root in the Iron Stone Wasteland."

"From now on, you are not alone anymore, you are my people." Oshen pointed to the front and ordered the golden giant spirit: "Let's go, the city center!"

The golden giant spirit stood up, striding wildly, with a step of hundreds of meters, rumbled towards the major demon settlements in the central area of ​​the city. Tang Yan and Niya rode on the group of wind-eroded magic eagles, deliberately maintaining a high-profile posture. At the same time, the language of the Demon Race was replenished.

The other demons backed away one after another, not daring to get in the way.

The other supreme demon teams were very dissatisfied with this scene, but they couldn't do anything about it. Who made this Osbi smarter than the legend? !
(End of this chapter)

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