Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2068

Chapter 2068
On the last day of December, the joint troops were organized and set off in a mighty way. Including the five supreme demons and the powerful demons gathered from all sides, the team reached more than [-] people, and the scene was somewhat chaotic. , but the lineup of strength is absolutely terrifying, enough for one demon clan to even destroy a field.

If this is invested in the territory of the human race, it will definitely cause unimaginable disasters.

After thinking twice, Oss did not bring the golden dwarf, but left more than 40 hundred meters of trolls to jointly guard the golden dwarf.The guardianship of more than 40 trolls is enough to show that Oss attaches great importance to the golden giant spirit.

But... what it didn't notice was that its dear 'son-in-law' was the last one to come out on the pretext of saying goodbye to Jin Juling. It seemed normal, but in fact... he had secretly accepted Jin Juling and kept it by the way More than 40 trolls have been sent to hell.

The entire city was already under Niya's rune... Forgot what happened at that moment, and his consciousness was seriously confused.

The team set off that morning and marched towards the western coast.It's just that because of the estrangement and conflicts between the demon clans of all parties, the five supreme demon clans are far apart, and different casual repair teams have all found their backers and joined different supreme demon clan teams.Including those powerful ethnic groups, they also took refuge in different supreme demon clans. After all, Xihai is too dangerous, and there is always a group that can be at ease.

Because this is in the territory of the stone demons, and Oss has the most strong people gathered around him, the fierce demons and big demons he attracts are naturally far more than other demons, densely packed with more than two thousand people, and the number is the least The succubus tribe belonged to them. Apart from thirty members of their own tribe, there were only three powerful demon tribes around them. In terms of loose cultivators... there were almost none... The team marched vigorously, passing through the defense of the demon tribe in succession. Front, marching towards the western coastal zone.

This road continued day and night for three days and three nights, and finally arrived at the last defensive line on the fourth day. This is the most critical place, but the least number of troops is deployed, because... standing on the stone wall fortification formed by the last defensive line , You can already see the vast western coastal area shrouded in mist.

As if standing at the end of the world, the misty white mist enveloped the sky and the earth, and the visibility was extremely low. Even with their strength, they were unable to see through the scene deep in the mist.The power of thoughts can be explored at will, but the deeper you go, the more you feel the pressure. Usually it is several miles or tens of miles, but now it is hundreds of meters or thousands of meters at most. This is only at the edge of the zone.Can't think about whether it will lose the ability to detect.

The demons from all sides gathered together for the first time. They stared at the misty world of white mist, feeling a little depressed in their hearts, as if they were standing at the entrance of a different world. There were too many unknown dangers inside. They were all a little uneasy.The princes and princesses who stopped at the depths of the line also remained silent without exception.

Although they haven't really gone deep yet, with their extraordinary strength, they have already smelled a dangerous atmosphere.

This adventure was definitely not as smooth as they imagined.

What's more... Xue Ming, Dias, etc., without exception, have special missions.Is this going on an adventure?Even more to fight!

Why would the demon emperors of all parties promise to send out the most powerful figures at the level of the eldest prince?The deeper purpose is hidden in the upcoming experience in the West Sea.

"We sacrificed more than [-] demons before and after, and finally cleared a passage. You can go straight from here to the West Sea all the way. As for the future road, it depends on your own efforts." The stone demon guarding here The general of the clan looked serious.It seems that they are not too optimistic about their seemingly 'horrible' super team.

"Sacrifice? Clean up? Is the coastal area dangerous?" Oss and others frowned slightly.

"I think your own emperor has already reminded you to compare the West Sea to a different world, and the western coastal sea is the entrance to the different world, where monsters, monsters, fish and dragons are mixed together, and there are countless monsters and monsters.

Over the years, the major demon races have tried their best to avoid entering the western coast, in order not to cause trouble, and to deal with the eastern human race with all their strength, which invisibly aggravated the chaos and danger here, causing a large number of monsters to sneak into the western coast to gather and take root. Survive.This change in the West Sea seems to have affected them as well, and they have become very...strange..."

"Which aspect is weird?"

"You are about to enter the West Sea. The West Sea may have many similarities with the Binhai District. Remember, be careful in the calm area. The calmer the place, the more danger may be hidden. Many monsters in the Binhai District seem to be trapped in the sea. Sleeping, but once you accidentally break into their territory and startle them, you will be greeted with the most ferocious pursuit, and they will never give up unless they are killed in the end."

The implication is that the monsters in Binhai and Xihai are crazy!
In the Blood Demon team, Prince Xuejiu provoked again: "Your Stone Demon tribe's 50 troops have been stationed here, and you have done nothing for two months? Just cleared a way? It's really regrettable."

"Third Prince of the Blood Demon Clan, what you really not the time..." The general of the Stone Demon Clan suddenly raised his arms, pointed directly at the West Sea, and shook Binhai with a thick roar: "Open the Binhai Stone Road, and send everyone to the West Sea."

Rumble, click!

The coastal ground trembled violently.

The ground cracked, the huge boulder 'squirmed', and huge stone pillars soared into the sky, up to [-] meters thick, and went straight up to the thousand-meter cloud layer.

Boom boom boom, a large number of stone pillars broke through the ground one after another, and in the continuous deafening roar, they extended all the way to the depths of the endless fog.


There were bursts of exclamations in the demon team, and they stared in shock at the giant stone pillars that continued to grow.

A celestial road leads directly to the West Sea.

As expected of the Stone Demon Clan, their control over the earth is as pure as fire.

Tang Yan frowned slightly. The stone demons are the darlings of the Demon Realm. He wondered what it would be like to meet Du Yang.

"Follow the guidance of the stone pillars, you will pass through the seaside safely and enter the west coast. The monsters on both sides of the stone road have been cleaned up, and you can leave with confidence. We have prepared a hundred large boats by the seaside, built by the Li Mozu themselves, It can protect you for a certain distance, but everything you encounter after entering the sea is completely unknown, and you will bear all the risks by yourself.

I wish you good luck, the entire Demon Race will be waiting for your return, waiting for your news.

Your success or failure will determine the safety and stability of the Demon Race for the next hundred or thousand years. "

"I will definitely come back alive, not necessarily the other demons." The amethyst demon Aussie coldly glanced at the other demons, his blood-colored eyes flashed with a determined killing intent, he waved his hand, and stepped onto the stone pillar first, breaking through. Into the unknown world of fog.

"Let's go." The blood demons, the evil ghosts, the Li demons, and the succubi, the four supreme demons set off one after another. The casual cultivators who hesitated before finally took their steps. There may be danger ahead, but Lenovo may There are huge benefits, and it is worth taking a little risk.

Tang Yan finally paid attention to the mighty demon army, but still did not find any other teams suspected of being of the ancient golden tribe.

Did they really not join Jinshi Ancient City?

Instead, he directly broke into the foggy area of ​​the coastal area and went deep into the West Sea in advance?
"They may have gone in earlier, let's increase the speed a little bit." Niya whispered to Tang Yan.

Judging from the tension of the Demon Race, Xihai is definitely in danger. If Tang Chen and the others enter early, they may already be in danger. Moreover, if the Spirit Race team has already entered, they may be deploying some kind of murderous situation, just to wait for Tang Chen. Yan's entry.

Niya had a premonition that Tang Yan was the real intention of the spirit clan rather than exploring the secrets of the West Sea!

"Go, be good, or I will kill you immediately." Tang Yan subdued the abyssal blood ghost spider, joined the noisy team, leaped across the fingertips of different stone pillars, and soon entered the depths of the mist, almost discerning. Without a clear direction, the power of thought is greatly compressed.

Not long after, the mind and visibility remained within [-] meters.

The demon team cautiously marched towards the West Sea following the guidance of the stone pillar.

A bloody journey begins here.

The guardian general of the stone demon clan looked worried, clenched his fists secretly, and watched them disappear into the depths of the mist.Dozens of demon-level monsters and hundreds of monster-level existences can be called the most extensive exploration operation in history, and it is also the first time that the five major clans have joined forces in nearly ten thousand years.He didn't know what plans the demon kings of various races had, and what special purpose they had. He had been stationed here for a few months, and he knew the dangers of the West Sea best.

(End of this chapter)

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